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Apr 28th, 2018
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  1. nebbygetinmypants: have you always been using shift gear
  2. red24246: Nope
  3. nebbygetinmypants: lol you finally replied
  4. nebbygetinmypants: I sometimes use shift gear under tr
  5. nebbygetinmypants: it's bad though lmao
  6. red24246: Oh sorry. Was kind of busy.
  7. red24246: Yeah it is if you dont know how to use it properly.
  8. nebbygetinmypants: also this is bidoofium Z
  9. red24246: Oh lol
  10. red24246: I left the FB group btw.
  11. nebbygetinmypants: ah dang why?
  12. nebbygetinmypants: ?
  13. red24246: Had a small spat with Zigzagoon
  14. nebbygetinmypants: what happened? You may as well tell me he will
  15. red24246: Him and PRooty kept on making snide comments about my insane luck as if thats the only reason I won
  16. nebbygetinmypants: you do get some crazy luck sometimes but so does eevryone, we all do
  17. nebbygetinmypants: I get double rock slides flinches
  18. nebbygetinmypants: and double misses
  19. nebbygetinmypants: it is wha tit is
  20. red24246: Yeah and he also kept on hinting that prooty is better than me despite me going to 1900 5 times
  21. nebbygetinmypants: I would say prooty is tbh but I'm not completely sure
  22. red24246: Lol yeah right.
  23. nebbygetinmypants: he does well in VGC regionals
  24. nebbygetinmypants: he's a very skilled player
  25. red24246: Im much better than he is.
  26. red24246: Ive been in 1900 5 times
  27. red24246: Im in a class all by myself.
  28. red24246: Unrivaled by all.
  29. nebbygetinmypants: cunt
  30. red24246: Its thanks to me dubers is an active tier once again.
  31. nebbygetinmypants: Im in a class all by myself.
  32. nebbygetinmypants: piece of shit
  33. nebbygetinmypants: thanks to YOU
  34. red24246: Did you remember how it was when Zigzagoon was 1?
  35. nebbygetinmypants: you self centered fuck
  36. red24246: 1720 was 1st
  37. red24246: After I returned most of the players returned
  38. red24246: Word spreads fast
  39. nebbygetinmypants: oh my lord
  40. nebbygetinmypants: you fool
  41. red24246: When the tier becomes more competitive
  42. nebbygetinmypants: its because prooty and ziggy KNOW them
  43. nebbygetinmypants: you are a piece of shit
  44. nebbygetinmypants: you haven't changed
  45. nebbygetinmypants: christ
  46. nebbygetinmypants: word spread fasts
  47. nebbygetinmypants: this is fucking pokemon
  48. red24246: Your crazy lol
  49. red24246: I know all of them
  50. nebbygetinmypants: I'm crazy
  51. red24246: 'They were in my time before prooty and zig played
  52. red24246: Lol
  53. nebbygetinmypants: Im in a class all by myself.
  54. red24246: They dont even know them
  55. nebbygetinmypants: Im in a class all by myself.
  56. red24246: Thats true
  57. nebbygetinmypants: Im in a class all by myself.
  58. red24246: Ive been playing since gen 6.
  59. red24246: Ask around and see
  60. nebbygetinmypants: So have prooty and ziggy.
  61. nebbygetinmypants: your point?
  62. red24246: They havent.
  63. nebbygetinmypants: you idiot
  64. nebbygetinmypants: there are videos
  65. nebbygetinmypants: fo them playing
  66. nebbygetinmypants: on 3ds
  67. nebbygetinmypants: in gen 6
  68. red24246: And even if they did they werent even well known.
  69. nebbygetinmypants: alright sorry for calling you names I though it would get to you
  70. nebbygetinmypants: but you have apologised for the behaviour you have exhibited
  71. nebbygetinmypants: and are doing right now
  72. nebbygetinmypants: Ubers is a dead ladder
  73. nebbygetinmypants: you are one of 5 players
  74. nebbygetinmypants: and yes, you may be the best
  75. red24246: One of 5???
  76. red24246: DOnt kid yourself.
  77. nebbygetinmypants: but you took me QUESTIONING it as an offensive (one of 5 top players)
  78. red24246: No one else is in my league.
  79. nebbygetinmypants: and to be honest, man, so what?
  80. red24246: Cause none of them have even crossed 1900
  81. red24246: Not once
  82. nebbygetinmypants: I mean that isn't even true
  83. The command "/user" does not exist. To send a message starting with "/user", type "//user".
  84. red24246: I did lol
  85. red24246: I have replays
  86. nebbygetinmypants: no
  87. nebbygetinmypants: not that
  88. red24246: Then?
  89. red24246: No one has
  90. nebbygetinmypants: you are not in a 'league of your own'
  91. red24246: I am
  92. red24246: Lol
  93. red24246: Ive done it over 5 times
  94. nebbygetinmypants: so what
  95. nebbygetinmypants: so what?
