
Virgin Sacrifice

May 10th, 2020
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  1. Virgin Sacrifice
  3. [F4M][Fsub][Slavegirl][Fantasy][Caring][Loving][Loyal] to the point of being [Slightly Clingy]mild[Fearplay][No Rape][Blood][Snuff][Consensual Snuff]followed by[Reincarnation]due to[Necromancy]which results in[Ghost Girl][Oral][Cock Worship][Virginity][Creampie]
  5. **A Message to the Audience:** Even if Ghost Girls are your kink, please do not go trying to make your own in real life. By which I mean, don't kill people. Neither this script nor myself condone killing people. I firmly believe that anything goes in fantasy, but we should keep fantasy and reality very separate when that fantasy could potentially hurt people if made manifest.
  7. *This is a work of fiction, written by and intended for adults. All characters and scenarios depicted are completely fictional. It is meant for entertainment purposes only. I do not condone rape or any other non-consensual act of sex. The views expressed in this script do not necessarily reflect my own.*
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Master, I've just finished drawing the runes around the altar. Yes, just the way you showed me. I hope they meet your standards.
  13. Although, please forgive my insolence, Master, but why did you have me draw them? Of course, as your slavegirl, I obey you without question, and if you order me to etch runes, then I shall. But surely, whatever I could draw would pale in comparison to the runes of a seasoned necromancer such as yourself.
  15. You just give me one last order? To spend a little more time with me before the ritual?
  17. That...that makes me happy, Master. Since I am about to...leave, I savor every extra moment I get with you, as well.
  19. But I am finished with the runes now. So is it time to continue?
  21. Master, is it time for me the bound to the statue?
  23. Forgive me, I mean no disobedience, but it is such a frightful thing. A warped, haunting visage of some indescribable creature. It has tendrils that seem to wrap around and around each other in an impossible knot. Its flesh sinks and bulges seemingly at random around its body. And its eyes, they glare with such inescapable madness. I feel as though if I touch it, it will come to life and draw me into its body.
  25. You're sure that it's merely stone? Very well, Master. I trust you. Your virgin sacrifice is ready to be affixed to the ritual statue.
  27. I will stand with my back against it, Master, and my arms outstretched. Please tie me to it.
  29. Master, please tie the ropes tighter. If I get scared and try to wriggle free, I want to be held firmly in place. I do not want to be disobedient to your wishes, even if I begin to panic.
  31. Thank you, Master.
  33. Will you begin the ritual now, Master? The one in which...I am to be sacrificed to the Dark Gods? A young virgin slavegirl offered up in exchange for their blessings? I understand.
  35. Master, before I know, forever, may I say something?
  37. I...I want you to know that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
  39. (((She giggles.)))
  41. Yes, even though I'm your slavegirl. And your virgin sacrifice. Maybe that highlights just how miserable my life was before you. But it's true. Serving you has been...the only time in my life that I have known happiness.
  43. I was born in the Agaterote Valley, and there is no life to be had there save for one in the mines. From the moment I was old enough to hold a pickaxe, they put me to work harvesting arcane-infused glassteel for the empire. It was a miserable existence, and one from which I had no hope of ever escaping. The drudges of the Agaterote Mines are destined to work there until the day they die. I spent my childhood, my adolescence, and the beginnings of my adulthood laboring day and night in those terrible caves.
  45. But then, one day the mines became the target of a powerful powerful man. A necromancer without peer. He didn't care for the mines' bounty, though; he came for bodies. Thralls to add to his undead armies, and a young virgin girl who might make a suitable sacrifice to the Dark Gods.
  47. As you rampaged through the mines, you killed everybody--every miner, every drudge, every overseer, every guard--in order to add them to your undead army. Except, you spared one young woman. One young, virgin girl curled in a corner of the Agaterote mines, clutching her pickax to her full breasts, cowering and shivering. Not in fear, but in utter awe of you. She had never seen someone so...powerful before. Someone who could be so commanding, so sure of his own authority, with every step he took. You spared that girl, so she could serve as your virgin sacrifice to the Dark Gods.
  49. But the stars would not be aligned for such a sacrifice for many months, and so in the meantime, you took that young virgin woman as your slavegirl. And my life here, serving you, has been so, so happy.
  51. You gave me a room, with my own bed, with pillows stuffed with the softest harpy plumage. The sheets feel so nice against my skin, especially where I've been scarred from the overseers' beatings.
  53. After I cook your breakfast each morning, we eat it together, and it is both the fullest my stomach has ever been, and the best company I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a meal with.
