
UnderSouls Movie Log

Aug 12th, 2016
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  1. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs
  2. StreamerDoggo: (( WArning: Ads ))
  3. emmylittlesoul: "Yeah! They're for sharing!" She starts nomming
  4. sydney_pwp: Muffins? Sydney grabs one as it flew towards her.
  5. shala_dreemurr: "Which one of us is the puppy, Cammy~?"
  6. valeriejumper: Valerie had noticed Bellamy enter and can't help but grin. She looks at Griz.
  7. kkmcshouty: *they wave to Carla*
  8. cammylittlesoul: "!? YOU! You're the one in the PJs!"
  9. friskybusiness: (( Yeah, get ublock origin it blocks all their ads
  10. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks at Cammy for a moment, and she takes some of the candies out of her pocket. She just passes two of them over before shoving one in her mouth.) Psst, C-Cammy.
  11. mfightergriz: *Hhhh... thank you... you sAVED MY LIFE.-Griz dips a hand into the cookie bag-
  12. kkmcshouty: "Where do you want to sit?"
  13. fallendetermin: *Rowan excitedly waves for some cornbread, grabbing one and taking a big bite out of it* Mmmm!
  14. valeriejumper waves over at Bellamy.
  15. valeriejumper: "Heya Bell!"
  16. shala_dreemurr: "You're the one jumping around like one!"
  17. mfightergriz: -He takes it out and starts chomping on it-
  18. cammylittlesoul: "Ooh!" He takes one and smiles widely at her, popping it in his mouth as well. "Thanks!"
  19. emmylittlesoul: Emmy laughs a little. "Cookies are always a life saver"
  20. bellamy: Val's smile shines across the room! Bellamy looks over, returning one.
  21. sasha_youwinatball: Seeing the show start, Sasha quickly got back into his seat with his cookies.
  22. chain_: *Chain takes a seat* Oh it's starting
  23. emmylittlesoul: "ooooh~"
  24. mfightergriz: *H-Ha? I see a machine on the screen!
  25. Frisk: * It's startin'!!!
  26. sasha_youwinatball: "Spaaaace..."
  27. Coldsoul: * (Since she can't talk due to how awesome this candy is, she gives him a thumbs up. She passes one candy to Frisk.)
  28. valeriejumper: "Oh it's starting!"
  29. mfightergriz: -Griz still hasn't noticed Bellamy's pressece-
  30. mfightergriz: *pressence
  31. shala_dreemurr: "SPAAAACE!"
  32. carla_the_fallen: *Carla rushes over to Adie* "Hi, sweetie!" *She kisses her cheek* "Ready for our first date?" *She winks and smiles*
  33. mfightergriz: *W-WOAH WHAT'S THAT
  34. friskybusiness giggles excitedly at the movie
  35. bellamy: No sense in sitting by her lonesome if friends are here. Quickly, she nyooms across the room, taking a seat on the other side of Val.
  36. Coldsoul: (( full speed ahead bellamy ))
  37. cammylittlesoul: "WAS THAT A PANDA DOLPHIN??"
  38. mfightergriz: *That bunny has a nice hat.
  39. StreamerDoggo: ((Audio/video check, everything is good, right?))
  40. StreamerDoggo: ((Its green on my end))
  41. mfightergriz: ((YES YES))
  42. cammylittlesoul: ((looking good owo b))
  43. Frisk: [ Frisk accepts the candy, unwrapping it and tossing it into their mouth. The vanilla's melting in their mouth. ]
  44. Frisk: [[ yep
  45. valeriejumper: She couldn't help but giggle at Bellamy.
  46. carla_the_fallen: (Yep)
  47. shala_dreemurr: "Madhouse is always good."
  48. friskybusiness: (( It's streaming good
  49. kkmcshouty: (yup)
  50. sasha_youwinatball: ((You're seeing somthing about an app called Oz, right?))
  51. wanderandward: ((yep n yep
  52. valeriejumper: "Heh didn't know ya liked Anime Bell."
  53. mfightergriz: *THIS LOOKS INCREDIBLE, WOAH
  54. kkmcshouty: *they blush* "Heh, I guess so!"
  55. cammylittlesoul: "Have you seen this, Chara?"
  56. shala_dreemurr: ((It's not streaming good for me tbh ^ ^")
  57. sydney_pwp: (( it still hiccups a bit for me, but otherwise it's ok ))
  58. stainedkindness: "Aww, a bunny" Aya smiled excitedly.
  59. fallendetermin: *Rowan tilts their head, this is odd looking*
  60. valeriejumper: She leans back in her Mint bean, stretching her arms a bit.
  61. bellamy: It's too many colors at once. Bellamy has to blink, but it's absolutely enthralling.
  62. Frisk: * A business in THAT??
  63. bellamy: "Ani... what?"
  64. emmylittlesoul: "Oooh! I like this movie!" Emmy bounces in her seat, excitedly eating cookies.
  65. wilburr: "!!"
  66. mfightergriz: *THis is so confusing to me ahhhh
  67. Coldsoul: * (Winter is just wide eyed at that. She's gawking over how awesome everything looks.)
  68. sasha_youwinatball: "I...think this is just a commercial."
  69. shala_dreemurr: "No, I haven't. But I've seen other madhouse productions!"
  70. cammylittlesoul: "I know right? The news confuses me too."
  71. mfightergriz: *What's with all those floaty things? waaah!!
  72. nolvlost: * This is a weird commericial...
  73. mfightergriz: *At least I'm not the only one hahhh
  74. carla_the_fallen: *She sits in the grass* "This looks like it'll be great!"
  75. friskybusiness: Hehe, amazing, isn't it Rowan?
  76. emmylittlesoul: "This isn't a commercial, this is the anime movie!"
  77. cammylittlesoul: "Madhouse...!! They did One Punch Man!"
  78. sasha_youwinatball: "Those are some funny looking whales."
  79. stainedkindness: Aya was in awe, seeing the film have so many different colors. She had never seen this film before, but she was sure she would love it.
  80. kkmcshouty: *They cheer* "I love this one!"
  81. shala_dreemurr: "They did indeed!"
  82. 6souls: "It's gonna be great," Nala whispered
  83. wanderandward: -So, this would be like having everything available on Undernet? That seems unwise.-
  84. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh! It was a FAKE commercial; haha."
  85. mfightergriz: *What's this about a Mad House?
  86. stainedkindness: Aya heard Nala's whisper and nodded in agreement.
  87. cammylittlesoul: "It's where they make animes."
  88. mfightergriz: *Those look like normal people-wh
  89. shala_dreemurr: "They also did Paranoia Agent!"
  90. valeriejumper: "Well it's like a type of Cartoon."
  91. mfightergriz: *Floaty letters! that i can't understand!
  92. cammylittlesoul: "Is that the one with the kid with the bat?"
  93. nolvlost: [Kayla goes to hit the lights! Gotta make the mood right.]
  94. mfightergriz: *H-HUH???
  95. cammylittlesoul: "WHOA LOOK AT THAT BUNNY."
  96. valeriejumper: "Whao THAT IS SO COOL"
  97. emmylittlesoul: "He reminds me of Samga"
  98. bellamy: "...Why is he flat?" It looks painful.
  100. cammylittlesoul: "I DIDN'T KNOW SAMGA WAS IN THIS MOVIE!?""
  101. fallendetermin: Wow that Bunny monster sure is cool!
  102. Coldsoul: * (Winter may or may not be sliding onto the floor.)
  103. sydney_pwp: "!!!" This is actually awesome??
  105. mfightergriz: *HE LOOKS LIKE SAMGA A LOT HAHA
  106. valeriejumper: "...Flat?"
  107. bellamy: "Oh! They're real now," she exhales, setting her hands by her sides.
  108. mfightergriz: *HE'S AWESOME I-IWANNA BE THAT STRONG
  109. valeriejumper: "Hehe"
  110. valeriejumper: "If I described that fighting style I think of Chain."
  111. valeriejumper: "Snrk--"
  112. mfightergriz: *Huh...?
  113. sasha_youwinatball: "Whoa..." Sasha was staring at the action.
  114. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks at Frisk, and she seems to be very, very excited.) F-Frisk! T-this movie i-i-is s-so cool!
  115. valeriejumper: Huh, guess Valerie doesn't notice Chain being here.
  116. mfightergriz: *This Chaiin person, Val, is strong?
  117. mfightergriz: *Chain
  118. valeriejumper: "MHM!"
  119. nolvlost: [There's a lot going on.]
  120. valeriejumper: "He's WAAAYA strong!"
  121. mfightergriz: *AH!! I wanna fight him then!!
  122. Frisk: * I know right!! [ Their eyes are glimmering and sparkling. ]
  123. emmylittlesoul: "I wanna ride a train"
  124. Frisk: * What a NERD though!
  125. valeriejumper: "Yeah but he's too strong for his own good."
  126. sasha_youwinatball: "Aww... Poor guy."
  127. chain_: (Ech why does my internet suck)
  128. sydney_pwp: Sydney takes offense to that.
  129. Coldsoul: * (Winter mouth is gaping wide, and her eyes are sparkling too; you can even see a small teeth gap in the front of her mouth. Adorable.)
  130. valeriejumper: "He trains me on how to fight!"
  131. cammylittlesoul: "I wonder what that kid is playing?"
  132. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow, he's good."
  133. friskybusiness: Mmm...I want to take Rowan on a train someday!
  134. valeriejumper: "I love him like a big brother!"
  135. mfightergriz: *That's a pretty scenery, hah.
  136. friskybusiness: It's faster then a carriage~
  137. fallendetermin: T-train?
