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Sep 20th, 2017
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  1. ame: Rotha
  2. Homeworld: Feral World
  3. Gender: Female
  4. Career: Guardsman
  5. Rank: Conscript
  6. Start Package: None
  8. WS: 38 BS: 36
  9. S: 33 T: 41
  10. Ag: 33 Int: 28
  11. Per: 27 WP: 27
  12. Fellowship: 26 Wounds: 10
  14. Fate Points: 2 Thrones: 544
  15. Insanity Pts: 0 Starting XP: 400
  16. Corruption Pts: 0 Total XP/left: 400/50
  18. Build: Lean Skin Color: Tan
  19. Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Blue
  20. Age: 18
  22. Quirk: You have tribal tattooing.
  23. Superstition: Warrior Death
  24. Divination: Men must die so that Man endures.
  26. Traits: Iron Stomach, Primitive, Rite of Passage, Wilderness Savvy
  28. Basic Skills: Navigation (Surface) (Int) (Wild. Sav.), Survival (Int) (Wild. Sav.), Tracking (Int) (Wild. Sav.), , Swim (S)
  30. Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Tribal Dialect) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int),
  32. Talents: Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (Las), Pistol Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (Primitive)
  34. Gear:
  35. lasgun and 1 charge pack: 1d10+3 E, 100m, S/3/-, Clip 60 (traded away, kept here for convenience)
  36. knife: 1d5 R, 3m
  37. guard flak armour: AP 4 (traded away)
  38. quilted vest: AP 2, body
  39. 1 week corpse starch rations,
  40. sword: 1d10 R (traded away)
  41. flintlock pistol and 12 shots: 1d10+2 I, 15m, S/-/-
  42. musket and 12 shots: 1d10+2 I, 30m, S/-/-
  43. uniform (Common Quality Clothing), mercenary license, leather pouch (memento), orc toof necklace (memento), stummers
  45. Special Qualities: None
  47. Family: Your mother's name was Trantia. She walked the path of the Guardsman. She is deceased. Your father's name is Solomon. He walks the path of the Scum. Your brother's name is Zaddion. He walks the path of the Scum. Your brother's name is Strang. He walks the path of the Guardsman.
  49. You ended up into the Guard yourself when a feral ork, a remnant of a massive Waaaagh! from a few years back (that saw your mother and brother enlisting in the first place), slew your mother and fled to the jungle. You enlisted just so they would give you a gun, then spent your last day on the planet - that most other fresh guardsmen spend with their family - in the jungle hunting down the ork. Finally triumphant (if not without an injury or two of your own), you picked up the teeth that were left from it and turned them into a necklace, then headed back, said your last goodbyes to the family, and left the planet.
  51. Perhaps you'll meet your brother? He is out there somewhere.
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