
Talking to Ophelia about spear!

May 9th, 2016
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  1. [01:09:20] Okay. . .
  3. Things hadn't gotten weird after the events with Basile; their dream state broken (?) Hendrix having come out of it no worse for wear than he had been in Nostvale, and with something peculiar now strapped to his person!
  5. A blade, one with some history most definitely- not knowing of it, but the item left behind by the silent spirit of Rosenkov momentarily. After the ordeal, Basile had collasped, requiring assistance, and so plans were put on hold -- laying her to rest in one of the many bedrooms, Hendrix had taken to the streets.
  7. Being out, and about wasn't new to him, but since Frostvale, and that failed excurison? He found a lot more enjoyment out of it now! Finding some faces he saw frequently, and some lost in duty that would only pop up every so often when not busy themselves.
  9. That being Ophelia, priestest of the Church, and Nefertari- Knight of the Viridian; teasing targets for him at some point in the past when he was still but a 'child'. How would he react now, their encounters having devolved into nothing better but a casual 'hi' or 'bye' outside of most circumstances...
  11. "Nefertari. Ophelia." Came the regard, looking to each, Nefertari holding more of his attention actually; 'blade' of rot still on her person, and for that- worry was given. While Ophelia. . . "Priestess." Incline, a form of respect, even if he had some personal problems with her blockading a door in the house, and stealling the big bed- STILL.
  12. (Hendrix Este)
  15. [01:22:08] The world was changing much too fast. It was only the span of a few months, and history had already been made. Wars, crowns being passed along, alliances being set, blood being spilled -- This was certainly a time that would be penned into history books forever, would be written with bias and then debated for centuries. It was a time where people were making their marks -- It was a time of gloriousness.
  17. "Hendrix!" The girl replies in greeting, her idle smile warming as she's spoken to. She gives the smallest lean forward, tucking wayward strands of platinum behind her ear. ...She didn't truly have the title of High Priestess yet, wasn't actually recognized, but -- she was higher in the order, she was blood and someone who'd been around since it's revival. She was important.
  19. "Did you need something?"
  20. (Ophelia Hirano)
  21. [01:31:31] Enthusiam! It wasn't expected, but he didn't shy from it. Returning her smile with one, it doesn't last long- the act not as natural, and comfortable as he might have pictured it being in his head.
  23. Ophelia was someone who had always seemed busy, despite not actually being the official Highest of Priestesses yet, he atleast saw her as such. The emotional support behind the spiritual guidance that was Ariadne; often piping up when Belial was brought into questions, and traitors on trial for punishment!
  25. She didn't shirk in her duties, and definitely was not without backbone, as she had always stood with resolve in the face of those opposed to the Church's growth, and standing.
  27. "I figure you're in charge of things as we prepare to set up in the other cities." With the war having been one, and dominance ascertained throughout the eastern end of Valmasia. There was a need to cultivate, and build new temples of worship, and prayer for the lunar Deity.
  29. As to who spearheaded those operations, none other than Ariadne of course! Leaving one with the question of whom -- posed towards the position of 'power' in the main base of worship, that being Nostvale.
  31. "This is me checking in. Seeing if you need anything as my sister prepares to travel the world as some sort of monastery nut." Offering aid for family! This was the goal. Bored, and in need of catching up; the perfect chance to do so.
  32. (Hendrix Este)
  33. [01:38:20] --There was an echo in her mind, a reminder of something said to her, something given to her in the midst of war. She'd nearly forgotten, the request being something that she didn't see as important or immediate. She had so much else on her mind -- She'd been thinking of duty, thinking of how her place was within the church and not upon the battlefield, thinking of how she needed to practise charisma to give the people of her following rowsing speeches in Belial's name.
  35. "I was given something by Feithan," She starts, moving her hands in a large motion, depicting it as big. "A spear of ice he took off of someone who died. He said that I should work with you to make it something better than it is."
  36. (Ophelia Hirano)
  37. [01:50:17] "Let's see it then." Diving into this topic; his field of expertise, and where he shined besides military movements. Weapons were a forte of his, and something he'd taken the time to study. A spear of ice was new, and how it held up was a mystery he'd like to solve for himself.
  39. Magic obviously the answer, but there perhaps some runes as well in play- the possibilities weren't endless, but that didn't stop him from drawing up illusionary plans, and improvements already in his mind.
