

Sep 29th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Canidae
  2. Felidae
  3. Cat
  4. Cattle
  5. Dog
  6. Donkey
  7. Goat
  8. Guinea pig
  9. Horse
  10. Pig
  11. Rabbit
  12. Fancy rat varieties
  13. laboratory rat strains
  14. Sheep breeds
  15. Water buffalo breeds
  16. Chicken breeds
  17. Duck breeds
  18. Goose breeds
  19. Pigeon breeds
  20. Turkey breeds
  21. Aardvark
  22. Aardwolf
  23. African buffalo
  24. African elephant
  25. African leopard
  26. Albatross
  27. Alligator
  28. Alpaca
  29. American buffalo (bison)
  30. American robin
  31. Amphibian
  32. Anaconda
  33. Angelfish
  34. Anglerfish
  35. Ant
  36. Anteater
  37. Antelope
  38. Antlion
  39. Ape
  40. Aphid
  41. Arabian leopard
  42. Arctic Fox
  43. Arctic Wolf
  44. Armadillo
  45. Arrow crab
  46. Asp
  47. Ass (donkey)
  48. Baboon
  49. Badger
  50. Bald eagle
  51. Bandicoot
  52. Barnacle
  53. Barracuda
  54. Basilisk
  55. Bass
  56. Bat
  57. Beaked whale
  58. Bear
  59. Beaver
  60. Bedbug
  61. Bee
  62. Beetle
  63. Bird
  64. Bison
  65. Blackbird
  66. Black panther
  67. Black widow spider
  68. Blue bird
  69. Blue jay
  70. Blue whale
  71. Boa
  72. Boar
  73. Bobcat
  74. Bobolink
  75. Bonobo
  76. Booby
  77. Box jellyfish
  78. Bovid
  79. Buffalo, African
  80. Buffalo, American (bison)
  81. Bug
  82. Butterfly
  83. Buzzard
  84. Camel
  85. Canid
  86. Cape buffalo
  87. Capybara
  88. Cardinal
  89. Caribou
  90. Carp
  91. Cat
  92. Catshark
  93. Caterpillar
  94. Catfish
  95. Cattle
  96. Centipede
  97. Cephalopod
  98. Chameleon
  99. Cheetah
  100. Chickadee
  101. Chicken
  102. Chimpanzee
  103. Chinchilla
  104. Chipmunk
  105. Clam
  106. Clownfish
  107. Cobra
  108. Cockroach
  109. Cod
  110. Condor
  111. Constrictor
  112. Coral
  113. Cougar
  114. Cow
  115. Coyote
  116. Crab
  117. Crane
  118. Crane fly
  119. Crawdad
  120. Crayfish
  121. Cricket
  122. Crocodile
  123. Crow
  124. Cuckoo
  125. Cicada
  126. Damselfly
  127. Deer
  128. Dingo
  129. Dinosaur
  130. Dog
  131. Dolphin
  132. Donkey
  133. Dormouse
  134. Dove
  135. Dragonfly
  136. Dragon
  137. Duck
  138. Dung beetle
  139. Eagle
  140. Earthworm
  141. Earwig
  142. Echidna
  143. Eel
  144. Egret
  145. Elephant
  146. Elephant seal
  147. Elk
  148. Emu
  149. English pointer
  150. Ermine
  151. Falcon
  152. Ferret
  153. Finch
  154. Firefly
  155. Fish
  156. Flamingo
  157. Flea
  158. Fly
  159. Flyingfish
  160. Fowl
  161. Fox
  162. Frog
  163. Fruit bat
  164. Gamefowl
  165. Galliform
  166. Gazelle
  167. Gecko
  168. Gerbil
  169. Giant panda
  170. Giant squid
  171. Gibbon
  172. Gila monster
  173. Giraffe
  174. Goat
  175. Goldfish
  176. Goose
  177. Gopher
  178. Gorilla
  179. Grasshopper
  180. Great blue heron
  181. Great white shark
  182. Grizzly bear
  183. Ground shark
  184. Ground sloth
  185. Grouse
  186. Guan
  187. Guanaco
  188. Guineafowl
  189. Guinea pig
  190. Gull
  191. Guppy
  192. Haddock
  193. Halibut
  194. Hammerhead shark
  195. Hamster
  196. Hare
  197. Harrier
  198. Hawk
  199. Hedgehog
  200. Hermit crab
  201. Heron
  202. Herring
  203. Hippopotamus
  204. Hookworm
  205. Hornet
  206. Horse
  207. Hoverfly
  208. Hummingbird
  209. Humpback whale
  210. Hyena
  211. Iguana
  212. Impala
  213. Irukandji jellyfish
  214. Jackal
  215. Jaguar
  216. Jay
  217. Jellyfish
  218. Junglefowl
  219. Kangaroo
  220. Kangaroo mouse
  221. Kangaroo rat
  222. Kingfisher
  223. Kite
  224. Kiwi
  225. Koala
  226. Koi
  227. Komodo dragon
  228. Krill
  229. Ladybug
  230. Lamprey
  231. Landfowl
  232. Land snail
  233. Lark
  234. Leech
  235. Lemming
  236. Lemur
  237. Leopard
  238. Leopon
  239. Limpet
  240. Lion
  241. Lizard
  242. Llama
  243. Lobster
  244. Locust
  245. Loon
  246. Louse
  247. Lungfish
  248. Lynx
  249. Macaw
  250. Mackerel
  251. Magpie
  252. Mammal
  253. Manatee
  254. Mandrill
  255. Manta ray
  256. Marlin
  257. Marmoset
