
Magical Burst: Session 56 - Kings and Queens

Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. Game starts at 6:16 PM.
  3. Never tell your password to anyone.
  4. Sunday, February 08, 2015
  5. 6:01 PM - Data: I am going to chalk that up to "Ryan"
  6. 6:01 PM - Data: See, he's here
  7. 6:01 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: Yes, I am
  8. 6:01 PM - Friggle: welcome bby
  9. 6:01 PM - Friggle: Also nice new profile pic
  10. 6:01 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: chalk what up to ryan now?
  11. 6:01 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: thx boo
  12. 6:02 PM - Smas has been invited to chat.
  13. 6:02 PM - Friggle: I was talking about how ryan canceled the AdEva game last night
  14. 6:02 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: ha
  15. 6:02 PM - Smas entered chat.
  16. 6:02 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: ahahah
  17. 6:02 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: HAHAHAHAH
  18. 6:02 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: KEK
  19. 6:02 PM - Friggle: :o
  20. 6:02 PM - Smas: Hello.
  21. 6:02 PM - Friggle: Eyyyy Smas
  22. 6:02 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: I'm sorry but that is so horrifically amusing
  23. 6:02 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: what'd he say about it?
  24. 6:02 PM - Smas: I am alive and am actually Smas and not an imposter.
  25. 6:02 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: "nah MTG more important"?
  26. 6:02 PM - Friggle: He was like
  27. 6:03 PM - Friggle: "AdEva's canceled because dan REALLY wants to run his Mekton game" but that sounded kinda fishy to me
  28. 6:03 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: wot
  29. 6:03 PM - Smas: It's only ever other saturday.
  30. 6:03 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: he has fridays entirely free, for starters
  31. 6:03 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: and secondly, it's every other saturday
  32. 6:03 PM - Friggle: Ye, we were told this saturday was supposed to be our saturday
  33. 6:04 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: I was under the impression that last saturday was mekton saturday but smas was like "nah thats persona" so I was like "um ok"
  34. 6:04 PM - Friggle: Hmmm
  35. 6:04 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: so I told ryan that, and how mekton would be /this/ saturday, then the saturday after this and every alternating one following that is how it goes for eva
  36. 6:05 PM - Friggle: Yeah he never told us that part
  37. 6:05 PM - Friggle: gg ryan
  38. 6:05 PM - Smas: He never says a lot of things.
  39. 6:05 PM - Friggle: Ah well, at least we got that cleared up
  40. 6:05 PM - Friggle: Speaking of Ryan
  41. 6:05 PM - Friggle: Where is that nerd
  42. 6:05 PM - Smas: Probably making love to that foil card he got.
  43. 6:06 PM - Friggle: I would be
  44. 6:06 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: he also said that the business with joash hating me had to do with my saying offhandedly something like "it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't rejoin" after he offed himself that once, but it has nothing to do with me actively trying to kick joash from mekton
  45. 6:06 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: and why even mention that recently when it's obvious carrie isn't /as/ shit anymore and I don't care?
  46. 6:06 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: well, whatever
  47. 6:06 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: basically ryan a shit
  48. 6:06 PM - Keala Mori has been invited to chat.
  49. 6:07 PM - Keala Mori entered chat.
  50. 6:07 PM - Friggle: I agree Ryan's basically my favorite human ever
  51. 6:07 PM - Keala Mori: C:
  52. 6:07 PM - Friggle: Welcome to the party nerd
  53. 6:07 PM - Sarah Salem: Pfft
  54. 6:07 PM - Sarah Salem: Frigs a best
  55. 6:07 PM - Cypurress Hill: I will never run out of animal related rap puns
  56. 6:08 PM - Cypurress Hill: nevfur
  57. 6:08 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: excuse me while I remove my pants and replace them with other pants
  58. 6:08 PM - Eve Ishi: c;
  59. 6:08 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: then we can get started
  60. 6:08 PM - Smas: What about nico?
  61. 6:08 PM - Smas: She not gonna be here?
  62. 6:08 PM - Sarah Salem: It looks like she's on mobile
  63. 6:08 PM - Sarah Salem: So probably not.
  64. 6:09 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: I've basically given up on that, hers is a transient existence at best
  65. 6:09 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge: and she's not answering on mobile
  66. 6:10 PM - Eve Ishi: Ye I sent her a reminder on skype so we'll see what happens. We can probably start without her though.
  67. 6:11 PM - Cypurress Hill: I think she does what I do sometimes, leave my phone on with Skype/steam signed in
  68. 6:11 PM - sUiCiDaLScribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to A Black and White Contract.
  69. 6:12 PM - Sarah Salem: I do that 100% of the time
  70. 6:12 PM - A Black and White Contract: alrighty then, let's see here
  71. 6:13 PM - A Black and White Contract: last time you guys talked for like 3 hours in the classroom, now you're going to check out a chess tournament
  72. 6:13 PM - Eri Motai: (Like a bunch of nerds)
  73. 6:13 PM - Eve Ishi: (( yuuup ))
  74. 6:13 PM - The Val (????)?*:·?? entered chat.
  75. 6:13 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I'm p sure we left like all the NPC's behind as well ))
  76. 6:13 PM - A Black and White Contract: probably
  77. 6:13 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I can't believe you killed val tho ))
  78. 6:14 PM - A Black and White Contract: yeah, jake went rogue, it happens
  79. 6:14 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: (hey sorry im late, finishing up a porject)
  80. 6:14 PM - Eve Ishi: (( in such a gruesom manner ))
  81. 6:14 PM - A Black and White Contract: then you ate him
  82. 6:14 PM - A Black and White Contract: it also happens
  83. 6:14 PM - Eve Ishi: (( it gave me chills reading it ))
  84. 6:14 PM - Eri Motai: (We got hungry)
  85. 6:14 PM - Eve Ishi: (( you should right horror appy ))
  86. 6:14 PM - Sarah Salem: (( Detail was top notch))
  87. 6:14 PM - A Black and White Contract: what about left horror?
  88. 6:14 PM - Eri Motai: (write*)
  89. 6:14 PM - Eve Ishi: (( RIGHT* ))
  90. 6:14 PM - A Black and White Contract: ANYWAYS
  91. 6:15 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: (skype?)
  92. 6:15 PM - Eri Motai: (Wright*)
  93. 6:15 PM - Eri Motai: ( )
  97. ~~Game start~~
  98. 6:16 PM - A Black and White Contract: Having bid your NPCompatriots farewell, you push open the doors to the gym, finding a series of tables with chess board set up in the middle of the room, as the bleachers fill with nerds of all kinds. Buck teeth, pocket protectors, thick glasses with lenses you can't see past, sweater vests and the like are all common themes with the audience here.
  99. 6:16 PM - A Black and White Contract: Chess is very nerdy.
  100. 6:17 PM - Eri Motai: Eri mutters, "Geez... they're like, worse than PASS."
  101. 6:17 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve gazes around at the crowd, "E-everyone here l-looks so cool..."
  102. 6:18 PM - A Black and White Contract: Seated at the tables in the room across from each other are, obviously, the contenders for chess champion. None of them appear to be the girl you're looking for, however.
  103. 6:19 PM - Eri Motai: "So... uhm, plans? Usually they kinda just show up after a while..."
  104. 6:19 PM - Sarah Salem: crosses her arm over her chest, staring around at the gathering. "What strange dress. Does anyone see her?"
  105. 6:20 PM - Eve Ishi: "I-I suppose we should just sit and watch t-the tournament."
  106. 6:21 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...Wait, this is what chess is? I thought that was the game with the black and red circley thingies!"
  107. 6:22 PM - Eve Ishi: "T-that's checkers Sato...I-I can teach you chess later i-if you want." Eve adresses Satoya as she moves to sit down.
  108. 6:23 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Huh, alright."
  109. 6:24 PM - A Black and White Contract: You take your seats on the bleachers, which creak loudly, emphasizing the otherwise near complete silence that falls upon the room as an official-looking person steps into the middle of the arrangement of tables. He holds up a hand, clasping a pocket watch. He examines it idly, seemingly counting the seconds.
  110. 6:24 PM - Sarah Salem: "We have to watch all of this? Really?" Sarah says in a low voice, frowning with her brows furrowed. "We might as well sleep through it."
  111. 6:25 PM - A Black and White Contract: The man then addresses the room, both audience and participants. "We humbly request complete silence during the tournament, so as to give the participants a non-distracting enviormnent. The tournament will begin in three... two... one." He clicks a button on the top of the watch, and the people at the tables begin moving pieces.
  112. 6:25 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve turns to Sarah with slight concern, "B-but Sarah chess is a-a game of h-high skill. It's v-very enterntaining."
  113. 6:26 PM - Sarah Salem: "As if. Skill doesn't make it entertaining," she mutters, sitting back in her seat.
  114. 6:26 PM - Cypurress Hill: Sato shushes Eve, putting a paw to her mouth "They want us to be quiet!"
  115. 6:26 PM - A Black and White Contract: The man shoots you the stink eye, clearly a warning to cease and desist. The only sounds heard in the gym now are those of the creaking bleachers, the ticking watch and the clack of pieces.
  116. 6:26 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve nods but begins to panic and starts flapping her hands, finally sneezing with huge force, "ACHOO."
  117. 6:27 PM - A Black and White Contract: Several of the players cringe at the sudden sneeze. Mr. Official Man looks quite irate. "/Silence/, please," he says, mostly to Eve.
  118. 6:27 PM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs. "You know Eve, doesn't this feel, familiar?"
  119. 6:27 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve blushes and whispers to Eri, "D-does it?"
  120. 6:28 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve shrinks into her seat.
  121. 6:28 PM - Eri Motai: Eri whispers back, "You know, this is /basically/ what we did, before that sand girl showed up."
  122. 6:28 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val makes a shush motion at Eve and Eri.
  123. 6:28 PM - Eri Motai: "...remember?"
  124. 6:29 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve tilts her head, "I-I've tried to forget most of t-that experience."
  125. 6:29 PM - Sarah Salem: glances up at the ceiling, half-expecting it to be replaced by a giant red eyeball.
  126. 6:29 PM - A Black and White Contract: The ceiling remains entirely eyeless as you quietly whisper to one another.
  127. 6:30 PM - Eri Motai: "I guess it's just stuck with me..." Eri twiddles her thumbs nervously.
  128. 6:31 PM - Eve Ishi: "D-don't worry Eri, I-I don't think a-anything like that will happen a-again." Eve puts her hand on Eri's shoulder and nods reassuringly.
  129. 6:31 PM - A Black and White Contract: The seconds tick by into minutes, and then a full hour has passed. Still no sign of anything. But, at last, something appears to be happening. Mostly, the current contestents conclude their matches. They stand, shake hands, then the losers depart with little to no fanfare.
  130. 6:32 PM - A Black and White Contract: The remaining players match up, then the cycle starts anew.
  131. 6:32 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...Man, this is boring"
  132. 6:32 PM - Sarah Salem: yawns, covering her mouth with a half-closed hand and squinting. "Will this be much longer?"
  133. 6:32 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Nothing's exploded! There's no violence, and it's slow! Why do people play this game?"
  134. 6:33 PM - Sarah Salem: "Possibly because they can't do any sort of real fighting?"
  135. 6:33 PM - Eri Motai: Eri speaks up for the first time in an hour, "... it's a game of strategy. It's less about power, as the two sides are equal. The only way to win is to be smarter than your opponent."
  136. 6:34 PM - Sarah Salem: "It is a /boring/ game of strategy." Sarah brushes a few stray hairs out of her eyes, then clears her throat.
  137. 6:35 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve shakes her head, "I-I like it."
  138. 6:35 PM - Eri Motai: Eri nods in agreement.
  139. 6:36 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Strategy? Nerds."
  140. 6:36 PM - A Black and White Contract: This particular round ends, mercifully, half an hour sooner than the previous. Again, all parties stand, shake hands, and the losers depart. This leaves two remaining players, who sit down at a table which has been otherwise unoccupied in the very center of the room. Mr. Official Man clicks his watch decisively, and the remaining two begin.
