
Jpeifer Vod review

Jan 11th, 2018
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  1. Hi, Speed boop here, that one 14 year old screecher that some how holds a strong ethos in this community. Seriously, you guys give me too much symbolical power. So this vod that I am currently reviewing is kind of interesting. Usually, when watching Lucio gameplay, I see one of two extremes- No wall riding/extremely basic wall riding, or a fair understanding to complete mastery. This is in the middle. As you should know by now, my main focus will be on other aspects of gameplay, although I do want to touch on wall riding later on. Jp( I'm just going to call you that for simplicity's sake), your gameplay is... improvable. You aren't bad, but there are a lot of small and large mistakes that need to be corrected in order for strong growth. Now, onto the actual review.
  3. In the first few moments of the match, you are spot on. You are repositioning to better tackle the enemy, trying to maneuver, and healing your tanks. You do sit on heals for a bit longer than preferred, which is a very common mistake. You usually start building a sense for when to swap auras after a while, which you will get over time. You do some good peel on the rein, and I'm seeing pattern. I have nothing against a mostly defensive play style, but this is an absurd amount of heals. You should be swapping auras a lot more often, especially as your team is trying to push forward. I know that with less coordination, speed boost is harder to utilize, but you are outright avoiding it. For example, when pushing up on the enemy Rein, a good strategy would be to use speed and wall riding to either go behind or over the shield, then either boop the rein away or inwards, the runaway. You could use heals in that case, but it would only really hinder that maneuver. I'm currently at 2:18, if that helps. I really like you trying to join with your flankers and DVA, and It's a good idea to be holding high ground for information and peel. At 2:35, I really wished you dived further in to help your flankers and to help them deal with the Zarya. Zarya will usually struggle to fight you if you are consistently messing with her by using your boop and wall riding, and this can often cause hilarious amounts of tilt. From 2:40-3:07, your gameplay is perfect. You utilize wall riding and cross fade more, and start to act more aggressive towards tanks. This is what you should strive for your gameplay to look more like.
  5. On the second point, a lot about the map changes. I personally find this one of my favorite payload points, as it is really just a playground for a good Lucio. There are so many ways to fuck over your enemies hear, and you gain a lot of potential. As for you hugging the cart, I don't mind it. You want to make sure that your team continues to move forward and do push up when it is necessary. I'm honestly really proud of your use of sound barrier, as I've done something similar on very few occasions. Although, I do suggest against doing that. The Junk can simply wait for it to expire and will usually not go for large groups of enemies. Knowing that you are facing a Zarya, that would be a good person to save it for. At 4:50, it would have been Ideal to push the enemies off of high ground in order to give more room for your team to fight. When trying to heal the McCree, you really show how much work your wall riding needs. Stuff like corner climbing is the most basic usage of wall riding, and the stress of the situation shouldn't do this much to your ability to climb. I think that overall, you struggle with Speed Control and the usage of Momentum. And yes, this is the part where I finally discuss wall riding. There's a lot of reasons why I don't do a lot of in depth analysis on it in VOD reviews. You're probably thinking of a few while reading this in fact. Wall riding is simply a skill that needs to be built up by experience and time. You can't teach the ability in a single guide, try you might. My guide was meant to give a base for learning the ability. There are a lot of flaws in most people's wall riding, but the biggest one is the underutilization of the ability. People try to play him without it, which is what creates this stereotype of braindead lucios. Ok, wall riding rant done.
  7. For a lot of the third point, you hold back a lot and try to avoid most confrontation. I don't mind this, but your positioning is rather lackluster for most this. You really aren't trying to position as much around your team as you are simply trying to move out of the way of danger. Your ultimate usage was pretty good, trying to use it to help your team push in with a bit of an advantage. You start doing some pretty cool stuff, going from passive to proactive in a fairly short span of time. And again, you play fine. What it seems like is that you aren't unable to play aggressive, but are intentionally limiting yourself to playing passive unless it seems necessary to be more active. I personally love you using Amp It Up in order to do a hard push. 7:20, you probably should have dropped down to help your Rein back up off the point to mitigate damage. I don't blame you for your death, as that was a pretty stupid headshot. There's not much to comment on for the end of the round. You play fine, with the same common mistakes, and your team does a pretty good push.
  9. I could stop here. I've done a pretty fucking extensive review, but I'd prefer to keep my promise. For the second round, I feel you played way too passive. Yes, I know that you're playing defense and being passive is probably what you believe is best, but there is a limit to that. You have to be willing to push up to help your team, and you won't do much pussying out of that. You are a support, and your job is to help at all costs, including your own life. At 12:15, you basically killed yourself. You were wall riding, but you had no awareness of your surroundings, and weren't using your height advantage to scout or even do poke damage. You have to have a sort of outline when wall riding in order to gain a different position, and you clearly didn't have one. In a weird way, at 12:42, you push in way too far. I would have excused that as simple psychological warfare if you were running in to annoy the enemy, but you don't really do much other than land a few shots on an Ana. If there is one thing I wish you did more( other than the grocery list of demands I've already given), it's that you would try and mess with the enemy rein more. I talked about how you can easily fuck over him in my wall riding guide, and you can simply use him as an easy target to boop so that you and your team have an easier time tackling the enemy. From 13:07- 13:32, you play really well and do a lot of really good stuff for your team. And although most would consider this move insane, I would have tried diving more on the Junk. You can't kill him as reliably as other characters, but he is far from invincible. Your general positioning is pretty ok for this entire point, although I did see some general improvements in the final minute. The gameplay is pretty similar to how it was throughout the game, although desperation brings out a more aggressive play style, which you should know my opinion on. And then, with a fairly impressive group effort, you win.
  11. If there's one thing I know you need to work on, It's balance. Your play style either needs to change to accommodate a more passive play style, which would require a lot of growth in awareness, or simply play more aggressive and use less heals. You really shouldn't be using healing that much, as it hinders your movement. Of course, you should still try to make your own play style, but I do suggest a lot of work on your wall riding( maybe using the suggested scrim.) Well, I finally did it. I did an entire review without using the word nuance. Wait, fuck.
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