  55. When I go about the tasks you give me, I am rewarded with praise for doing a good job. The overseers never had any words for me that weren't harsh. And if I do mess up, I am not met with whips or fists, but instead gentle correction.
  57. Sometimes, when you have free time, you spend it with me. You'll read me a tale from one of the many books in your libraries, or teach me a fun little spell for beginners. The joy I get from spending that time with you is...indescribable.
  59. When I have nightmares of my time in the mines, you have never been upset with me for waking you. On the contrary, you've taken me into your own bed and kept me in your arms until the night passes. Actually, the entire time I've been here, your arms have been a place where I've felt safe and comforted.
  61. All I am trying to say, Master, is that I've been so happy here. Compared to the labor of the mines, and the mistreatment of the overseers, the treatment I've received here has been nothing short of divine.
  63. And, I was speaking to the miners. Or, well, I guess they're undead soldiers now. But they agree with me. Serving under you is the best life--or, unlife--they've ever known. In the Agaterote mines, they were worked relentlessly until their arms felt as though they would fall off. Now, many of their arms have fallen off, so they don't hurt anymore!
  65. (((She giggles.)))
  67. Zombie humor aside, I'm telling the truth. The country may view you as a mass murderer for what you did at the Agaterote mines, but to us, to the miners, you liberated us from a lifetime of backbreaking labor.
  69. And, be it servitude as a slavegirl, enthrallment as an undead soldier, or sacrifice as a virgin offering, I have always been happy to take whatever you had in store for me. Because I know that you care about me. Because I know that you would never mistreat me.
  71. Well, yes, sometimes you draw my blood to use as a reagent for spells. But that's okay! I understand that you have work to do, and when you need blood, I'm the most disposable person around. And you're always so gentle when you take it, the knife only hurts for just a moment, then you bandage it up so it doesn't bleed anymore, and then you conjure up some mana cookies for me to munch on! Just like a real visit to the doctor. Not that I've ever been to a doctor, seeing as how my overseers in the mines didn't care about my well-being at all, like you do. But I've heard that's what it's like.
  73. So I'm ready, Master. I've known from the beginning that this, being your virgin sacrifice, was my destiny. I've accepted it, and I want you to know that I hold no ill feelings towards you for it. I know that you have to do this. I know that you do care about me. I've experienced so much happiness with you. I am ready to die, and I'll do it with nothing but fond memories of the time I've spent as your slavegirl.
  75. No, Master, I've not had a very long life. I was never going to. The moment I was born in the Agaterote Valley, my life was destined to be short and miserable. I was destined to toil in the mines until I finally fell dead. But you changed that destiny, at least a little. My life will still be short, but at least you brought happiness to my last months. Please, Master. As you sacrifice me, know that you made these last months the happiest of my entire life.
  77. And please, continue with the preparations for the ritual. Your sacrifice is ready.
  79. Master, that bowl you're placing under me, what is that for? Oh, you catch the blood that spills from neck when you slit it? Is that part of the ritual? Will you have to drink it to gain the blessings of the Dark Gods? If I may make a recommendation, I've tasted my own blood before, and you should add a pinch of salt.
  81. Yes, I've tasted it. I would get whipped or beaten a lot in the mines, and sometimes blood would get in my mouth. It was just something that happened.
  83. But it doesn't happen anymore. You've never done anything so cruel to me.
  85. Even now, as you approach me with...such a terrifying knife in your hands, and as I know that that knife is destined for my throat, I cannot look at you with fear. I could never feel fear towards you.
  87. No, Master. I am not afraid of you. I have never been afraid of you a day in my life. Not when we met in the Agaterote mines, when I had every reason to believe you would kill me. Not since becoming your slavegirl, because you've never mistreated me. Not even now, when I know with absolute certainty that you will kill me in just a few moments. I've never been afraid of you.
  89. I feel no fear towards you. Only...only love.
  91. Master, you are holding my chin up so my gaze meets yours. Or...perhaps you are only moving my head up so my throat is clear for your knife. Master, either way, as you bring the knife to my throat, please do not let go of my head. I want to feel your hand against it. It is...a comforting feeling.
  93. Your knife is against my throat now. Is it time, Master?
  95. Master...Master, I'm scared. No, I'm not scared of dying. I wished for death every day in the Agaterote mines. At least, that is what I'm trying to tell myself now. No, I think... I think I'm scared...of leaving you. Master, I don't want to leave you.
