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Lambs to the slaughter

a guest
Oct 22nd, 2014
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  1. Lambs to the slaughter
  3. Once upon a time there was a simple, kind soul called Morals. Morals tried to tell its friends Economy and War that it was not nice to mistreat one another, not nice to look down on a fellow being. Morals and Economy had a child called Law. At first Law was a good girl, but War was always teasing her and Economy was always trying to get her to help him keep the homeless out of his abandoned warehouses. “These are my warehouses, and you shall not sleep here unless you trade with me, or work for me, they do not rot properly with you inside”. The homeless at first gave economy everything they had. After their properties were gone they had nowhere else to go, and nothing to give Economy for their stay, and since Law was a good girl and looked up to her father, she made sure if they did not disobey economy, War would kill them or worse, they'd freeze and starve outside in prolonged suffering. War and Morals later had a child called Nation. After Nations birth, War and Economy got so jealous, they decided it was best to kill Morals and rely only on Law and Nation to keep the homeless enslaved Law Economy and War were better then morals anyway, nation made sure the homeless gave their young to be sacrificed in games Nation organized for War's and Economies entertainment. Economy and War cared so much for control that they forgot to take care of the fields where the food grew. This was no problem for them, they had the homeless to eat, while Law had tried to make sure the homeless had rights, but Law's many suitors, twisted her words with Economy's and War's help since Law wanted none of them for a husband. They decided to call the homeless meat, Long pig since in their minds they were disgusting unclean creatures, good for nothing but occupying space, wasting resources and food. They got Law to make sure, all the Long pig was laced with enough hormones to make it taste more like real pig, in time they decided to genetically change the homeless into pigs. Law said that was not allowed, they could not legally eat the genatically modified homeless, so they decided to just mate the genetically engineered homeless instead. Even though the new offspring was not technically “modified” it still was identical in every way, since from their parents offspring come, Law was content with that. Finally tasting like real pigs Law, War, Economy and Nation were very happy. After they had eaten all the Long pigs Law, Economy, War and Nation looked back at their work proudly, regretting nothing thinking: “After all those were nothing but vermin that willingly defiled their home, earth while all the while feeling they were doing the right thing”. Law, War, Economy and Nation died happily, with along with the hollowed out husk of the now fully defiled Earth.
  4. The end
  7. This story is all fiction of course, way too ridiculous to have anything to do with reality at all, isnt it?.
  9. Morals, the “economics” of coexisting in a society simple things like “dont slaughter all your cattle at once”, not really a law but it does not seem smart for a beef farmer to do so, even ants have a set of morals, and anthills seem to actually function.
  11. If this story were true, I certainly did not like its ending. Hmm, somebody else will probalby fix this text for me. Its not my problem.
  13. The (in?)Sane one
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