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Oct 21st, 2017
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  2. Robert Malina3:37 PM
  3. did you see my other messages?
  4. Richard O'Neill3:37 PM
  5. which?
  6. Robert Malina3:37 PM
  7. about faun
  8. Richard O'Neill3:37 PM
  9. (i.e. no)
  10. no
  11. Robert Malina3:38 PM
  13. he also made a passive aggressive comment about me not taking him to kiljaeden
  14. which made me snap at him
  15. Richard O'Neill3:38 PM
  16. meh
  17. Robert Malina3:40 PM
  18. im just not really in the market for recruiting people i dont like
  19. i dont like when it feels like someone is going out of their way to make me not like them
  20. Richard O'Neill3:40 PM
  21. yeah, fuck him
  22. Robert Malina3:41 PM
  23. i said something like
  24. "we are only bringing 2 healers to this heroic, so step up faun"
  25. and he said something like "how am i supposed to step up if you wont bring me to kiljaeden"
  26. and it immediately made me blood boil
  27. wehther fairly or unfairly
  28. maybe ill treat the spot as more of a backup healer spot
  29. and tell monky to try to fill as a hps whore
  30. i dunno, im not gonna worry about it, we havent had trouble clearing
  31. also, i apologize, with josh quitting you are going to catch more of my random thoughts
  32. Richard O'Neill3:48 PM
  33. that's fine - I'll just be AFK half of the time
  34. Robert Malina3:50 PM
  35. yeah
  36. i dunno
  37. something about faunuis, i just dont really like him
  38. plus he didnt really
  39. Richard O'Neill3:50 PM
  40. same
  41. Robert Malina3:50 PM
  42. kill it hps wise
  43. Richard O'Neill3:50 PM
  44. if he was
  45. being a monster
  46. you can put up with him not really fitting in
  47. but he's not
  48. Robert Malina3:51 PM
  49. im fine with someone in my guild memeing me
  50. but not someone who just joined
  51. like the people who make jokes with me
  52. have met my parents
  53. ive cooked them dinner
  54. there is a baseline of respect behind it
  55. Richard O'Neill3:51 PM
  56. bullshit, I make joked
  57. *jokes
  58. Robert Malina3:51 PM
  59. yeah, but you have helped me lead the guild for like 4 years now
  60. Richard O'Neill3:51 PM
  61. haha
  62. Robert Malina3:52 PM
  63. everyone who makes the jokes
  64. knows they are still talking to dad
  65. except this guy
  66. Richard O'Neill3:52 PM
  67. yeah
  68. Robert Malina3:52 PM
  69. its probably just his age
  70. there is a healer from monster i have been coaching that just left monster and asked if we had a bench healer position
  71. Richard O'Neill3:54 PM
  72. they any good?
  73. Robert Malina3:54 PM
  74. it hard to say
  75. its
  76. she joined monster, got a KJ kill
  77. but i had to do coaching with her healing rotation, but she got it, and they killed the fight
  78. but she hated it there, and their guild is surprisingly
  79. strange to women
  80. like swap blastering her into holes before every pull of kj
  81. Richard O'Neill3:55 PM
  82. what's the character name?
  83. Robert Malina3:55 PM
  84. Aid
  85. on our server
  86. let me get you logs
  88. she has "a" mythic log
  89. she asked for a backup position in our guild
  90. shes in the guild as a casual, i wanted to run the stuff by you because other than analyzing logs
  91. im not a beast a healers
  92. Richard O'Neill3:58 PM
  93. healing pretty low in general, obvi - I can look at priest stuff in general
  94. could bring as a body to a few things to check properly
  95. Robert Malina3:58 PM
  96. she wasnt poming enough
  97. yeah, im gonna be honest
  98. i wasnt probably going to use faun on anything
  99. that required less than5 healers
  100. next tier
  101. like he could replace vraie as a roster spot
  102. but not vraie as a player
  103. and i dont know if monky can
  104. but i trust monky to do it more than faun
  105. Richard O'Neill3:59 PM
  106. yeah
  107. Robert Malina3:59 PM
  108. that is what got me thinking about
  109. just using the 5th spot as a backup spot
  110. or a "we need a 5th healer spot"
  111. is im pretty sure that faun would leave
  112. Richard O'Neill4:00 PM
  113. I don't think we should use it as a backup spot in general
  114. because that's always a disaster
  115. Robert Malina4:00 PM
  116. no, you know what i mean though, when you have 5 healers
  117. there is always someone who takes the dick time wise
  118. Richard O'Neill4:00 PM
  119. we end up with situations where we need to bring that person in and they;re just not good enough
  120. yeah
  121. Robert Malina4:00 PM
  122. and monky was mostly willing to eat that
  123. eah, it has to be someone good enough who is also willing to
  124. not play if asked
  125. Richard O'Neill4:01 PM
  126. yeah
  127. Robert Malina4:01 PM
  128. i dont think, just from my experience with him
  129. that faun is going to be that guy
  130. Richard O'Neill4:01 PM
  131. we can find enough of that first one, not enough of that second
  132. I don't think we want him to be, honestly
  133. Robert Malina4:02 PM
  134. he is the kind of guy
  135. who i would end up having a
  136. hobnobbin blow up at
  137. actually
  138. i tihnk you would be
  139. the one to snap on him mid raid
  140. Richard O'Neill4:02 PM
  141. yeah, probs
  142. Robert Malina4:02 PM
  143. im going to low key
  144. start looking at healers
  145. i havent taken it off of our wowprog
  146. Richard O'Neill4:02 PM
  147. yeah
  148. we could also take on something of a project
  149. Robert Malina4:03 PM
  150. aid would be a project, but she seems very motivated
  151. i felt bad because she came to me about healing in OR
  152. and she wasnt good enough at the time
  153. i told her what she was doing wrong
  154. and she was immediately doing much much better healing
  155. and then monster did all of the classic things that happen to new healers in guilds
  156. Richard O'Neill4:03 PM
  157. yeah, still a long way to go though
  158. Robert Malina4:04 PM
  159. she was forced to hold hymns
  160. or she was overlapped brutally
  161. her parse on kiljaeden gets brutalized by the fact she is panic'd in the last phase
  162. she misses like 8 poms
  163. she asked me to watch the video
  164. im going to see if i can find
  165. less of a project?