  97. (((She begins to sob a little bit.)))
  99. Master, I've known such happiness with you. I don't want to leave your side. The Dark Gods will pull my soul into themselves, they will twist and torture it for eternity. I could never be happy with them, not as I am with you. I'm so sorry, Master, but I don't want to leave you. I want to be your slavegirl forever. I never want to leave you. And I'm about to. I'm about to leave you forever. That's why I'm scared.
  101. Please, do not let my fear stop you. You must complete the ritual; the feelings of your scared little sacrifice are irrelevant.
  103. Master...Master, what did you say?
  105. You say that...the Dark Gods only want my life? Not my soul? Does that mean...that you get to keep my soul?
  107. (((She gasps in realization.)))
  109. And you are a mighty necromancer! You could bring my soul back! Oh, you could bind my soul to you, so I would be made into your undead servant! I wouldn't have to leave you!
  111. Would you do that for me, Master? Will you save my soul from death, to be kept by you for all eternity?
  113. Really?
  115. You promise?
  117. You promise that I won't have to leave you?
  119. Okay. Okay, Master. If I know that you'll bring me back, then. I can be brave. I don't have to be scared of leaving you anymore, so I can be brave.
  121. I'm ready, Master.
  123. I'm ready.
  125. Please, do it.
  127. (((She sputters and gurgles as her throat is slit.)))
  129. (((Blood spatters as it falls from her neck into the bowl below her.)))
  131. (((A few moments of silence pass, and then we hear her voice. It fades in, as though she were running to the listener from far away. She sounds scared.)))
  133. Master Master Master Master Master!
  135. Oh my god! Master, you're here! I found you again!
  137. That was so terrifying! Master, please, please hold me! Please hold your slavegirl in your arms! I need to feel you, so I know you're really here.
  139. (((She sighs comfortingly.)))
  141. Okay. I'm okay. I'm in your arms, so I'm okay. I'm always safe in Master's arms.
  143. I know that I said that I wasn't afraid of dying, Master. But...I wasn't expecting that. I wasn't expecting to not be able to see you.
  145. When you slit my throat, I felt a sharp pain there. And then, I couldn't breathe, no matter how hard I struggled to. But I could still see you.I could still feel your hand on my chin. It was okay as long as I could see you.
  147. But then, everything went black. I couldn't see you anymore, I couldn't feel you anymore. I started to panic. It's not...I just don't feel safe without you.
  149. But then, it's like...I could feel your presence. Like you were calling out to me, even though I couldn't hear anything. felt like you. So I ran to it as fast as I could. And I found you again.
  151. So now it's okay. I found you again, so everything's okay. I can feel your arms around me, so everything's okay.
  153. I dead now? It''s okay if I am. I'm not upset about being dead. I don't blame you for what you had to do. I always knew, since the day you took me as your slavegirl, that you would have to do it.
  155. So I'm a spirit now? Only bound to this plane of existence by your indomitable will. That's okay. I've never minded being bound by you.
  157. Wait, how are you holding me if I'm a spirit? Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense. You are a necromancer. You have an unrivaled mastery over the undead. It makes sense that you could touch spirits. I suppose nobody else would be able to. But that's okay. I don't care for anyone's touch but yours.
  159. Um...Master? Speaking of your touch...the ritual's over, right? The virgin sacrifice is complete? Okay. So...that means...there's no reason that I have to be a virgin anymore, right?
  161. I see the surprise in your eyes, Master. But it is really so surprising? Is it so strange that after all you've done for me, my body would begin to desire yours? And even though I may not have a body anymore, that desire has stayed with me, even as a spirit. I love you, Master, and I want you show you that, physically.
  163. Do you...not want that? I always thought that perhaps the only reason you never fucked me, as was your right as my Master, was because I needed to be a virgin for the sacrifice. But did you really just...never desire to?
  165. My body is still over there, bound to that twisted statue. Is it...Is it not pretty? Am I not pretty, Master? I admit, I was never too much to look at, but I still had full, round breasts, smooth, supple skin wherever it was not marked by whiplashes, and deep, youthful eyes that let you see into my soul. Although, you don't need those to see my soul anymore, now do you?
  167. (((She giggles.)))
  169. Although my body is now limp and lifeless, with a gash through my throat that drips blood every so often, was it not pretty in life? When I was alive, did you ever look at me and see an attractive young woman, Master? One who might have aroused even the tiniest spark in you?
  171. Master, say that you did have to hold yourself back? You say the only reason you never ravished your beautiful young slavegirl was so her virginity would be maintained for the sacrifice?