  41. "Ninurta's left, so there aren't a handful of ice magi that I can call upon to help with it, but..." Marciel was an option. Getting past her strange habits, and mannerisms, and. . . physique, might pose a problem though. Nothing he was too worried about, but still -- thought was given in accordance to any, and every bump in the road that lay ahead.
  43. (Hendrix Este)
  44. [01:57:07] "That's a problem I faced, myself, with this..." The priestess sighs, crossing her arms under her chest. Brows furrow in frustration, face taut as she's lost in her mind. It would be fitting, wouldn't it...? To use this spear that was stolen away from someone, was reclaimed and repurposed from a nonbeliever, one that lost their life to the moon's light. However...
  46. "...It rejects Magi who aren't users of Ice. I think... it's more like a staff than a spear, the way it feels when you hold it. I can't use it, myself..." --Her lips form into a soft, disappointed pout.
  48. "So... I was thinking... I'll force it to change. I practise rune writing every day, so...! With you, the Master Blacksmith, and me, the Master Runesmith... we can definitely make it into something else, right...? What I had in mind was..."
  50. She pushes up her sleeves, revealing a vein pulsing shallow beneath her skin.
  52. "...We remove the wind componants of it, and turn it into a spear of crystalized blood."
  53. (Ophelia Hirano)
  54. [02:03:05] Eredis: (Morning hen
  55. [02:09:04] She was good. With the compliments that was- if he had been leaning towards a no at first, he was now definitely on board with this idea after being stated as a 'Master Blacksmith.'
  57. "A weapon with magical requirements..." It would be the first time hearing of this, and it was exciting. "Sounds like a pain." Yes it did, index, and thumb are raised to cup at his chin; thinking of it, and how it would synergize with his ow magic if he tried to wield it -- the opposite end of the spectrum in every respect to ice.
  59. "We should test it. I'll ask Marciel to wield it for us to see how it works." There must have been a trick he thought -- something that made it tick, easily bypassable with her idea of forced changed, and runic recognition.
  61. "Power is important this time I think. Reforging it's physical form seems easy enough, but undoing a restriction. . ." That was her field definitely. Ophelia would be leading this transformative experience, while Hendrix provided his knowledge from the sidelines.
  63. She seemed to have some idea already though, and atleast with that- grasping the fundamentals seemed easy enough. "Blood though... We need to collect some- more than you could, or that I be'd comfortable with you giving." He had looked into blood; the amounts needed for weapons, both small and large -- it wasn't something one body could hope to produce.
  64. (Hendrix Este)
  66. [02:18:27] "See, see... that's where you're wrong!" She chimes, somewhat distant. Delicate fingers run over the pale blue veins beneath pale white skin. Her lips curl into a smile of deviousness, and -- the girl digs a prim and proper, manicured nail deep into the thin flesh of her wrist. Copper eyes squint at the corners, narrowing in pain that she tries to hide with meek strength. Crimson beads at the puncture, bubbling over and streaking a line down across alabaster softness, and she flicks her gaze up to meet the boys.
  68. "Because... That's what I'm going to fight with, if I need to. I believe that I shouldn't -- that as Belial's High Priestess, my place is going to be at the altar, not on the battlefield, but... I'll need some way to defend myself, right...? So, other than Belial's blessed power... I'm going to use my blood to fight. Because it's powerful, right? It's like a story-- It's the blood of Kings and Queens, of Angels and of Demons. It's symbolic!"
  70. Her head cocks to the side, smile warm as if talking about something much lighter than she really is.
  72. "So, I'll be able to control the blood needed for the spear."
  73. (Ophelia Hirano)
  74. [02:27:50] The display was definitely not necessary! With it came near-immediate protest from Hendrix. Hands raised as if he could halt the flow of blood after it was set to pour. That wasn't going to be the case, and while she was ready to prove her faith, while also showing where her field in battle lie -- he would much rather it never even come to that if anemia were a fear she'd live with.
  76. "That seems dangerous though..." Fighting with one's blood was sure to have it's value. . . in a war setting. What Ophelia wanted to avoid, and with out other sources to draw on? Truly, how good might it have been if she collasped before the enemy was defeated -- not that good in his mind.
  78. "Atleast for the weapon's body it self- let's find some other strong blood; we'll hollow out it's inside, and magically sustain it somehow so you can always re use it, or add to it!" Alternatives! Not willing to just let Ophelia drain herself, Hendrix had more than one way to go about this process.
  80. Trial-and-error hadn't failed him yet, and he'd be damned if the High Priestess would expose herself in such a way if there was a back up plan that might work better for her.
