
Mind of Matter - Chapter 05

Jul 28th, 2012
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  1. <chapter 05>
  2. You are Pinkie Pie
  3. And your on a mission.
  4. Earlier that morning after the warm and fuzzy with Anon you had heard an unusual grumbling from his tummy.
  5. Poor Anon was still hungry and the basket Celestia had bough was actually one he had made for himself.
  6. It was sad; he had even said that apples weren't fitting to keep a steady diet.
  7. "Well what do humans eat?"
  8. "Mostly protein, such as meat, but I doubt you guys have any of that here, I mean being ponies and all..."
  9. It did concern you a bit that Anon needed meat, but it certainly was reassuring he wasn't going to go eat up your friends anytime soon.
  10. What fun would that be if he ate all his new friends?
  11. "So what else would you be able to eat?"
  12. "Well, that depends on what's around...I know of a few food-stuffs we could use."
  13. "food-stuffs?"
  14. "Its a term for foods in general, one of my old professors used it quiet a bit."
  15. "ah..."
  16. "I mean, don't get me wrong, apples are fine, but I just can't live off them. It'd be the same if you could only eat...well...hay I guess. Its good, but it doesn't give you all the stuff you need to be a healthy pony...Sides, I would imagine 'you are what you eat' would play a role here.
  17. "So...if you kept eating apples...would that mean you'd become an apple monster?"
  18. Anon made a sour face but grinned, making a fast grab at you and pulling you in against his chest.
  19. "Eeeeep!"
  20. "Rawr I am the terrible Apple Anon Monster. Give me your apples!"
  21. You laughed and joked about that, it was fun, Anon was fun, you really hope he could meet the others soon, he'd be a barrel of fun!
  22. Then an idea!
  23. "Why don't I pick you up some proper food? We have a market that sells all kinds of goodies and I can get you sweets at Sugar Cube Corner!"
  24. Anon smirked, a big grin came across his face.
  25. "That sounds great, but I can't just let you do that, I'd feel guilty to not pay you back somehow."
  26. You just smile
  27. "Making sure your happy and healthy is important to me. All my friends should take care of themselves but seeing as you are sorta stuck here, it's the least I could do."
  28. Anon blushed, rubbing his eyes
  29. Was he... Crying?
  30. "Damnit Pinkie, your too sweet."
  31. You smile, patting his head.
  32. "It's what friends do!"
  33. With that conversation in mind, you took off to Ponyville lickity-split.
  34. Anon was a hungry human.
  35. He had mentioned a few choice foods to pick up.
  36. Humans were " Omnivores", eating both veggies and meat, but since meat wasn't really a choice, Peanut Butter was the best alternative.
  37. "I LOVE peanut butter!"
  38. "Crunchy?"
  39. You nod, Anon smirks
  40. "That's perfect."
  41. You flail a bit "and Jelly?"
  42. He snapped his fingers, pointing at you with a grim.
  43. "Great minds think alike, Strawberry?"
  44. You nod "We also have Apple."
  45. Apple
  46. Anon seemed surprised, but slapped his face with his hand.
  47. "I'll stick to strawberry."
  49. Now, back in Ponyville, you sought out the much-needed food supplies.
  50. Sneaking all sneaky like.
  51. Just like anon.
  52. Eventually, the market comes into view, perfect place to find the food stuffs as you begin to trot around.
  53. "Oh Pinkie!" spoke the familiar voice of Twilight Sparkle.
  54. "Hiya Twilight, how are you this amazing day?" you ask as you hop around your best friend "want to help me find some food-stuffs?"
  55. Twilight blinks a bit confused but smiles "Sure, I came here looking for anything odd interest..."
  56. "That's not true Twilight." spoke Spike from her back "you wanted to see if you could get a better deal on quills and paper."
  57. Twilight blushes, knocking Spike off her back.
  58. "Hey!"
  59. You smile.
  60. "The quill and couch store was out of quills, I can't write anything so I hopped to find some here."
  61. "Well... Nothing wrong with that."