  138. kkmcshouty: *they whisper to Carla* "I wonder if that's what the surface looks like..."
  139. mfightergriz: *Huh...? You do?
  140. mfightergriz: *I will definitely try to meet him then!
  141. valeriejumper: "Mhmm! Even call each other that!"
  142. fallendetermin: *has only ever ridden a horse before*
  143. friskybusiness: Yeah! A train is like a carriage without a horse
  144. shala_dreemurr: "Yeah, the one with the bat! Shounen Bat-Or Lil' Slugger in the dub!"
  145. sasha_youwinatball: "This seems like a happy show."
  146. valeriejumper: "Ehh I dunno"
  147. mfightergriz: *Yeah, yeah.
  148. carla_the_fallen: "Well, some of it does" *Whisper*
  149. bellamy: She giggles. What an endearing dork.
  150. valeriejumper: "Might not like me hanging around dorks"
  151. fallendetermin: Wow!
  152. shala_dreemurr: ((Also I might pop in and out a lot - sometimes it lags really bad on my end))
  153. mfightergriz: *That looks so nice!!
  154. friskybusiness: Except someone drives it, and it moves really fast!
  155. cammylittlesoul: "I liked the music in that one...But it was really confusing."
  156. valeriejumper: (( Its off air for me ;-;
  157. friskybusiness: You can travel all over in a train!
  158. mfightergriz: *DUDE.....
  159. Coldsoul: * W-what a d-dork, hehehe...!
  160. kkmcshouty: "It looks beautiful..."
  161. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh dear..."
  162. danceralexis: * T..this is amazing...
  163. sydney_pwp: Sydney seems to be even more offended, wow
  164. mfightergriz: *What a big house...
  165. shala_dreemurr: ((It was lagging super bad for me before - stopped all other processes and refresed a few times. It's good now.))
  166. Coldsoul: * I k-know, right?!
  167. nolvlost: // a link for people for lag
  168. sasha_youwinatball: "WOOOOOOW..."
  169. mfightergriz: ((IM HAPPY FRIEND ))
  170. carla_the_fallen: "It really does..." *She smiles and cuddles up to Adie*
  171. sasha_youwinatball: "Their houseis beautiful!"
  172. StreamerDoggo: ((It shouldnt be off air, refresh))
  173. mfightergriz: *Oh, an old lady.
  174. valeriejumper: "Ahaha!"
  175. sasha_youwinatball: He covered his mouth.
  176. Coldsoul: (( me ))
  177. kkmcshouty: *They blush and snuggle closer*
  178. cammylittlesoul: "!!?"
  179. mfightergriz: *Huh.....?
  180. cammylittlesoul: "What's a fiance?"
  181. valeriejumper: "I picture this being you And Bell Griz"
  182. mfightergriz: *I think.... I'm not too smart but i think that's a lie.
  183. emmylittlesoul: "ARe they gonna go on a date?"
  184. Frisk: * Ooooh!
  185. valeriejumper: "Bell being cool. And ya just being a mess."
  186. shala_dreemurr: "It's what you are, Cammy."
  187. nolvlost: * Yikes.
  188. cammylittlesoul: "Wh-What!?
  189. shala_dreemurr: ((CHARA PLZ))
  190. sasha_youwinatball: "She should wear sunscreen."
  191. mfightergriz: *HHHHHHH?????
  192. carla_the_fallen: *Snuggles*
  193. valeriejumper: She sticks out her tongue a bit.
  194. fallendetermin: *Rowan giggles* I like this lady.
  195. mfightergriz: *VAL PL-PLEASE I'M GONNA-BL U SHHHH
  196. mfightergriz: *HHHHHHHNGH
  197. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh my..."
  198. shala_dreemurr: "It means you're going to get married to someone~"
  199. valeriejumper: "Thats the point Ahaha!"
  200. cammylittlesoul: "..."
  201. cammylittlesoul: "!? Why am I that, then!?
  202. valeriejumper: "THATS SO GRIZ"
  203. kkmcshouty: *snuggle*
  204. bellamy: Bellamy tilts her head aside, laughing softly at Val's teasing.
  205. Coldsoul: * (Winter gets up for just a moment to sneak up from behind Cammy and put one small paper star on his head. Boop.)
  206. sasha_youwinatball: "Whoa..."
  207. friskybusiness: Rowan, was your grandma like that too?
  208. shala_dreemurr: *Chara laughs at this*
  209. bellamy: Absolutely relentless.
  210. Coldsoul: * (She runs back quickly!)
  211. emmylittlesoul: "Whoa, they're holding hands."
  212. shala_dreemurr: "Good one Val!"
  213. cammylittlesoul: "!!?"
  214. Frisk: [ Frisk cooed, putting their box of juices and snacks in front of them. Free for taking for now. ]
  215. sydney_pwp: This was getting rather adorable.
  216. Frisk: * Giiiirl!
  217. kkmcshouty: "We have the lovey dovey part taken care of" *wink*
  218. valeriejumper: "Hehe!"
  219. shala_dreemurr: "But not what I had in mind~"
  220. nolvlost: [[ were is everyone at i think im behind?
  221. cammylittlesoul: He glanced up at the paper star on his head and laughed, glancing back at Winter.
  222. valeriejumper: (( We see a truck unloading
  223. shala_dreemurr: "Cammy..Is fiance...To cuteness!"
  224. sasha_youwinatball: "This is really getting awkward..." =/
  225. bellamy: She held her breath during the pause, but seems relieved once the grandmother is kind.
  226. cammylittlesoul: "...That doesn't even make any sense!"
  227. sydney_pwp: (( i'm where they talk about being a boyfriend for 4 days ))
  228. Coldsoul: * (Winter's chuckling a little bit too. She's really happy...?)
  229. fallendetermin: Aaah this plan doesn't sound like it will end well... *Rowan looks concerned*
  230. carla_the_fallen: "Daw..."
  231. shala_dreemurr: *"You're gonna get married to cuteness itself! The perfect couple!"
  232. nolvlost: [[i see kids running around ?
  233. mfightergriz: *Hah?? -Griz looks at the snacks placed on the Ground by Frisk.
  234. valeriejumper: "Awww so cute!"
  235. valeriejumper: (( Ye
  236. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh dear..."
  237. cammylittlesoul: His face puffs up slowly.
  238. nolvlost: [[so i was behind okay
  239. friskybusiness Frisk is glued to the tv screen, lost in the world of anime
  240. sasha_youwinatball: "Delivery!"
  241. StreamerDoggo: ((Current timestamp: 14:38 and counting
  242. fallendetermin: Wow! What a big family!
  243. valeriejumper: "CALIMARI!"
  244. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs and throws their arms around Cammy, giggling
  245. Coldsoul: (( can i have link again ))
  246. nolvlost: *...[She doesn't seem to be a fan.]
  247. Frisk: [ There's a few potato chisps in there, along with various fruit juices and choco-pies. ]
  248. StreamerDoggo: (( ))
  249. nolvlost: [[
  250. Frisk: * Squuuuid.
  251. emmylittlesoul: "Whoa, that's a lot of food."
  252. cammylittlesoul: "Grr...!! DOG!"
  253. sasha_youwinatball: "Heehee, ah sports fans."
  254. valeriejumper: She grabs a two bags of chips and hands one to Bellamy.
  255. valeriejumper: "'Ere ya go!"
  256. Coldsoul: * (Winter decides to sneak over to Cammy again to flick the star right off the top of his head, blowing a small and short raspberry while doing so.)
  257. chain_: ((Hey can someone tell me the time you guys are at?))
  258. sasha_youwinatball: "That's...a lot fo squid...:
  259. mfightergriz: *H....´SST, H-HEY THERE..
  260. valeriejumper: "Snrk--"
  261. mfightergriz: *pssst
  262. Frisk: * Hmmm??
  263. mfightergriz: *PSSSSSSST
  264. bellamy: "Oh! Thank you," Bellamy chimes, quietly opening the bag.
  265. shala_dreemurr: ((I don't know the time? They're eating at a table))
  266. fallendetermin: *giggles*
  267. nolvlost: [That's inappropiate.]
  268. mfightergriz: *CAN- CAN I GRAB SOME OF THOSE SNACKS
  269. cammylittlesoul: "!!" He hangs his head. "My star has fallen..."
  270. sasha_youwinatball: Sasha munches on cookies.
  271. Frisk: [ Frisk glances at Griz, smirking. ] O`course! It's all free for takin'.
  272. friskybusiness: Rowan, did you have a family this big too?
  273. nolvlost: [Sounds just like Keisha when she had her first boyfriend. She laughs.]
  274. shala_dreemurr: Chara frowns, but then smiles
  275. mfightergriz: *!!!! Nice!! Thank you!!
  276. Coldsoul: * (She snickers a little bit.) W-well, y-you can always p-pick i-it up!
  277. bellamy: But, it's too quiet-- too slow. Bellamy tries to open the bag a bit faster, before it explodes.
  278. emmylittlesoul: "That guy is blushing really hard"
  279. bellamy: The chips fly.
  280. fallendetermin: Ah! Never! It's just me and my mom and dad... This looks nice, though.
  281. valeriejumper: "WHOOP"
  282. emmylittlesoul: "Maybe his drink is too hot"
  283. Frisk: * No problem!!
  284. cammylittlesoul: He does go. "You really STARtled me with that, you know?"
  285. mfightergriz: -Griz stands up to get some snacks when!! a potato chip flies over his face, landing on his nose-
  286. sasha_youwinatball: "A lot of fighting going on..."
  287. mfightergriz: *Huh....?
  288. friskybusiness: Hehehe! Yeah! It does look fun!