  141. 6:37 PM - Eve Ishi: "D-do you think s-she won't show?"
  142. 6:37 PM - Eri Motai: "...!"
  143. 6:38 PM - Eri Motai: Eri whispers quickly to Eve, "H-hey, wasn't she the chess /champion/?"
  144. 6:38 PM - Eri Motai: "Like, the head of the club?"
  145. 6:38 PM - Eve Ishi: "Y-yeah."
  146. 6:39 PM - Eri Motai: "I feel like she's going to show up, after the winner of this match is figured out."
  147. 6:40 PM - Eri Motai: "Kind of like the returning champion defending her title...!"
  148. 6:40 PM - Eve Ishi: "O-oh! O-of course th-that makes sense."
  149. 6:40 PM - Eve Ishi: "S-so we have to use the w-winner as bait?"
  150. 6:41 PM - Eri Motai: "I-I wouldn't say that..."
  151. 6:43 PM - Eri Motai: "...Guess she'll end up being bait anyways though."
  152. 6:43 PM - Eve Ishi: "T-that s-sounds sort of cruel..."
  153. 6:43 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val wakes up from her nap with a loud yawn.
  154. 6:43 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Is it over yet?"
  155. 6:44 PM - A Black and White Contract: As if on cue, the rightside girl at the table smiles, looking her opponent in the eyes and saying "Checkmate."
  156. 6:45 PM - Eri Motai: Eri turns to look at the girl who spoke up.
  157. 6:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "The only thing I can really appreciate about this is the display of absolute victory."
  158. 6:45 PM - A Black and White Contract: The defeated boy sighs, and they stand, shaking hands. The audience gives a light golf clapping of applause, as Mr. Official Man approaches the winner, holding a medal in his hands. "Congratulations to-"
  159. 6:46 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val gives a thunderous clap.
  160. 6:46 PM - A Black and White Contract: At that moment, the doors to the gym open again. Your activators give off some odd vibes you've never quite felt before as, standing there her with her medium-length, salt-and-pepper hair tied neatly in a bun out of her golden eyes, is none other than...
  161. 6:47 PM - A Black and White Contract: "...R-Risako Hatoyama?!" cries Mr. Official Man. He's probably the chess club's advisor, you deduce, if he recognizes her.
  162. 6:47 PM - A Black and White Contract: Risako Hatoyama, in this case, is the chess club champion you were looking for.
  163. 6:47 PM - Eri Motai: "... called it."
  164. 6:48 PM - Eve Ishi: "I-I g-guess that's her."
  165. 6:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "I presume everyone else felt that?" Sarah palms her watch inside her pocket, glancing to the rest of the party and back.
  166. 6:49 PM - Eri Motai: Eri stands up slowly, "Y-yeah."
  167. 6:49 PM - Eve Ishi: "S-she looks...k-kind of normal d-doesn't she?" Eve stands up as well.
  168. 6:49 PM - A Black and White Contract: She speaks up, her voice sounding /just/ above a monotone, though quite unnatural. "Yes. I am here to... defend my championship. I trust one more game won't hurt?" She gives a crooked smile, as though half her face refuses to cooperate.
  169. 6:50 PM - Sarah Salem: raises an eyebrow, looking questioningly to Eve. "Is that 'normal' to you?"
  170. 6:50 PM - Eve Ishi: "W-well d-different than other youma."
  171. 6:50 PM - A Black and White Contract: "B-but, Risako, where have-" stutters Mr. Official. Risako shakes her head, taking a seat at the table in the center and arranging the pieces into their starting positions. She looks towards her competitor, "Shall we?"
  172. 6:50 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...Maybe we should kidnap her?"
  173. 6:51 PM - Eve Ishi: "B-but, that's illegal."
  174. 6:51 PM - Eri Motai: "... I have the feeling that's going to be impossible, anyways."
  175. 6:51 PM - Sarah Salem: "That sounds like it will end incredibly poorly. Let's just wait."
  176. 6:52 PM - A Black and White Contract: "R-right," stammers the competitor, clearly being out of her league. As the poor, startled girl takes her seat, Risako shoots the five of you a knowing glance with another crooked smile before returning her attention to the game.
  177. 6:52 PM - Eve Ishi: "I t-think we should act r-right now, let's turn on the fire a-alarm then attack."
  178. 6:52 PM - Eve Ishi: "Th-that kid's in danger."
  179. 6:52 PM - Eri Motai: "...She knows. We're in for it."
  180. 6:53 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve looks around for a fire alarm.
  181. 6:54 PM - A Black and White Contract: There's a fire alarm by the doors, on the other end of the gym from the bleachers.
  182. 6:54 PM - A Black and White Contract: Of course, you'll have to get up, make a lot of noise, and be the center of attention to get to it.
  183. 6:54 PM - Eri Motai: "Eve. Make a distraction. I'm going to jump down."
  184. 6:55 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve nods then ponders for a second, deciding to scream at the top of her lungs, "U-uh...everyone, there's one of th-those monsters over there!" Eve points to the wall behind her.
  185. 6:56 PM - Sarah Salem: runs her hand down her face, standing and stretching in preparation of the forthcoming chaos.
  186. 6:56 PM - A Black and White Contract: Before Risako can make her first move, you proceed with your distraction. Most of the nerds in the seats elect to stare at Eve as opposed to where she's pointing, more confused by the outburst than what she's outbursting about.
  187. 6:57 PM - Eri Motai: Eri facepalms, and proceeds to sneak over to the fire alarm, using subtle magic to assist with that by making herself slightly translucent.
  188. 6:57 PM - A Black and White Contract: Roll Finesse
  189. 6:57 PM - Eri Motai: 13.
  190. 6:57 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve begins to jump up and down to make her distraction more intense.
  191. 6:57 PM - A Black and White Contract: [DISTRACTION INTENSIFIES]
  192. 6:59 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri manages to work her way mostly unseen to the fire alarm and pull the switch as Eve continues to make a fool of herself. Bells ring throughout the school, and sprinklers overhead activate, soaking everything and everyone. The nerds on the bleachers make a break for the doors, more to get out of the water than away from any potential fire.
  193. 7:00 PM - A Black and White Contract: Thus leaves the five of you and Risako, who is still seated, left in the room. She places her pawn down on the board where she intended to put it, uncaring of the water raining down.
  194. 7:00 PM - A Black and White Contract: All but you six are gone now.
  195. 7:01 PM - A Black and White Contract: "That was... what is the phrase? Rather rude."
  196. 7:01 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve transforms and rushes down the stairs towars Risako, pointing her sword at her, "S-surrender, p-please."
  197. 7:02 PM - Eve Ishi: "W-we have w-weapons."
  198. 7:03 PM - Eri Motai: Eri walks over, and stands beside Eve, "It's no use, you know."
  199. 7:03 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah hops down from the bleachers, transforming on the way over, with her billhook slung over her shoulder.
  200. 7:03 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Your concerns are unfounded. I would not deign to feed in such a public place as this."
  201. 7:04 PM - Sarah Salem: "We're 'concerned' that you would feed at all."
  202. 7:04 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Do any of you care to take her place, then?" She gestures at the seat across from her.
  203. 7:04 PM - Eve Ishi: "U-uh n-no."
  204. 7:04 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...I'll take her place!"
  205. 7:04 PM - Eri Motai: "... Is that what it i- Sato!"
  206. 7:04 PM - Eri Motai: "You don't even know how to play the game!"
  207. 7:04 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Says you!"
  208. 7:04 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve nods to Eri, "E-even so, w-we have to try... w-wait Sato n-no."
  209. 7:05 PM - Eve Ishi: "T-that's a terrible idea."
  210. 7:05 PM - Cypurress Hill: "I purromise I can do it!"
  211. 7:06 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve shakes her head, "I-I think it'd be better if me or Eri went..."
  212. 7:06 PM - Eri Motai: "...Are you, /entirely/ sure you want to try, Sato? She might send you to the shadow realm."
  213. 7:06 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Pssh, I got this!"
  214. 7:07 PM - Eve Ishi: "L-look we d-don't even have to play, l-let's just apprehend her."
  215. 7:07 PM - Cypurress Hill: "But that's mean!"
  216. 7:07 PM - Eve Ishi: "Y-you were just advocating we k-kidnap her."
  217. 7:07 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Shh! Cmon, lemme play her!"
  218. 7:07 PM - A Black and White Contract: Disregarding the chaos of your collective idiocy, she states, "What of yourselves? You feed as well. The type of sustinence matters little in morality when it is one's own existence that is the concern."
  219. 7:07 PM - Sarah Salem: rolls her eyes. "Are you comparing eating humans to eating something such as cereal?"
  220. 7:07 PM - A Black and White Contract: "There are humans who eat their own kind as well."
  221. 7:07 PM - Eri Motai: "They are the odd ones out."
  222. 7:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hopefully becoming a youma doesn't eliminate all of your mind. It's clear that cannibalism is outside of the norm."
  223. 7:10 PM - A Black and White Contract: "So, because my existence is a bother to you, you wish to end it. That would be most... what is the word? Language is difficult to comprehend... ah, yes, 'hypocritical.' It would be hypocritical of you to fault me for consuming human life, when you would end my own just as easily."
  224. 7:10 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...She has a point"
  225. 7:11 PM - Eve Ishi: "T-that's not it!"
  226. 7:11 PM - Eve Ishi: "We're not d-doing this for ourselves."
  227. 7:11 PM - Eve Ishi: "W-we're protecting our friends."
  228. 7:11 PM - Eve Ishi: "I-it's different."
  229. 7:11 PM - Eri Motai: "To let you live would be dooming countless other people." Eri crosses her arms. "You've already 'fed' on people. And to let you live would put everyone, our friends included, in danger."
  230. 7:12 PM - A Black and White Contract: "'Friend' or no, I shall not relinquish my own life so easily, to satisfy your whimsy. It is not as though I target those associated with you directly. I hold no quarrel with you."
  231. 7:12 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Youma consume Magi and humans in the same sense that Magi consume Youma. It is an endless chain, is it not? And you would continue this tradition on baseless reasoning?"
  232. 7:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "If we decided not to eradicate you, would you decide not to eradicate others?"
  233. 7:14 PM - A Black and White Contract: "The difference is that I do it to continue my own existence, whereas you do it to end that of another."
  234. 7:15 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shakes her head no, "We fight to continue the existence of mankind. And you... you're a threat to that."
  235. 7:16 PM - A Black and White Contract: "In the same sense that you are a threat to my own kind."
  236. 7:16 PM - Eve Ishi: "B-but we're only a threat to yours b-because you're a threat to ours."
  237. 7:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "Leaving you alive would allow you to kill who you please. That could be someone we know, or just us."
  238. 7:16 PM - A Black and White Contract: She holds the black queen in her hand, idly examining it as she spins it between her fingers.
  239. 7:17 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "We get it, we hate each other. Now what are we gonna do 'bout it?"
  240. 7:17 PM - A Black and White Contract: She turns to Val. "I do not 'hate' you. I simply wish to continue my own existence. In fact, this is the first true conversation I have had with Magi such as yourselves, so it is a... 'learning experience'."
  241. 7:17 PM - Eve Ishi: "D-do you really h-have to eat people?"
  242. 7:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Actually, would you mind answering something?" Sarah flips her billhook over, stabbing it into the ground to lean on as they converse.
  243. 7:17 PM - A Black and White Contract: "The fact that you have not yet attempted to slay me indicates you are of a reasoning sort. By all means, ask your question," she says to Sarah, brushing off Eve's obvious question as she places the queen down on the board.
  244. 7:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "Why are you in a 'human' form? It's unique."
  245. 7:21 PM - A Black and White Contract: "It is the simplest form with which to blend into this city and learn its workings. Watching from the shadows does not teach me so much as interacting with it first hand."
  246. 7:22 PM - Sarah Salem: "Why do you want to learn? If you are 'Risako' wouldn't you know much of it already?" Sarah's head cocks, interest piqued.