  62. "Of course there is something wrong! I'm going behind my trusted suppliers back to find something I need, you can't say that's not right"
  63. You tilt your head.
  64. "But twiligt... If they are out of stock then-"
  65. "No buts, its not best we continue this, I must find the supplies I need to write away for more!" and without a notion, Twilight galloped off... Leaving spike and you alone.
  66. "What's with Twilight?" you ask spike
  67. the drake sighs and shrugs.
  68. "Nottoo sure, she's been acting strange ever since you mentioned your friend of the night in the library, she's been making checklists non-stop, especially with Inventory, she spent all night re-arranging history books and encyclopedias!"
  69. You blink again "Poor Twilight."
  70. "Its not only that...but..." spike eases closer "the Princess had asked her to do a special research project, seems some new creature emerged that she wants Twilight to look up, something about a hairless ape..."
  71. Pinkie freezes, her mind stops instantly as she blinked a bit.
  72. "Hairless ape?"
  73. "Yeah, funny aint it? Never imagined the princess to be taking into animal research, you'd think she'd ask Fluttershy for help on that."
  74. "Yeah...but I since Twilight is her student, it only seems obvious...."
  75. "I know, but I don't think its right, what hairless ape exists around ponyville, I'm certain I never saw one."
  76. "I don't think I've seen one either..."
  77. Of course you know what they are going on, but Anon was a secret, he had asked you to.
  78. It wasn't lying to your friends, it was protecting them.
  79. That's how Anon would have said it.
  80. Spike nods "I think she needs a break, a good time away from books, paper and quills-"
  81. "Spike, Hurry up!" called Twilight as the drake sighed.
  82. "Later Pinkie!"
  83. You waggle a hoof as Spike rushes off.
  84. You had your task, you start snooping about for what you need.
  85. Though what Spike had said ran through your head.
  86. It certainly could explain Celestials arrival at the farm that morning...
  88. You Are Celestia
  89. You aren't sure why, but these apples taste different.
  90. They are still as sweet and juicy as ever but... Something about that taste, a subtle difference that perks your curiosity.
  91. It's not like it's a bad taste but...
  92. "Oh did you get more apples?" Luna asks trotting into the kitchen where you were with the basket on the table.
  93. "Indeed I had sister, care for one?"
  94. Luna blinks a bit, looking at the basket, her mind going off to the night before.
  95. She blushed a bit.
  96. "Y-yes, that would be quite welcome."
  97. You watch Luna take one, sniff and then bite into it
  98. She paused mid chew.
  99. "I noticed a strange taste to it, do you think so too?"
  100. Luna blinked once before returning to chew, shaking her head a bit as her expression calmed as she swallows "Dear sister, they are the sweetest apples from Sweet Apple Achers, I don't taste anything odd about them."
  101. You cross your hooves under your chin, looking at her, she wasn't lying, no hesitation in her voice.
  102. "Must be me then... thank you sister."
  103. You let Luna leave, taking two more apples with her in a soft giggle before she left to her room.
  104. Strange on her attitude
  105. You return to your room some time after you put the Apples aside, having taken one with you to study. Settling upon your cushion with a sigh you look at your reading stand.
  106. Twilights letter from yesterday placed on it with a mark underlining her notion on the "nighttime friend" Pinkie had mentioned.
  108. "...I had found Pinkie Pie asleep in the library this morning, when I had asked what she was doing there she had said she was reading with a new friend who went about the night and wanted to read a book from the library. I thought it strange but I had also realized I too have such a friend; Owlicious. Pinkie had said this creature was nothing like that but I still had my doubts.
  109. I guess I am unsure of its important to take what your friends say to heart at all times or wither it could just be a bad case of sleep-trotting..."
  111. You had 't thought much of it until Luna's tale, could they be linked somehow? If that's he case, then such a sophisticated creature could prove interesting to pursue, but the notion of its existence? What dangers did it bring if unchecked? Would the kingdom be in danger? Were there more like it?
  112. You pause
  113. Luna was going to see him again tonight
  114. This creature of he night
  115. And you, caring for your sister, court and subjects, would go and investigate.
  117. You are Anon
  118. And you just had a chill down your spine.
  119. "Are you alright comrade?"
