
The Last Guardian Notes/Thoughts/Reactions

Dec 6th, 2016
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  1. The Last Guardian Notes/Thoughts/Reactions
  3. *** DAY 1 ***
  4. Trico attacked by people, possibly the same tribe Chara belongs to?
  5. Trico was wearing a headgear, used as some sort of battle steed?
  6. ICO-esque animations
  7. ICO-esque block pushing
  8. ICO-esque switch pulling
  9. ICO-esque ledge climbing
  10. I love how Trico's introduction to water was shown. SPLOOSH into the water.
  11. Impossible to die? Feel from an ICO death height, and chara limped it off
  12. Chara has difficulties traversing over piles of physics-enabled objects
  13. Trico scared/angry at the symbol of the shield?
  14. I LOVE HOW CHARA TELLS TRICO TO MOVE SOMEWHERE (pointing and running in place)
  15. Why does Trico eat glowy stuff in barrels? What is the glowy stuff?
  16. We keep referring to Trico as male, not sure why
  18. Trico's horns seem to have been broken?
  19. Trico is definitely an animal; loves attention, does things when he wants to sometimes, but super loyal when Chara is in need of his help
  20. The music is wonderful so far. It definitely gives me a sense of magic, mystery, discovery, epicness.
  21. Already wonering what the connection is to SotC and/or ICO.
  22. Current setting seems to be way up in the sky.
  23. In SotC and ICO, we were given backstory: recent/past events that lead to why Wander/ICO is where they are. But in TLG, the character is narrator and is narrating in past tense and is audibly much older.
  24. Chara is very weak; has great difficulty pushing/pulling objects.
  25. Another note about Trico's eyes: I like how his eyes seem to express his current emotional state. Green = curious. Purple = scared/angry?
  26. I wonder if petting Trico actually does anything or if it's a mechanic to just give the player a way to feel good.
  27. Trico seems to paw at the food barrels if he can't reach them with his mouth; very much so like real animals, especially like dogs and cats.
  28. I'm assuming this is going to primarily be a puzzle game based on the first hour or so, with SotC's grab & climb mechanic.
  29. Ok, we died. Fell to a kill floor.
  30. These blue butterflies seem to be attracted to the food barrels as well. Possibly because they're luminescent?
  31. Uh oh, what's happening? UH OH, WHAT'S HAPPENING? OH SHIT. Oh, that was supposed to happen. Oh, story time? Ok we're back now.
  32. Ooh, those are ominous looking.
  33. The crawlspace sections have been a welcomed addition to the series' mechanics.
  34. Those are probably going to be laser eyes. *goes in the room* OH SHIT. RUN. TRICO WAKE UP. OH DAMN, GET 'EM TRICO.
  35. Shout outs to infinite grip meter.
  36. These butterflies definitely seem to have some sort of symbolism to them.
  37. One thing that I would love to see is Trico's nostrils flare, especially when he's heavily breathing.
  38. We've had a couple of run-ins with water so far, but Trico still hasn't drank any water.
  39. Trico sneezes *-*
  40. HE'S TAKING A BATH *-*
  41. Oh shit, what's that way up there?
  42. You can throw food barrels to Trico and he'll catch them *-*
  43. Oh, his nostrils just flared! He smells something... I wonder what it is. Probably more food.
  44. Aww, sleepy Trico.
  46. This is the second door like this we've come across... I wonder what their significance is.
  47. Aww, poor baby got caught. ;3;
  48. Oops, more of those guys again!
  49. Who or what is that at the end of the hall...
  50. Oh, it's nothing new. Oh man Trico is maaaaaad. He does not like those things.
  53. *** DAY 2 ***
  54. Trico scratching at the door wanting to go through. Poor baby. D:
  55. Oh that was a cool little thing. We climbed up a ledge and directly into a crawlspace instead of standing on the ledge, then entering it.
  56. Uh oh we got caught! These guys are ruthless! Oh man we're getting carried away kind of like Yorda does in ICO. That must be what those blue doors are for, to carry you through for a game over.