  166. Richard O'Neill4:05 PM
  167. yeah
  168. Robert Malina4:05 PM
  169. but she is a good option because she seems willing to sit
  170. and i trust the other 4 healers
  171. id honestly give the spot to neilly, but our dps roster got very shallow very quickly
  172. and i dont want to run low on dps that i can trust to do mechanics
  173. Richard O'Neill4:05 PM
  174. yeah, and also
  175. Neilly is solid, but definitely not an "all available space" healer
  176. Robert Malina4:06 PM
  177. yeah
  178. im hoping that monky
  179. can fill that spot
  180. im going to talk to him
  181. back when you first joined, he was certainly an "all available space" healer
  182. Richard O'Neill4:06 PM
  183. yeah
  184. Robert Malina4:06 PM
  185. now we just have andalus doing that
  186. which is fine
  187. as long as someone can do it
  188. neilly is certainly a better dps than healer
  189. Richard O'Neill4:07 PM
  190. yeah, you ideally want 2 people doing it though
  191. Robert Malina4:07 PM
  192. which isnt a shot at his healing
  193. Richard O'Neill4:07 PM
  194. no, not at all
  195. Robert Malina4:07 PM
  196. rng is our guy though
  197. it took rng like 1 pull to figure out vraie's entire job
  198. and then i was like "so rich isnt feeling well, how comfortable are you finding a safe spot?"
  199. first time we got there clean we killed it
  200. i fuckin hope he can dps
  201. because mechanically it is hard to impress me in 1 night
  202. vlad actually also did a good job
  203. Richard O'Neill4:08 PM
  204. yeah, Vlad did well
  205. Robert Malina4:08 PM
  206. aside from generally being too wiggly of a player
  207. he wasnt great at picking out armageddons
  208. but he did fucking up the big mechanics
  209. *didnt fuck up
  210. wow i am typing like im retarded
  211. josh said he will stalk icchis logs if i remind him to
  212. also, in a hilarious turn of events
  213. Richard O'Neill4:10 PM
  214. I am waiting with baited breath for Blizzcon - because if next expansion requires as much effort as this one, I don't think it's an option. I'm hoping it's time for the pendulum to swing back the other way
  215. Robert Malina4:10 PM
  216. ashym got bis trinkets at mythic ilvl
  217. Richard O'Neill4:10 PM
  218. lol
  219. Robert Malina4:10 PM
  220. from heroic and his cache
  221. so he has a 940 spectre and a 935 cradle
  222. Richard O'Neill4:11 PM
  223. haha
  224. Robert Malina4:11 PM
  225. i made a speech about
  226. public areas of this guild not being for hate speech
  227. that there are private channels, binds, etc
  228. Richard O'Neill4:11 PM
  229. good call
  230. Robert Malina4:11 PM
  231. but that my mumble channels, public discord channels, and guild chat are not for hate speech
  232. spirit was very concerned
  233. and it isnt something that i ever want a player to be concerned about
  234. Richard O'Neill4:12 PM
  235. yep, agreed
  236. Robert Malina4:12 PM
  237. of course immediately dewgong tested me
  238. not quite like how cal tried to test me in hfc
  239. Richard O'Neill4:12 PM
  240. holy shit, I remember that, fuck Cal lol
  241. Robert Malina4:12 PM
  242. but i like spirit a lot and that dude is working his ass off
  243. and i worked my ass off to recruit him
  244. especially with josh quitting
  245. one of our major selling points went out
  246. Richard O'Neill4:13 PM
  247. yeah
  248. Robert Malina4:14 PM
  249. aside from that we look good
  250. will's hand is like
  251. 2 weeks out from being fully healed
  252. or at least at the point where he can properly hit cds
  253. Richard O'Neill4:20 PM
  254. 2 weeks is fine
  255. Robert Malina4:21 PM
  256. made a channel
  257. said my piece
  258. feel free to drop any thoughts you have in there
  259. Richard O'Neill4:22 PM
  260. yep, like it
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