  120. Cermina sat beside you as you were busy whittling a long stick of wood.
  121. "I just got a really weird feeling about something....
  122. "Aside from being in land of ponies?"
  123. "Har Har..."
  124. You push the thought aside as you get up from your project.
  125. You had asked Big M for a knife and some wood to put your time to use in whittling.
  126. You never did it before in your life but it looked fun.
  127. You had found a long, sturdy stick you were carving into a staff when you hear the trotting of hooves and he sudden jingle of bells.
  128. Pinkie must be back, but she you turn to see here she has a party hat and bells on her tail.
  129. "Do I want to know?"
  130. "maaaybee?" she says with a big grin as a basket was on her rump.
  131. "I got this for you, happy welcoming day to Ponyville!"
  133. "Welcome welcome Anon, we hope that you are great
  134. We hope your stay around here will not be second rate...."
  135. She began to sing, like, legit break out-near Broadway style musical stanza as she twirled about the box she had in her forehooves, dancing on her rear ones before tossing it up into the air and having land right in your lap.
  137. You blink, partly surprised, partly dumbstruck as she holds he ending pose for a good few moments.
  138. You smirk, chuckle a bit as you start clapping.
  139. Cermina was astonished.
  140. "Bravo!" you shout as Pinkie giggles.
  141. "It's not the same as the full bell and whistle, but you did want to be kept low key."
  142. You smile as you look into the basket.
  143. Two small loafs of bread
  144. Two jars of Peanut Butter, smooth and crunchy
  145. And three jars of jam; strawberry, banana, and wild berry.
  146. A tear in your eye
  147. "Thanks so much Pinkie, this is the best gift ever."
  148. Pinkie smiles as she trots over.
  149. "It's the least I can do for my friend."
  150. "Remind me to have you throw me the real thing once all this shenanigans of keeping away settle down."
  151. Pinkies eyes to bright "I'd love to!"
  152. She then notices your staff
  153. "What's that?"
  154. "Oh this? Well I was bored so I stared carving a walking staff."
  155. "Oooo it looks get nice!"
  156. You grin "Thanks, it's not exactly finished but it kept me busy."
  157. You put aside the knife, sticking the blade into the ground per-safety reasons.
  158. You pick up the staff, it looked a bit lopsided by the upper end, but the whittling job had carved fairly square sides along it.
  159. It was almost octagonal in shape by this point.
  160. "I used to use a lot of long-sticked items at home, like rakes and stuff, and I'd spend time twirling them about and using them as staffs, it was always fun."
  161. Pinkie giggles as she looks at it.
  162. "Well it would be a fun little toy to have if you can finish it, I'm sure it will get a lot of interesting admirers."
  163. "Perhaps, maybe selling special "walking sticks" for ponies is in my future?"
  164. Pinkie giggles, so do you, god she's so fun to be with.
  165. You open a bag of bread, crack a jar of Pb and place all three jams out.
  166. "Which do we start with?"
  167. Pinkie blinks looking at you, then the jams, then you.
  168. "Uhmmmm..."
  169. Serious thinking going on, Pinkie takes a seat across from you gazing over all three.
  170. "You were kind enough to buy them for me, so you should get first dibs."
  171. You spread Pb on two slices as you wait for her to decide.
  172. She looked kinda cute all serious like that.
  173. God you were losing it...they are Ponies.
  174. Cermina watched, sighing at the stupidity as Pinkie picks out the wildberry one.
  175. She has a sheepish grin as you smirk.
  176. "That you final answer?"
  177. She nods as you put the slice before her and she dumps a good glop of it on it before putting it with another slice and eating it.
  178. "Mmmmm!"
  179. Pinkie enjoined it, you pop your strawberry jam open and plop a small bit, spreading I along the Pb before curling he single slice into half it size and eating it.
  180. "MmmMmmm!"
  181. You emphasizes the taste
  182. Pinkie gives you a look
  183. It
  184. Is
  185. On
  186. She takes another slice and spreads Pb, then her jam flavour, then yours, point at you before slamming the whole thing Ito her maw.
