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a guest
Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. We must accept the differences we all have grown to possess,
  2. To adapt and excel to survive this mysterious test,
  3. Where our path may seem hidden but we follow it still,
  4. Where reality can be fictitious and our illusions seem real,
  5. Salvation from ourselves for those with the mind,
  6. To realize our burdens and leave them behind,
  7. Start a new path whose outline is clear,
  8. Set a destination on the horizon and attempt to draw near,
  9. Stop when you must but don’t stay for too long,
  10. Or your goal will become faint and the fog will become strong,
  11. Lower your head and plow through the restrictions,
  12. Take heed to no immoral dogmatic convictions,
  13. Humble yourself and investigate the unknown,
  14. Not claim to be righteous and say its all known,
  15. So open your eyes, walk, and no longer stumble
  16. open your mouth, talk, and no longer mumble
  17. open your mind, balance, and no longer fumble
  18. Do you what you can and hope for the best
  19. Imagine all of the greatness but expect a bit less
  20. Have faith in tomorrow and cherish today
  21. Highlight positivity and learn from dismay
  22. Guide yourself not from some words from a man,
  23. My opinion is mine, just do the best as you can
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