  247. 7:22 PM - Eri Motai: Eri takes the opposite seat, and leans back in the metal chair. She listens quietly.
  248. 7:23 PM - A Black and White Contract: She shakes her head. "I am not this 'Risako.' Not anymore. Her 'memories' return to me as hazy images, like... 'dreams,' as you would put it. I was born from her, but I am her no longer."
  249. 7:24 PM - Sarah Salem: "I was curious. Would you say Risako is still 'alive'?"
  250. 7:25 PM - A Black and White Contract: " 'Risako'... I would have to say, no, no longer. Is a baby chick still an egg? That is the most apt comparison I can make for you. My existence is a mystery to me, as well."
  251. 7:25 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val takes a step back. "You must kill stuff too, to stay alive!"
  252. 7:25 PM - A Black and White Contract: "As must you."
  253. 7:25 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "We kill other stuff that kills, you kill innocent people."
  254. 7:25 PM - Eri Motai: (the pot says to the kettle)
  255. 7:26 PM - A Black and White Contract: "You keep and slay livestock, do you not?"
  256. 7:26 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "We don't eat anything sentient!"
  257. 7:27 PM - A Black and White Contract: "You might wish to speak with some other Magi in regards to what 'is' and 'is not' sentient. They may offer differing opinions."
  258. 7:27 PM - Eri Motai: "Mmm."
  259. 7:27 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve tilts her head in confusion, "W-why did you come to the tournament then?"
  260. 7:28 PM - A Black and White Contract: "You may call it 'instinct' if you so desire. I have no reasoning for my appearence here."
  261. 7:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "What can you 'eat' that isn't a human or a magical girl?"
  262. 7:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "Personally, I don't eat at all. I know there are other girls with the same issue."
  263. 7:29 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Nothing. But not for lack of trying, of course."
  264. 7:29 PM - Eri Motai: "Dare we ask?"
  265. 7:30 PM - Eve Ishi: "I-I see. I-I'm sorry then." Eve looks down, "T-this isn't really your fault i-is it?"
  266. 7:31 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Standard Human and Magi meals offer nothing to my body to prolong its existence. Additionally, though animals such as your 'cats', 'dogs' and the like do offer something, it is miniscule at best. It would take at least fifty times one of their like to provide a fraction of what humans do."
  267. 7:32 PM - Eri Motai: "I'm going to take a shot in the dark, and say you're talking about the same thing that makes humans capable of magic in the first place."
  268. 7:33 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah brushes her hair away from her face again, then pulls a shedding piece of skin from her cheek.
  269. 7:33 PM - Cypurress Hill: Satoya stares at Sarah, holding back a gag.
  270. 7:33 PM - Sarah Salem: raises an eyebrow at Sato, unperturbed. "Yes?"
  271. 7:33 PM - Cypurress Hill: "You just like- Never mind."
  272. 7:33 PM - Eri Motai: Eri continues, ignoring Sarah and Satoya. "Their soul, or something, probably. I'm not entirely sure myself."
  273. 7:33 PM - A Black and White Contract: She nods.
  274. 7:34 PM - A Black and White Contract: "I did not ask to be born into this world, but that does not mean I desire to leave it."
  275. 7:37 PM - Eve Ishi: "S-so what do we do?"
  276. 7:37 PM - Eve Ishi: "I-I mean we can't just l-let you eat people, b-but it seems sort of unfair." Eve wrings her hands and looks at her feet.
  277. 7:39 PM - A Black and White Contract: She tilts the black king back and forth under her finger as it sits on the board. "That is the question now, isn't it." More a statement itself than a question.
  278. 7:39 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...Can you eat summoned beings?"
  279. 7:40 PM - A Black and White Contract: "'Familiars', as you call them? No. All avenues I have pursued, to no avail."
  280. 7:41 PM - Eri Motai: "Can't even eat other youma? I'd think they'd have some of that stuff, maybe..."
  281. 7:42 PM - Eve Ishi: "B-but w-wouldn't that be the same a-as us eating humans?"
  282. 7:42 PM - A Black and White Contract: She shakes her head, her face registering intense disgust, the most emotion you've seen on her yet, though it fades as quickly as it arrived.
  283. 7:42 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Would you eat the rotten flesh of your own kind?"
  284. 7:42 PM - Eri Motai: "... Fair enough."
  285. 7:42 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Or better yet! Val, where's that hat with the infinite bunnies?"
  286. 7:42 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Gimme the hat for like five minutes! Cmon, purrlease!" Sato gave Val the cutest of puppy dog eyes
  287. 7:43 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val glares at Satoya.
  288. 7:43 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "You have to promise that if anything happens to it, you must pay the full cost I paid for the hat."
  289. 7:43 PM - Cypurress Hill: "I purromise!"
  290. 7:43 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val hands her the tophat with a pained look on her face.
  291. 7:43 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Under the assumption that this hat you speak of does as its title claims, it would be a temporary solution at best, if it were to work at all."
  292. 7:45 PM - Eve Ishi: "W-well, it is /infinite/ rabbits."
  293. 7:46 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Yeah! And they aren't magic rabbits, it's just a magic hat!"
  294. 7:47 PM - Eri Motai: Eri thought bubbles up a chibi Risako tipping back the hat of rabbits and eating the bunnies that pop out like chips from a bag.
  295. 7:48 PM - Cypurress Hill: ((Its like if Prangles had feelings))
  296. 7:48 PM - A Black and White Contract: "And to continue the theme of relating my experinece to human sustinence, it would be as though eating one single food, for your entire life. There would be no variety. A dull and meaningless life with no change. But as I said, it would work... as a temporary solution."
  297. 7:48 PM - Cypurress Hill: "What, does each person taste differently?"
  298. 7:48 PM - Cypurress Hill: "I mean, by that logic, you'd get tired of people and stop after a while!"
  299. 7:49 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Every soul has had different experiences. The intense variation of emotions in their history is like that of... spice."
  300. 7:49 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Don't eat the bunnies! GIVE ME THAT BACK!" Val says, starting to storm over to the hat.
  301. 7:49 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve tries to block Val.
  302. 7:49 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Val, it's bunnies or people!"
  303. 7:49 PM - Eri Motai: "Val, please calm down."
  304. 7:50 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "But, they are my own kind!"
  305. 7:50 PM - Eve Ishi: "V-val, this is for the best."
  306. 7:51 PM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose rabbits are better to eat than people, if we get down to it."
  307. 7:51 PM - Eri Motai: "Which she's not going to eat, as she said herself."
  308. 7:52 PM - A Black and White Contract: "I could potentially subsist on the rabbits, but only for so long. That is assuming that a rabbit pulled from a hat provides any sustinence at all. It would be 'new' to this world, lacking in what I require to survive."
  309. 7:53 PM - Eri Motai: "Hmm..."
  310. 7:53 PM - Cypurress Hill: "What if we like, age them?"
  311. 7:54 PM - Eri Motai: "... Sato, that probably won't work either."
  312. 7:54 PM - Eri Motai: "I think I've got /something/ figured out."
  313. 7:54 PM - Eri Motai: "Soul is part of it, but... it's also experience. Emotion, life. Her kind needs... that."
  314. 7:55 PM - Eri Motai: "And aging a rabbit won't give it experience, just, age."
  315. 7:56 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "What about Satoya's undead cats, I'm sure they have PTSD or something."
  316. 7:56 PM - Eri Motai: Eri gives a short laugh. "Funny, but no. I doubt they'd work for long either."
  317. 7:57 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...I mean, I can make more, if that'd work, I'd do it!"
  318. 7:58 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shakes her head, "You guys are missing the point."
  319. 7:58 PM - Eri Motai: "It'd work, temporarily. But then they'll eventually run out of new 'experience', or it won't be enough to sustainably keep her alive."
  320. 7:58 PM - Eri Motai: "... And then she'd feed."
  321. 7:59 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Mm." She hums with no real infliction.
  322. 7:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "We're not getting anywhere with this."
  323. 8:00 PM - Eri Motai: "... Yeah. I just can't see any real solution..."
  324. 8:00 PM - Cypurress Hill: "What if we buy her a plane ticket to a country that doesn't matter."
  325. 8:00 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Like Finland?"
  326. 8:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "Finland?"
  327. 8:00 PM - Eri Motai: "...We are not sacrificing the Finns."
  328. 8:00 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Denmark?"
  329. 8:01 PM - Eri Motai: "We are not sacrificing any country to her."
  330. 8:01 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Aww, but no one likes Danes!"
  331. 8:01 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve sighs, "B-but killing her d-doesn't feel right either."
  332. 8:01 PM - A Black and White Contract: She blinks, seemingly failing to understand the turn the conversation has taken.
  333. 8:03 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah shrugs at the youma, in a similar boat.
  334. 8:04 PM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs and shrugs, entirely puzzled by this predicament.
  335. 8:06 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve turns to Val, "I-I don't suppose you could d-do something with y-your emotions magic?"
  336. 8:06 PM - Eri Motai: "...Yeah, can you? I think the only thing I've seen you do with them is make people make out with each other."
  337. 8:06 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Unless you wish to give her body and soul to me, having her 'funnel' magic into me will provide nothing."
  338. 8:07 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah rubs her chin, weighing the pros and cons of feeding Val to the youma.
  339. 8:08 PM - Cypurress Hill: "What if we feed her poor people?"
  340. 8:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "Satoya, that would be feeding /you/ to her."
  341. 8:08 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Poor people are still people!"
  342. 8:09 PM - Cypurress Hill: "No Val, they're poor!"
  343. 8:09 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val glares at Sato.
  344. 8:09 PM - Eri Motai: "Aren't you poor...?"
  345. 8:10 PM - Eri Motai: "And so am I, for that matter...!"
  346. 8:10 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "I vote Satoya is the first one we feed to her."
  347. 8:10 PM - Eri Motai: "We are not feeding people to the not-Risako."
  348. 8:10 PM - Cypurress Hill: "I mean, I'm like half purrson; I died already."
  349. 8:10 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...Do I even have a soul?"
  350. 8:10 PM - Eri Motai: "Yes. Yes you do." Eri conks Satoya on the head.
  351. 8:11 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Next you'll be suggesting cripples, what's your problem Satoya!?"\
  352. 8:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "This is a rather strange day. It started out normally, and now we're having a conversation with a youma, over what food it should eat."
  353. 8:14 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...I still vote we mail her to Denmark."
  354. 8:14 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah appears a foot or so from where she was standing, now seated in a desk from the classrooms, with her head rested in her hand.
  355. 8:15 PM - Eri Motai: "So... I've got a question for you, Risako. You wish to play a game, right?" Eri transforms. "Would you like to make a wager on it?"
  356. 8:15 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Consider my interest piqued. What do you propose?"
  357. 8:19 PM - Eri Motai: "Despite how... advanced you've become, at the end of the day, you're still a youma. And youma, when 'slain', don't really die." Eri raises her hand, and generates an illusionary seed. "They simply compress into one of these. I think... that even if you were to meet your end in battle, you don't really die. You'll just be dormant, sleeping in one of these. If we win in this game, I'd like for you to come quietly. If you win, you're free to eat all of us here." Eri tacks on, "I doubt we'd be able to resist at that point, anyways."
  358. 8:20 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...I will be the one to play her in chess for our souls!"
  359. 8:20 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Dibs, no take backsies!"
  360. 8:21 PM - Eve Ishi: "I-I don't think that's wise S-sato."
  361. 8:21 PM - Eri Motai: "I think it's only fair that we all partake in the game, since all of our lives are on the line."
  362. 8:21 PM - Cypurress Hill: "How about she only takes the loser's soul then?"
  363. 8:22 PM - A Black and White Contract: "An intriguing proposal..." she murmurs at Eri.
  364. 8:22 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Very well then. I shall take your wager."
  365. 8:23 PM - Sarah Salem: "What is the game, even? Chess?"
  366. 8:23 PM - Eri Motai: "... Probably."
