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Mar 10th, 2018
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  1. no-permission: '&cNo permission.'
  2. clue-complete: '&a&l(!) &aYou have completed the &a&l%clueName%&r&a clue!'
  3. titlebar:
  4.   title: '&a&lClue Completed'
  5.   subtitle: '&7%objective%'
  6. dropped-rewards: '&cYour reward items have been dropped in front of you!'
  7. no-inv-space: '&4You don''t have enough space in your inventory!'
  8. must-use-main-hand: '&4Please use this item in your main hand.'
  9. scroll-not-completed: '&4You have not yet completed this clue scroll.'
  10. command-successful: '&a&l+ Command successfully executed'
  11. receive-items: '&a&l+ %received% items!'
  12. scroll-complete: "\n&6&l(!) &6%player% has completed a &e&n%type% Clue Scroll\n&r "
  13. next-clue: "\n&a&l(!) &a&lNEW CLUE: &r&a&n%clueName%\n&a&l(!) &a&lOBJECTIVE: &r&7%objective%\n\
  14.  &r "
  15. not-enough-exp: |-
  16.   &cYou don't have enough experience to purchase that!
  17.   &7Needed XP: %needed_exp%
  18.   &7Your XP: %player_has_exp%
  19. not-enough-money: |-
  20.   &cYou don't have enough money to purchase that!
  21.   &7Needed Money: %needed_money%
  22.   &7Your Money: %player_has_money%
  23. must-be-player: '&cYou must be a player to use this command!'
  24. no-rewards-defined: '&cIt looks like no rewards are defined! Please tell an admin
  25.   so that they can set this up.'
  26. dependency-not-found: '&cA dependency, %dependency%, needed to complete this is not
  27.   found! Please tell an admin so that they can fix this.'
  28. command:
  29.   give:
  30.     incorrect-args: '&cIncorrect arguments. Use &b/cluescroll give (name) (cluescroll)
  31.       [amount]'
  32.     insufficient-perms: '&cInsufficient permissions. You can only give scrolls to
  33.       yourself.'
  34.     error-invalid-type: '&cError: %type% is not a valid scroll type. Available scrolls:
  35.       %scrolls%.'
  36.     success: '&aGiven 1 %type% scroll to player %player%.'
  37.     error-invalid-amount: '&cError: %amount% is not a valid number!'
  38.     amount-not-negative: '&cError: %amount% cannot be less than 1.'
  39.   giveall:
  40.     incorrect-args: '&cIncorrect arguments. Use &b/cluescroll giveall (cluescroll)
  41.       [amount]'
  42.     error-invalid-type: '&cError: %type% is not a valid scroll type. Available scrolls:
  43.       %scrolls%.'
  44.     success: '&aGiven 1 %type% scroll to everyone online.'
  45.     error-invalid-amount: '&cError: %amount% is not a valid number!'
  46.     amount-not-negative: '&cError: %amount% cannot be less than 1.'
  47.   reload:
  48.     success: '&a[ClueScrolls] config.yml and messages.yml reloaded! rewards.yml saved
  49.       and reloaded!'
  50.   additem:
  51.     incorrect-args: '&cIncorrect arguments. Use &b/cluescroll additem (tier) (name)
  52.       (weight)'
  53.     error-air-item: '&cError: What you are holding is not a valid item!'
  54.     error-reward-exists: '&cReward name %name% already exists!'
  55.     error-invalid-weight: '&cError: %weight% is not a valid number!'
  56.     success: '&aReward &b%name% &ahas been added with a weight of &b%weight%&a to
  57.       &b%tier%&a!'
  58.   addcommand:
  59.     incorrect-args: '&cIncorrect arguments. Use &b/cluescroll addcommand (tier) (name)
  60.       (weight) (command)'
  61.     error-reward-exists: '&cReward name %name% already exists!'
  62.     error-invalid-weight: '&cError: %weight% is not a valid number!'
  63.     success: '&aReward &b%name% &ahas been added with a weight of &b%weight% &a and
  64.       the command of &b%command%&a to &b%tier%&a!'
  65.   removereward:
  66.     incorrect-args: '&cIncorrect arguments. Use &b/cluescroll removereward (tier)
  67.       (name)'
  68.     error-reward-missing: '&cError: %name% is not a valid reward! Do &b/cluescroll
  69.       listrewards'
  70.     success: '&aReward &b%name% &awas successfully removed from &b%tier%&a!'
  71.   rewardinfo:
  72.     incorrect-args: '&cIncorrect arguments. Use &b/cluescroll rewardinfo (tier) (name)'
  73.     error-reward-missing: '&cError: %name% is not a valid reward! Do &b/cluescroll
  74.       listrewards'
  75.     info-command: |-
  76.       &aReward Name - &b%reward_name%
  77.       &aTier - &b%tier%
  78.       &aWeight - &b%weight%
  79.       &aCommand - &b%command%
  80.     info-item: |-
  81.       &aReward Name - &b%reward_name%
  82.       &aTier - &b%tier%
  83.       &aWeight - &b%weight%
  84.       &aItem - &b%amount%x &b%type_name% &a- &b%type_id%:%damage%
  85.   listrewards:
  86.     layout: |-
  87.       &bRewards:
  88.       &b   Global: %global_rewards%
  89.       %tier_rewards%
  90.     global_rewards_list_format: '&a%reward_name%&b, '
  91.     tier_rewards_layout: |
  92.      &b   %tier%: %tier_rewards_list%
  93.     tier_rewards_list_format: '&a%reward_name%&b, '
  94.   getreward:
  95.     incorrect-args: '&cIncorrect arguments. Use &b/cluescroll getreward (tier) (name)'
  96.     error-reward-missing: '&cError: %name% is not a valid reward! Do &b/cluescroll
  97.       listrewards'
  98.     success: '&aReward &b%name% &afrom tier &b%tier% &ahas been given to you.'
  99.   resetcooldown:
  100.     incorrect-args: '&cIncorrect arguments. Use &b/cluescroll resetcooldown (all/name)
  101.       (all/identifier)'
  102.     error-invalid-identifier: '&cError: %identifier% is not an identifier.'
  103.     success: '&aSuccessfully reset %identifier% for %target%.'
  104.   help:
  105.     list: |
  106.      &d&l&m]------&r &d&lClue Scrolls Help &m------[&r
  107.       &b/cluescroll help &a- Display command help
  108.       &b/cluescroll give (name) (cluescroll) [amount] &a- Give a cluescroll to a player
  109.       &b/cluescroll giveall (cluescroll) [amount] &a- Give all online players a cluescroll
  110.       &b/cluescroll reload &a- Reload the config
  111.       &b/cluescroll additem (tier) (name) (weight) &a- Add an item to the rewards
  112.       &b/cluescroll addcommand (tier) (name) (weight) (command) &a- Add a command to the rewards
  113.       &b/cluescroll removereward (tier) (name) &a- Remove an item from the rewards
  114.       &b/cluescroll listrewards &a- Lists all rewards and their weight
  115.       &b/cluescroll rewardinfo (tier) (name) &a- Get info about a reward
  116.       &b/cluescroll getreward (tier) (name) &a- Get a reward
  117.       &b/cluescroll resetcooldown (all/name) (all/identifier)
  118. dropped-scroll: '&cYour clue scroll has been dropped in front of you!'
  119. not-bound-to-player: '&cYou cannot use this scroll. It is not bound to you!'
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