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Jan 22nd, 2017
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  1. “TYGON!” I shout, “Run faster!”
  2. He curses under his breath and quickens his pace. However, I realize that he isn’t fast enough to outrun the creature. My wings unfurl and within a couple running steps I'm in the air. Despite our circumstances, I still can't help but smile as the wind rushes through my hair, and into my eyes. I have to squint against the sunlight pouring through the clouds and onto my wings. Swooping back around, I head directly for Tygon, but the monster has almost caught up to him! I call out and dive down to grab him. I wrap my arms around his slim figure. The beast’s breath crept across my neck as I hoist Tygon back up into the air. He lets out a string of relieved curses.
  3. “That was way too close for comfort!” he shouts; his voice drowned out by the blustery wind.
  4. I smile in agreement and put some distance between us and the creature. My wings strain with the added weight and I know I can’t fly like this for much longer.
  5. “We need a plan!” I shout over the wind.
  6. He gives me a “you-just-figured-that-out” look, and then yells up to me “I know a place that's safe!”
  7. I nod back in response. He instructs me to head north, so I veer in that direction. As I continue flying, the aches and pains increase.
  8. “How far is it?” I shout to him.
  9. “About three miles,” He says.
  10. “I don’t think I can make it that far.” I explain with apprehension.
  11. He starts to grow concerned and tells me to land if I need a break. I glance over my shoulder to make sure no one is following us. As soon as I turn my head, I see a large figure rushing towards us at a rapid speed.
  12. “The monster!” I scream.
  13. “What?!” Tygon yells as he turns to look at it.
  14. His eyes widen in fear. The monster moves its hand out and a bow and arrow materializes in it. It takes aim and fires, but I swipe left. I thought I dodged it, but Tygon hisses in pain. I glance over at him and discover the arrow lodged into his left shoulder.
  15. “We need to land!” I shriek over the wind.
  16. “No!” he shouted, “I’ll be fine; you need to keep flying!”
  17. “You’re not fine!” I argue, “I'm going to land over there and then we’ll have to continue by foot!”
  18. I dive down towards a patch of grassy land within the trees. Suddenly, an arrow pierces my wing, and pain surges through my body like an electric shock. I scream and my arms lose grip of Tygon. My broken wing sends me plummeting toward the forest floor at an alarming rate.
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