  289. chain_: ((Doggo, what is the time at? So I can stick with the main group?))
  290. valeriejumper: "Nice one Bell. Got him on the nose!"
  291. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip runs on in... a little bit out of breath...] A-Am I l-late-?
  292. shala_dreemurr: "Pffffffft-AHAHAHA! At least I can do this now!" Chara begins to brush through Cammy's hair with their fingers, trying to stop their laughter.
  293. bellamy: Bellamy blushes a bright shade of pink, trying to clean up the chips.
  294. mfightergriz: *....
  295. kkmcshouty: "Poor guy..."
  296. Frisk: [ They chirped, sticking their tongue out. Frisk's already having the time of their life. ]
  297. valeriejumper: "This is the purest form of Griz."
  298. cammylittlesoul: "!!!" He immediately starts to simmer down...
  299. sasha_youwinatball: Sasha looked uncomfy for the protag.
  300. Coldsoul: * (Snrk. She starts giggling louder, standing in place with her hand on her face while shaking her head.) T-that's w-w-what I m-meant!
  301. bellamy: "Oh...! I'm sorry, Griz!" She winces, reaching over to lift it from his face.
  302. shala_dreemurr: "Hmmmm...I mean...If you get cuddles it's not so bad?"
  303. mfightergriz: Griz walks over to where Bellamy is, and crouches.
  304. valeriejumper: She helps Bellamy pick up her chips, sneaking a few to bite.
  305. fallendetermin: The main character is kind of cute~ *Rowan hums, eating their boyfriend* He's silly.
  306. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks at the two, mumbling 'dorks' under her breath, chuckling.)
  307. carla_the_fallen: "Can you imagine being that kid? In this situation?"
  308. mfightergriz: *Need some help here?
  309. friskybusiness: Cuddles are the best~
  310. mfightergriz: -He winks at Bellamy-
  311. nolvlost: [[rowaN ATE THEIR BOYFRIEND
  312. valeriejumper: "Uhh..."
  313. cammylittlesoul: "I'll get you back later, Winter..."
  314. fallendetermin: ( wh
  315. fallendetermin: (( omfg
  316. bellamy: (( Rowan thats like,,,,,, illegal ))
  317. kkmcshouty: *They Blus like crazy*
  318. wanderandward: -Heh, pretending to be someones fiancee in front of their whole family. Brave kid.-
  319. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow, forward..."
  320. fallendetermin: (( *CORNBREAD????
  321. valeriejumper: "Should I leave you two to cuddle?"
  322. kkmcshouty: *they blush more*
  323. valeriejumper: ((I REGRET PICKING THIS MOVIE FOR KIDS.
  324. valeriejumper: ((INSTANT REGRET.
  325. Coldsoul: * B-but you never w-will! Hehe! (She steps back, chuckling nervously before tripping on her bean bag and landing on it with a thump.)
  326. kkmcshouty: ((definitely
  327. carla_the_fallen: *Also blushes* "I know, right?"
  328. sydney_pwp: Sydney seems rather embarrassed by what's happening in the anime
  329. nolvlost: [[LMAO okay
  330. cammylittlesoul: "Pffft!" He laughs at her with a smirk.
  331. valeriejumper: "GASP!"
  332. nolvlost: * How's the muffins? I still have more!
  333. fallendetermin: (( wow i was not paying attention when i was typing
  334. valeriejumper: "CORGIIII!"
  335. cammylittlesoul: "Looks like I don't need to!"
  336. mfightergriz: -Griz starts to help Bellamy in cleaning the chips from the ground-
  337. bellamy: With her hand, she hides her face a bit, blushing brightly at Griz.
  338. sydney_pwp: "!!! Dog!"
  339. chain_: ((Some one please?? Anyone?))
  340. shala_dreemurr: "Victory is always Cammy's."
  341. Coldsoul: * Y-you c-c-can try!!!
  342. emmylittlesoul: "That's not a corgi, that's a shiba!"
  343. emmylittlesoul: "Look how cute!"
  344. Coldsoul: * B-but you w-won't b-be able t-to get me!
  345. fallendetermin: They're delicious!! I'd love another if you have one!
  346. shala_dreemurr: "Dog is dog."
  347. cammylittlesoul: "...That guy reminds me of my brother. I don't like him."
  348. valeriejumper: (( i would tell you but i cant in the livestream doesn't tell me ;-;
  349. shala_dreemurr: "Doesn't matter what kind. It's cute!"
  350. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow... So many naked people..."
  351. mfightergriz: *H-hey, it's okay, Bells. There are more snacks over here.
  352. StreamerDoggo: ((Wha- Oh uh))
  353. wanderandward: -Win, anyone can catch you. Bet Gerrson can catch you.-
  354. kkmcshouty: "Warisuke's talking about the underground" *they giggle*
  355. valeriejumper: "Aww"
  356. mfightergriz: -Griz goes over to where Frisk had the snacks.-
  357. shala_dreemurr: Chara frowns a little at the brother remark, leaning a bit into Cammy at this comment. They're still going through his hair.)
  358. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip looks up to see the movie... it looks like he walked in at the wrong time... but his not too sure...]
  359. bellamy: "Oh-- no, it's okay," she reassures, trying to clean up the chips before Griz can.
  360. StreamerDoggo: (( 21:35 and counting))
  361. Coldsoul: * (She looks at Wander, turning around almost entirely. Winter sticks her tongue out at him.)
  362. sasha_youwinatball: "This is tense..."
  363. valeriejumper: Valerie still helps Bellamy with the chips
  364. wanderandward: -Hey, dont make me come over there miscreant! heh-
  365. mfightergriz: *-Hey, hey there. Can I have some for me and my girlfriend?-
  366. kkmcshouty: "Carla, what's an America?"
  367. Coldsoul: * N-no, d-don't d-do it Wander!!!
  368. sasha_youwinatball: "???"
  369. Coldsoul: * (She pouts and puffs out her cheeks.)
  370. cammylittlesoul: "I wonder what they are playing...?"
  371. Frisk: * Ooooh. [ Frisk nodded, about to grab a bottle of apple juice themselves. ] Your girlie? Sure thing.
  372. emmylittlesoul: "That looks like a confusing game"
  373. carla_the_fallen: "America is a country on the surface."
  374. shala_dreemurr: "It's Koi-Koi."
  375. sasha_youwinatball: =/
  376. valeriejumper: "Koi-koi!"
  377. wanderandward: *Wander squints at her and pulls out his phone, keeping it in plain view.*
  378. chain_: ((Thank you))
  379. mfightergriz: *H-hehe... -Griz rubs the nape of his neck and picks a couple of juice boxes and snack bags-
  380. nolvlost: * Like the fish?
  381. valeriejumper: "I wanna name a pet that."
  382. wanderandward: -Do what, kissan?-
  383. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip tilts his head a bit in confusion...]
  384. kkmcshouty: "are there a lot of countries on the surface?"
  385. mfightergriz: *Thank you so much! I owe you one, bud!
  386. bellamy: That's still a term she has to get used to. With most of the chips cleaned up, she drops her hands by her side. "Ah, thank you Val."
  387. carla_the_fallen: "Yeah, there are."
  388. sasha_youwinatball: "There's a LOT of ground to cover in Disney World ALONE."
  389. valeriejumper: "Uh... Numbers?"
  390. Coldsoul: * (Winter's hair does the Ghibli fluff and her face gets a little redder. She quickly turns around so Wander couldn't snap a picture of her... just yet.)
  391. valeriejumper: "Hehe no Probs Bell!"
  392. fallendetermin: *tilts their head* Numbers?
  393. kkmcshouty: "I can't wait to see it someday..."
  394. cammylittlesoul: "Oh wow, he'd better not COUNT on reading that text any time soon."
  395. valeriejumper: "Careful next time."
  396. Frisk: [ The bird pointed finger guns at Griz, winking. ] You're welcome! Any time.
  397. valeriejumper: "What was that fore?"
  398. mfightergriz: -Griz fingerguns back at the little birb friend, and runs back to where Bellamy is.-
  399. shala_dreemurr: "Well"
  400. nolvlost: * ???
  401. sasha_youwinatball: =/
  402. carla_the_fallen: "You'd love it. I'm sure you will!"
  403. valeriejumper: "Geez. rude."
  404. fallendetermin: Huh.
  405. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip flinches a bit at the sound...]
  406. shala_dreemurr: "That jack in the box totally didn't terrify me."
  407. valeriejumper: "CORGI!"
  408. cammylittlesoul: He jumps a little at the pop.
  409. wanderandward: *Snerk* -Aw, flustered already? hah!-
  410. mfightergriz: *H-huh..? What's going on on the screen?
  411. shala_dreemurr: "Nope. Not in the slightest."
  412. sasha_youwinatball: "Is that...a code?"
  413. carla_the_fallen: "Get to see it, I mean."
  414. Frisk: [ They're hearing the stuff happening with Wander and Winter, giggling. Ahhh. ]
  415. mfightergriz: *Can I sit here with you Bellamy?...
  416. mfightergriz: *Brought some more snacks, here.
  417. kkmcshouty: "Yeah it'll definitely be nice"
  418. sydney_pwp: That's not terrifying at all.
  419. carla_the_fallen: *Smiles and snuggles*
  420. bellamy: She tilts her head, trying to recall the plot so far. "The uncle seems a bit like a black sheep, except-- Oh!" She nods, smiling. "Sure, Griz."
  421. valeriejumper: "Should I leave you two love birds in peace?"
  422. Frisk: * Criminal?? [ Squints. ] Oh my gosh.
  423. sasha_youwinatball: "What was it???"