  187. Open face
  188. It was a mess
  189. "Mmmmmmhmmmm!"
  190. You retaliate
  191. Spread
  192. Jam one
  193. Another slice
  194. Pb
  195. Jam two
  196. Slam into mouth
  197. You had to thank summer camp for that as you point at her.
  198. "Mmmmmhmmmm!"
  199. "you two are idiots..." Cermina muttered as you continued to stuff your face with sammiches.
  200. "What in tarnation ya'll doing?" AppleJack ask coming over with more apples along side-saddled baskets.
  201. She sees a human and a pony messy mouthed by peanut butter and jelly and looks at you both with the most confused expression on her face.
  202. You swallow coughing a bit as you wipe your lips
  203. "Pinkie got me some foods, so we were trying them out, care for some?"
  204. AJ shakes her head "Na but thank yeh kindly."
  205. "Wha, you allergic to Pb?"
  206. AJ looks At you.
  207. "Ain't got no part against the nutty stuff, just surprised to see ya'll acting so silly over eats."
  208. "Or maybe your just chicken, Aj can't cope with the feisty sammich eaters."
  209. "Sammmich!" pinkie exclaims as Aj looks at you
  210. "Y'all saying I can't eat the stuff?"
  211. "Well you aren't being forced too, but declining the offer means yes."
  212. She looks at he jams, then you.
  213. "Well first thing sugah is ah don't eat the sissy stuff.
  214. Sissy?
  215. "Sissy?" Pinkie exclaims
  216. "That's right, fillies and colts eat that stuff."
  217. "You bashing the classics?"
  218. Aj nods "We do it different here on the farm."
  219. "well then, perhaps the great Aj can show us how it's done then?"
  220. "Ah would, but y'all see how busy I am?"
  221. Pinkie looks at you, you look back and both start cracking up.
  222. Oh god full tummy laughter.
  223. "Wha so funny?"
  224. "you"
  225. "me?"
  226. "You're such a serious Pony Aj, telling us all that and not wanting to show it. Guess you can talk the talk but ain't walking the walk."
  227. That got her
  228. She seems pissed
  229. "Ah can too Walk the walk!" she looks at Big M, the Stallion could pick up what his sister wanted and he just nodded, continuing with the duties of the farm as AJ turns back with a big sneer.
  230. "If we gonna play it that way suga, den I better get my good tools."
  231. She turned, walking almost with a strut to the barn, returning sometime later with two jars in her maw.
  232. She places both on the ground
  233. One is an apple jelly, no surprise there.
  234. But the other your never seen before
  235. Ever
  236. It was a rainbow colored jam
  237. That
  238. Was
  239. Fucking
  240. Awesome!
  241. You actually feel excited
  242. You notice even Pinkie is getting quite pumped too as she smirks a big 'ol grin.
  243. Aj smiles
  244. "Let's dance partners."
  246. --
  248. Zap Apple Jam
  249. That's what she called it
  250. She, well it, it's a made, so it is a she...
  251. Fuck your head was splitting with that taste.
  253. Applejack had accepted the challenge
  254. No good turning down one to her face
  255. And no matter the honesty in her, when it's your honor at stake, you make the choice to take the gamble.
  256. What she did was boosted it.
  257. Apple Jam was an unusal concept in itself.
  258. it was a firm taste for a jelly
  259. It could be considered near JELLO in regards to its form, but it wasn't worth complaining; it was good, and quiet sweet in the process.
  260. Complementing Peanut butter wasn't exactly the best combination.
  261. Pinkie seemed to disprove of it; it caramelized the nutter.
  262. "ah heh, its mean to be eatun on its own." Aj mutter "Sorry dere Pinkie."
  263. Pinkie shook her head
  264. "AH its not that bad once you get past the solid nuts." she grins, several large splats of the stuff along it.
  265. "Brush your teeth when you have a chance miss Pinkie, you certainly can't be seen in public like that."
  266. The mare giggled "Well duh, I would be a creep to everyone."
  267. "nah I wou'dnt say creep Pinkie, you bring smiles to all dem folks yah meet."
  268. you swallow your share of the jelly.