  81. (Hendrix Este)
  83. [02:38:04] "Doesn't everything we're doing seem dangerous?"
  85. They worshiped a demon of destruction and power that had been locked away in the moon since-- the beginning, really. They were killing, taking land and names and lives for his sake, they were punishing those who thought different from them. To speak now of things being dangerous was foolish.
  87. They weren't living warm lives. They lived within the cold embrace of the moon's light.
  89. "I want to use my blood, Hendrix." Her voice and her face are steel -- they're unmoving, unwavering in her demands.
  91. "We can -- find something to contain it, maybe. A body to make it easier to shape, you can find out what this spear was made of before, but --- I'm not wasting gifts that were passed to me. I'm too important for that."
  92. (Ophelia Hirano)
  93. [02:41:29] Ashura: ( Cause it's so rare that I'm here, I don't plan on staying too long~ )
  94. [02:42:20] Hendrix Este: [ fru ]
  95. [02:42:20] Ashura: ( so you should come here, and sit yo ass on this throne~ )
  96. [02:42:20] Ashura: ( yes? )
  97. [02:42:20] Hendrix Este: [ shut your ass up ]
  98. [02:42:20] Ashura: ( Im wooing mim )
  99. [02:42:20] Ashura: ( stop )
  100. [02:42:20] Ashura: ( interrupting me )
  101. [02:42:20] Hendrix Este: [ you about to get these hands son ]
  102. [02:43:12] Ashura: ( fight me den )
  103. [02:43:12] Ashura: ( do som'en)
  104. [02:43:12] Hendrix Este: [ ... ]
  105. [02:44:54] Hendrix Este: [ LOL ]
  106. [02:44:54] Ashura: ( you luky )
  107. [02:44:54] Hendrix Este: [ Nah chill ]
  108. [02:44:54] Ashura: ( no)
  109. [02:44:54] Hendrix Este: [ my bad ]
  110. [02:44:54] Hendrix Este: [ chill.. ]
  111. [02:44:54] Ashura: (no, u thought this was a game, now I gotta sneak attack u)
  112. [02:45:45] Hendrix Este: [ naomipls]
  113. [02:46:36] Ashura: ( its now or later )
  114. [02:47:28] A lot of people waved that in his face. The dangers they faced, and while that were true- Ophelia was in a way, exempt from those truly dangerous situations outside of Belial's immediate influence. That much considered when she came with this notion of fighting; fearing for her not based on supposed frailty, but for a lack of proper prowess on the field of battle, even in small excurions that did not mirror war.
  116. "I'm just suggesting, Ophelia." Hoping to reassure, easing back a bit so as to not step on toes, or pride in one's self! "Consider that your important blood shouldn't be splashed around without aim, or purpose- as the Priestess; I wouldn't want to have that." He attempts to appeal to those sentiments of importance.
  118. So that she'd see the good idea in atleast of preparing vials, and flask of another's blood at the very least. "Gifts shouldn't be thrown about so haphazardly. Consider it while we find a suitable body to house the blood so it's easier to shape then as you said atleast."
  119. (Hendrix Este)
  123. [02:53:26] He was... making sense. More sense than she wanted him to make, really. She shouldn't be wrong, she shouldn't be saying things that are wrong. If she does, no one will follow her. No one will adore her, idolize her. There's no use for a priestess who says things that are wrong -- She'd never be recognized like this. It makes her lips press into a thin line, makes her swallow a knot in her throat that she wasn't aware that it'd formed.
  125. "...Alright." She grumbles, tapping her heel on Nostvale's worn cobblestone path in annoyance. She looks away, turns her head to look anywhere but at Hendrix, mad that he was right and she was wrong.
  127. "We'll... do something else."
  128. (Ophelia Hirano)
  129. [02:56:51] Hendrix Este: [ LOL Drea ]
  130. [03:05:23] It was probably something reference before. During another meeting between the two, or a conversation gleaned from afar, or whatever -- Hendrix was an ass. This much was an undeniable truth, and while he had changed; matured, and considering so much more now- talks with Arryn having opened his mind a bit, and the misfortune of baby sitting Arwen had left quite the scar on him.
  132. It remained. What he had done now though was definitely for her benefit though! Smiling, practically grinning ear-to-ear for a minute; a weird progression, and as she sought to ignore him, he'd probably only keep it up even more now.