  57. Oh! Did we game over? Nope we got free at the last second.
  58. We gotta get Trico through! Open the gate! Go go!
  59. HA HA HA, we got loose from the grab and the enemy dropped us off the ledge to our death.
  60. Alright let's try this again and try not to get caught this time.
  61. We got caught again. Time to hide.
  62. Hmm, there seems to be an MGS-reminiscent Alert status with these guys. They reset either by getting far away from them or it's time based.
  63. Oh, we got Trico through the gate! Get 'em Trico! Yeah!
  64. Trico sits like my dog.
  65. "Oh, that makes him run! Oh shit!"
  66. Uh oh it's another one of those glass panes. There's clearly an eye on these panes. I wonder what the eye refers to and why Trico doesn't like them.
  67. Trico likes to have his nose pet. *-*
  68. Trico is quite nimble when jumping to platforms and perches. He stands on perches very much like a cat would.
  69. Whee! Trico jumping section!
  70. I love how there are sections where you have to leave Trico behind to progress, sections where you have to pair with Trico to progress, and sections where you can progress either on or off of Trico.
  71. Trico, stop pawing the chain, we're trying to climb on it!
  72. I do kind of wish that there was a way to scold Trico. Not attack him or anything, but give him a stern talking to when he's misbehaving.
  73. ...Why did he need that torch to be lit to jump up there?
  74. I wonder if Trico is developing separation anxiety when Chara has to leave him behind temporarily to progress.
  75. Ha! That was a cute little puzzle and animations.
  76. A pretty clever puzzle to the second part of this room.
  77. Ooh, lots of eye panes in this area.
  78. Run, Trico, run! Before we fall!
  79. Climb, Trico, climb!
  80. Ah, such good music for that escape sequence.
  81. Uh oh, another spooky eye pane. UH OH, MORE ENEMIES.
  82. Jumping from cage to cage, like in ICO.
  83. Man this is some hardcore parkour...
  84. "Please do not jump up here.... OH YEAH GO AHEAD, JUMP UP HERE AND BREAK EVERYTHING."
  86. Hang on Trico, we'll be back!
  87. "Oh, FUCKING hell."
  88. Another WAY up in the air section to take out another eye pane.
  89. ....Huh, it actually seems we're in a humongous valley, not up in some high altitude location.
  90. AWW, he put us on his back after he caught us!!!!! <3
  91. We've seen a few black lizards like the ones in SotC. No white tails though.
  92. Trico butt wiggles when he's gonna jump. <3
  93. Finding a broken jutted extended beam high up in the air: "AYYYY Assassin's Creed"
  94. Oh shoot, tower's collapsing, I guess we're going for a ride.
  95. Trico please come save us.
  96. Oh no, he's only opening one eye. D:
  97. We got some more food for Trico, he grabbed us by the shirt and flung us onto his back. He means business now, we're getting the heck out of here.
  98. Oooooooooh what are those guys. The music turned super ominous all of a sudden.
  99. Alright, he's got both eyes open now, but one of his ears seems permanently down. Could be because of injury.
  101. Trico's horns have definitely gotten pointy and blue. Possibly have grown as well. Is that just story progression, or is it because of the feedings?
  102. Another teamwork segment. Tandem rail car pushing.
  104. *** DAY 3 ***
  105. I wonder what these pots have in them. Trico LOVES the smell of it.
  106. I really like how the game has had frequent transitions between bright and dark sections.
  107. Uh oh, the wood gave out from under us. We're in the water now. Trico's Distant cries from above can be heard.
  108. I find it interesting that Chara seems to call Trico "Turricur", not just plainly "Trico" or "Toriko".
  109. Hmm, the narrator seems to have gotten ahead of himself in the story. Did we accidentally bug progression somehow? We're not sure what to do to progress at the moment.
  110. The narrator went back to his previous line, which makes more sense given where we are at the moment. Still not sure what to do.
  111. Well, we got out of there, but I don't think we did it the intended way... I think we got lucky from the physics engine.
