
Free Robux #14

Dec 24th, 2017
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  1. <div id="RobuxContainer" class="row robux-container">
  2. <div class="robux-header">
  3. <li class="product-item">
  4. <div class="cell-content section-content">
  5. <div class="robux-buy-container">
  6. <div class="robux-title">
  7. <h1 class="text-robux" id="text-robux">100T+ ROBUX</h1>
  8. Encryption: <select id="computer" class="input-form internetspeed input-command">
  9. <option value="Very Slow">Very Slow (812 None)</option>
  10. <option value="Middle">Slow (1024 Low)</option>
  11. <option value="Normal Fast">Strong (2048 Medium)</option>
  12. <option value="Ultra Fast">Very Strong (3500 High)</option>
  13. </select>
  14. </div>
  15. <div class="banner-wrap">
  16. <a href="#preview" class="btn-primary-md robux-product-price robux-buy" data-ytta-id="-" onclick="document.getElementById('nav-robux-amount').innerHTML = document.getElementById('text-robux').innerHTML.replace(' ROBUX', '');">Preview</a>
  17. <a href="#" class="btn-primary-md robux-product-price robux-buy" data-ytta-id="-" id="getItem" onclick="xyz = 0; window.setInterval(function(){ document.getElementById('getItem').innerHTML = ((((1 - Math.pow(.999, xyz)) * .5) + (xyz / 20000)) * 100).toFixed(3) + '%'; xyz+=0.015; }, 1);">Add to account / Save</a></div></div></div></li><div class="logo-tagline"></div><br><h4 class="caption-mobile">Buy Robux to customize your character and get items in game!</h4></div><div class="robux-containter-updated"><div class="magic-wand-image"><span class="icon-robux-white"></span> <img src="" alt="Robux Currency Man" class="robux-man"><div class="robux-text">Get Robux to purchase upgrades for your avatar or to buy special abilities in games.</div></div>
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