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Feb 27th, 2020
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  1. I decided to connect these two nodes together because of how the power dynamic between the subject and the object can be affected through the rejection of identity or queerness. I attempted to ground this in Disorientation and Queer Objects by Sara Ahmed by recreating normative lines. To represent this, I used 4 doors that represent the different lines that we can choose to follow with the identity category named above them. These lines, however, are blocked by barricades to represent how it is not possible for some people to travel along these normative lines. Seemingly, the player is trapped and unable to continue moving forward. But, using the tool that we created at the last node, it is possible to move to the next node. This tool also becomes our primary mode of transportation between nodes as we finally reach the center node as it embodies not traveling along predefined, normative lines. Of course, there are markers of where the player can use this wand to travel: “when we tread on paths less trodden, which we are not sure are paths at all (is it a path, or is the grass just a little bent?), we might need even more support” . This method of transportation essentially aims to queer the theory map: the nodes are simultaneously connected and separate. Furthermore, this aims to demonstrate how we as people queer objects: the player is the one who wields the wand. The player is doing the queering.
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