  424. Coldsoul: * H-hey!!! (Winter looks back at Wander, pouty face still there; don't do it, Wander. Don't.)
  425. cammylittlesoul: "Whoa...He's a bad guy...?"
  426. wanderandward: -I dont think its a great idea to solve math riddles sent by a random text.-
  427. nolvlost: * What did he do again?
  428. shala_dreemurr: "Hm..."
  429. mfightergriz: *Hm... A black sheep huh...?
  430. Frisk: [[ get haxored
  431. emmylittlesoul: "See, this is why you shouldn't be good at math."
  432. mfightergriz: *O-oh, this Oz thing seems important.
  433. emmylittlesoul: "You become a bad guy"
  434. cammylittlesoul: Cammy nodded.
  435. cammylittlesoul: "I knew it."
  436. sasha_youwinatball: "???"
  437. mfightergriz: -He sits and hands Bellamy a bag of snacks and a juice box-
  438. wanderandward: *Snap! Pouty face with ghibli floof this time! Excellent.*
  439. mfightergriz: *For you.
  440. shala_dreemurr: "Oz almost reminds me of OASIS."
  441. kkmcshouty: *they snuggle* "I know how this ends, but it's still a good movie"
  442. bellamy: She blinks at the screen, leaning against Griz's side.
  443. sasha_youwinatball: "Did...he get set up?"
  444. wanderandward: -Mhm, cant wait to show this to everyone back home.-
  445. shala_dreemurr: "Just...Not as immersive?"
  446. carla_the_fallen: "I've never seen it. I bet it'll be great!"
  447. Coldsoul: * (Winter notices him taking a picture and she flops out of her seat, going towards Wander immediaely and tackling him with not much force.)
  448. mfightergriz: *Huh. I think I like that brunette guy.
  449. bellamy: "...!! Thank you ♥" she chimes, taking the juice box but setting the chips faaaar away from her.
  450. mfightergriz: *He looks cool.
  451. wanderandward: -Aack, such ferocity! Help, a small is attacking me!-
  452. mfightergriz: *You're welcome, Bells♥
  453. wanderandward: *Says the completely unfazed amalgam.*
  454. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs at Winter's antics
  455. Frisk: * What a nerd, accidentally breaks the Internet for MATH!!
  456. cammylittlesoul: "Oh man, it looks way better now haha"
  457. valeriejumper: "Hehe, Here I am being the third wheel."
  458. Coldsoul: * (Winter seems angry and somewhat flustered, and she's rambling to herself. Her face is completely red.)
  459. bellamy: "Maybe they would have less problems if they didn't connect all of the networks together," she thinks aloud, before taking a sip.
  460. sasha_youwinatball: "Uh oh..."
  461. mfightergriz: *W-Woah..... Everything looks so weird now!
  462. fallendetermin: Oh...
  463. nolvlost: [[ is this what people think chara is in geno route
  464. mfightergriz: *W-WOAH!!
  465. shala_dreemurr: "...I can't say I don't relate. Messing up big time when meaning no harm...heheheh..."
  466. valeriejumper: "GEEZ"
  467. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip looks over at Wander and Winter... laughing and giggling at the two a little bit... but as he turned to the movie he freaked out a bit.]
  468. nolvlost: * Uh oh.
  469. Frisk: * !!!
  470. kkmcshouty: "Yeah, william and I watched it a lot since we didn't have a lot of anime"
  471. mfightergriz: *O-OW
  472. cammylittlesoul: "WHOA"
  473. Frisk: * DANG.
  474. sydney_pwp: O.O
  475. mfightergriz: *THAT SQUIRREL TOOK A BEATING
  476. sasha_youwinatball: "Looks like we got a mystery on our hands..."
  477. wanderandward: *Well, she's in range now at least. Wander ruffles the kids hair while laughing.*
  478. cammylittlesoul: "Don't just take it!! Hit him back!"
  479. fallendetermin: Poor Squirrel.
  480. valeriejumper: "Uhh..."
  481. mfightergriz: *A-AHHH POOR THING
  482. valeriejumper: "
  483. fallendetermin: Oh!! It's the rabbit!
  484. Coldsoul: * (Winter squeaks loudly, trying to take his hand off her hair.) H-help...!
  485. cammylittlesoul: "Duuuuude!"
  486. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip squeaks in surprise...]
  487. mfightergriz: *Huh...?
  488. valeriejumper: "WHOA!"
  489. mfightergriz: *!!!!
  490. shala_dreemurr: "!!!"
  491. sasha_youwinatball: "Creepy..."
  492. Frisk: * OOOOH.
  493. nolvlost: * It's a cool bunny dude!
  494. emmylittlesoul: "It's the bunny!!"
  495. valeriejumper: "ITS A BUN!"
  496. cammylittlesoul: ""It's Samga!"
  497. mfightergriz: *IT'S THAT COOL BUNNY GUY!!!
  498. sasha_youwinatball: "OUCH!"
  499. shala_dreemurr: "SAMGA!"
  500. mfightergriz: *BELLAMY, IT'S THE BUNNY GUY!!
  501. bellamy: "It is!!"
  502. Frisk: [ Frisk's on the edge of their seat, grinning wIDELY TO CHEER ON THIS BUN. ]
  503. carla_the_fallen: "Oh, cool! Anime is great."
  504. mfightergriz: *BUNNY GUY, BUNNY GUY
  505. chain_: ((I'm just gonna go cause everything is lagging for me. See you guys later!))
  506. kkmcshouty: (( all that japanese text just said 'Kazma!' FYI ))
  507. kip_the_cabbit: "Whoa...!!!"
  508. bellamy: Her eyes widen a bit at all the teeth/
  509. valeriejumper: ((aWW
  510. bellamy: .**
  511. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow..."
  512. shala_dreemurr: Chara claps a little, with a dopey grin on their face
  513. mfightergriz: ((bye bye chainn))
  514. Frisk: * GET `EM!!! YEAH!!!
  515. bellamy: And now there's blood.
  516. valeriejumper: (( Boi Chain
  517. Frisk: [[ man cya ;v;
  518. sasha_youwinatball: "Hey, it's the bunny!"
  519. cammylittlesoul: "This is intense!"
  520. kkmcshouty: ((boi!
  521. shala_dreemurr: ((Bye chain!))
  522. mfightergriz: *AH! Will Bunny guy defend the others from danger?
  523. nolvlost: * What is he doing??
  524. carla_the_fallen: "Woah... This is crazy!"
  525. shala_dreemurr: "DID HE JUST...EAT SOMEONE?"
  526. valeriejumper: "Uhh..."
  527. valeriejumper: "UHHH..."
  528. StreamerDoggo: ((Love Machine has absorbed the human Souls.))
  529. mfightergriz: *!!! THAT MONSTER-
  530. emmylittlesoul: "OH WOW"
  531. shala_dreemurr: "THAT...Wow. I think Frisk is in this movie too!"
  532. mfightergriz: *N-NGH!!
  533. Frisk: * WhoooOOOA.
  534. wanderandward: *The hand resists! Her will is not strong enough! That and shes like less than half his size.* -No escape for you kissanpentu!-
  535. bellamy: Bellamy tucks her legs by her side, looking up. "There he is again!"
  536. mfightergriz: *Now there's a real battle...
  537. carla_the_fallen: (BR
  538. cammylittlesoul: He's starting to rock back and forth in excitement.
  539. mfightergriz: *WAH! THAT KICK WAS AMAZING!
  540. Frisk: * OOOOH SHOOT.
  541. valeriejumper: "That's so cool"
  542. sasha_youwinatball: ((It's freezing on me.))
  543. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip gulps and goes to sit next to Shala and Cammy...] "This looks bad..."
  544. sydney_pwp: Sydney is confused and somewhat scared by this
  545. kkmcshouty: "Poor Samga"
  546. cammylittlesoul: "No way..."
  547. mfightergriz: *wHAT? Noooo! The evil guy wins....?
  548. nolvlost: [That was freaky.]
  549. shala_dreemurr: Chara clings to Cammy
  550. valeriejumper: "That was cool."
  551. mfightergriz: *He must be EVIL. He's got POINTY TEETH.
  552. sasha_youwinatball: "Ewwww..."
  553. valeriejumper: "I gotta take notes on that."
  554. kkmcshouty: "So cute!"
  555. shala_dreemurr: "HEY! Pointy teeth doesn't mean evil!"
  556. sasha_youwinatball: [covers mouth] "Did...he just gain LV?"
  557. mfightergriz: *I'm pretty sure all the evil guys I've seen have pointy teeth!
  558. mfightergriz: *But who knows.
  559. StreamerDoggo: ((Yes it seriously is called Love Machine ))
  560. nolvlost: [Kayla laughs at the uncle character. He's delightfully inappropiate.]
  561. cammylittlesoul: "What did that guy say...?"
  562. shala_dreemurr: Chara lets out a tiny whine at this and rests their head on Cammy's shoulder
  563. valeriejumper: "???"
  564. shala_dreemurr: "I-I...Have pointy teeth..."
  565. valeriejumper: "Oh boy..."
  566. Frisk: * ... /AI?/ That sounds nice!
  567. friskybusiness: Uh.....why would that guy like looking at that stuff?
  568. wanderandward: -Small kids ruin everything, see even the movie shows this!-
  569. sasha_youwinatball: "What IS he looking at?"
  570. mfightergriz: *H-HAH...?
  571. cammylittlesoul: "That's okay. You're are cute." Paps gently.
  572. nolvlost: * Everything's happening so much.