  269. "I think this stuff would be better in baked goods, but its got some zing to it. But Pinkie, I agree with AJ, you're not some creep like me, you're the flavour of Ponyville.
  270. "Oh that's silly, I certainly wouldn't taste that good."
  271. You chuckle
  272. "That's not what I meant, you inspire people Pinkie, hell you're such a wonderful companion its no surprise everyone loves yah."
  273. The mare smiles wide, closing her teeth and eyes as she let out the cutest giggle.
  274. She was Pinkie pie.
  275. And she was awesome.
  276. "So, Aj, whats that?"
  277. You point to the rainbow coloured jam.
  279. And that's what brought you to this point.
  280. Slammed to the floor, gazing up at the sky as your mind slowly returns to its senses.
  281. Your eyes begin to refocus
  282. "Suga cube, you alright?" Aj asks, the utmost concern in her voice as you see her easing over you, her face looking down at yours, eyes alight with worry and fear that something may have happened.
  283. Pinkie was there too, she was concerned, but not as nearly as Aj was.
  284. You blink a few times, getting your vision in check as you slowly sit up, rubbing your head.
  285. "What happened?" you asked
  286. "You tried some Zap Apple Jam and the next thing we know, you were on the ground!" Pinkie exclaims
  287. "Ah am terribly sorry hun, didn't think you may find something uncomfortable in that there jam."
  288. You waggle your hand at Aj
  289. "Nonsense, its...fine...I'm good, nothing broken, nothing sick....ugh, what is Zap Apple anyway?"
  290. Aj explains the whole process of Zap Apples, how they are these 'magical fruit' that appear once every year and a certain method of harvesting MUST be done to the letter to get the best results.
  291. it sounds like a very tedious practice, but according to Aj, it was extremely popular.
  292. "lotta Ponies love Zap Apple Jam, its the founding food of Ponyville.|
  293. "Really?"
  294. Aj nods "Granny Smith helped my great grandfolks harvest the very first batch, its what brought ponies to this plot o land and started to grow into a bustling town."
  295. "Well thats quiet an impressive feat..."
  296. You ponder that for a moment, so, if Apple Jack's Granny help found the town, why wasn't know...the major or something?
  297. "We built this farm and eventually Ponies came and settled Ponyville!"
  298. Pinkie smirked "and since then, we still come for the great apple products from Sweet Apple Achers."
  299. You can't help but chuckle.
  300. It was fascinating to realize one simple farm paved the way for all of Ponyville.
  301. It was something to think a out as you capped the other jams, tied the bread and put it all back into the basket.
  302. "Anon, I do hope you can come to ponyville sometime soon, you'd like it so much!"
  303. "I second that dere notion sugar cube, you seem like the perfect type to fit in."
  304. You sigh a bit
  305. It's getting to you
  306. As much as you want to deny it, you should, it may prove good for you.
  307. Cermina is right about understanding them better, and honestly, if Pinkie and Aj are by your side, it won't be so bad with them introducing you to their friends.
  308. "Alright then, perhaps tomorrow I shall venture to Ponyville, if you don't mind escorting me?"
  309. "Darlin if you mean I have us show yah around, then by mah cutie mark I'd be happy to."
  310. "Me too!" cries Pinkie, slamming herself into you with a generous hug.
  311. Falling back with her atop you as she smiled wide.
  312. She's so cute, can't be mad.
  313. "Omph....hehe...I look forward to it then."
  315. /--/
  317. The night had come
  318. Sooner than you'd thought
  319. Perhaps Luna made that happen?
  320. It wasn't beyond coincidence as she was quite attracted to the concept of spending time with another creature of he night.
  321. "I have bad feeling comrade, tonight is... Not calm."
  322. "What do you mean?"
  323. Cermia stood by the tree you had already climbed on to start picking apples, dropping them to the basket below.
  324. The sun was setting steadily as the sky slowly began to shift from blue to a dark orange/red hue.
  325. You climb down to look at the drake, she turns full on towards you
  326. Eyes alight as she twitches her talons.
  327. "Something is spawning at this moment, i cannot say for sure wat, but zees feeling is not normal. Something v'ill happen."
