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- import numpy as np
- from skimage import io
- from skimage.transform import resize
- from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
- from sklearn.mixture import BayesianGaussianMixture
- def prepare_image_data(image_path, new_width, mode='rgb'):
- """
- Loads an image, resizes it, and prepares the data for clustering.
- Args:
- - image_path (str): Path to the input image.
- - new_width (int): New width for the resized image, aspect ratio will be preserved.
- - mode (str): Mode for processing the image data ('rgb' or 'brightness').
- Returns:
- - data (numpy.ndarray): The prepared data containing normalized coordinates and either RGB values or brightness values.
- """
- # Load the image
- image = io.imread(image_path)
- # Get original dimensions
- orig_height, orig_width, _ = image.shape
- # Set new height to preserve aspect ratio
- new_height = int((new_width / orig_width) * orig_height)
- # Resize the image while preserving aspect ratio
- image_resized = resize(image, (new_height, new_width), anti_aliasing=True)
- if mode == 'rgb':
- # Extract RGB values and normalize them to [0, 1]
- values = image_resized.reshape(-1, 3)
- elif mode == 'brightness':
- # Calculate brightness as max(r, g, b) and normalize to [0, 1]
- values = np.max(image_resized, axis=2).flatten().reshape(-1, 1)
- # Create coordinate grid
- y_indices, x_indices = np.meshgrid(
- np.linspace(1, 0, new_height), np.linspace(0, 1, new_width), indexing='ij'
- )
- # Reorder data so that coordinates come first (x, y, values)
- data = np.column_stack((
- x_indices.flatten(), # Normalized x-coordinates
- y_indices.flatten(), # Normalized y-coordinates
- values # Flattened values (either RGB or brightness)
- ))
- return data
- def generate_glsl_data(gmm):
- """
- Converts clustering results from a Gaussian Mixture Model into GLSL-ready data definitions.
- Args:
- - gmm (GaussianMixture): The fitted GMM object.
- Returns:
- - str: GLSL code string containing the cluster information.
- """
- # Extracting cluster means and covariances from the GMM
- weights = gmm.weights_
- cluster_means = gmm.means_
- covariances = gmm.covariances_
- covariance_type = gmm.covariance_type # Get the covariance type
- # Inferred n_components from the length of cluster_means
- n_components = len(cluster_means)
- # Determine if using RGB or brightness mode
- use_rgb = cluster_means.shape[1] == 5 # Assuming [x, y, r, g, b] for RGB mode
- # Prepare GLSL output
- output = f"#define COUNT {n_components}\n\n"
- # Example Python code to generate GLSL code for weights
- # Printing weight of a cluster definitions
- output += " const float weights[COUNT] = float[]("
- for i, weight in enumerate(weights):
- output += f"{weight:.2e}"
- if i < len(weights) - 1:
- output += ","
- output += ");\n"
- # Printing color definitions
- output += " const vec3 colors[COUNT] = vec3[]("
- for i, mean in enumerate(cluster_means):
- if use_rgb:
- r, g, b = mean[2], mean[3], mean[4]
- output += f"vec3({r:.3f},{g:.3f},{b:.3f})"
- else:
- r = mean[2] # Use the third value for grayscale
- output += f"vec3({r:.3f})"
- if i < len(cluster_means) - 1:
- output += ","
- output += ");\n"
- # Printing coordinate center definitions
- output += " const vec2 positions[COUNT] = vec2[]("
- for i, mean in enumerate(cluster_means):
- x, y = mean[0], mean[1]
- output += f"vec2({x:.3f},{y:.3f})"
- if i < len(cluster_means) - 1:
- output += ","
- output += ");\n"
- # Handle different covariance types
- output += " const mat2 covariances[COUNT] = mat2[]("
- for i, covariance in enumerate(covariances):
- if covariance_type == 'spherical':
- variance = covariance # Spherical covariance is a single variance value
- output += f"mat2({variance:.2e},0,0,{variance:.2e})"
- elif covariance_type == 'full':
- c00, c01 = covariance[0, 0], covariance[0, 1]
- c10, c11 = covariance[1, 0], covariance[1, 1]
- output += f"mat2({c00:.2e},{c01:.2e},{c10:.2e},{c11:.2e})"
- if i < len(covariances) - 1:
- output += ","
- output += ");\n"
- # Replace "0." with "."
- output = output.replace("0.", ".")
- return output
- # Path to image to convert and down-sampling and number of clusters
- image_path = 'Textures/Lenna.png'
- new_width = 128
- clusters = 512
- data = prepare_image_data(image_path, new_width, mode='rgb')
- # Fit the Gaussian Mixture Model
- model = GaussianMixture(n_components=clusters, covariance_type='full', verbose=2)
- # Fit the Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model (claims it's better but looks blurry and is 2x slower)
- # model = BayesianGaussianMixture(n_components=clusters, covariance_type='full', verbose=2)
- # Run the model
- # Print the GLSL code to use in your shader
- print(generate_glsl_data(model))
- # See Shader code at
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