  367. 8:24 PM - A Black and White Contract: "In a sense, but if you do not mind, I will be putting my own twist to it." She gives her half-smile again, and extends her arms. Then, you're entered into a Nightmare.
  368. 8:27 PM - A Black and White Contract: You find yourselves standing on a large chessboard. Around you are huge, mechanical-looking pieces vaguely resembling their intended roles, though much more humanoid in form.
  369. 8:29 PM - A Black and White Contract: The room is sealed, with no windows or doors, but is done up entirely in black and white marble, holding a gothic air about the entire place. Risako no longer resembles her human self, instead appearing like a comglomeration of large chess pieces in a vaguely humanoid shape.
  370. 8:30 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Haha, king me bitches!" Satoya says, looking at her position.
  371. 8:30 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val transforms.
  372. 8:30 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve follows suit.
  373. 8:30 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Why do I have to be the Queen with /her/. Can't I have my own 3rd team?" Val points at Satoya.
  374. 8:31 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Aww, we're like a fancy married couple, how cute~"
  375. 8:31 PM - A Black and White Contract: "I can consume you now, if you would prefer."
  376. 8:31 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah, already transformed, summons out her billhook again. "This seems like a nice change from normal chess."
  377. 8:32 PM - A Black and White Contract: Everyone roll Physical for initiative~
  378. 8:33 PM - Sarah Salem: 11
  379. 8:33 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 10
  380. 8:34 PM - Eve Ishi: 12
  381. 8:35 PM - Cypurress Hill: 12
  382. 8:35 PM - Eve Ishi: annnd our physicals are the same
  383. 8:35 PM - Eve Ishi: tie breaker roll?
  384. 8:35 PM - A Black and White Contract: sure
  385. 8:35 PM - Eve Ishi: 9
  386. 8:37 PM - A Black and White Contract: Looking at yourselves as you transform, you find your outfits are... slightly different. Done up to resemble your respective piece while still keeping in the style of your magical outfits.
  387. 8:38 PM - Eri Motai: "A... Bishop? Hmm..."
  388. 8:38 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah's wearing heavier armor, like a knight, and her billhook... has an adorable little horse head stuck onto it, like what kids jump around with while pretending to ride horses.
  389. 8:38 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah brings the horse head up for closer inspection, frowning. "This is useless. Absolutely useless."
  390. 8:38 PM - Eve Ishi: (( awwww ))
  391. 8:39 PM - Eri Motai: (ehehehe)
  392. 8:39 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Sarah, you look so cute in that outfit. I need to find you a familiar like that one."
  393. 8:40 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val is done up in a long white dress with a white plastic crown atop her head. Satoya wears a larger and more ornate crown, and long purple robes trimmed in white fur.
  394. 8:41 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri is clad in dark priestly robes with a white collar, while Eve is... well, a rook. Her head is sticking out of a flat cardboard cutout of a rook, like, when kids play the tree in school plays.
  395. 8:41 PM - Eve Ishi: (( omg ))
  396. 8:41 PM - Eve Ishi: "T-this seems unfair." Eve pouts at her cardboard outfit.
  397. 8:41 PM - Eri Motai: "I guess mine works, I do have a cross that I use as a battle weapon..."
  398. 8:42 PM - Cypurress Hill: Satoya bursts into giggles as she sees Eve. "Well you certainly are the cutest little castle I've ever seen!"
  399. 8:42 PM - A Black and White Contract: Your turns and movement points function as normal, though, you can only move in the shapes that your piece can move. But you're not limited to the number of spaces; you can travel as many spaces, along your piece's shape, as your Physical score allows.
  400. 8:42 PM - A Black and White Contract: Additionally, you can relinquish your turn to move one of the other friendly pieces on the board instead.
  401. 8:43 PM - Eve Ishi: And I'm assuming we can't just move past them, like I can't just jump over this pawn here as a rook?
  402. 8:44 PM - A Black and White Contract: nope
  403. 8:44 PM - Eve Ishi: (( kk ))
  404. 8:46 PM - A Black and White Contract: satoyaaaa
  405. 8:46 PM - A Black and White Contract: fuckin go
  406. 8:46 PM - Cypurress Hill: I cant move over anything
  407. 8:46 PM - Cypurress Hill: So
  408. 8:46 PM - Cypurress Hill: I'll move a pawn c:
  409. 8:47 PM - Cypurress Hill: The English Opening :3
  410. 8:48 PM - A Black and White Contract: Satoya wills the pawn forwards, and it complies, grinding across the checkered marble floor.
  411. 8:48 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eve's turn!
  412. 8:48 PM - Eve Ishi: I will move the pawn in front of me two spaces forwards
  413. 8:48 PM - Eve Ishi: boop
  414. 8:49 PM - Eve Ishi: (( also we're allowed to move /any/ piece right? ))
  415. 8:49 PM - A Black and White Contract: ayup
  416. 8:49 PM - A Black and White Contract: except another guca, ofc
  417. 8:50 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eve, too, sends a pawn forwards.
  418. 8:50 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah, you're on.
  419. 8:53 PM - Sarah Salem: I moved. In front of the pawn in front of Eri.
  420. 8:54 PM - Eri Motai: Eri calls out, "Uhm, question! When you said that you had a twist on this, do the other pieces still function... properly?"
  421. 8:54 PM - A Black and White Contract: "They do. It is you who differs in function."
  422. 8:55 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val saunters forwards. Eri's turn.
  423. 8:56 PM - Eri Motai: Eri moves, she activates Full Drive as a free action, and uses Photon Blast.
  424. 8:56 PM - Eri Motai: "Got it!"
  425. 8:57 PM - Eri Motai: Shotgun blasting the 5 pawns on the left side I guess.
  426. 8:57 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Oh are we actually fighting))
  427. 8:58 PM - Sarah Salem: ((I just thought we were playing chess))
  428. 8:58 PM - A Black and White Contract: it works both ways
  429. 8:58 PM - Eri Motai: (Yuuup :v)
  430. 8:59 PM - Eri Motai: 13 atm for attack.
  431. 8:59 PM - Eri Motai: 5 damage.
  432. 8:59 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri blasts the front few pawns. Onle one of the four manages to raise its shield in time to block Eri's attack.
  433. 9:00 PM - A Black and White Contract: Risako's turn~
  434. 9:00 PM - Eri Motai: "I can hold this position to hold off the left half of the field."
  435. 9:00 PM - Eri Motai: Eri calls out to the other gucas.
  436. 9:00 PM - A Black and White Contract: "The rules change for both sides, as well."
  437. 9:01 PM - A Black and White Contract: Using her Commanding Aura, she wills four pieces to move.
  438. 9:02 PM - A Black and White Contract: Four pawns across the board slide forwards, while one gets into position to attack Eri.
  439. 9:02 PM - Cypurress Hill: (So the rules have been thrown out the window
  440. 9:02 PM - Cypurress Hill: Excellent
  441. 9:02 PM - Eri Motai: (summon more queens)
  442. 9:02 PM - Eri Motai: (summon a SKELETON KING)
  443. 9:03 PM - Sarah Salem: ((I use suggestive lickery to coerce all the pawns into forming a mega chessatron))
  444. 9:03 PM - A Black and White Contract: 14 to attack Eri.
  445. 9:03 PM - Eri Motai: 15 on my end.
  446. 9:03 PM - A Black and White Contract: And he'll drop a PP
  447. 9:04 PM - A Black and White Contract: now he also has 15, so he'll drop his last for the round
  448. 9:04 PM - A Black and White Contract: 21 to attack Eri
  449. 9:04 PM - Eri Motai: (gg)
  450. 9:04 PM - Eri Motai: ooocing.
  451. 9:04 PM - Eri Motai: 24
  452. 9:05 PM - Eri Motai: -2 Resolve.
  453. 9:05 PM - Eri Motai: To myself, that is.
  454. 9:05 PM - A Black and White Contract: With a clash of swords, Eri blocks the pawn's strike
  455. 9:05 PM - Sarah Salem: ((g2g be back later~))
  456. 9:06 PM - Eri Motai: "Ehehehe, I might just enjoy this!"
  457. 9:06 PM - A Black and White Contract: Satoya's go now
  458. 9:06 PM - Cypurress Hill: Right then
  459. 9:07 PM - Cypurress Hill: I will take one pawn c:
  460. 9:07 PM - Eri Motai: (niiice)
  461. 9:07 PM - Cypurress Hill: And turn :3
  462. 9:08 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eve's go
  463. 9:08 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve moves herself forward 2 spaces.
  464. 9:09 PM - Eve Ishi: Turn over.
  465. 9:09 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah's go then~
  466. 9:13 PM - Eri Motai: She pushes a pawn up.
  467. 9:15 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val goes, and moves diagnoally a few paces. Eri's go, then
  468. 9:16 PM - Eri Motai: "Alright, take that piece over there!"
  469. 9:16 PM - Eri Motai: Eri causes the pawn that was moved up by Sarah to take a pawn next to the youma.
  470. 9:16 PM - Eri Motai: "Looks like you're in check!"
  471. 9:17 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val takes a tough looking fighting stance.
  472. 9:17 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Do not expect to win so easily."
  473. 9:18 PM - Eri Motai: Eri grins from ear to ear, "Come on then, show us what you've got!"
  474. 9:18 PM - A Black and White Contract: Another Commanding Aura gives her 3 pieces to move
  475. 9:19 PM - A Black and White Contract: And with her second action, she'll...
  476. 9:19 PM - A Black and White Contract: commanding aura again, for lack of anything else to do
  477. 9:20 PM - A Black and White Contract: Another 3 pieces can act
  478. 9:20 PM - A Black and White Contract: She commands two Pawns to fire their crossbows at Eri
  479. 9:20 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri, roll Finesse twice
  480. 9:21 PM - Eri Motai: 12, 16.
  481. 9:21 PM - A Black and White Contract: 14 (with a luck reroll), 11
  482. 9:22 PM - Eri Motai: I'll use a point of luck to match the 14.
  483. 9:22 PM - Eri Motai: So 14,16
  484. 9:23 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri slices one arrow clean out of the air before forcing the other back with her force push thing.
  485. 9:23 PM - Eri Motai: "Heh! Easy!"
  486. 9:23 PM - A Black and White Contract: Her final pawn advances on, then attacks Eve
  487. 9:24 PM - A Black and White Contract: Beat 14
  488. 9:25 PM - Eve Ishi: 26
  489. 9:25 PM - A Black and White Contract: :T
  490. 9:26 PM - A Black and White Contract: As the pawn goes to take a slice out of Eve, she restrains the swinging arms with a, surprisingly appropriate, use of vines for once.
  491. 9:27 PM - Eve Ishi: All the chess pieces in the area now take on a grotesque fleshy look, similar to a youma. (Venting Magic OC)
  492. 9:27 PM - Eri Motai: (Oh god fleshy robot organics)
  493. 9:28 PM - Cypurress Hill: (Pawnvangelion)
  494. 9:28 PM - A Black and White Contract: Satoya's turn!
  495. 9:28 PM - Eri Motai: Eri is taken aback, "O-oh my...."
  496. 9:28 PM - Eri Motai: "Er-I mean, good job Eve!"
  497. 9:29 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve nods slightly horrified, "Y-y-yeah..."
  498. 9:28 PM - Cypurress Hill: I will capture a pawn, in a way that I've only done once before :v
  499. 9:29 PM - Cypurress Hill: and turn :3
  500. 9:30 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eve's turn~
  501. 9:30 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve moves right 3 spaces.
  502. 9:31 PM - Eve Ishi: end turn
  503. 9:31 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah's turn~
  504. 9:31 PM - Eri Motai: Moving up the pawn on the right side two spaces.
  505. 9:32 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Guys, cmon! Pawn from c2 to c3!"
  506. 9:34 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val sends a pawn to capture one of Risako's.
  507. 9:34 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri's go
  508. 9:34 PM - Eri Motai: "Alright, keep going little guy! Tear the other pawns to shit!"