  258. Marmot
  259. Marsupial
  260. Marten
  261. Mastodon
  262. Meadowlark
  263. Meerkat
  264. Mink
  265. Minnow
  266. Mite
  267. Mockingbird
  268. Mole
  269. Mollusk
  270. Mongoose
  271. Monitor lizard
  272. Monkey
  273. Moose
  274. Mosquito
  275. Moth
  276. Mountain goat
  277. Mouse
  278. Mule
  279. Muskox
  280. Narwhal
  281. Newt
  282. New World quail
  283. Nightingale
  284. Ocelot
  285. Octopus
  286. Old World quail
  287. Opossum
  288. Orangutan
  289. Orca
  290. Ostrich
  291. Otter
  292. Owl
  293. Ox
  294. Panda
  295. Panther
  296. Panthera hybrid
  297. Parakeet
  298. Parrot
  299. Parrotfish
  300. Partridge
  301. Peacock
  302. Peafowl
  303. Pelican
  304. Penguin
  305. Perch
  306. Peregrine falcon
  307. Pheasant
  308. Pig
  309. Pigeon
  310. Pike
  311. Pilot whale
  312. Pinniped
  313. Piranha
  314. Planarian
  315. Platypus
  316. Polar bear
  317. Pony
  318. Porcupine
  319. Porpoise
  320. Portuguese man o' war
  321. Possum
  322. Prairie dog
  323. Prawn
  324. Praying mantis
  325. Primate
  326. Ptarmigan
  327. Puffin
  328. Puma
  329. Python
  330. Quail
  331. Quelea
  332. Quokka
  333. Rabbit
  334. Raccoon
  335. Rainbow trout
  336. Rat
  337. Rattlesnake
  338. Raven
  339. Ray (Batoidea)
  340. Ray (Rajiformes)
  341. Red panda
  342. Reindeer
  343. Reptile
  344. Rhinoceros
  345. Right whale
  346. Roadrunner
  347. Rodent
  348. Rook
  349. Rooster
  350. Roundworm
  351. Saber-toothed cat
  352. Sailfish
  353. Salamander
  354. Salmon
  355. Sawfish
  356. Scale insect
  357. Scallop
  358. Scorpion
  359. Seahorse
  360. Sea lion
  361. Sea slug
  362. Sea snail
  363. Shark
  364. Sheep
  365. Shrew
  366. Shrimp
  367. Silkworm
  368. Silverfish
  369. Skink
  370. Skunk
  371. Sloth
  372. Slug
  373. Smelt
  374. Snail
  375. Snake
  376. Snipe
  377. Snow leopard
  378. Sockeye salmon
  379. Sole
  380. Sparrow
  381. Sperm whale
  382. Spider
  383. Spider monkey
  384. Spoonbill
  385. Squid
  386. Squirrel
  387. Starfish
  388. Star-nosed mole
  389. Steelhead trout
  390. Stingray
  391. Stoat
  392. Stork
  393. Sturgeon
  394. Sugar glider
  395. Swallow
  396. Swan
  397. Swift
  398. Swordfish
  399. Swordtail
  400. Tahr
  401. Takin
  402. Tapir
  403. Tarantula
  404. Tarsier
  405. Tasmanian devil
  406. Termite
  407. Tern
  408. Thrush
  409. Tick
  410. Tiger
  411. Tiger shark
  412. Tiglon
  413. Toad
  414. Tortoise
  415. Toucan
  416. Trapdoor spider
  417. Tree frog
  418. Trout
  419. Tuna
  420. Turkey
  421. Turtle
  422. Tyrannosaurus
  423. Urial
  424. Vampire bat
  425. Vampire squid
  426. Vicuna
  427. Viper
  428. Vole
  429. Vulture
  430. Wallaby
  431. Walrus
  432. Wasp
  433. Warbler
  434. Water Boa
  435. Water buffalo
  436. Weasel
  437. Whale
  438. Whippet
  439. Whitefish
  440. Whooping crane
  441. Wildcat
  442. Wildebeest
  443. Wildfowl
  444. Wolf
  445. Wolverine
  446. Wombat
  447. Woodpecker
  448. Worm
  449. Wren
  450. Xerinae
  451. X-ray fish
  452. Yak
  453. Yellow perch
  454. Zebra
  455. Zebra finch
  456. Animals by number of neurons
  457. Animals by size
  458. Common household pests
  459. Common names of poisonous animals
  460. Alpaca
  461. Bali cattle
  462. Cat
  463. Cattle
  464. Chicken
  465. Dog
  466. Domestic Bactrian camel
  467. Domestic canary
  468. Domestic dromedary camel
  469. Domestic duck
  470. Domestic goat
  471. Domestic goose
  472. Domestic guineafowl
  473. Domestic hedgehog
  474. Domestic pig
  475. Domestic pigeon
  476. Domestic rabbit
  477. Domestic silkmoth
  478. Domestic silver fox
  479. Domestic turkey
  480. Donkey
  481. Fancy mouse
  482. Fancy rat
  483. Lab rat
  484. Ferret
  485. Gayal
  486. Goldfish
  487. Guinea pig
  488. Guppy
  489. Horse
  490. Koi
  491. Llama
  492. Ringneck dove
  493. Sheep
  494. Siamese fighting fish
  495. Society finch
  496. Yak
  497. Water buffalo
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