  573. mfightergriz: *I-I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN TO-
  574. cammylittlesoul: yours*
  575. bellamy: "He *ate* people," she winces, tilting her head against Griz's shoulder.
  576. valeriejumper: "Well then."
  577. kkmcshouty: "Poor kid..." *they cuddle more*
  578. sasha_youwinatball: ((It keeps freezing up.))
  579. mfightergriz: *AH MAN I'm sorry... - He says looking towards Shala-
  580. shala_dreemurr: Chara goes beet red, but doesn't object for once
  581. nolvlost: //
  582. shala_dreemurr: "I-It's okay..."
  583. valeriejumper: "..."
  584. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh no..."
  585. StreamerDoggo: ((Timestamp: 36:10 and counting))
  586. mfightergriz: *Huh...? Everything's alright, Bells. I'm sure that Love Machine thing will be beaten by the good guys.
  587. valeriejumper: "Why is she-?"
  588. valeriejumper: "!!?"
  589. nolvlost: * He forgot he was a cop??
  590. carla_the_fallen: (Back)
  591. mfightergriz: *!!! He got arrested??
  592. shala_dreemurr: Chara doesn't make any further comment, leaning into Cammy, eyes glued on the screen.
  593. valeriejumper: "Psh."
  594. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip sat down and his tail curled by his side.]
  595. cammylittlesoul: "No way, he was framed!"
  596. Bellamy: She nods, reassured by his logic. Good guys always win.
  597. nolvlost: * Oh no he has a sad backstory tooo!!
  598. cammylittlesoul: "This guy is a pretty lame cop. I thought cops were cool."
  599. emmylittlesoul: "The gramma knows!"
  600. valeriejumper: "Ack! Backstory!"
  601. emmylittlesoul: "Grammas are great like that"
  602. kkmcshouty: "He'd fit right in in camp undersoul"
  603. fallendetermin: Awww...
  604. Frisk: * Ahhhhh. [ Ow, their heart. ]
  605. mfightergriz: *Well, he's a nice guy! He shouldn't be arrested!
  606. mfightergriz: *This isn't fair....
  607. carla_the_fallen: "Yeah, I think he would."
  608. shala_dreemurr: "Not all cops are cool."
  609. cammylittlesoul: He nodded. "Your Gramma is awesome from what I know, haha."
  610. friskybusiness: Cops are useless in my town, they just complain about how much they hate their job
  611. shala_dreemurr: "...And not all humans are awful."
  612. mfightergriz: *HHHhrgh....
  613. valeriejumper: (( YO seis how do you edit Your nick?
  614. shala_dreemurr: Chara shrugs
  615. Bellamy: "I think... they'll find him justic-- Oh, it's him again." The toothy menace is unnerving.
  616. shala_dreemurr: "At least you had cops."
  617. friskybusiness: Too many roadblocks over little things
  618. cammylittlesoul: "?"
  619. valeriejumper: "?"
  620. mfightergriz: -Griz scowls at the sight of the evil one.-
  621. sasha_youwinatball: ((time stamp right now?))
  622. StreamerDoggo: ((I think Seis actually made multiple accounts ))
  623. emmylittlesoul: "Yeah, I miss her! But it's okay"
  624. StreamerDoggo: ((A moment...))
  625. Bellamy: "At least they let him ride in the front seat."
  626. valeriejumper: ((Ooooh
  627. mfightergriz: *Hm.
  628. StreamerDoggo: (( 39:30 ))
  629. valeriejumper: "Hm..."
  630. nolvlost: // would it be too much to as if you can give a time stamp every 10/15 minutes or so?
  631. Bellamy: (( Yeah, I realized I didn't want to be the same muse, so I used a dummy email ))
  632. valeriejumper: ((Ah
  633. mfightergriz: *Hah...? Well, I don't understand much of technology but...
  634. valeriejumper: "Wait did that TV repeat itself?"
  635. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip moved to lay down on the ground... still looking up at the screen...]
  636. sasha_youwinatball: "Geez... He's just messing EVERYTHING up..."
  637. mfightergriz: *This guy seems to be causing chaos!
  638. kkmcshouty: "they have such a big family, it must be nice"
  639. nolvlost: * He took the time to set all of that up?
  640. valeriejumper: "I know what's going on."
  641. shala_dreemurr: "My town - if you can call it that - was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. No cops. No hospitals. One school - A school house."
  642. cammylittlesoul: Cammy scrunches his face up as he watches the scene unfold.
  643. valeriejumper: "This guy is a hacker"
  644. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow...dominoes..."
  645. Frisk: * To be honest, this is really hilarious. [ Snnnnrk. ]
  646. carla_the_fallen: "Yeah..."
  647. valeriejumper: (( Hearing my muse say that kills me. omg ))
  648. cammylittlesoul: "Wow, it must have been really boring if it was that small."
  649. Coldsoul: * (Winter is still struggling against Wander's grasp. Her face is still beet red, and she's whining.)
  650. sasha_youwinatball: "Dude, language!"
  651. cammylittlesoul: Cammy sees the guy's goggles and his eyes go wide.
  652. Coldsoul: (( can i have link for lag ))
  653. nolvlost: //
  654. shala_dreemurr: "Not really. But it sure sucked."
  655. cammylittlesoul: "What is that guy wearing...?"
  656. shala_dreemurr: Chara doesn't want to go in further detail.
  657. mfightergriz: *Hrm...
  658. Coldsoul: (( timestamp?? ))
  659. kkmcshouty: "I always found it funny how the AI's name is LOVE Machine"
  660. cammylittlesoul: He raises an eyebrow, but drops the subject, shoving them lightly.
  661. nolvlost: // not my stream but i believe its around 42 minutes
  662. sasha_youwinatball: "So... Control Oz, congrol the world..." [cringes]
  663. wanderandward: *Hm, did he forget about something? Oh right, theres a kissan in his grasp! Wander releases her and flicks her nose.* -Dont worry. I'll show everyone later heheh-
  664. nolvlost: * Grandma can you chill?
  665. Frisk: * ... Dang, can't trust the interwebs.
  666. mfightergriz: *T-this looks serious...
  667. mfightergriz: *D-DIE?
  668. fallendetermin: ... Why did one thing make this all happen? *Rowan is very confused*
  669. shala_dreemurr: Chara jumps, letting out a tiny yelp at the shove, as gentle as it was. Seems more like shock than anything.
  670. wanderandward: ((43ish now i think
  671. sasha_youwinatball: "Sweet child..."
  672. cammylittlesoul: "Hold the phone!"
  673. carla_the_fallen: "Heh... Wait, AI?" (Did they say it was an AI and not a person already?)
  674. valeriejumper: "Precious kid"
  675. mfightergriz: *Hey.... I like the background music.
  676. emmylittlesoul: "Old school phones!"
  677. mfightergriz: *PSH- Good one, Cammy!
  678. kkmcshouty: (( Yeah ))
  679. cammylittlesoul: "Oh man, this gramma is amazing. Look at her giving everyone encouragement!"
  680. sasha_youwinatball: "Whoa... Don't mess with Granny."
  681. fallendetermin: This old lady is co cool!!
  682. carla_the_fallen: (OK, forget she said that)
  683. fallendetermin: (( *so cool
  684. Bellamy: Bellamy nods in agreement. "It's sweet. We used to do warm ups to something like this."
  685. nolvlost: * Grandmas always get stuff done.
  686. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip's ears perked up as he watched the older lady... she actually looked like she was getting work done.]
  687. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow..."
  688. fallendetermin: P-punched?
  689. shala_dreemurr: Chara goes oddly silent at the replacement comment Granny makes.
  690. mfightergriz: *Ahh... It's very peaceful, isn't it?
  691. carla_the_fallen: "This lady is awesome!"
  692. valeriejumper: "I wish I had a Grandma like that"
  693. mfightergriz: *!!! This woman HAS STYLE!
  694. cammylittlesoul: Cammy thinks back to a scene ago. "I want what that guy on the motorbike was wearing on his face."
  695. sasha_youwinatball: "Dang..."
  696. Frisk: * She's so encouraging!!!
  697. Bellamy: "Though I do I find it difficult to believe she's 90."
  698. fallendetermin: *Rowan has a new role model*
  699. kkmcshouty: ""It's been over 50 years since I punched you" PFFT"
  700. wanderandward: -Knew having all that stuff connected was a bad idea. Screw up one thing effects everything else.-
  701. mfightergriz: *I really like what she says!!!
  702. nolvlost: [She slaps her hand to her forehead when she catches the title.] *ThaaaaT'S WHY IT'S CALLED SUMMER WARS.
  703. Frisk: [ Frisk pumps their fists in the air. ] I love her!
  704. sasha_youwinatball: "She's really getting everyone working together..."
  705. Coldsoul: * (Winter squeaks at her ose being flicked, and she baks u towards her baen bag. She's beet red...)
  706. valeriejumper: "She really knows how to motivate!"
  707. sasha_youwinatball: "Ha! She's definitely no feeble old woman!"
  708. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  709. Bellamy: Nodding, she drops her hands by her side. Grannie is an inspiration to all.
  710. nolvlost: * He kind of looks like the Dog guy in the garden from earlier!
  711. kkmcshouty: "You're right Carla she's amazing"
  712. cammylittlesoul: "I bet she's the one controlling the Samga avatar."
  713. wanderandward: *The goop follows, ploppin down on the floor besides her seat. The campers seem well behaved for now.*
  714. mfightergriz: *O-OH, YEAH! The Bunny guy!
  715. carla_the_fallen: "This is really interesting!"
  716. valeriejumper: "Hmmm"
  717. mfightergriz: *It wouldn't be too far-fetched!