  509. 9:35 PM - A Black and White Contract: Another pawn captured.
  510. 9:35 PM - A Black and White Contract: Risako's turn!
  511. 9:35 PM - A Black and White Contract: Commanding Aura, go~
  512. 9:35 PM - Cypurress Hill: (God damnit no one Pawn'd to c3 :v)
  513. 9:35 PM - A Black and White Contract: she sends in three pieces
  514. 9:36 PM - Eri Motai: (I'm sorry there's no grid T-T_)
  515. 9:37 PM - Eri Motai: (Also I'm saddened that nobody noticed the meta joke here)
  516. 9:38 PM - A Black and White Contract: First, her pawn captures your bishop
  517. 9:38 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Man that's why we shoulda c3'd!"
  518. 9:38 PM - Eri Motai: "How do you even /know/ what a c3 is?!"
  519. 9:39 PM - Cypurress Hill: "I played a lot of checkers, duh!"
  520. 9:39 PM - A Black and White Contract: She then sends her Rook down to nail your Pawn.
  521. 9:39 PM - A Black and White Contract: Finally, she sends that same Rook down to capture your knight.
  522. 9:39 PM - A Black and White Contract: That was her first turn. Time for her second~
  523. 9:39 PM - Eri Motai: "Watch out Sato, she's incoming!"
  524. 9:39 PM - A Black and White Contract: Nightmare Burst!
  525. 9:40 PM - A Black and White Contract: The ground rumbles, and you feel an intense pressure across your entire bodies as your vision gets hazy. Everyone roll Defense, TN22!
  526. 9:40 PM - Cypurress Hill: Jesus fuck
  527. 9:40 PM - Eve Ishi: 12
  528. 9:41 PM - Cypurress Hill: Welp, involn OC yay
  529. 9:41 PM - Eri Motai: (stupid OP nightmare burst T-T)
  530. 9:41 PM - Cypurress Hill: Ill keep
  531. 9:41 PM - Eri Motai: I'll take damage I guess.
  532. 9:42 PM - Sarah Salem: 10, nailed it.
  533. 9:42 PM - A Black and White Contract: 4 damage to everyone
  534. 9:43 PM - A Black and White Contract: Satoya's turn~
  535. 9:43 PM - Cypurress Hill: Right then
  536. 9:44 PM - Cypurress Hill: lemme think
  537. 9:44 PM - Cypurress Hill: I will castle
  538. 9:44 PM - Eri Motai: yess
  539. 9:44 PM - Eri Motai: I was gonna suggest that
  540. 9:44 PM - Cypurress Hill: And turn
  541. 9:45 PM - Sarah Salem: ((It looks like we're winning))
  542. 9:45 PM - Cypurress Hill: ((I like to think that Satoya is really good at chess, but all her life she's thought it was checkers))
  543. 9:45 PM - Cypurress Hill: ((Piece advantage is nothing, if anything, we are behind due to losing a knight))
  544. 9:45 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Poor person earning her money with chess, and evil))
  545. 9:45 PM - Sarah Salem: ((I was more referring to how we kinda have the center))
  546. 9:46 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Kinda.))
  547. 9:46 PM - A Black and White Contract: Then it's Eve's go now
  548. 9:46 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve moves that bishop diagonal 3 spaces.
  549. 9:46 PM - Eve Ishi: end turn
  550. 9:46 PM - Cypurress Hill: ((Their king as a better defensive position, while we have no northern board control))
  551. 9:46 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah's go~
  552. 9:47 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Holy crap you guys are bad at checkers!"
  553. 9:47 PM - Eri Motai: "This is /not/ checkers!"
  554. 9:47 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah points to the rook behind her, sliding her finger across to the enemy rook inside our border.
  555. 9:47 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Eri, I have won three tournaments in my life, my parents taught me the day I was just a lil kitten, I think I know my checkers!"
  556. 9:48 PM - Eri Motai: "I-I... What?"
  557. 9:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "This is almost as interesting as actually fighting, to be honest."
  558. 9:48 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Shush, now someone move that rook north to corner that bishop!"
  559. 9:48 PM - A Black and White Contract: thus it's Val's go
  560. 9:49 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Val, if you want your hat back, do what I say!"
  561. 9:50 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val give Satoya a thumbs down.
  562. 9:51 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val moves forwards a space, ending her turn. Eri's go
  563. 9:51 PM - Cypurress Hill: "I am so selling this hat!"
  564. 9:52 PM - Eve Ishi: "E-eri! C-can you move forward to the l-left one space?"
  565. 9:52 PM - Eri Motai: "Heh, that's a bit unlike you to tell someone one to do!"
  566. 9:52 PM - Eri Motai: Eri complies.
  567. 9:53 PM - Eri Motai: And she'll use her Defense Buff.
  568. 9:53 PM - Eri Motai: "Guess that means you've got something planned!"
  569. 9:53 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Augh no bad move! Now they can move that knight, and hit Eri with a queen!"
  570. 9:53 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Shut your face, the lady is right there Satoya"
  571. 9:54 PM - Cypurress Hill: ((Only if you guys stop making stupid ones :v))
  572. 9:54 PM - Eve Ishi: (( you do realize ))
  573. 9:54 PM - Eve Ishi: (( that chess ))
  574. 9:54 PM - Eve Ishi: (( has many strategies ))
  575. 9:54 PM - Eve Ishi: (( that only work ))
  576. 9:54 PM - Eve Ishi: (( if your opponent ))
  577. 9:54 PM - Eve Ishi: (( isn't aware of your godamn strategy ))
  578. 9:54 PM - Sarah Salem: (( This is a lot of messages))
  579. 9:54 PM - A Black and White Contract: The air hangs thick, and the tension is almost palpable. The previously flawless marble floor is scuffed and scratched from the machine-turned-flesh pieces' movements.
  580. 9:55 PM - A Black and White Contract: That makes it Risako's turn!
  581. 9:55 PM - Eri Motai: "It's ok, I can handle whatever she throws at me!"
  582. 9:55 PM - A Black and White Contract: "It would seem... I am not quite so good at this as Risako. But that does not mean I will hold back."
  583. 9:56 PM - A Black and White Contract: Commanding Aura!
  584. 9:56 PM - A Black and White Contract: She'll spend a luck to reroll that 13
  585. 9:57 PM - A Black and White Contract: and add 2 with her final luck, giving her 4 pieces to move.
  586. 9:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, everyone. I have a suggestion." Sarah speaks up for the first time in a while, tapping her horsehead against the marble ground with a dull clanking.
  587. 9:57 PM - Eri Motai: "What is it Sarah?"
  588. 9:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "We listen to the king, as she clearly knows what she's doing." Sarah deadpans, looking pointedly at Valentine.
  589. 9:59 PM - Cypurress Hill: "...I hate mew sometimes."
  590. 9:59 PM - A Black and White Contract: Risako'll send her black-square Bishop down, slingshot it to knock out your own Bishop, then retreat it back into a defensive positon around her.
  591. 10:00 PM - A Black and White Contract: It sprints rapidly along the floor with a clunking gait, smashing into your Bishop like a linebacker tackle and turning it to pebbles, then sprinting back.
  592. 10:01 PM - Eri Motai: "W-woah! That just shot by!"
  593. 10:01 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'd hate to be hit by that."
  594. 10:02 PM - A Black and White Contract: Finally, the Bishop, while in its defensive position, will blast Val with lasers. Raising a cross-shaped staff, it points it at Val, and fires a blueish-white beam at her.
  595. 10:02 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val, roll defense.
  596. 10:02 PM - Sarah Salem: ((>Lasers))
  597. 10:02 PM - Eri Motai: "Woah, lasers!"
  598. 10:02 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Should we go ahead and bring out the chessatron?))
  599. 10:02 PM - Eri Motai: (Yes.)
  600. 10:02 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 15
  601. 10:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "I remember these. They hurt when you touch them." Sarah nods sagely, having imparted her wisdom onto the party.
  602. 10:03 PM - Eri Motai: "I /know/ Sarah, I can fire them too!"
  603. 10:03 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Aaaagh its like we threw the rules of checkers out the window!"
  604. 10:03 PM - Eri Motai: "This isn't checkers!"
  605. 10:03 PM - Cypurress Hill: "You lie!"
  606. 10:03 PM - A Black and White Contract: 10, dropping some PP on it
  607. 10:03 PM - A Black and White Contract: ...11
  608. 10:03 PM - A Black and White Contract: 16
  609. 10:04 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 20
  610. 10:04 PM - A Black and White Contract: 18
  611. 10:05 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val brings her knife to her face, using its reflective surface to bounce the beam harmlessly away. The bishop lowers its staff, returning to a motionless state.
  612. 10:05 PM - A Black and White Contract: Youma action number two now!
  613. 10:06 PM - A Black and White Contract: she can move 3 pieces now
  614. 10:06 PM - A Black and White Contract: Repositioning her knight, she then frees up space for her rook
  615. 10:06 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "That was a close one guys! He almost lazored my face off!"
  616. 10:06 PM - Eri Motai: "This is /Chess/ Sato, we've been over this!"
  617. 10:06 PM - Cypurress Hill: "I dont know how to play chess! I keep telling mew!"
  618. 10:07 PM - A Black and White Contract: After sliding her rook out, she sends it crashing down towards the pawn in front of Satoya.
  619. 10:07 PM - Eri Motai: "You're-!" Eri sighs, "... You're doing a good job, for being an idiot."
  620. 10:08 PM - A Black and White Contract: "That is a check."
  621. 10:08 PM - Cypurress Hill: I will simply move :v
  622. 10:08 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Clever... But I wasn't born yesterday~"
  623. 10:09 PM - Eri Motai: "You could have taken it Sato...."
  624. 10:10 PM - Cypurress Hill: "If I took the rook, she could have moved her queen to put me in check again, cmon checkers 101!"
  625. 10:11 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eve's turn
  626. 10:12 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve moves the rook to e1
  627. 10:12 PM - A Black and White Contract: The rook grinds into place. Sarah's turn.
  628. 10:13 PM - Sarah Salem: After a short mental conversation with Eve, Sarah points at the rook, willing it to E4.
  629. 10:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "There, correct?"
  630. 10:13 PM - Eve Ishi: "Y-yes!"
  631. 10:14 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val runs forward, attacking the knight infront of her.
  632. 10:14 PM - A Black and White Contract: Roll to attack!
  633. 10:15 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 16
  634. 10:16 PM - A Black and White Contract: 14, 1 PP to 16
  635. 10:17 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 32
  636. 10:18 PM - A Black and White Contract: The knight raises its two arms to block the blow from Val's knifegun attack, but fails miserably as she plows through its defenses
  637. 10:18 PM - A Black and White Contract: roll damage
  638. 10:19 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 13
  639. 10:19 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Nicole))
  640. 10:19 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Try to remember the basics of CQC.))
  641. 10:20 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val shoots and cuts the knight to shreds, but it stays standing.
  642. 10:20 PM - A Black and White Contract: Though it's now missing an arm and entirely perforated.
  643. 10:20 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri's go
  644. 10:20 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Damn it, why didn't you die!"
  645. 10:22 PM - Eri Motai: "Alright, I'm pushing in!"
  646. 10:23 PM - A Black and White Contract: Roll attack
  647. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: 22.
  648. 10:24 PM - A Black and White Contract: 24~
  649. 10:24 PM - A Black and White Contract: though he's SOL now
  650. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: I'll just, oc once more.
  651. 10:25 PM - Eri Motai: 32.
  652. 10:25 PM - Eri Motai: Butt devastated.
  653. 10:26 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri doesn't even need her sword. Mimicing the Bishop from before, Eri charges clean down her path, plowing into the knight.
  654. 10:26 PM - Eri Motai: "Hah! Two can play that game!"
  655. 10:27 PM - A Black and White Contract: As knight-shrapnel scatters, the conglomeration of giant chess pieces that makes up the youma form of Risako looks down.
  656. 10:27 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Do not think this means checkmate yet."
