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a guest
Jul 6th, 2023
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  1. command /setspawn:
  2. permission: spawn.setspawn
  3. permission message: &cNon hai il permesso!
  4. description: Imposta il punto di spawn nella tua posizione.
  5. trigger:
  6. message "&6Fatto!"
  7. set {spawn} to location of player
  9. command /spawn:
  10. trigger:
  11. teleport player to {spawn}
  12. message "&aSei tornato all'inizio!"
  13. on chat:
  14. set {_rank} to placeholder "vault_rankprefix"
  15. set the chat format to "%rank% &f%player% &8> &f%message%"
  16. on join:
  17. teleport player to {spawn}
  19. on stepping on a pressure plate:
  20. if event-block is an iron pressure plate:
  21. if {delay::%uuid of player%} isn't set:
  22. send "&aCronometro iniziato! &fVai veloce ma non cadere!" to player
  23. send player title "&a&lPARTITA INIZIATA!" with subtitle "&7Occhio a non cadere!" for 3 seconds
  24. broadcast {delay}
  25. set {parkour.timertoggle::%uuid of player%} to true
  26. set {parkour.time.start::%uuid of player%} to now
  27. while block at location of player is an iron pressure plate:
  28. set {delay::%uuid of player%} to true
  29. wait 5 seconds
  30. delete {delay::%uuid of player%}
  31. if event-block is a gold pressure plate:
  32. if {delay::%uuid of player%} isn't set:
  33. if {parkour.timertoggle::%uuid of player%} is true:
  34. set {parkour.timertoggle::%uuid of player%} to false
  35. set { of player%} to difference between now and {parkour.time.start::%uuid of player%}
  36. if { of player%} is set:
  37. if { of player%} < { of player%}:
  38. set {parkour.time.bestdiff::%uuid of player%} to difference between { of player%} and { of player%}
  39. send "&a&lComplimenti&a! Hai battuto il tuo punteggio di &6&u%{ of player%}%&a di &6&u%{parkour.time.bestdiff::%uuid of player%}%&a secondi!" to player
  40. send "&a&bOra il tuo miglior punteggio è &u%{ of player%}%" to player
  41. set { of player%} to { of player%}
  42. else:
  43. send "&7&bHai finito il gioco in &e&b&u%{ of player%}% secondi&7&b, non hai superato il tuo tempo di &e&b&u%{ of player%}%" to player
  44. else:
  45. set { of player%} to { of player%}
  46. send "&a&bComplimenti! Il tuo nuovo tempo migliore è di &6&b&u%{ of player%}%&a!" to player
  47. send "&a&bComplimenti! Hai finito il gioco in &e&b&u%{ of player%}%&a!" to player
  48. else:
  49. send "&6Questa è la fine del parkour!" to player
  50. while block at location of player is a gold pressure plate:
  51. set {delay::%uuid of player%} to true
  52. wait 5 seconds
  53. delete {delay::%uuid of player%}
  54. on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "gettingup":
  55. if the identifier is "time":
  56. set {parkour.seconds} to { of player%}
  57. set {parkour.minutes} to {parkour.seconds}/60
  58. set {remaining_seconds} to mod({parkour.seconds}, 60)
  59. set the result to "{parkour.minutes}:{remaining_seconds}"
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