
Los Tiburon in Equestria

Feb 16th, 2013
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  1. >Los Tiburon in Equestria
  4. >Los Tiburon: Shark of the Land and Discord: Bringer of Chaos storm the Ponyville Ampitheatre for a tag-team match against Celestia: Bringer of Days and Luna: Mistress of the Moon!
  5. >This is a once in a lifetime event folks and it only happens this SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!!
  6. >Be there or be square!
  8. "This is it folks, the fight of the century!"
  9. "We are broadcasting to you live from the P0nyville Ampitheatre!"
  10. "I'm your host, Jeff "The Dude" Letrotski, and joining me in the broadcast booth is none other than P0nyville's own Mayor Mare!"
  11. >"It's great to be here Jeff. Thanks for having me."
  12. "The pleasure is mine Mayor. You can feel the excitement in the air tonight, everyp0ny. The crowd is amped and the stands are packed."
  13. >"That they are Jeff. Right now, we are waiting on our superstars to enter the ring."
  14. "And here they come! Discord and Los Tiburon are descending from the skies on the back of a dragon! Look at the scales on that thing! They look like mirrors!"
  15. >"Talk about a flashy entrance. Speaking of entrances, here comes the home team!"
  16. "Wow, look at those pyrotechnics! I haven't seen this much fire near the ring since King Sombra came out of the closet!"
  17. >"Haha, good one Jeff! Our superstars are taking the ring. It appears that Los Tiburon and Celestia are going in first. Discord and Luna take their positions ringside."
  18. "Aaaand, there's the bell!"
  19. >"Whoa, Celestia wastes no time in putting on the pressure! She opened up with a headbutt."
  20. "Los Tiburon is using his footwork to dodge that horn. You don't want to be caught on the business end of THAT thing, I tell ya."
  21. >"Look at that! Los Tiburon has Celestia in a headlock! Celestia is in a bad position here."
  22. "That she is May-Look at that reversal! Celestia is now grappling Los Tiburon from behind! It looks like she's going for a suplex."
  23. >"There it is folks! Celestia suplexed Los Tiburon and goes for the pin!"
  24. "Los Tiburon breaks the pin before the count and gets to his feet. Look at that monster! The suplex didn't even phase him!"
  25. >"Our superstars are trading jabs now, testing each other for weaknesses."
  26. >"Celestia with a powerful left."
  27. "You can hear the impacts all the way up here from the force of those blows. These superstars are not playing around."
  28. >"Los Tiburon has went in for the grapple. Celestia is fending him off for now."
  29. "Hold on a second, what is Discord doing? It looks like he's looking up under the ring for something."
  30. >"He pulled something out! It's a steel chair!"
  31. "He slid it into the ring to Los Tiburon! Where is the ref looking? Is he blind?!"
  32. "Los Tiburon has the steel chair! Celestia is on the defensive now."
  33. "Celestia is dodging the chair while moving towards Luna for a tag out."
  34. >"Celestia tags out and Luna enters the ring swinging!"
  35. "Los Tiburon is really feeling the heat from Luna. He can't use that steel chair of his for anything else except blocking."
  36. >"Luna has the chair! Los Tiburon better get out of there if he knows what's good for him!"
  37. "Too late! Los Tiburon is down on the mat! Luna is wailing on Los Tiburon with that chair!"
  38. >"Oh the humanity! I can't watch!"
  39. "Los Tiburon is trying to crawl over to Discord for a tag out."
  40. >"Luna will have none of that. She goes for a submission! Look at that armbar!"
  41. "Los Tiburon is still crawling ringside towards Discord. This man is an absolute beast."
  42. >"Aaaand, Los Tiburon tags out. Discord is in the ring."
  43. "Discord is being very defensive this match, preferring to dodge and taunt Luna."
  44. >"Whatever Discord's saying to Luna, it must be working. Luna's composure is slipping."
  45. "It makes one wonder what Discord has up his sleeve."
  46. >"Whatever it is, it can't be good for the home team."
  47. "Discord continues to toy with Luna."
  48. >"You know Jeff, it's almost like watching a cat play with a mouse. Except Discord is a very fast mouse."
  49. "That it is Mayor."
  50. "Luna tripped! Discord has her in a submission!"
  51. >"That right there is a textbook Cloverleaf folks."
  52. "You can hear Luna's cries all the way up here. Discord is showing no mercy."
  53. >"Luna breaks the cloverleaf."
  54. "Discord goes to grapple."
  55. >"Reversal! Luna throws Discord into the turnbuckles."
  56. "Discord is getting brutalized by those kicks. He better get out of there soon before Luna does even more damage."
  57. >"Luna's up to something. She's turning Discord around and-She's going for a suplex!"
  58. "Discord hits the mat and is writhing in pain!"
  59. >"Luna is still not done with him. She's climbing the ropes. She's on the top rope! Here it comes everyp0ny! Luna's finisher! The Harvest Moonsault!"
  60. "An absolutely massive collision! Luna moves to pin. Here's the countdown."
  61. >"One!...Two!!..."
  62. "Discord breaks the pin at the last moment and tags out with Los Tiburon! This fight still continues!"
  63. "Luna tags out with Celestia. We are back where we started."
  64. >"Our two superstars are trading blows in the center of the mat."
  65. "Los Tiburon and Celestia are grappling each other. This could go wither way here folks."
  66. >"Los Tiburon gets the clinch. He moves for a Powerbomb!"
  67. "Oooooh, you can feel the impact off of that all the way up here! That move was devastating!"
  68. >"Los Tiburon is dragging Celestia over to the turnbuckles. He has something big planned!"
  69. >"He sits Celestia up on the top rope. He moves her legs to the outside of the rungs. He's up on the top ropes with her now! He has her in a headlock! He's going for a Super DDT!!!"
  70. >"LOOK AT THAT! LOS TIBURON BROKE THE RING!!! All of the superstars are down!!!"
  71. "No one is getting up. This match may end in a tie."
  72. ...
  73. "Wait a second, look there!"
  74. >"It's Los Tiburon! He's up!"
  75. "Mares and Gentlecolts, Los Tiburon has won this match via knockout! This has been one hell of a fight! I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't here to watch it!"
  76. "Until next time everyone. I'm your host, Jeff "The Dude" Letrotski."
  77. >"And I'm Mayor Mare."
  78. "And we hope you have enjoyed this radio broadcast. Goodnight Equestria!"
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