  657. 10:28 PM - A Black and White Contract: She first commands the surrounding troops
  658. 10:28 PM - Eri Motai: Eri grins deviously up at Risako.
  659. 10:29 PM - A Black and White Contract: The pawn lunges forwards first, aiming to hack Eri apart
  660. 10:29 PM - A Black and White Contract: 15
  661. 10:29 PM - Cypurress Hill: (I return :3)
  662. 10:29 PM - Eri Motai: 17
  663. 10:29 PM - A Black and White Contract: 1 PP, 20
  664. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: ... rolling an oc.
  665. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: 21
  666. 10:31 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri parries the Pawn's sword, as the Bishop on her right goes to attack her as well.
  667. 10:31 PM - A Black and White Contract: 7 :v
  668. 10:32 PM - Eri Motai: Base Defense is Best Defense.
  669. 10:32 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri's base defense covers that without an issue, as she quickly switches her parry to block the Bishop from swinging its staff to bludgeon her.
  670. 10:33 PM - Eri Motai: "Come on, faster! This is too easy!"
  671. 10:33 PM - A Black and White Contract: "Then I shall combat you myself."
  672. 10:33 PM - A Black and White Contract: The giant form of the youma brings a long arm that consists of a series of connected pawns down to crush Eri.
  673. 10:34 PM - A Black and White Contract: Defend against 18.
  674. 10:34 PM - Eri Motai: 17.
  675. 10:37 PM - Eri Motai: Can't make it without OCing like a madman, so please help me nico <4
  676. 10:37 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val gives Eri a thumbs up and takes the hit
  677. 10:38 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val elects to cover for Eri, rushing forwards and pushing her back, switching places as Risako's hand smashes Val with a meaty /thunk/.
  678. 10:39 PM - Eri Motai: "V-val!"
  679. 10:39 PM - A Black and White Contract: 13 damage~
  680. 10:40 PM - Eri Motai: (and this is why I refuse to get hit ever)
  681. 10:40 PM - Eri Motai: (don't you complain at me, 2 hits is like, death)
  682. 10:40 PM - A Black and White Contract: activating Stun Strike to boot!
  683. 10:40 PM - A Black and White Contract: Roll Physical
  684. 10:40 PM - A Black and White Contract: TN12
  685. 10:42 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val is smashed so hard a knee-deep crater forms, but she remains standing despite this, in the cratered tile.
  686. 10:42 PM - A Black and White Contract: Satoya's turn!
  687. 10:43 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val manages to make a shakey thumbs up at Eri again.
  688. 10:43 PM - Eri Motai: Eri gives Val a pained smile in response.
  689. 10:44 PM - Cypurress Hill: Right thinking
  690. 10:46 PM - Cypurress Hill: So I have summoning magic still right? Nothing has been interrupted?
  691. 10:47 PM - A Black and White Contract: what do you want to summon?
  692. 10:47 PM - Cypurress Hill: I will sacrafice all the pawns
  693. 10:47 PM - Cypurress Hill: For a chesstron
  694. 10:47 PM - A Black and White Contract: that is not something you can do
  695. 10:47 PM - Cypurress Hill: Right hten
  696. 10:47 PM - Cypurress Hill: Plan B
  697. 10:48 PM - Cypurress Hill: The pieces are like, organic and shit?
  698. 10:48 PM - A Black and White Contract: partially, yeah
  699. 10:48 PM - A Black and White Contract: why?
  700. 10:49 PM - Cypurress Hill: I have control of blood and bone
  701. 10:49 PM - Cypurress Hill: Assuming these things contain either or both
  702. 10:49 PM - Cypurress Hill: I will attack the king with her own queen c:
  703. 10:50 PM - A Black and White Contract: direct puppeteering is not within your viable options
  704. 10:50 PM - Cypurress Hill: Aww
  705. 10:50 PM - Cypurress Hill: Ill just take their bishop then
  706. 10:52 PM - A Black and White Contract: And so it is.
  707. 10:52 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eve's turn
  708. 10:53 PM - Eri Motai: "Uhm... uh, are you in check right now?"
  709. 10:53 PM - Eri Motai: "Are we still playing by the rules?"
  710. 10:54 PM - Cypurress Hill: "Checkmate, actually!"
  711. 10:57 PM - A Black and White Contract: "That... may be, but the rules have changed. They were different from the start."
  712. 10:57 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve's going to use will of the protector to restore 4 resolve to everyone, and use quick heal as her free action to restore an additional 4 to Val.
  713. 10:57 PM - Eve Ishi: (( So everyone get's 4 more resolve, Val gets 8 ))
  714. 10:58 PM - A Black and White Contract: So, Sarah's go now
  715. 10:58 PM - Eri Motai: "Very well, we'll just beat the tar out of you then!"
  716. 10:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "Are we not playing chess anymore?" Sarah looks around the chaotic board, then shrugs. "Perfect for me."
  717. 11:01 PM - Sarah Salem: jabs at the rook with force, jamming it forward one space to take the enemy's most mobile piece, the queen.
  718. 11:02 PM - A Black and White Contract: Your rook slides forwards, crashing into her queen.
  719. 11:02 PM - Eri Motai: "Nice job!"
  720. 11:03 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val takes a deep breath and tries to attack chess lady
  721. 11:03 PM - A Black and White Contract: As chunks of once-queen rain down from the connection between rook and queen, Val makes her move.
  722. 11:05 PM - Eri Motai: Eri assists Val with a defy fate. "Come on, hit her!"
  723. 11:07 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val passes Risako's defense, nailing her square in her chest (which resembles a standard chess piece queen, and not the mechanical humanoid ones you're combating) six times with her six shooter, sending Risako twitching with each hit.
  724. 11:08 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 10
  725. 11:09 PM - A Black and White Contract: Large chunks of her stone fly off with each striking bullet.
  726. 11:09 PM - A Black and White Contract: The chunks seem to animate on their own, however, and fly at Val, dealing 2 damage!
  727. 11:09 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val sustains 2 damage.
  728. 11:10 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri's turn~
  729. 11:11 PM - Eri Motai: "... Looks like we're in for the long haul! Come on out ghost thing, lets team up!"
  730. 11:11 PM - Eri Motai: Using Donte's as my main action.
  731. 11:11 PM - Eri Motai: And going to Lightning Strike to attack the pawn.
  732. 11:12 PM - A Black and White Contract: go for it
  733. 11:12 PM - Eri Motai: "And fuck you in particular, pawn thing!"
  734. 11:12 PM - Eri Motai: 17
  735. 11:12 PM - A Black and White Contract: 11
  736. 11:13 PM - Eri Motai: 11 damage.
  737. 11:14 PM - A Black and White Contract: With another roar and speeding crash, Eri slams clean through the pawn in her way, shattering it to bits and pieces.
  738. 11:15 PM - A Black and White Contract: Risako gestures with her arms, and sends her Bishop flying at Sarah
  739. 11:15 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah, roll defense
  740. 11:16 PM - Eri Motai: Oh yeah, 2 turns of Donte.
  741. 11:16 PM - Sarah Salem: Would it be possible to dodge by stopping time and restarting it a space to the right, so the Bishop keeps going and slams into the piece behind me?
  742. 11:16 PM - A Black and White Contract: mm, I guess so
  743. 11:16 PM - A Black and White Contract: opposed support
  744. 11:17 PM - Sarah Salem: 19
  745. 11:17 PM - A Black and White Contract: 15
  746. 11:17 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah does just that, juking around the charging Bishop as it smashes clean into its freindly rook.
  747. 11:18 PM - Eri Motai: "Woah, nice Sarah!"
  748. 11:18 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah hides a small, satisfied smile by adjusting her hair.
  749. 11:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "Thank you."
  750. 11:18 PM - A Black and White Contract: Using its final action from Risako's Commanding Aura, the Bishop will skid to a halt, about face, and swing its staff to bash Sarah over the head.
  751. 11:19 PM - A Black and White Contract: 9 :v
  752. 11:19 PM - Sarah Salem: Natural defense covers that.
  753. 11:19 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah twitches as she adjusts her position on her square, the Bishop's staff cracking the tile beneath her feet.
  754. 11:20 PM - A Black and White Contract: Risako herself elects to spend her second action to MTA Eri and Val, since they're close enough for punishment
  755. 11:20 PM - A Black and White Contract: Defend against 16, you two
  756. 11:21 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 17
  757. 11:21 PM - Eri Motai: 15
  758. 11:22 PM - Eri Motai: 18 with 1 oc.
  759. 11:23 PM - A Black and White Contract: With a wave of her arm, the pawns that make it up fire arrows at the two, who cut and shoot them out of the air respectively.
  760. 11:23 PM - A Black and White Contract: Satoya, you're up.
  761. 11:24 PM - Cypurress Hill: Wooo :v
  762. 11:25 PM - Cypurress Hill: I'll attack the king with the Rook
  763. 11:25 PM - Cypurress Hill: Hmm
  764. 11:25 PM - Cypurress Hill: Actually
  765. 11:25 PM - Cypurress Hill: I'll fight the bishop
  766. 11:26 PM - A Black and White Contract: go ahead then, roll for it
  767. 11:27 PM - Cypurress Hill: 14
  768. 11:27 PM - A Black and White Contract: welp
  769. 11:27 PM - A Black and White Contract: 7
  770. 11:27 PM - A Black and White Contract: roll damage
  771. 11:28 PM - Cypurress Hill: 4 :v
  772. 11:28 PM - Eri Motai: niiice
  773. 11:28 PM - Eri Motai: gettin dat big damage.
  774. 11:28 PM - A Black and White Contract: Satoya and the Bishop hack and exchange strikes with their weapons, sending bone chunks and sparks flying, but in the end it's Satoya who deals the punishment.
  775. 11:28 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eve
  776. 11:28 PM - A Black and White Contract: you're on
  777. 11:31 PM - Eve Ishi: Eve moves forward behind val
  778. 11:32 PM - A Black and White Contract: That ends her turn. Sarah's go!
  779. 11:32 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah turns and inspects the bishop, taking a long look at it from top to bottom.
  780. 11:34 PM - A Black and White Contract: The bishop is tall, heavily plated, and has long draping cloths hanging off of its arms. It is clad in a robe of metal as well, and wields a cross-shaped staff.
  781. 11:35 PM - A Black and White Contract: It also wears a hat that looks like a pope's hat.
  782. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: ((How could I kill the pope?))
  783. 11:35 PM - A Black and White Contract: turn the pope to pulp
  784. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: ((I'd better just pledge service to him instead))
  785. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Pope Fiction))
  786. 11:36 PM - Cypurress Hill: ((That was awful))
  787. 11:36 PM - A Black and White Contract: Orange Juice from Concentrate. With pope.
  788. 11:36 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: (that was the best thing i have read all day)
  789. 11:36 PM - Sarah Salem: cocks her head at the bishop, then winds back and jams her billhook into it's center mass as hard as possible.
  790. 11:36 PM - Sarah Salem: 16
  791. 11:37 PM - A Black and White Contract: 20
  792. 11:38 PM - Sarah Salem: I don't have room to OC, I'll pass.
  793. 11:38 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah jabs her hook at the bishop. Her horsehead-clad hook pings as it connects onto his chest harmlessly.
  794. 11:39 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val's turn now~
  795. 11:39 PM - Eri Motai: Eri laughs at Sarah's general misfortune.
  796. 11:39 PM - Eri Motai: "G-good one Sarah!"
  797. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: "It's this stupid horse head. If I had a /real/ weapon, that would have been fine."
  798. 11:40 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 15
  799. 11:40 PM - A Black and White Contract: Val moves into position to attack the pawn. 7 on his defense, Val passes
  800. 11:40 PM - A Black and White Contract: roll damage
  801. 11:41 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 5
  802. 11:41 PM - A Black and White Contract: With a vicious slice, Val removes the arm carrying the shield of the pawn, which clatters to the ground.
  803. 11:41 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eri's go
  804. 11:42 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Oh, ow... That looks painful."
