
Fuck you, eat cheesecake

Jan 7th, 2019
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  1. Covet: Kelsey had made dinner tonight and had invited Bryan and CJ over. She'd made Baked chicken and roasted potatoes and brocolli, with cheesecake for dessert because this bitch was bored and wanted to go all out for a Sunday dinner. She was in the kitchen getting things cleaned up and put away in it's proper places.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan was seated at the kitchen table with CJ beside him, full and happy just the way everyone likes him. He leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms back behind his head and yawning. "So how was your first day completely without anyone here?" He asked, knowing everyone had left Friday. // CJ sat with her hands folded in front of her on the table, watching Kelsey clean up. She pushed up to her feet and moved over to grab a dry dish towel, taking one of the freshly washed plates and drying it off so she could pass things to Kelsey and help.-
  3. Covet: "Thanks CJ. I appreciate the help." She said with a laugh, then looked at Bryan. "Well, I didn't really go anywhere, I just kind of stayed in and watched netflix, while setting up my class shedule for next semester, that way I'm ready when I go back. So I guess it was nice?" Kelsey said with a soft chuckle.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "That's good. Get your shit in order and whatever else, I guess." He said with a nod, trying to be supportive, but he's been out of the school thing for a while so he doesn't exactly remember shit so well. "What are you signed up for next semester?" // CJ smiled at her and passed a dish to her that was now dry. "Of course. I don't expect to just come over for dinner and not help."-
  5. Covet: "Finishing classes for my Early childhood education minor, then I've only got a handful of classes left to take before I'll be graduating. But Brad's wanting me to take it easier than I have, because of well... the whole reason why I'm here right now. So I'm going to follow that advice." Kelsey said
  6. Alexithymiaa: "I don't think it's bad advice. You've got plenty of time to graduate." He watched the two moving through the kitchen, tipping his head to the side. "I know what you're doing and whatever, but what do you intend to do with your degrees after you graduate?" // CJ set the towel down on the counter, turning to look at Bryan. "Given the circumstances it seems like it's less of an immediate thing, right?"-
  7. Covet: "Probably nothing. Just have them to say I accomplished something. Because I'll be continuing my music career full time after graduation." Kelsey said, then nodded her head, "Yes, I can't handle being that level of busy. It's what got me in trouble to begin with. Trying to do too much at once."
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Well rest assured, you've got plenty of people on your side looking after you to make sure you don't get messed up with that shit again." He swept his fingers back through his hair, letting out a sigh. "In a not weird way, though." // CJ rolled her eyes at Bryan, reaching her hand out to lay it on Kelsey's shoulder. "In a supportive way."-
  9. Covet: "How could that be in a weird way?" Kelsey asked him raising her eybrow at him. "Thank you, I appreciate it. That does remind me that I need to do a check up, I told Bradley that was one thing I would make sure happened."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know, Steph gets all pissy when I say shit like that so I'm just making sure you know it's not in like a weird overbearing way. It's in like a normal... nice way." He said with a nod. // "No problem. Just tell me when you would be comfortable to do that and I'll make sure I have the necessary equipment available to bring home with me."-
  11. Covet: "I guess I can see that, but I appreciate you being supportive. I know your overbearingness comes from a good place. And sometimes everyone needs someone riding them to make sure they're not messing up." Kelsey said, then looked at CJ, "I'm free during the evenings, Most of the stuff I've scheduled for myself I've set up for the mornings and afternoons. So I can do whenever. If you have some free time tomorrow maybe? That way it's one less thing Brad has to worry about. "
  12. Alexithymiaa: "That's what I do. I make sure people aren't fuckin' up." He said with a grin like the cocky asshole he was. // "Sure, I can do that tomorrow. When I get off my shift I'll just grab what I need from the ward and bring it home with me. Any lab work I'll need to bring back with me though and it'll take a few days to get results back."-
  13. Covet: "Yeah, yeah, okay Dad." Kelsey said rolling her eyes at him. "Thank you CJ, and that's fine, I'll be here for a couple weeks or so, so there's plenty of time." She looked over at Bryan, "I was honestly expecting you to be worse about this, but thank you for not being like that."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Well I dont get the best response when I'm worse and no one listens to me anyway so...." He trailed off, shrugging his shoulders. // CJ nodded and moved to sit back down at the kitchen table. "Yes, but I'm sure Brad would be happier to have it done sooner rather than later."-
  15. Covet: "Wow... Who are you and what have you done with my cousin?" Kelsey asked kind of shocked at Bryan's response, then looked at CJ, "I'm impressed, you've got him trained pretty good." She laughed then nodded her head, "Yes, very much so."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Well I haven't gotten a call from my sister in like two weeks, so fuck me, right?" He said sarcastically, clearly bitter that she hadnt reached out. "Everyone wants me to mind my own fuckin' business anyway." // "Right?" CJ asked with a laugh, blowing Bryan a kiss. "I'm just kidding. I think we've all just kind of grown, you know?"-