  173. That...that makes me so happy, Master. I don't know how you do that. Just keep making me happier and happier. Somehow, you even managed to take my life, and somehow make me happier from it.
  175. May we, then, Master? May we have sex?
  177. To begin, Master, I wish to take your cock in my mouth. It is only fitting that your slavegirl prepares you by worshiping your cock.
  179. Let me just undo your pants--oh. Oh. Master, I can't touch your pants. My hands faze right through, and only stop once they reach your flesh. I guess that makes sense. Being able to touch your person is only possible because you're a necromancer, after all. The same cannot be said of your clothes.
  181. I've heard of some powerful spirits being able to interact with the material world. Master, would it be possible to become like that? Without being able to touch anything aside from you, I can't serve you in very many ways. I want to be able to cook for you again, and serve you in all the other ways a good slavegirl should.
  183. I can? You'll help me to reach the point where I can interact with the material world again? Oh, thank you, Master! But that can come later. I have something I want much more desperately right now. And apparently, you'll have to take it out, as I cannot.
  185. (((Clothes are removed.)))
  187. Your cock. Your beautiful cock.
  189. (((She begins to suck on it. Feel free to improv additional cock worship, if you want to.)))
  191. This cock belongs to the most powerful and most caring man I know.
  193. (((Blowjob sounds.)))
  195. It is fitting then that it is so thick and tall, but still fits just right in my mouth.
  197. (((Blowjob sounds.)))
  199. Please thrust into my throat, Master. Show your slavegirl who she belongs to. Show your loyal spirit who she is bound to.
  201. (((Gagging/throatfucking sounds.)))
  203. This is your throat to fuck, Master. It will be for all of eternity.
  205. (((Gagging/throatfucking sounds.)))
  207. But there is much, much more of me to fuck. Much, much more of me to own for eternity, Master. Please, my pussy has gotten so wet from sucking on your cock. Please, Master, it has waited all these months to feel you inside it. I have endured death to feel you inside of me. Please, hasn't your slavegirl been good? Doesn't she deserve to feel your cock inside her?
  209. I don't have any clothes to remove. They didn't exactly follow me to the afterlife. Can you see how wet my pussy is for you, Master? You can simply push your cock into it, if you wish.
  211. Ah! Yes! Just like that!
  213. (((Sex starts here, so begin interspersing moans into your dialogue. Feel free to improv additional lines or sex, if you want to.)))
  215. That's the end of my virginity, Master! I suppose now I won't be good for any more sacrifices. Although perhaps I was already disqualified on account of already being dead.
  217. (((She giggles.)))
  219. Yes, Master! Thrust into me! I am already yours, but claim me again!
  221. (((Moaning.)))
  223. And again, and again!
  225. (((Moaning.)))
  227. For all of eternity, claim me as your property again and again!
  229. (((Moaning.)))
  231. Make me irrevocably yours!
  233. (((Moaning.)))
  235. Your little slavegirl, to serve you for all eternity!
  237. (((Moaning.)))
  239. I can feel it so deep in me, Master! So deep in my very soul! It feels so good!
  241. (((Moaning.)))
  243. Are you going to cum, Master? Are you going to spray your cum straight into my soul?
  245. (((Moaning.)))
  247. Please, Master! Please give me your cum!
  249. (((Moaning.)))
  251. I'm going to cum too!
  253. (((They both orgasm.)))
  255. Master, your cum is...dripping out of my pussy.
  257. (((She giggles.)))
  259. My body leaks blood, and my soul leaks cum. Both for my Master.
  261. Did I make you feel good, Master? You came inside me. Inside my soul. Did it feel good?
  263. Yay! As your slavegirl, it makes me extremely happy to know that I've pleased my Master.
  265. I happy to please you even more, by cleaning up the room. It is my duty as your slavegirl, after all, and the room is so messy. My body is still bound to that statue, and there is blood on the floor...but I can't exactly hold a mop at the moment.
  267. Master, you're taking my body down from the statue? You've undone the bindings, and now you've taken my body in your're being so gentle with me. Master, I'm not in there anymore. There's no need for you to treat it with such care. But I...have to admit. It gives me such a warm feeling to see you holding me, carrying me in your arms so gently.
  269. Where will you bring me, Master? Will you dig a grave for my body? Perhaps you could write, "My Love" on the tombstone.
  271. (((She giggles.)))
  273. That would make me happy.
  275. Alright, Master, let's go.
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