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a guest
Sep 23rd, 2023
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  1. [Error] Patch 1 (target: game:entities/land/bear.json) in feverstonewilds:patches/entities/vanillaEntities.json failed because supplied path /server/behaviors/9/aitasks/3/entityCodes/0 is invalid: The json path /server/behaviors/9/aitasks/3/entityCodes/0 was not found. Could traverse until /server/behaviors/9/aitasks/3, but then 'entityCodes' does not exist. Full json at this path: {
  2. "code": "seekentity",
  3. "__comment": "Empty entity codes list means it will not actively seek creatures, but will still execute retaliatory attacks",
  4. "entityCodesByType": {
  5. "*-panda": [],
  6. "*-sun": [],
  7. "*": [
  8. "player",
  9. "chicken-*",
  10. "hare-*",
  11. "fox-*",
  12. "raccoon-*",
  13. "pig-*",
  14. "sheep-*",
  15. "caninae-canina-*",
  16. "cervidae-*",
  17. "pantherinae-*"
  18. ]
  19. },
  20. "priority": 1.6,
  21. "extraTargetDistance": 0.5,
  22. "seekingRange": 20,
  23. "belowTempSeekingRange": 25,
  24. "belowTempThreshold": -10,
  25. "animation": "Run",
  26. "sound": "creature/bear/aggro",
  27. "whenNotInEmotionState": "saturated",
  28. "animationSpeedByType": {
  29. "*-sun": 2.3,
  30. "*-panda": 1.9,
  31. "*-polar": 1.8,
  32. "*-brown": 2,
  33. "*-black": 2
  34. },
  35. "movespeedByType": {
  36. "*-sun": 0.025,
  37. "*-panda": 0.025,
  38. "*-black": 0.04,
  39. "*-brown": 0.055,
  40. "*-polar": 0.06
  41. }
  42. }
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