  805. 11:42 PM - Eri Motai: Eri and her doppelganger flex, "Alright, time to tear you down a pawn or two!"
  806. 11:42 PM - Eri Motai: Rolling to attack.
  807. 11:43 PM - A Black and White Contract: which?
  808. 11:43 PM - Eri Motai: The King.
  809. 11:43 PM - Eri Motai: Time to lay the smackdown.
  810. 11:43 PM - A Black and White Contract: go on then
  811. 11:43 PM - Eri Motai: 26.
  812. 11:43 PM - A Black and White Contract: well then, that's a pass, damage
  813. 11:44 PM - Eri Motai: 13.
  814. 11:45 PM - A Black and White Contract: With the assistance of her doppleganger twin, Eri hacks and slashes away at Risako, tearing more chunks out of her.
  815. 11:45 PM - A Black and White Contract: However, the small stone shards once again fly at their assailant, hitting Eri for 2 damage.
  816. 11:46 PM - Eri Motai: "Eheh, it'll take more than that to take us down now!"
  817. 11:48 PM - A Black and White Contract: With another wave of her arm, Risako sends her Bishop to attack.
  818. 11:49 PM - Eve Ishi: "K-keep it up guys!"
  819. 11:49 PM - A Black and White Contract: It begins glowing, its cross shining the brightest of all, as the staff vibrates intensely. It struggles to hold onto the blinding weapon.
  820. 11:49 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah, Satoya, roll Defense, TN16.
  821. 11:50 PM - Eri Motai: (Oh boy. I remember this move)
  822. 11:50 PM - Sarah Salem: 17
  823. 11:50 PM - Cypurress Hill: 14
  824. 11:50 PM - Cypurress Hill: Ill drop one OC
  825. 11:50 PM - Cypurress Hill: Welp
  826. 11:50 PM - Cypurress Hill: Another
  827. 11:50 PM - Eri Motai: Never say one.
  828. 11:51 PM - Eri Motai: /Never/
  829. 11:51 PM - Cypurress Hill: 17 :v
  830. 11:51 PM - Eri Motai: Whenever you say you're gonna drop one, it's either literally a 1, or you get a 6 and you critchain out of control.
  831. 11:51 PM - A Black and White Contract: You both successfully block the searing rays emanating from the cross of the Bishop's staff.
  832. 11:51 PM - A Black and White Contract: Satoya steps back, hissing but otherwise unharmed as Sarah shields her eyes with her one arm.
  833. 11:52 PM - A Black and White Contract: With another wave, Risako sends her pawn to fire an arrow at Eve. Eve, roll Finesse
  834. 11:53 PM - Eve Ishi: 17
  835. 11:53 PM - A Black and White Contract: Eve panics, and does what she usually does when she panics.
  836. 11:53 PM - A Black and White Contract: She sneezes.
  837. 11:53 PM - A Black and White Contract: This blows the arrow off course, leaving her unharmed.
  838. 11:54 PM - A Black and White Contract: Risako will barrel forwards towards Eri now, attempting to paste her
  839. 11:54 PM - A Black and White Contract: Defend against 18
  840. 11:54 PM - Eri Motai: Clashing.
  841. 11:54 PM - A Black and White Contract: then attack against it
  842. 11:54 PM - Eri Motai: 25
  843. 11:55 PM - A Black and White Contract: 26
  844. 11:55 PM - Eri Motai: I've got 3 free oc
  845. 11:55 PM - Eri Motai: might as well use them.
  846. 11:55 PM - Eri Motai: 28
  847. 11:55 PM - A Black and White Contract: Risako and Eri enter a fierce struggle, both pushing the other back several feet before they lose the ground they gained. Eventually, Eri pierces the heavens, or in this case Risako, and forces her back with a slash.
  848. 11:55 PM - A Black and White Contract: Roll damage
  849. 11:56 PM - Eri Motai: 15.
  850. 11:57 PM - A Black and White Contract: She takes the full force of the blow, though Eri sustains another 2 damage from the chunks that fly off.
  851. 11:57 PM - Eri Motai: "It's never too late for you to surrender!"
  852. 11:57 PM - A Black and White Contract: Sato's go!
  853. 11:57 PM - Cypurress Hill: Woo
  854. 11:57 PM - A Black and White Contract: Nail that bishop, since arata doesn't want to
  855. 11:57 PM - A Black and White Contract: (fufufu)
  856. 11:57 PM - Cypurress Hill: I will attack that bishop :v
  857. 11:57 PM - Cypurress Hill: ((Arata? Which one :v))
  858. 11:58 PM - A Black and White Contract: mekton one but same thing :v
  859. 11:58 PM - Cypurress Hill: Nigga I was refering to the fact there's a literal baker's dozen of them now
  860. 11:58 PM - A Black and White Contract: same thing
  861. 11:59 PM - Cypurress Hill: I will attack the Bishop
  862. 11:59 PM - A Black and White Contract: then go for it
  863. 11:59 PM - Cypurress Hill: Are chess pieces proper nouns?
  864. 11:59 PM - Cypurress Hill: 11
  865. 11:59 PM - Cypurress Hill: :v
  866. 11:59 PM - A Black and White Contract: 10
  867. 11:59 PM - A Black and White Contract: you passed, let's see that damage
  868. 11:59 PM - Cypurress Hill: Pffffft
  869. 11:59 PM - Cypurress Hill: 8
  870. 12:00 AM - A Black and White Contract: Satoya lunges forwards, jabbing her bone sword through its chest, ripping and tearing into it. That armor it's wearing is all for show apparently. But it's still standing, if only barely. Its limbs hang limply as it leans on its staff for support.
  871. 12:01 AM - A Black and White Contract: Eve's go
  872. 12:01 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Aw cmon! Just die you butt!"
  873. 12:01 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve moves forward to attack that knight.
  874. 12:02 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve uses arcane prison.
  875. 12:04 AM - Eve Ishi: 11
  876. 12:04 AM - Eve Ishi: 7 damage, and it's bound in place untill it rolls a TN 15 support
  877. 12:05 AM - A Black and White Contract: Eve does a cute little spin, followed by a sneeze, emphasizing the fact that this is a signature move used only on special occasions, so it gets its own special animation.
  878. 12:05 AM - Cypurress Hill: Sato claps, giggling. "I'd run up and hug mew after that if we weren't fighting for our souls!"
  879. 12:06 AM - Eve Ishi: Mr. Cuddles uses Restraining belt, giving the knight -2 o nit's next roll.
  880. 12:06 AM - Eve Ishi: "R-right!"
  881. 12:06 AM - A Black and White Contract: After hacking into and binding the knight with arcane prison, Mr Cuddles follows it up by further restraining it.
  882. 12:07 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve uses quick heal to heal val for 2 resolve.
  883. 12:07 AM - Eve Ishi: end turn
  884. 12:07 AM - A Black and White Contract: That knight is done up tighter than a christmas present.
  885. 12:07 AM - Eve Ishi: (( c; ))
  886. 12:07 AM - A Black and White Contract: Sarah's go!
  887. 12:07 AM - A Black and White Contract: She can totally finish this bishop off now
  888. 12:07 AM - A Black and White Contract: unless she's a superpleb and flops horribly
  889. 12:08 AM - Sarah Salem: is going to Thrust at the bishop, using her sweet CAST COPPER HORSE HITCHER.
  890. 12:09 AM - Eri Motai: (Sweet, bro)
  891. 12:09 AM - A Black and White Contract: show that motherbucker what for, he'll be gone for a rodeo
  892. 12:09 AM - Sarah Salem: I got 18
  893. 12:09 AM - A Black and White Contract: aaaand 7
  894. 12:09 AM - A Black and White Contract: You pass
  895. 12:09 AM - A Black and White Contract: Damage :v
  896. 12:10 AM - Sarah Salem: I got max, 16.
  897. 12:10 AM - Sarah Salem: Oops
  898. 12:10 AM - Sarah Salem: 2d6
  899. 12:10 AM - Sarah Salem: Sorry.
  900. 12:10 AM - A Black and White Contract: we'll just take a 6 off
  901. 12:10 AM - Sarah Salem: 10 damage, whew. That was terrifying.
  902. 12:11 AM - Eri Motai: maximum over-damage.
  903. 12:12 AM - A Black and White Contract: With a MIGHTY THRUST, full of VIGOR AND STAMINA, Sarah plows her sweet CAST COPPER HORSE HITCHER through the bishop's armored chest.
  904. 12:12 AM - A Black and White Contract: With that, it collapses into pieces, Sarah's arm still extended in the thrust.
  905. 12:13 AM - A Black and White Contract: Val's turn
  906. 12:13 AM - A Black and White Contract: Finish that pawn off!
  907. 12:14 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val uses sundering blow on her foe
  908. 12:14 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 17
  909. 12:14 AM - A Black and White Contract: and another 7
  910. 12:14 AM - A Black and White Contract: spectacular
  911. 12:14 AM - A Black and White Contract: roll damage
  912. 12:15 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: 11
  913. 12:17 AM - A Black and White Contract: Val does her own signature move. After bending forward and winking, putting a finger to her cheek and shaking her fat butt with her wittle bunny tail on it as a tiny chibi heart pops out and falls, she leaps high into the air, unloading 6 loads of 6 bullets, before crashing down onto the head of the pawn and cutting it 6 times, finally doing a backflip off of its head as it crumbles to chunks.
  914. 12:19 AM - Eri Motai: And Eri stands back and applauds.
  915. 12:19 AM - Eri Motai: "Good show, good show."
  916. 12:19 AM - Eve Ishi: "G-good job Valntine!"
  917. 12:19 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Bit too much of the booty wiggles, but that's just my opinion!"
  918. 12:19 AM - A Black and White Contract: Seeing half an army still behind you, the five of you (mostly) unscathed, and her only remaining mobile unit being a fucking /pawn/...
  919. 12:21 AM - A Black and White Contract: Risako shakes her chess-piece head, and you hear her sigh. The chunks of stone crumble off of her limbs, revealing Risako in her human form, standing there slightly worse for wear.
  920. 12:21 AM - A Black and White Contract: "I can see that further conflict will lead nowhere. I conceed."
  921. 12:22 AM - Cypurress Hill: Satoya raises her arms and cheers "That was pawesome! I am so joining the school checkers club!"
  922. 12:22 AM - Eri Motai: "Oh? That's a first."
  923. 12:23 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve smiles, "W-we did it!"
  924. 12:23 AM - Eri Motai: "... I'll be frank. I thought for a moment that we woulda had to take it all the way..."
  925. 12:23 AM - A Black and White Contract: "This was our wager. The inevitability of this is that I will lose. As I hold no grudge, I see no need to further drag this on."
  926. 12:24 AM - Sarah Salem: "What were the stakes again? I can't even remember."
  927. 12:24 AM - Eri Motai: "Oh, not much. Just our lives. Souls. Those things."
  928. 12:24 AM - Cypurress Hill: "...I almost feel bad about sealing mew away, will you still be 'alive'? Yknow, able to think and stuff?"
  929. 12:25 AM - A Black and White Contract: She steps forwards calmly, addressning Eri. "You say... I will still be 'alive'? In that 'gem' form?"
  930. 12:25 AM - Sarah Salem: "Being alive and trapped sounds worse than death, honestly."
  931. 12:25 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve raises her hand, "W-well."
  932. 12:25 AM - Eve Ishi: "We have a friend who i-is able to summon her youma, l-like a partner."
  933. 12:26 AM - Eve Ishi: "S-she isn't exactly able to control it."
  934. 12:26 AM - A Black and White Contract: "To summon one of my own?"
  935. 12:26 AM - Cypurress Hill: Sato gasps, looking at Eve with a smile. "Oh, can we do that? This girl seems smart, and it's much better than trapping her away furever!"
  936. 12:27 AM - A Black and White Contract: "It is unfortunate I could not have seen that for myself. Though, if what you say is true, then perhaps I might."