  328. "I figured, when."
  329. "I do not know, tonight perhaps?"
  330. "Perhaps nothing, its the princess, that's what. I'm sure at this moment Celestia is dealing with Luna on something..."
  332. Celestia was nestled gently on her pillow as she bit into a banana muffin she had received during her time in Cloudsdale, horn glowing steadily as she gently puts down the sun to rest, completing its time of day. Her mind contemplating her nighttime duties as she eases some items into a saddle bag by her side, she had her own snooping to do tonight.
  333. A soft giggle escaped her lips
  334. It had been so long since she was out during the night.
  335. It could be fun.
  337. "...whatever the case, last thing i want is to be found by her."
  338. "Princess Celestia?"
  339. "Especially her. I would not, should not, like what would or may happen when i do, cause i know sometime it will have to happen, i just want to know that i can-"
  340. -Thunk-
  341. An apple lands squarely on your head.
  342. A soft giggle above as you look up to see a horn ans a pair of blue wings poking out from inside the tree canopy.
  343. You smirk
  344. She was quiet smart in the fact she copied your trick, but her form certainly was against her as you sigh, rubbing your head before kneeling and picking up the apple.
  345. "Ow...well now, what do we have here?" you say with a concerned tone.
  346. "Trees now strike at me with their fruits? Such is the way of a Human yes?"
  347. You bite into the apple as you look up
  348. "Or perhaps there is another that wishes to toy with me tonight?"
  349. A soft eep as a rustle of leaves causes a second apple to fall, missing you by a good foot before you shake your head.
  350. "Nice try Luna...why not come down now my dear?"
  351. "Oh drat!"
  352. The night time princess poked her head full out from the leafage as she had an upset look on her face.
  353. Discouragement as she made her way down to face you.
  354. "I was trying so hard to be silent, but the fun of seeing such a silly situation was most enjoyable... Al-bet rude for one of majesty..,"
  355. "Hark, thy lady it means nothing to witness such troubles on a young man."
  356. "Nay good sir, I say such acts are less fitting of Canterlot Royalty."
  357. "But it amuses you?"
  358. She blushed a bit.
  359. "Yes... Such a prank as that is always laughable.
  360. You smirk, rubbing your head.
  361. "Yeah, its funny, but why are you here Luna? Don't you have the moon and stars to attend to?"
  362. The alicorn mare laughed, nodding in compliance.
  363. "Oh but of course! However, your words of our prior engagement had give me something to think about, and... I wish to thank you with the most beautiful thing i could show you."
  364. You blinke, your expression blank.
  365. Oh shit...
  366. She wasn' know.
  367. "Luna?"
  368. The sun set, the sky darkened by the absence of the light.
  369. Turning slowly into a deep blue colour just as Lunas crown and horn began to glow, her eyes went stark white as hear wings outstretched.
  370. With a sudden leap she took right up into the air, climbing a great distance above just as the crest of the moons light began to break the horizon, shining directly onto the Lunar princess.
  371. Bathing her in a spotlight of perpetual glow.
  372. Taking the moons light, Luna began to fly with it, but not by the flight of a bird, a dance of a woven blanket.
  373. She flew, yes, but her movements were graceful, her body a shadow of brilliance along the skyline, drifting off stardust to create the vast a array of brilliant lights, twinkling as she cast them all around the heavens of Equestria.
  374. Though the full dome of the stratosphere, the alicorn passed the woven sheet of light along with petcipis and grace; the stars seem to shine and twinkle along with her motions as if on cue with her very breath, ever expanding out to create vast blazes of stars, showing the constellations, reaching beyond the very sky the eye could see and into the furthest reaches.
  375. Fading into the crystal hue of the midnight blue sky.
  376. And the moon hug over the world, casting its brilliance to the whole heavens as you can see Luna gently coming in for a landing: a soft, crisp stop held her in places she opened her eyes.