  718. cammylittlesoul: "How cool would that be??"
  719. sasha_youwinatball: "he's in!"
  720. Coldsoul: * (Winter is sitting right next to Frisk, and they could see her pouty face if they wanted to.)
  721. mfightergriz: *Heck yeah!! Battl Granny!
  722. valeriejumper: "Cool!
  723. mfightergriz: *battle
  724. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip squeaks and smiled in surprise!]
  725. valeriejumper: "They are back in!"
  726. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow, irony."
  727. mfightergriz: *That was surprising.
  728. valeriejumper: "Talk about Irony."
  729. cammylittlesoul: Cammy glance over at Val and grinned, glad that they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
  730. Frisk: [ They totally noticed, Frisk stuck their tongue at her and sipped on their juice. ] Somethin' wrong?
  731. Bellamy: "I hope I can be like that in 80 y--" Reality hits her, and she pauses mid-sentence. For obvious reasons, that wasn't happening.
  732. valeriejumper: (( Seis no.
  733. shala_dreemurr: Chara's eyes are unfocused.
  734. sasha_youwinatball: "More baseball!"
  735. wanderandward: -She was caught being cute heheh-
  736. mfightergriz: *Hm...? What were you saying, Bells?
  737. emmylittlesoul: "Looks like the family like him more"
  738. cammylittlesoul: "?" He poked Chara gently.
  739. sasha_youwinatball: "She's pretty cool."
  740. mfightergriz: -Looking at the people eat, Griz started devouring his snacks.-
  741. kkmcshouty: "Is Japan a surface country too?"
  742. Bellamy: Smiling softly, she shakes her head and takes a sip from her juice. "Ah, nothing."
  743. shala_dreemurr: Chara squeaks in surprise
  744. valeriejumper: "Hehe"
  745. carla_the_fallen: "It is!"
  746. shala_dreemurr: "-!?"
  747. cammylittlesoul: "You ok?"
  748. mfightergriz: *HM.... O....OGHAY
  749. Frisk: * Ooooh, but, I thought she was always cute!
  750. shala_dreemurr: Chara blinks
  751. kkmcshouty: "Huh, neat"
  752. sasha_youwinatball: He smiled. "So they're OK with him now?"
  753. sydney_pwp: Sydney intently watches the anime
  754. mfightergriz: -He had a full mouth, but covered it to talk to her.-
  755. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip's nose scrunched a few times and as he seemed to be smelling something in the air.]
  756. mfightergriz: *HM.....
  757. mfightergriz: *EVIL ONE...
  758. sasha_youwinatball: "Ugh... LV Machine..."
  759. wanderandward: -But she was caught on camera this time!- *Cue the cackling goop.*
  760. cammylittlesoul: He tilts his head a little.
  761. valeriejumper: "LV Machine."
  762. Bellamy: He is beauty, he is grace. Bellamy tries not to laugh at his attempts to talk through the mass consumption.
  763. Frisk: * Chuchuchuchu!!
  764. sasha_youwinatball: "...?"
  765. kkmcshouty: "DUN DUN DUUUUN"
  766. mfightergriz: *HAH...?
  767. valeriejumper: "...?"
  768. nolvlost: * I knew that guy was a creep!
  769. sasha_youwinatball: "!!!"
  770. sasha_youwinatball: "The villain reveals himself!!!"
  771. mfightergriz: -Griz stood up from his seat-
  772. Frisk: [ What the heckie? Frisk narrowed their eyes, this uncle guy is no good. ]
  773. kkmcshouty: "And there go their souls"
  774. Frisk: * Wooow!
  775. mfightergriz: *IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!
  776. fallendetermin: Th-that looks bad!
  777. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip's fur stands up at the sound of that name... he hisses at the evil man on the screen.]
  778. sasha_youwinatball: [covers mouth]
  779. Bellamy: Oh god. Bellamy dips her head a bit.
  780. shala_dreemurr: "whatkindofidiotrevealshimselflikethathonestly-"
  781. valeriejumper: "It's his fault?"
  782. Coldsoul: * (Winter glares at both of them, and then angrily ruffles Frisk's hair a couple times. She's angry.) S-shaddap!!!
  783. wanderandward: ((damn lag, im like a few minutes behind you all lol
  784. cammylittlesoul: "I knew he was a nasty piece of work..."
  785. nolvlost: [[funny how all the people involved are in the same house
  786. mfightergriz: *NGH... YEAH...
  788. mfightergriz: *HE'S putting everyone in danger...
  789. valeriejumper: ((JFC
  790. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh dear..." D=>
  791. wanderandward: -Oh hey, assaulting a fellow camper here! Miscreant!-
  792. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip's claws stick outs as he hisses even more.]
  793. nolvlost: [[ooh kick his butt grammie
  794. mfightergriz: -He plopped back into his seat.
  795. sasha_youwinatball: "..."
  796. sydney_pwp: Seems Sydney is shocked at this reveal.
  797. valeriejumper: "..."
  798. nolvlost: * YOU'RE FULL OF IT!
  799. Frisk: [ Chuckling, Frisk held their hands up in defense while fluffing their own hair up. ]
  800. Frisk: * Noooo!! I don't want to!
  801. sasha_youwinatball: [starting to cry]
  802. fallendetermin: Whoa!!!
  803. nolvlost: * OH MY GOD
  804. kkmcshouty: "Oh no"
  805. valeriejumper: "OH GEEZ"
  806. cammylittlesoul: "What the heck..."
  807. Bellamy: "... Oh, he can't be that bad--" Bellamy frowns, before sitting up right.
  808. wanderandward: *The goopman pokes her side a few times. Must stop the violence! Silly bastard.*
  809. mfightergriz: *...WH-WHAT A CREEP
  810. Frisk: * Dang it, Granny.
  811. fallendetermin: Go Granny!!!
  812. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  813. sasha_youwinatball: [cringes]
  814. cammylittlesoul: "WHOA!
  815. sasha_youwinatball:
  816. mfightergriz: *YEAH GRANDMA YOU GO!!!
  817. Coldsoul: * (Winter's hair is fluffed up too, and her face is beet red. Her cheeks are puffed out, and she seems slightly angry until she's poked in the side. She squeaks.)
  818. fallendetermin: *Rowan has starry eyes*
  819. sasha_youwinatball: [covers eyes]
  820. Bellamy: "...Ah, nevermind."
  821. shala_dreemurr: "No mercy from this gran."
  822. nolvlost: [Her blood runs cold. Everything happens so much.]
  823. sasha_youwinatball: [quivers]
  824. valeriejumper: "Phew..."
  825. kkmcshouty: "Poor Wabisuke..."
  826. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip flinches]
  827. mfightergriz: *Hmngh....
  828. mfightergriz: *What a mess...
  829. sasha_youwinatball: [peeks through fingers] "N-Nobody died...?"
  830. valeriejumper: "A mess indeed..."
  831. shala_dreemurr: "Nobody died."
  832. valeriejumper: "Sigh..."
  833. nolvlost: * They wouldn't show a movie with people dying!!
  834. sasha_youwinatball: "This must be really hard on Natskie..."
  835. fallendetermin: *Rowan bounces in their seat, this Annie May is awesome!*
  836. wanderandward: -Heheheh, alright calm down kissan. Just accept your cuteness and watch the movie.-
  837. mfightergriz: *Huh..? Grandma might have overdone it a bit...
  838. kkmcshouty: "Have you played Hanafuda Carla?"
  839. sasha_youwinatball: "A bit...?"
  840. nolvlost: * "A little family drama."
  841. valeriejumper: "I wanna learn to play that card game."
  842. Bellamy: Bellamy nods in agreement, chewing her inner cheek. This is why she can't watch movies.
  843. shala_dreemurr: "Hanafuda's just the kind of cards."
  844. Coldsoul: * I-I'm n-n-not c-cute!!! Aah! (Winter turns her head back towards the screen and kicks her feet a little, pouting.)
  845. shala_dreemurr: "...Not the name of the game."
  846. Bellamy: She ends up trying to find reason and redemption in everyone, and... villains don't always work that way.
  847. sasha_youwinatball: "Aww... Kenji... I wanna hug him."
  848. valeriejumper: "That smile."
  849. shala_dreemurr: Chara is focusing very hard on little details like this...Like they don't really want to pay attention to the movie.
  850. mfightergriz: *... He looks like he might have gotten into a dillema....
  851. Bellamy: "I like her smile."
  852. valeriejumper: "That was great."
  853. emmylittlesoul: "Gramma to save the day"
  854. mfightergriz: *Hehe, I like her smile too.
  855. sasha_youwinatball: "She's a pretty cool granny. I mean...she tried to kill a guy, but she's pretty cool."
  856. valeriejumper: "Corgi!"
  857. carla_the_fallen: "No."
  858. valeriejumper: "?"
  859. shala_dreemurr: They curl up a bit, hugging their knees.
  860. sasha_youwinatball: ((I think I'm behind.))
  861. Bellamy: "It's almost as cute as yours," she muses, before turning back to the screen.
  862. kkmcshouty: "Oh no... I remember this...!"
  863. mfightergriz: *Hm? That doggy wants to tell-
  864. valeriejumper: "...!"
  865. mfightergriz: *Haaaaahhhh?????
  866. sasha_youwinatball: ((Yeah, there's the dog))
  867. mfightergriz: *O-Oh dear.....
  868. Frisk: [ Frisk immediately froze, letting their wings droop. ]
  869. emmylittlesoul: "OH NO"
  870. Bellamy: "!!!" Oh, no.
  871. nolvlost: *GRANNY NO!!
