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Jan 18th, 2017
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  226. </script><textarea id="right_content" name="right_content" title="Right Content" style="width:700px; height:250px;" rows="2" cols="15" class=" textarea">1. Who are you and what do you do?&lt;br/&gt;
  227. My name is Anneè Olofsson. I’m a Swedish artist currently living in Stockholm. I lived and worked in NYC 2001-2005. I work with photography, video and sculpture. I’m represented at MoMA, NYC, Moderna Museet in Stockholm and others.
  228. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
  229. 2. What are your thoughts on melancholy?&lt;br/&gt;
  230. Melancholy is the base and core in my creativity, it’s been inside of me as long as I can remember. But it is strange, people that meet me for the first time could not even imagine this side of me, the outside doesn’t really match the inside but I think this is common. It is like a mask one has to hide the darkness.
  231. &lt;br/&gt;
  232. If you google it Melancholy is a form of deep depression that is a part of the group physical illness that effects your mood. So I assume my melancholy is a light version or the way I myself define melancholy.
  233. &lt;br/&gt;
  234. For Marcilio Ficino(1433-1499) melancholy was the highest range of intellectual life, freed from all medical limitations. Melancholy has throughout the time been connected with sadness and depression but despite of this melancholy has been seen as something desirable that affects the elite and creates creative expressions for artists.
  235. &lt;br/&gt;
  236. I remember living in NYC, I moved there the 1/9 2001. I was given the schoolarships of the schoolarships: one year at ISCP including money, flat and studio…life just couldn’t turn out better. I also had a great gallery in NYC at the time. But as we all know 9/11 came and a lot changed, well everything changed.
  237. &lt;br/&gt;
  238. To have a melancholic mind is a help at times like this… It kind of calms you down, the inner darkness meets the outside, and in a strange way life goes on. NYC was crippled and changed for good but with a big desire to recover fast, and so it did. After 4 years I felt that I missed being bored and blue the way I could feel back home.
  239. &lt;br/&gt;
  240. I needed that melancholy fuel (title of a Blue for Two song) that I no longer could find in NYC and I knew I could regain in Sweden. So in the fall of 2005 I returned home to refuel.
  241. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
  242. 3. What does it do to you, what happens when you feel down or blue?&lt;br/&gt;
  243. I have always been interested in the darker matters/sides of life since I was very young. I remember the first vinyl I bought as a teenager, Cortex “Spinal Injury”, a record that has followed me my entire life, many of the songs on that album shaped me into the person I am today, not in a negative way, the other way around, I found creativity in it.
  244. &lt;br/&gt;
  245. I think that to feel down is very different from feeling blue. Two different sides of the coin. To feel down is more towards depression with sometimes a negative outcome, an unhealthy state of mind while feeling blue is something that can produce more positive energy. Its simple, down is negative and blue is positive. Since my mind is constantly toward the blueish, what comes out comes out.
  246. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
  247. 4. In what way has melancholy inspired or affected your work?&lt;br/&gt;
  248. It’s not an inspiration, it’s a constant state of mind and thinking. It’s here to stay and my works will follow my mind and heart.
  249. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
  250. 5. What place would you say that melancholy has in your country?&lt;br/&gt;
  251. We don’t embrace it as something that can be fruitful and used as positive fuel. I think many fear it as only an illness. The Swedish site for medical information defines melancholy as follows:
  252. “Melancholy is the most severe form of depression. You feel depressed and the feeling cannot be averted or affected by outer stimulus. Everything is painful and you feel a total apathy towards the world around you, lacking any sense of engagement, even with your loved ones. The sense of unease and anxiety is strong. The anxiety can verge on mortal fear and be very painful.
  253. &lt;br/&gt;
  254. Maybe some embrace melancholy as something to be very fruitful in their own creation, while others get lost in it and create an illness, just some thoughts.
  255. &lt;br/&gt;
  256. It’s a balance and it depends very much who you are as a person how to be able to use it or not.
  257. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
  258. 6. Do you think creativity would be better if people accepted that they feel blue from time to time?&lt;br/&gt;
  259. Yes absolutely, maybe not in every blue moment there will be an immediate positive outcome, but the mind of darkness will chew on something and eventually something very interesting can come out.
  260. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
  261. Anneè Olofsson
  262. Stockholm 2016.09.06
  263.</textarea><p class="note"><small>Blog right part of content</small></p> </td>
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