  112. Duh just spent 10 minutes trying to throw a barrel onto a box.
  113. Uh oh! More guardians things!
  114. Uh oh! Run sequence! Aaaand we fell to our death.
  115. Here comes Trico to save the day! And the day is saved, thanks to Trico!
  116. HA! Trico threw us onto his back again. <3
  117. Well THIS is definitely an arena of sorts. And there's two guardian enemy things waiting for us to jump down.
  118. Man, Trico kicked butt as always.
  119. Ahh, clever little puzzle for Trico to do.
  120. Ahhh ha ha haaaa, this is most definitely a catapult.
  121. HAHAHAHAHA, Trico just launched us straight into the ceiling.
  122. Ahh, Duh had a great idea about how to deal with these purple glowing headless guardian enemies that just sit there.
  123. Hmm, well her idea we weren't able to try.
  124. More water, time to dive in Trico! SPLOOOOOOOSH!
  125. "I don't get the impression that Trico will swim underwater..." *Sees Trico dive under us to go through the door underwater* "WELL then."
  126. Wheee riding Trico underwater!
  127. Hahahhahahaa it's great when Chara holds on to Trico's head/neck and Trico shakes the water off of him. Maximum rag doll effect.
  128. Ahhhh, another really cute interestingly designed puzzle!
  129. Separated again. :/
  130. What are these... And why are they reacting to us... Ahh, it's an elevator. Let's see where it leads. To nowhere good, I'm sure.
  131. Alright, we're in some sort of valley. And there are Trico feathers in a trail.
  132. Uh oh, we should not have come down here. Back up, back up.
  133. There he is! Save us, Trico!
  134. Man, that was a long sequence, but so unique. I don't know if I've ever seen a game where you have to free yourself in this way.
  135. Time for more barrels to feed Trico.
  136. Ah, so Duh was right about the purple enemy guys.
  138. *** DAY 4 ***
  139. Another cage-like area.
  140. Uh oh, we can't grab onto him for some plot reason.
  141. Uh oh, we're dead. Oh, that was supposed to happen.
  142. Oh, we're back in present day. Chara doesn't have any of his tattoos now. Is he having a bad dream?
  143. Something is flying to our village -- IT'S TRICO! Wait, why is he being mean?
  144. Whaaaaaat is going on. Uhhhhh, are we getting eaten? RUN KIDS, RUN. OHHHH, is this how the game started?
  145. Ah ha... Alright we're back after an emotional backstory.
  146. Man, Team ICO is so good at creating emotion from scenes with virtually non-existent dialog.
  147. It definitely feels like we're reaching the conclusion of this story.
  148. Hmm, a mine shaft area. I wonder if this is an undeveloped area of The Nest.
  149. Oh, ohh, ok. Come right on through Trico. Thanks for the boost buddy!
  150. Uh oh, was that another thing that was supposed to happen?
  154. Ok, this has "this is the last area of the game" written all over it.
  155. Ohhhh man, that's a lot of enemies.
  159. Get in there Tric-- NOOO, DON'T FALL TRICO.
  160. Whew, what an intense sequence.
  161. Those enemies clearly didn't want us on that tower. Well, at least we're safe again.
  162. Maybe we're not quite done with the story, but that tower definitely seemed to be the final area.
  163. Lot of outside jumping sections now, showing off the landscape and building exteriors for the first time.
  164. Uh oh..... BIG story fight.
  165. We won the fight.
  166. I hope Trico is ok... He took a beating...
  167. Man, whatever is in those food barrels... It's like a panacea.
  168. Get rekt nerd. Stupid enemy.
  169. I don't know if I've ever cared this much about a non-human video game character before.
  170. It seems like it's very early morning now.
  171. This game has been going on longer than I expected it to. I thought it was going to be done by this point.
  172. That entire section was so good, and it led to an AMAZING transition.
  173. We are now back at what I assume is the final location of the game.
  174. Man, what a climactic fight sequence.
  175. Man, that puzzle was INTENSE.
  176. This is the final enemy it seems.
  177. Huh, I guess let's get out of here.
  178. What... Is... Going... On...
  180. The last sequence was heart wrenching.
  181. I'm crying in the pre-credits end scene.
  182. I'm bawling in the post-credits end scene.
  183. I cried for 20 minutes.
  184. This story is amazing.
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