
Sam's Powers

Jul 30th, 2017
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  1. Sam has what is known as 'Chronon Syndrom' This allows him to Manipulate Time, at the cost of Damage to his Body. Most usually making him Sick, but can even cause him to Cough Blood, and if done too much, kill him
  3. >Pausing
  4. His most used and most damaging Ability is the power to Stop Time. He is able to do this for up to 10 'Seconds' Perhaps more with enough Focus. Everything Stops But him. This lets him mess with anyone and items near him. The Damage that comes with this usually ends up with him Puking.
  5. With enough Focus, he can let someone else move in the Paused Time, but this can nearly kill him, and lasts a much shorter time.
  7. >Fast Forwarding
  8. Sam is able to Advance his own time, letting him run at incredible Speeds. This can be used to Speed up Others with him, but can also be used to Age up items, or parts of People. When doing this to Living Creatures, it decays back to its original Age after some time
  9. The Danger that comes with this is Sam breaking his own Timeline, becoming out of Sync with the Universe. It is unknown what happens if he becomes Too out of Sync, but it can't be good for him.
  11. >Slowing Down
  12. This is very Similar to Fast Forwarding. At least from an outside View, as Sam moves while everything else is slowed down. This has very similar effects to himself as Pausing Time, but not as Intense, it is also easier to have someone else move in Slowed Down time, but still harder to hold the Effects
  14. >Reversing Time
  15. A power Sam has no clue of. Because he Reverses his own time, including his own mind, the Memories of him doing this Never Technically Existed. But he can use this to Heal any Short Term Wound, reversing his Body to the point before he was Wounded. This is the only power that doesn't harm Sam, he just never remembers it
  16. He could potentially use it on others, but like him they would lose the Memory of ever getting the Wound and Sam healing it
  18. Sam has amazing Potential, Creating Loops in Time, Erasing it, Perhaps even Time Travel itself. But his weak and untrained body can not possible handle the Stress of doing this. It is unknown if he'll ever become Strong enough to not have the powers Effect him. But one thing is for sure, he can possible become a Fantastic Hero unlike anything seen before.
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