  872. Frisk: * ... Noooo.
  873. fallendetermin: N-No!
  874. emmylittlesoul: "GRAMMA"
  875. Bellamy: Oh, no, oh no oh no.
  876. cammylittlesoul: "N-No!!"
  877. mfightergriz: *Oh.... oh no......
  878. fallendetermin: NO!!
  879. sasha_youwinatball: "What are they looking...oh no!"
  880. cammylittlesoul: He clings to Chara tightly.
  881. kkmcshouty: *they pull Carla close*
  882. mfightergriz: *Granny.... come on granny.... wake up...
  883. valeriejumper: Valerie turns her head to the side, avoiding to watch this. To many memories..
  884. shala_dreemurr: !
  885. fallendetermin: *Rowan overs their mouth* ...
  886. mfightergriz: *Granny...!
  887. sasha_youwinatball: [hugs the nearest person]
  888. Bellamy: "Granny..."
  889. Coldsoul: * (Winter slowly calms down and she starts to feel horrible. A hand slowly goes to her mouth...)
  890. emmylittlesoul: Emmy stares at the screen. She's seen this movie before but... memories...
  891. friskybusiness hugs Rowan
  892. mfightergriz: -Griz has an expression of pain in his eyes...-
  893. nolvlost: [She puts a hand to her mouth, distraught.]
  894. valeriejumper: She clings onto the bean bag.
  895. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh no..." [starts tearing up]
  896. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip whimpers as his ears droop to the sides of his head]
  897. shala_dreemurr: Chara allows this. They make no move other than putting their arm around Cammy.
  898. carla_the_fallen: *cuddles the Adie*
  899. cammylittlesoul: "No...No way..."
  900. mfightergriz: *This is terrible...!
  901. mfightergriz: *She was s BRAVE!
  902. mfightergriz: *SO
  903. kkmcshouty: "Carla, can you promise me something...?"
  904. Bellamy: "At least... she lived a full life..."
  905. carla_the_fallen: "Yes."
  906. mfightergriz: *Hm....
  907. carla_the_fallen: "What?"
  908. shala_dreemurr: Chara shifts uncomfortably
  909. Frisk: [ They whimpered, nearly close to tearing up. Frisk's getting emotional. ]
  910. mfightergriz: *Yeah... yeah, she did...
  911. valeriejumper: "..."
  912. sasha_youwinatball: [starts crying]
  913. emmylittlesoul: Tears have started rolling down her face, and she doesn't even realize.
  914. Frisk: * On... On her birthday.
  915. fallendetermin: *Rowan is shaking slightly*
  916. kkmcshouty: "Whe- IF I die, promise me you won't do-" *they gesture to the screen* "-This"
  917. mfightergriz: -Griz gets a couple teasr showing off the corner of his eyes.-
  918. nolvlost: [She sniffs back tears. The birthday comment just made them keep on rolling. This is too sad.]
  919. mfightergriz: *tears
  920. Bellamy: "...I hope everyone else can be brave for her," she says softly, tears bubbling at her eyes.
  921. shala_dreemurr: "hey. cammy."
  922. mfightergriz: *M-Me too...
  923. cammylittlesoul: "Hm?"
  924. Coldsoul: * (Winter is slightly... broken after that. She doesn't seem very pouty anymore, but she seems upset. She's tearing up, and her hands ball up into fists.)
  925. valeriejumper: Her eyes watered a bit as she turned h er view back to the screen.
  926. nolvlost: [[what a rough week for these two omfg
  927. sasha_youwinatball: [wipes eyes] "Oh, Granny... You'll be sorely misssed..."
  928. mfightergriz: *It's kay, Bells. It's ok.
  929. friskybusiness: *Frisk gently hugs Rowan, rubbing their back* It's okay...
  930. mfightergriz: -After looking at Bellamy starting to tear up, He held her with one arrm around her back.-
  931. wanderandward: *Wander wordlessly pats Winter's shoulder.*
  932. kkmcshouty: "I don't want anyone to mourn me... most of all you"
  933. mfightergriz: *Aw.... Aw man.........
  934. sasha_youwinatball: "I wanna hug em all!" [cries]
  935. carla_the_fallen: *Carla sniffles* "I...I can try."
  936. valeriejumper: She wiped her eyes a bit and payed attention back to the Anime.
  937. Bellamy: She tucks herself closer to him, feeling secure. "..."
  938. Coldsoul: * (Winter tenses at the pat, and she's getting pretty close to crying; it's not going to get too bad. She places her fist by her eyes to wipe them.)
  939. valeriejumper: "..."
  940. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  941. cammylittlesoul: "What's up?"
  942. kkmcshouty: *They cuddle Carla* "Thank you..." *They kiss Carla's head*
  943. valeriejumper: "..!"
  944. sasha_youwinatball: [cringe]
  945. Bellamy: "He reminds me of you a little."
  946. mfightergriz: *Hm...?
  947. mfightergriz: *He's too skinny, hahah...
  948. shala_dreemurr: "...nothing."
  949. mfightergriz: *He needs more courage too....
  950. sasha_youwinatball:
  951. emmylittlesoul: Emmy wipes her face quietly
  952. nolvlost: * You can still have care for other people when mourning!!
  953. carla_the_fallen: *Carla cuddles tighter* "I love you, Adie."
  954. shala_dreemurr: "i just...feel conflicted."
  955. Bellamy: "Hehe. I mean-- like, on the inside. Standing up for what's right."
  956. Bellamy: "... But you do it better."
  957. cammylittlesoul: "What about?"
  958. mfightergriz: *Oh...?
  959. sydney_pwp: Sydney sobs quietly. It got really emotional really fast.
  960. kkmcshouty: "I love you too" *A tear falls*
  961. sasha_youwinatball: "Rematch!"
  962. shala_dreemurr: "...i can tell you later."
  963. mfightergriz: *Psh, I... I could do better with that too, Bells.
  964. nolvlost: // time stamp?
  965. valeriejumper: "Heh..."
  966. shala_dreemurr: Chara gives a weak smile
  967. wanderandward: *The amalgam flicks the cloak over Winters shoulder, and wraps an arm around her.*
  968. mfightergriz: *There's a plan going on...
  969. cammylittlesoul: "...If you're sure. As long as you're gonna be okay."
  970. shala_dreemurr: "just go and...Just keep watching the movie, okay? I'm good."
  971. cammylittlesoul: "It's against the rules to be sad in those PJs you know?"
  972. Bellamy: She shrugs, smiling. "I don't know, I'd be hard-pressed to find someone bra--"
  973. carla_the_fallen: *Soft crying* "This movie is really sad..."
  974. Frisk: [ Sniff sniff. Frisk cleared up their tears, sitting upright immediately. ]
  975. sasha_youwinatball: "Time for battle!"
  976. Coldsoul: * (Winter is mumbling to herself softly, trying to calm herself down. She tugs the cloak over her.) I c-can't c-cry now...!
  977. valeriejumper: "Whoa..."
  978. Bellamy: "Ah! A plan. They're going to get through this." She smiles, hope returning to her.
  979. mfightergriz: *w-WHAT IS THAT THING??
  980. emmylittlesoul: Emmy hugs her knees to herself.
  981. sasha_youwinatball: That thing's huge..."
  982. Frisk: * Ohhhh. OH.
  983. fallendetermin: Oh dear....
  984. nolvlost: * Oh..
  985. Bellamy: "...You can't... do... that..."
  986. shala_dreemurr: Chara sticks their tongue out...But they definitely appreciate it. They sigh and lie down, head on Cammy's legs.
  987. valeriejumper: "UHH.."
  988. kkmcshouty: "Yeah, it get's better though" *they snuggle Carla close*
  989. sydney_pwp: (( where are you guys at? ))
  990. shala_dreemurr: "Is this okay?"
  991. mfightergriz: *I BET they're going to defent Granny's ideals, I'm sure of it!
  992. sasha_youwinatball: "OMG!"
  993. mfightergriz: *THAT'S ONE WHOLE BOAT
  994. shala_dreemurr: "Nice boat."
  995. mfightergriz: *DEFEND
  996. Bellamy: "That is a lot of boat."
  997. emmylittlesoul: "That's a lot of lights!"
  998. sasha_youwinatball: "WHAT THE HECK??
  999. shala_dreemurr: Chara lets out a tiny snicker
  1000. cammylittlesoul: "!? Uh..." He sighs and smiles. "Yeah. Sure."
  1001. Frisk: * A boooat.
  1002. valeriejumper: "WHY DO THEY NEED A BOAT?"
  1003. nolvlost: * That's a big boat.
  1004. shala_dreemurr: "Nice boat."
  1005. mfightergriz: *SPLOOSH
  1006. kkmcshouty: "...There goes the pond..."
  1007. shala_dreemurr: "Not a big boat. Nice boat."
  1008. StreamerDoggo: ((And then ARMY VAN ))
  1009. sasha_youwinatball: "That thing's huge..."
  1010. emmylittlesoul: ((Omg Loony lmao))
  1011. cammylittlesoul: "Whoa! WATER way to enter the scene!"
  1012. sasha_youwinatball: "Whoa..."
  1013. cammylittlesoul: He started petting Chara gently.
  1014. nolvlost: * Boooo!!
  1015. valeriejumper: "Cammy no!"
  1016. Coldsoul: * (Winter's sniffling, balling up her fists quietly. She's whimpering just a little bit.)
  1017. cammylittlesoul: "What!? What did I do??"
  1018. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs at this pun. Genuinely laughs.
  1019. valeriejumper: She punches his shoulder lightly.