  96. nebbygetinmypants: seriously
  97. nebbygetinmypants: do you get fun from acting like this
  98. nebbygetinmypants: does anyone?
  99. nebbygetinmypants: why are you acting like you're above everyone else
  100. red24246: That just proves that no one else is yet equal to me.
  101. red24246: I have proof of it.
  102. red24246: So I can
  103. nebbygetinmypants: you're missing the point
  104. nebbygetinmypants: you're immature, man
  105. red24246: Im not.
  106. red24246: It makes perfect sense.
  107. nebbygetinmypants: the tagline of the immature people 'im not'
  108. nebbygetinmypants: you're a prick
  109. red24246: How else would you judge who is the best?
  110. red24246: Ive set a record.
  111. red24246: No one has broken it.
  112. red24246: So its easy to judge lol.
  113. red24246: Its that simple.
  114. nebbygetinmypants: yes
  115. nebbygetinmypants: but it
  116. nebbygetinmypants: does
  117. nebbygetinmypants: not
  118. nebbygetinmypants: make
  119. nebbygetinmypants: you
  120. red24246: THE BEST?
  121. red24246: IT does.
  122. nebbygetinmypants: Im in a class all by myself
  123. nebbygetinmypants: Im in a class all by myself
  124. nebbygetinmypants: Im in a class all by myself
  125. red24246: So thats what I mean?
  126. red24246: And its true
  127. nebbygetinmypants: no you aren't
  128. nebbygetinmypants: you are above average
  129. nebbygetinmypants: your plays are never very good
  130. nebbygetinmypants: or innovative
  131. red24246: They are.
  132. red24246: My predictions are top notch.
  133. nebbygetinmypants: no they aren't my man
  134. red24246: And almost always accurate.
  135. red24246: Lol
  136. red24246: Check the replays lol
  137. nebbygetinmypants: I'm terrible and I beat you a lot
  138. red24246: Ive done some crazy stuff
  139. red24246: Lol
  140. red24246: YEah right
  141. red24246: Youve beaten PRooty as well
  142. red24246: So what?
  143. nebbygetinmypants: as crazy as stakataka togedemaru?
  144. nebbygetinmypants: ;)
  145. red24246: Anyone can lose when they are testing
  146. red24246: Dude!
  147. red24246: Ive used them XD!
  148. red24246: I used to love Stakatak.
  149. red24246: I used it for months on end.
  150. nebbygetinmypants: you have not used them the way I did
  151. nebbygetinmypants: absolute bullshit
  152. red24246: So dont give bullshit
  153. red24246: Lol I did
  154. red24246: Check the battles against Im a Vn
  155. nebbygetinmypants: you used endeavor togedemaru at level one
  156. red24246: I did with SMeargle.
  157. red24246: Smeargle>Toge
  158. red24246: Plus spore lol
  159. nebbygetinmypants: give me a replay
  160. nebbygetinmypants: that is bullshit
  161. nebbygetinmypants: although far point
  162. nebbygetinmypants: *fair
  163. red24246: DUde.
  164. red24246: This was a long time ago
  165. red24246: When it first came out
  166. nebbygetinmypants: give me a replay
  167. red24246: Hunt yourself
  168. red24246: Lol
  169. red24246: You only need proof
  170. red24246: You can have it.
  171. red24246: So search and see by all means
  172. red24246: Lol
  173. nebbygetinmypants: how long ago exactly
  174. red24246: I dont know.
  175. red24246: Seriously.
  176. red24246: I dont keep trakc
  177. red24246: track
  178. red24246: There is a limit to how far back you can search on showdown
  179. red24246: 'But I did use it.
  180. red24246: Ask Im a Vn
  181. red24246: So dont give bullshit. You arent even close to my league.
  182. red24246: And the wins you got against me like after me beating you like 15 in a row
  183. red24246: So yeah'
  184. nebbygetinmypants: I'm going to be ignoring you from now
  185. nebbygetinmypants: you are lying
  186. red24246: Whether you belive my or not is up to you
  187. red24246: XD!
  188. red24246: But I have replays
  189. nebbygetinmypants: XD rawr lol
  190. nebbygetinmypants: show me
  191. red24246: Of what?
  192. red24246: I TOLD YOU!
  193. nebbygetinmypants: staka smeargle
  194. nebbygetinmypants: too long ago?
  195. nebbygetinmypants: what a coincidence
  196. red24246: Im not GOING TO GO OVER 6y MONTHS OF THIS just to show you!!
  197. red24246: I have my work to do and cant waste time to prove some points for people like you!
  198. red24246: Im not jobless.
  199. red24246: Go and search yourself
  200. red24246: WTF!
  201. nebbygetinmypants: lol but you play all day
  202. red24246: Just leave me alone
  203. red24246: Your crazy lol
  204. nebbygetinmypants: you're a selfconcious prick
  205. red24246: Look who is talking.
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