

Dec 5th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Human Commoner 1
  3. -2 Strength 8 - 2 child
  4. +2 Dexterity 12 + 2 child
  5. -1 Constitution 10 - 2 child
  6. +0 Intelligence 11
  7. -2 Wisdom 9 - 2 child
  8. +3 Charisma 13 + 2 human + 2 profane gift
  10. HP: 4 - 1 hp
  11. BAB +0
  12. -1/+2/-2
  14. Human Features
  15. Focused Study
  16. Fey Magic [Forest]
  17. > Spell-likes: Read Magic, Detect Magic, Guidance, Recharge Innate Magic 1/day
  18. > Class Skills: Diplomacy, Use Magic Device
  19. > Low-Light Vision
  21. Feats (2)
  22. [Focused Study] Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
  23. [1st] Planar Mentor [CE Succubus]
  25. Traits
  26. Ambitious
  28. Skills (2)
  29. 1 Diplomacy +7 [+10 when interacting with 5 hd or higher creatures]
  30. 1 Use Magical Device +11
  32. Profane Gifts
  33. Gift of Transformation: The succubus’s profane gift also allows the target to use the succubus’s change shape ability. While using this ability, the succubus can also use detect thoughts on the target, and the target’s saving throws against this or the succubus’s suggestion ability take a –4 penalty.
  34. Gift of Domination: The target can allow the succubus to use her dominate person spell-like ability through the link to affect creatures as if the target had been the source of the spell-like ability. Whenever the target allows the succubus to do so, he gains a +2 profane bonus to a second ability score of his choice (other than the one already profanely enhanced) for 24 hours.
  35. Gift of Recovery: Once per day as an immediate action when the target fails a Will saving throw from a source other than the succubus who granted the profane gift, the character can allow the succubus to attempt a second Will saving throw (using her own Will save) to resist the effect. If the succubus fails the save the effect affects the character normally, but if she makes the save, the character is treated as if he made his initial Will save. The next time the succubus uses suggestion on the PC, he automatically fails the saving throw.
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