
[FR] Babby's first Flutterrape

Aug 24th, 2013
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  1. >Day 107 in Equestria.
  2. >With a yawn and lips smacking, you get up from bed.
  3. >Walk into the bathroom.
  4. >Take a shower, comb your neckbeard, and piss.
  5. >Go down the stairs, and grab a box of Button-O's, now with 40% more milf!
  6. >Munch on the deliciously sweet cereal.
  7. >Glance over the clock on the wall.
  8. >4
  9. >Take a closer look.
  10. >4:45
  11. >Oh fuck!
  12. >Grabbing your jar, you run out the door leaving everything behind.
  13. >Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but there ain't no way you'll be skipping your daily ritual.
  14. >Feeling the cool, crisp morning air rush around your skin, you arrive at your destination.
  15. >Knock on the door as fast as possible, wood creaking as it struggles to not break apart.
  16. >Waiting patiently, you inspect the yellow jar in your hands.
  17. >Be cool... you can do this.
  18. >The door opens, and a yellow pony steps out
  19. >"A-anon? It's 5 in the mo--"
  20. "This time, this time I'll get it! I'll do it!"
  21. >"Anon, please! Not this aga-"
  22. >Emptying the jar's content all over your body, you give her the biggest grin you can muster.
  23. >You stand drenched in day old urine, proudly displaying your soaked garments.
  24. "So, got anything to say? Tell me I did it!"
  25. >"Anon. I'm sorry but no."
  26. >The pony closes the door slowly but quickly, to not disrespect you and to keep the stench out at the same time.
  27. >Letting out a resigning sigh, you turn around and head home.
  28. >Sitting down at the dining table with your diary open, you begin to write,
  29. Day 107
  30. Damnit! Watersports didn't work! And I was so close too... oh well.
  31. Maybe tomorrow I'll finally guess Fluttershy's fetish.
  33. End
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