
PearlMarina WIP

Aug 16th, 2017
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  1. "No. No way. I work alone."
  2. >"Not anymore. Not if you want to stay with this label."
  3. "You can't just change my act!"
  4. >"Your sales are slipping Pearl, like it or not. You need to try something new."
  5. "This is bullshit!"
  6. >"Just give her a chance. We're sending her over in a little while so you can get introduced. Play nice. You just mi-"
  7. Your agent is cut off by the harsh crack of a phone slamming onto its receiver.
  8. "Gah! Stupid agent...trying to own me..."
  9. Whatever. They said she's on the way. You'll just tell her you're not interested and it'll be over with. They're just bluffing, they won't risk losing you. You're worth too much. This new girl is probably nice but she'll have to find work somewhere else. You didn't work this hard to get to where you are just to have to carry some newbie though her first performance. You take a deep breath and pace around your apartment to calm down. A few minutes on the couch later and you're feeling better, until the doorbell rings. Here goes nothing. You swing the door open and take your first look at her. Your first impression is that she's...very tall. You open the door staring at her chest and awkwardly look up to her face instead.
  10. "Oh...hey."
  11. Great introduction, Pearl.
  12. >"H-Hi."
  13. She gives a sheepish wave. The two of you awkwardly stand around, eyeing each other up until you finally break the silence and invite her in, snapping her back into focus.
  14. >"Oh! S-sure. Thanks."
  15. Only as she walks past you do you notice her hair. It's black, unusual for inklings, tipped in green and lined with suckers along the outside. She's not wearing anything fancy, just-wait, suckers?
  17. Uh oh.
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