  134. "Speaking of blood though, and the body sort of- I have a question, or maybe it's a request. . ." What was this?! Something that he needed, Hendrix's expression reverting to what it had been prior to grin.
  136. It was back to business. Considering the spear a now drained topic, he moves onto the next course! "I've looked into implants, and organ transfer; stuff a blood magi might know about it." Why, someone might ask- the answer an obvious one pertaining to that eye, or lack of an eye that he had dealt with for years now.
  138. Time to get it over with, and considering that he had the required materials to do so- an eye kept tucked safely away, and magic better suited to the field -- blood magic being that assumed magic. He'd set those wheels in motion.
  140. "I'd like you to help me give me back my sight in this eye-" Pointing to eye patch, letting a finger press against the black leather for a moment before shifting, and dropping back down now.
  141. (Hendrix Este)
  144. [03:13:04] Returning someone's sight from a lost eye was nothing short of a miracle. It was something that many people tried, and many people failed. It was --- something that you needed to be very, very skilled to do, and while she boasted about her skill as a Master Runewriter, while she spoke of prowess with blood... she was neither of them, quite yet. They were both things that had been sidelined for devotion to Belial, for reaching towards her desires to be desired -- gaining power that was her own and not a reward for giving her life to the lunar god was on the backburner.
  146. "...That's going to be hard", she says slowly - not denying that she could do it. ...She doesn't know if she can. She doubts that she can, but -- it'd be something to work towards, right?
  148. "It's going to need... as much effort as my spear, you know...? We're going to need runes and a base and--- ... Mm. We'll work on both at once."
  149. (Ophelia Hirano)
  151. [03:21:36] The base? An eye - he had that. Runes? Applied by her, and Marciel -- his check list was small, and it completed itself nicely! Any uncertainty that she might have held wasn't looked to, no room given for it to fester!
  153. "I believe you can. That's enough for me." There was some real faith there in the Hirano, not easily misplaced - even if shit did hit the fan, and something botched it all. The idea of working on both things simultaneously was one considered, and agreed upon with a nod.
  155. "We can work on both things then. I've gone this long without both -- a little why longer is no worry for me." It wasn't immediately hindering, so he wouldn't press the issue. Instead the spear, that would need to be looked into; defense was important, and Ophelia shoul not risk harm!!!
  157. "The spear takes priority. That way we can make sure you're protected -- even if I'm not around, or someone else."
  158. (Hendrix Este)
  160. [03:30:08] She sets her shoulders back, turning her attention to look at the boy once again. ...He wants to make her spear first, even at the cost of his eye. He'd lost it early on, and it made sense that he could live on without it -- just as he'd learned to after all this time... But, wouldn't he want it back above most else ...?
  162. ... Unless, she was something that slotted above even that. The thought of that warmed her, it made her stomach tie into knots and -- pinkness spreads across her face in a brief flash before the girl coughs, turning around so that the boy in front of her couldn't see her face.
  164. ... Stupid, how stupid. Wasn't being wanted what she was reaching for? Wasn't being placed above all else her end goal in this, why she was reaching for Belial's power so?
  166. "Okay. That's -- what I wanted anyway."
  167. (Ophelia Hirano)
  169. [03:48:03] "Good!" Came the exclamation, he more than a bit dense when it came to this- whatever 'this' was. Considering the wants, and needs of others before his own as always; Hendrix sets the spear up as the next thing on his to-do list above ocular replacement.
  171. With that being said, when she turns around with a cough he questions it immediately. A frown formed as concern finds him -- "You alright, Ophelia?" He doesn't reach for her, tying this to her display of blood magic earlier, and imagining some of the effects of anemia taking place. Had she used that much? He wasn't sure on the details, but the worry was there.
  173. "Maybe you should get some rest- you use your magic earlier, and you looked pained at the time. I don't want you to collapse on me, or anything out in the middle of the street.." There a hand now extended, fingers rustle hair slightly as he seeks a shoulder!
  175. Hoping to convince her of this as well, for the betterment of her health, and to reserve the public image of their Priestess.
  176. (Hendrix Este)
  177. [03:49:45] Ophelia Hirano: I'm fine!
  178. [03:49:45] Ophelia Hirano: --A- and going home now!
  179. [03:49:45] Ophelia Hirano: <* abscond! *>
  180. [03:49:45] Hendrix Este: I.. Uh-- <??>
  181. [03:51:28] Hendrix Este: <Left there holding the metaphorical bag now. Questioning the questions of the universe; reppin' Jaden Smith>
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