  937. 12:27 AM - Eve Ishi: "I-I'm not sure what she does about feeding it, b-but we can ask her."
  938. 12:28 AM - A Black and White Contract: She bows her head. "On your mark. I am prepared to face whatever consequence lies ahead."
  939. 12:28 AM - Eri Motai: "...Glad to have you on our team."
  940. 12:28 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve turns to the others, "I-I'd like to d-do it, and then take her seed to Santa myself, i-if you don't mind."
  941. 12:30 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Yeah! From what mew guys are saying, she can handle it."
  942. 12:30 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve nods to Satoya and turns to the others, "A-any objections?"
  943. 12:31 AM - Sarah Salem: shrugs, detransforming. "I have no quarrel with it."
  944. 12:31 AM - Eri Motai: Eri's doppelghost shrugs. Eri pipes up, "... None on my part."
  945. 12:32 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Hey, if it was me, I wouldn't want to spend my whole life in a seed till I was used up for a wish or something!"
  946. 12:32 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Besides, she seems like she'd be fun to play against in normal checkers!"
  947. 12:32 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "This thing is just a youma that talks."
  948. 12:32 AM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, that's true, Val."
  949. 12:32 AM - Eve Ishi: "T-that sounds like an agreement Val." Eve nods and walks up to Risako putting her sword at her neck.
  950. 12:32 AM - A Black and White Contract: "Whether or not it is preferable..."
  951. 12:32 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "It has to kill people to live. Can we really let her go on and kill people when we KNOW she can't live on animals?"
  952. 12:33 AM - Eve Ishi: "Worst case scenario Valentine, w-we have an extra oblivion seed."
  953. 12:33 AM - A Black and White Contract: " was our agreement. Go, before I elect self-preservation over my word."
  954. 12:34 AM - Eri Motai: "... I want to bring her to Yarif anyways. This brings something to mind."
  955. 12:34 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Alright, but we kill her before she kills another innocent person, got it?"
  956. 12:34 AM - Eve Ishi: "I-I'll do my best to make sure you're preserved a-anyways. I'm s-sorry." Eve brings her sword up and decapitates Risako.
  957. 12:35 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "We should just make it quick and painless, maybe let her get some stuff in order before we kill her."
  958. 12:35 AM - Eri Motai: Eri's punch ghost stops Eve's swing.
  959. 12:35 AM - Eri Motai: "That's not how you do that."
  960. 12:36 AM - Eri Motai: "Remember? Blank seed."
  961. 12:36 AM - Eve Ishi: "H-huh?"
  962. 12:36 AM - Eri Motai: "Santa, she had one to summon her snowman."
  963. 12:36 AM - Eve Ishi: "I-I must have m-misheard."
  964. 12:36 AM - Eri Motai: The punch ghost folds its arms, and dissipates in Eri's shadow.
  965. 12:36 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve's eyes widen and she drops her sword, "W-whoops, t-that would have been b-b-bad."
  966. 12:37 AM - A Black and White Contract: "Is there a problem?"
  967. 12:37 AM - Eri Motai: "Eve seems to have forgotten standard procedure. Who's got a blank?"
  968. 12:37 AM - Sarah Salem: "I have just one, but I'd like a replacement eventually." Sarah holds up the seed between two fingers.
  969. 12:38 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve pulls out a blank seed, "I-I have one left."
  970. 12:39 AM - Eri Motai: "Alright, someone give her a /proper/ place to stay this time, ok?"
  971. 12:41 AM - Eve Ishi: "O-okay, I'll do it."
  972. 12:41 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve raises her seed and makes the neccesary rolls.
  973. 12:43 AM - A Black and White Contract: With that, Eve places the blank to Risako's forehead, and after some intense focus, Risako is absorbed entirely into the blank. The blank now resembles an oblivion seed through and through, and feels like one as well, if not /slightly/ different from the norm so as to be recognizable.
  974. 12:44 AM - A Black and White Contract: Additionally, you hear a clattering nose. Looking to the floor, you see... a small, black chess piece. A king.
  975. 12:44 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve picks up her sweet loot and examines it.
  976. 12:44 AM - Eri Motai: Eri goes to pick it up.
  977. 12:45 AM - Eri Motai: Eri looks up awkwardly to Eve.
  978. 12:45 AM - A Black and White Contract: It seems like a simple enough chess piece, though it feels inherently magical in some sense, like an enchanted item.
  979. 12:46 AM - A Black and White Contract: Not that you know what it does, anyway.
  980. 12:46 AM - A Black and White Contract: Also, assuming you're not at the 25 cap, 1 XP.
  981. 12:46 AM - Eve Ishi: Eve giggles, "Y-you can have that."
  982. 12:46 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Aww, I was the king! ...Can I have it?"
  983. 12:46 AM - Eri Motai: "Uhm, Sarah, you want a stake on it too?"
  984. 12:46 AM - Sarah Salem: "A chess piece? I have no use for it, no thank you." Sarah holds her hand out in a 'stop' motion.
  985. 12:46 AM - Eri Motai: "Well... I haven't really done anything important, other than do what I normally do, so... Coin flip?"
  986. 12:46 AM - Cypurress Hill: (I have 3 unspent XP :v)
  987. 12:46 AM - A Black and White Contract: Frig now has 7.
  988. 12:46 AM - Cypurress Hill: Jesus
  989. 12:46 AM - Eve Ishi: c;
  990. 12:46 AM - Sarah Salem: I'm at the cap :x
  991. 12:47 AM - A Black and White Contract: mmmmmm
  992. 12:47 AM - A Black and White Contract: alright then, compromise
  993. 12:47 AM - A Black and White Contract: those at the XP cap get 3 mastery points
  994. 12:47 AM - Sarah Salem: I can live with that.
  995. 12:47 AM - Sarah Salem: Defs.
  996. 12:47 AM - Cypurress Hill: "I call heads!"
  997. 12:47 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "But I want it too!"
  998. 12:48 AM - Sarah Salem: "Flip a three-sided coin."
  999. 12:48 AM - Eri Motai: "Uhm, ok. I'll stand out of this."
  1000. 12:48 AM - Eri Motai: "So, I'll flip a coin, heads it's Satoya, tails it's Val."
  1001. 12:48 AM - Eri Motai: 1 = Sato 2 = Val
  1002. 12:49 AM - Eri Motai: She flips.
  1003. 12:49 AM - Eri Motai: "... Tails."
  1004. 12:49 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val jumps up and down
  1005. 12:49 AM - Cypurress Hill: Sato giggles.
  1006. 12:49 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Oh! YAY!"
  1007. 12:49 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Great, meow then!"
  1008. 12:49 AM - Eri Motai: Eri tosses the chess piece Val's way.
  1009. 12:49 AM - Cypurress Hill: "I'll trade mew that for the hat~"
  1010. 12:49 AM - Eve Ishi: "W-what's it do anyways?"
  1011. 12:49 AM - Cypurress Hill: (As she never gave it back :v)
  1012. 12:50 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "That's my hat to begin with," Val says with a pouty face.
  1013. 12:50 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Aww but mew don't even play checkers! What if its some super cool cheaty thing!"
  1014. 12:51 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "I do play /chess/."
  1015. 12:51 AM - Cypurress Hill: She let out a hmpf as she hands the hat over, careful not to spill. "Fiiiiine, have it, kitties are better anyways~"
  1016. 12:52 AM - Eri Motai: "...Do you want a consolation prize, Sato?"
  1017. 12:52 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val giggles and puts her hat on.
  1018. 12:52 AM - A Black and White Contract: The hat immediately begins to rise off her head as bunnies pour out of it.
  1019. 12:52 AM - Eri Motai: "Oh no no nononononononon."
  1020. 12:53 AM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val panics and flips the hat upwards.
  1021. 12:53 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Nah, I already got a cute new familiar to play checkers with! I was just being a bit of a sore loser I guess."
  1022. 12:53 AM - A Black and White Contract: The flow of bunnies stops.
  1023. 12:53 AM - Eri Motai: "No, please. I insist."
  1024. 12:53 AM - Eri Motai: Eri throws an unassuming KitKat bar at Satoya.
  1025. 12:53 AM - Cypurress Hill: Sato grabs a bunny, petting its fuzzy head. "Oh, alright then, whatcha go-" She catches it still wrapped in her mouth.
  1026. 12:54 AM - Eri Motai: "It's... old."
  1027. 12:54 AM - Eri Motai: "I don't know /how/ old, but I found it in some couch cushions."
  1028. 12:54 AM - Eri Motai: "...At the scary haunted mansion."
  1029. 12:54 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Well... It's something, thats for sure"
  1030. 12:55 AM - Cypurress Hill: Handing the bunny to mamighost, she unwraps it, expecting some sort of chocolatey horror.
  1031. 12:55 AM - Sarah Salem: "A...candy bar, correct? From the mansion?"
  1032. 12:55 AM - Sarah Salem: "This sounds like a bad idea."
  1033. 12:55 AM - Eri Motai: "Yes. It's just cookies and cream flavor."
  1034. 12:55 AM - Eri Motai: "...Worst comes to worst, we can probably resuscitate you."
  1035. 12:56 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Oooh, my second favorite! Green tea kitkats represent~"
  1036. 12:56 AM - Eri Motai: "...Probably..."
  1037. 12:56 AM - Cypurress Hill: Absolutely fearless, Sato snaps the bars apart, noming on the end of one.
  1038. 12:57 AM - A Black and White Contract: It's pretty melted from sitting in Eri's pocket, but otherwise is entirely normal.
  1039. 12:57 AM - Eri Motai: "Sorry if it's a bit mushy. I keep it in my backpack in case a nightmare sends us to like, a cave for a week."
  1040. 12:57 AM - Cypurress Hill: "Huh, I'm nyot dead! Here, try some... If uh, mew can eat chocolate" She says, passing the other half to her familiar.
  1041. 12:57 AM - Eri Motai: "...I also have a cupcake on hand but...."
  1042. 12:58 AM - Cypurress Hill: ((You /still/ have that))
  1043. 12:58 AM - Eri Motai: (yes)
  1044. 12:58 AM - A Black and White Contract: In a Class 5 Biohazard Containment Unit
  1045. 12:58 AM - Cypurress Hill: ((That cupcake is older than Valentine, in game time that is :v))
  1046. 12:59 AM - Eri Motai: (oh god.)
  1047. 12:59 AM - Eri Motai: (It's /really/ old.)
  1048. 1:00 AM - Eri Motai: (I think this is an 8 month old cupcake)
  1049. 1:00 AM - Cypurress Hill: (Are you including the timeskip in that?)
  1050. 1:00 AM - Eri Motai: (yeah)
  1051. 1:00 AM - Sarah Salem: ((Can I eat it?))
  1052. 1:00 AM - Eri Motai: (No.)
  1053. 1:00 AM - Eri Motai: (You'll die)
  1054. 1:00 AM - Sarah Salem: ((Just a piece.))
  1055. 1:00 AM - Sarah Salem: ((I don't eat normal food))
  1056. 1:00 AM - Cypurress Hill: ((Wait, Val has no idea about it in character))
  1057. 1:00 AM - Eri Motai: (No.)
  1058. 1:00 AM - Cypurress Hill: ((Lets feed it to her))
  1059. 1:00 AM - Sarah Salem: ((It's been through all kinds of magical stuff))
  1060. 1:01 AM - Eri Motai: (oh. Oh my god.)
  1061. 1:01 AM - Sarah Salem: ((It probably picked up vestigial magic like Guts' sword))
  1062. 1:01 AM - Eri Motai: (Maybe :V)
  1063. 1:01 AM - Sarah Salem: ((/I want to know what happens/))
  1064. 1:01 AM - Eri Motai: (It's secretly the 14th guardian)
  1065. 1:01 AM - Cypurress Hill: ((I'd feed it to my familiar if it wasn't best girl c:))
  1066. 1:02 AM - A Black and White Contract: well with that, I think we'll cut it here
  1067. 1:02 AM - A Black and White Contract: :v
  1071. End session.
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