  17. Covet: "Wasn't she going to Arizona with Felix?" Kelsey asked him. "Maybe she was just busy having fun?" She said with a shrug, "I wouldn't take it terribly personal." Kelsey added to Bryan, then nodded at CJ, "Yeah, some in better ways than others."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, so? Last year she called me from Arizona on New Years to wish me a Happy New Year and she knows I want her to check in anyway. You know what?" He said, digging his hand into his pocket to pull out his phone, sliding his fingers over the screen to text her. // CJ shook her head, turning away. "Here we go... at least some of us have grown for the better, anyway."-
  19. Covet: "How did we get Steph brought up, I feel like a mistake was made." Kelsey said looking over at CJ with a sigh. " I just had to mention how good he was doing, now this pain in the butt has to go and prove all of that wrong."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "She's not answering." He growled under his breath, riling himself up as usual. "Why isn't she answering?" // "Because not everyone has their phone glued to them at all times, hun." CJ said to Bryan gently before lowering her voice to CJ. "Sometimes he drives me crazy with this like he doesn't realize he's not the only adult in the world who can take care of themselves."-
  21. Covet: "She might be sleeping?" Kelsey suggested. "Or she could be doing things that you really don't want to know about, and you're just being rude and interupting." She looked at CJ, "Yeah, he's been a "parent" figure for too long, still thinks all of us are freshly released teenagers."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "She's not sleeping. She's never sleeping." He paused to consider Kelsey's second comment, raising his voice. "Oh come on really? Don't fuckin' tell me that. I don't want to know that." But then proceeded to text more..... // "It's good and bad. He's been looking after everyone else his whole life and he keeps forgetting to let it go. He has gotten better though... sometimes.." She said gently as she looked at Bryan, walking over to put her hands on his shoulders. "Why don't you call her tomorrow and ask how her day is going?"-
  23. Covet: "You're the one who feels the need to bother her, I'm just trying to give you plausible reasons as to why." Kelsey said with a laugh. "CJ's right. It's late anyways, Just give her a ring tomorrow, without giving her the third degree over why she hasn't contacted you."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Hah, Felix said she's not." He said almost like he had been taking bets. And then continued to text like no one had told him to fucking stop. // "Or you can ignore us, that's fine too." CJ spoke with a roll of her eyes. "Some things never change."-
  25. Covet: "I kind of almost miss this. But not really, he does this a lot less now that he's here and not in Portland." Kelsey said to CJ
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Unfortunately leaving Portland did not mean I got away from it. He just does it in the apartment to himself instead of being obnoxious." She said as she walked away from him with a pat.-
  27. Covet: "Oh so he's turning into the grumpy old hermit who needs to know everyone's business in the neighborhood. I knew this was going to happen eventually." Kelsey said. "You sure you want to marry that still?" She asked jokingly, because don't pull an aubrey CJ, Bryan can't handle that twice in his life.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Get off my lawn!" He hollered back at the two girls jokingly. // "I think I can handle it. All I have to do is smack him and remind him that no one wants to deal with his shit and he usually cools it for at least a little while."-
  29. Covet: Kelsey laughed as he chimed in. "Oh he's not ignoring us entirely, look at that." She said, "Hey, sometimes tough love is the best love."
  30. Alexithymiaa: -He pushed up from his seat at the table, replying to Felix's message before jamming his phone back down into his pocket. "He's annoying. Okay so is there any chance we can get some cheesecake to bring home so I can eat it for breakfast?" // "He pretends." She added, nodding her head. "Bryan... don't be rude."-
  31. Covet: "Cheesecake is supposed to be for dessert, but yeah, take the pan just leave me a slice." Kelsey told him, going to get it out of the fridge, because if he was going to be demanding he was going to have to do it himself.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not being rude. We're family. It's okay." He stepped forward to pick up the knife, carefully cutting her out a decent sized piece. "Gimme a plate." // "Time of day does not dictate his meals." She said with a sigh because this is clearly something they've battled over many times.-
  33. Covet: "One of those pick your battle things I assume." She said handing him a plate.
  34. Alexithymiaa: -He took the plate from her, transferring the slice of cheesecake onto it and passing it off to Kelsey before picking up the entire rest of the cheesecake, intending to just walk out the door with it. // "Precisely. Bryan, what the hell are you doing?" She asked, starting after him. "Thank you so much for dinner, Kels. I appreciate you having us over."-
  35. Covet: "Of course, It was nice. You guys have a good night. I'm going to lock up and head to bed to talk to Bradley. Get home safe." She said watching Bryan taking off without CJ.
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