  377. Her mane flowing with the brilliance of the star haven she had just created beyond the clouds.
  378. God was it beautiful...
  379. She was beautiful.
  380. She smiled, seeing your expression speechless joy as you simply sit in wonder and bewilderment.
  381. Luna of course rushes to your side to help you down right.
  382. You wave her off, your fine as you sit easy against the tree.
  383. She "lays" before you, neck straight and body composed as her mane was ever flowing as her sisters was during the day.
  384. "Gorgeous...simply gorgeous." is all you can say
  385. A sheepish smile on Lunas face.
  387. --
  388. While Anon and Luna sat there for awhile, neither had bothered to consider the odd feeling of someone watching them.
  389. Even anon felt no reason to fret as he watched the night sky with Luna in admiration and silence, unaware that across the brook, another Alicorn had made her way to a decent vantage point, her white coat hidden well admist the tree as her Green, Blue and Pink mane lay still along her body.
  390. However, from her vantage point, all she could see was Luna sitting, speaking to something the Sun Princess could not see.
  391. "It certainly is smart, it acts as thought it senses the danger, yet Luna can still admire skillful."
  392. Celestia sighs as she settles down, so strong was her care that she would be with her sister until the dawn to make sure she was okay.
  393. She had to study this thing, but clearly snooping on it wasn't a good plan.
  394. Her head hung low, ears perked as she listened in, her magic aiding her as her horn glowed, picking up the voices like a microphone.
  396. "Would you like to come with me to ponyville tomorrow?"
  397. "P-ponyville? My sister had said many things of that place and i have always longed to go..."
  398. "So why not?"
  399. Luna tenses up, but looks away
  400. "She felt I needed to better understand myself for my actions-"
  401. "That's bullshit..."
  402. Luna blinks
  403. You tip your cap down, its just as you thought with the sun princess...
  404. "How can keeping you away from your subjects be "bettering yourself"?"
  405. "W-well, i understand what i did wrong and i spend my time reading what has happened in history have been done to figure myself into society..."
  406. "And your sister wants you to read about it?"
  407. Luna nods
  408. You sigh
  409. "thats the stupidy of royalty is it not?"
  410. "E-Excuse me?"
  411. "You heard me, i think that's wrong for you to have to be put through. You can only learn through experience personally to truly understand it. I mean, who the hell reads a book to figure out how to fit in and make friends?"
  413. Back in Ponyville, Twilight stops her study instantly, a sudden perk down her spine.
  414. "What is it Twilight?" Spike asked as he readied himself for bed.
  415. "I don't know, but I feel someone had made a comment directed to me..."
  417. Luna shook her head, turned away in shame.
  418. "You may speak truth Anon, but you do know of my past, and those subjects of ours don't forget what i...what Nightmare Moon transpired."
  419. You pull her chin to face you
  420. Her expression surprised, blushing as she looked directly into your eyes.
  421. "I can understand your sisters method, but shes doing about it all wrong."
  422. "All wrong?"
  423. You nod
  424. "You need to be out here and meeting your subjects. They only know of Nightmare moon; not Princess Luna. You should show them you've changed, show them you are there for them as a Princess should."
  425. "R-really?"
  426. "Yes, that's why I want you to come with me, least it will make me feel better."
  427. Luna nods "I-i would be happy to, if you feel i should..."
  428. "I know you should."
  429. "And my sister? Surely she would need to speak voice if I request it?"
  430. Anon sighs, smirking
  431. "Celestia cares, that's what I can see, but something about the fact she's keeping you from your subjects confuses me. My mind says that's wrong, that you're both Princess and neither one should hold power over the other. Yes, she may be older, but that still merits little if rank comes into question. Second, I just think its utterly stupid to simply keep someone locked away, making them read about living rather than actually experience it. I doubt she's ever had to deal with something like that so she can't really feel uneasy about putting it on her younger sister. It just, seems off to me."
  433. Celestia had heard all she needed.
  434. This creature
  435. This Anon, whatever he may be
  436. Certainly held no threat to her Sister
  437. But... His comments concerned the sun princess.
  438. Something would have to be done.
  439. His mind was wise and his words strong.
  440. An ally
  441. Or a great threat.
  442. Celestia knew shed need to see him eventually, little did she know, her own presence was being watched by a pair of crimson eyes.
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