
#christiandebate operators trolling

Mar 5th, 2018
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  1. 5:36:03 PM→ AilenNicte has joined
  2. 5:36:03 PMⓘ The answer to our world's problems is not a few laws—the answer is changed hearts. It's time for people to admit it—the world is sinful.
  3. 5:36:05 PMⓘ Profound set mode +v AilenNicte
  4. 5:36:41 PM@BruderInChristus!mode +R
  5. 5:36:41 PMⓘ QRT set mode +R #ChristianDebate
  6. 5:37:14 PM@BruderInChristusyes they do
  7. 5:37:23 PM@BruderInChristusit must be troll hour
  8. 5:38:19 PM@BruderInChristusI have set +R
  9. 5:39:07 PM@BruderInChristusexactly.. with 4 known trolls in the room at this time
  10. 5:40:11 PM→ bradmaj has joined
  11. 5:40:16 PMⓘ BibleBot set mode +v bradmaj
  12. 5:40:16 PMⓘ Profound set mode +v bradmaj
  13. 5:40:20 PM@BruderInChristuswhy???? you are a friendly one!!!!!!! :)
  14. 5:40:40 PM@BruderInChristusand then bradmaj enters -- he wants his crocadile steak
  15. 5:40:57 PMⓘ tsukino`afk is now known as tsukino
  16. 5:41:02 PM+AilenNicteBruderInChristus: What makes a troll?
  17. 5:41:17 PM+bradmajhi all
  18. 5:41:22 PM@BruderInChristusand then bradmaj enters -- he wants his crocadile steak
  19. 5:41:32 PM+AilenNicteBruderInChristus: I have sometimes observed a person honestly express their beliefs -- which disagree with the room's consensus -- and be labeled a troll.
  20. 5:41:37 PM+AilenNicteDo you think such behavior is trolling?
  21. 5:41:46 PM@BruderInChristus2kgs of crocodile steak on the plate
  22. 5:42:38 PM@BruderInChristusAilenNicte no one objects to a debate on their beliefs.. as long as it is presented in a proper debate form and not in a mocking way
  23. 5:42:56 PM+AilenNicteBruderInChristus: Some people do object to debates on their beliefs.
  24. 5:42:59 PM+AilenNicteIt's actually really common.
  25. 5:44:33 PM@BruderInChristusAilenNicte This is a debate channel and provided those guidlines are followed there is no problem.. It also helps if the debater understands their subject
  26. 5:44:40 PM+tsukinoAilenNicte, I can testify as the room's resident noachide kook that I have been called many things but not a troll.
  27. 5:45:05 PM+AilenNicteBruderInChristus: How do you manage chatter or operators that label as trolling honest debate?
  28. 5:45:09 PM+tsukinoI think he is right. It is the way you present your beliefs. Some people come in here, literally say one thing, and get banned
  29. 5:45:11 PM+bradmajBruderInChristus, well that leaves me ouot
  30. 5:45:11 PM+AilenNicteI've seen that frequently occur in this channel.
  31. 5:45:20 PM@BruderInChristustsukino Have I ever ever called you late for dinner?
  32. 5:45:31 PM+bradmajthe onoy thing I know about juudaism is "Chicken Soup"
  33. 5:45:52 PM@BruderInChristusAilenNicte you obviously have used another nick before
  34. 5:45:53 PM+tsukinoBruderInChristus, I just made a delicious corned beef and potato hash
  35. 5:46:04 PM+AilenNicteBruderInChristus: Please stay on topic.
  36. 5:46:05 PM+bradmajRaven`X, sometimes
  37. 5:46:09 PM@BruderInChristustsukino for dinner?
  38. 5:46:17 PMⓘ THERetroGamerNY set mode +b AilenNicte!*@*
  39. 5:46:17 PM× You have been kicked by THERetroGamerNY (THERetroGamerNY)
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