  1020. mfightergriz: *Hm! Those little critters looked cute!
  1021. nolvlost: >:{ [Don't snitch food!]
  1022. kkmcshouty: *they start stroking Carla's hair*
  1023. sasha_youwinatball: "What are they making?"
  1024. shala_dreemurr: Chara gently kicks Val
  1025. wanderandward: *Pat pat* -Its alright kissan. Just keep watchin.-
  1026. mfightergriz: *!! Hey! Bunette kid does Martial Arts!
  1027. shala_dreemurr: "Oi. You know the pun was good."
  1028. valeriejumper: "Oi"
  1029. mfightergriz: *Nice!
  1030. Frisk: [ They twitched a wing, going ahead to hug Winter. ]
  1031. sydney_pwp: (( timestamp? ))
  1032. sasha_youwinatball: "He looks tough.))
  1033. cammylittlesoul: "!! ...I made a pun?" They're becoming sentient.
  1034. valeriejumper: "I admit it was good."
  1035. wanderandward: ((should be 67-68ish
  1036. shala_dreemurr: "I think you're just jealous~"
  1037. cammylittlesoul: "Hehehe, terraFLOP."
  1038. StreamerDoggo: (( 1:09:00 ))
  1039. shala_dreemurr: Chara stares at Cammy in disbelief
  1040. sasha_youwinatball: "He's not kidding, man."
  1041. sydney_pwp: (( thank you ))
  1042. shala_dreemurr: "You're amazing"
  1043. cammylittlesoul: "What? It's a funny word!"
  1044. valeriejumper: "Hey!"
  1045. Coldsoul: * N-no, i-i-it's not okay-- (Winter was cut off by the pats and the hug, and she gets really close to crying again-- and she does.)
  1046. mfightergriz: *....I bet moving that computer thingamajig must be like a martial art of sorts.
  1047. sasha_youwinatball: "I wouldn't know; I'm an only child."
  1048. valeriejumper: "Again, why the boat?"
  1049. mfightergriz: *I don't know, Val. I don't know.
  1050. carla_the_fallen: (K, I had to leave for a sec. What'd I miiss?)
  1051. wanderandward: *He moves to full hug the child as well.*
  1052. shala_dreemurr: "Because nice boat."
  1053. Bellamy: "I bet...! Or, powerlifting."
  1054. shala_dreemurr: "It's either a boat of a beheading in anime."
  1055. nolvlost: * They aren't lyin' about the sibling thing. [She was the younger one though.]
  1056. mfightergriz: *????
  1057. mfightergriz: *He's got a nice hairdo!
  1058. sasha_youwinatball: "The suspense is killng me!"
  1059. fallendetermin: Go bunny monster!
  1060. fallendetermin: You can do it!!
  1061. kkmcshouty: (( they going to fight love machine, and Adie is stroking Carls's hair ))
  1062. mfightergriz: *Blonde like mine~
  1063. valeriejumper: "WHHOP"
  1064. cammylittlesoul: "Oh man, here we go!"
  1065. carla_the_fallen: (kk)
  1066. mfightergriz: *aAh-!!
  1067. sasha_youwinatball: "Round 2!"
  1068. mfightergriz: *THIS BATTLE IS INTENSE!!
  1069. valeriejumper: "Yeah!"
  1070. mfightergriz: *YEAH!!
  1071. carla_the_fallen: "This is intense..."
  1072. Coldsoul: * (Now she's crying, and tears are rolling down her cheeks. There's too many people that like her, and she seems very emotional about the fact.) ... hhhhhnn...!
  1073. kkmcshouty: "Yeah..."
  1074. cammylittlesoul: "Almost as intense as mine and Val's sparring match yesterday!"
  1075. mfightergriz: -Griz pumps up both of his fists, hile looking at the screen with admiration.-
  1076. sasha_youwinatball: "Whoa!"
  1077. shala_dreemurr: "I just realized the bunny has Yaoi hands and that ruined the intensity for me."
  1078. valeriejumper: "Pssh I was holding back"
  1079. shala_dreemurr: "!"
  1080. sasha_youwinatball: "What are Yaoi hands?"
  1081. mfightergriz: *H-hey, I haven't sparred with you yet, Cammy! Let's do it soon!
  1082. nolvlost: * What's a yowie? [Kayla no.]
  1083. shala_dreemurr: "You had a spar yesterday?"
  1084. carla_the_fallen: "They can do it! I know it!"
  1085. Coldsoul: (( samga bun is best bun ))
  1086. mfightergriz: *WHAH!!
  1087. valeriejumper: "Mhmm."
  1088. cammylittlesoul: "!! We can later if you want, Dude!"
  1089. mfightergriz: *A-A CAR??
  1090. shala_dreemurr: Chara bursts into laughter at Sasha's question
  1091. mfightergriz: *DANG!!
  1092. valeriejumper: "Yikes."
  1093. sasha_youwinatball: "Where are they getting all those things from?"
  1094. nolvlost: [[yanno, yaoi. young adult outreach initiatives.
  1095. valeriejumper: "AW YEAH!"
  1096. cammylittlesoul: "WHOA"
  1097. carla_the_fallen: "Come on, come on!" *muttered*
  1098. sasha_youwinatball: "Who's the new guy???"
  1099. emmylittlesoul: "Whoa!"
  1100. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh!"
  1101. cammylittlesoul: "Squid ninja!"
  1102. shala_dreemurr: ((pfffft-))
  1103. mfightergriz: *!!! NOW SENSEI OLD MAN IS HELPING OUT!
  1104. Coldsoul: * (Winter's sobbing now, choking on her tears. Darnit, Frisk.)
  1105. mfightergriz: *His outfit is nice!!
  1106. sasha_youwinatball: "This is amazing!" [tense from suspense]
  1107. Frisk: [ They didn't mean to! Frisk nuzzles Winter, purring to hopefully calm her down. ]
  1108. sydney_pwp: "!!!"
  1109. nolvlost: [This is getting good!]
  1110. mfightergriz: *Awright, evil one is trapped!!
  1111. sasha_youwinatball: "He's trapped!"
  1112. Bellamy: "Finally!"
  1113. valeriejumper: "C'mon!"
  1114. carla_the_fallen: "Woah..." *She snuggles Adie*
  1115. fallendetermin: Yeah!!
  1116. mfightergriz: *See, Bells? I told you good guys will win!!
  1117. mfightergriz: *Aw yeah!
  1118. sasha_youwinatball: "We got im!"
  1119. kkmcshouty: *They want to spoil it, but they snuggle back instead*
  1120. valeriejumper: "Yeah Go!"
  1121. Coldsoul: * (Winter appreciates the nuzzles, and she calms down just a little bit. She gives one little nuzzle back.)
  1122. Frisk: * Cooooo. LOVE's bitin' the dust.
  1123. carla_the_fallen: "They got him!"
  1124. cammylittlesoul: "That guy was a robot fireman dog!"
  1125. mfightergriz: *Hah...? They're gonna drown him!!
  1126. wanderandward: *The goop offers a headbump of his own*
  1127. sasha_youwinatball: "This is really intense!"
  1128. Bellamy: "Yes...!" She nods, grinning softly at the hope on screen. Meanwhile, she sticks a hand in Griz's anime hair, ruffling with it.
  1129. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  1130. nolvlost: * They hecked up.
  1131. Bellamy: "Wait... No!"
  1132. valeriejumper: "Errors..."
  1133. Bellamy: "They shouldn't kill him."
  1134. shala_dreemurr: "...Bug."
  1135. mfightergriz: *HUhhh...?
  1136. kkmcshouty: "Nope..."
  1137. nolvlost: * You never explained what yaoi hands were either!
  1138. mfightergriz: *But he's EVIL...!
  1139. sasha_youwinatball: "What's happening...?"
  1140. mfightergriz: *Wahhh...
  1141. mfightergriz: *WHahhh?
  1142. kkmcshouty: "the rest of the family messed it up*
  1143. carla_the_fallen: "What? Oh, noo..." *She snuggles the adie tighter*
  1144. sasha_youwinatball: "Uhhhh...?"
  1145. valeriejumper: "It's overheating!"
  1146. valeriejumper: "Oh my god."
  1147. nolvlost: * Why did he do that??
  1148. sasha_youwinatball: "?????"
  1149. mfightergriz: *A...AH....
  1150. cammylittlesoul: "Dude...Not cool."
  1151. Frisk: * `Cause Granny's dead, I think.
  1152. Bellamy: "But... he could probably be... re-programmed? To be good," She frowns, twisting the locks.
  1153. sasha_youwinatball: "DANGIT!"
  1154. kkmcshouty: "They snuggle back*
  1155. valeriejumper: "I MEAN I GET WHY, BUT UGH."
  1156. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh no..."
  1157. mfightergriz: *Hm... You make a good point there, Bellamy.
  1158. shala_dreemurr: "Yaoi is boy and boy love manga, and it's notorious for oversize hands."
  1159. valeriejumper: "So close!"
  1160. Frisk: [ Frisk takes a bottle of grape juice out of the cooler with their feet, tossing it into their hands and... Oh. They dropped it. ]
  1162. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  1163. fallendetermin: O-Oh dear....
  1164. Frisk: * ... Holy shoot.
  1165. cammylittlesoul: "Oh no..."
  1166. Frisk: * Are you KIDDING ME?
  1167. nolvlost: [Kayla's bright red. She's sorry she asked.]
  1168. Bellamy: "Oh no...!"
  1169. fallendetermin: That's big...
  1170. valeriejumper: "OH GEEZ"
  1171. sasha_youwinatball: "Eep!"
  1172. mfightergriz: *O-Oh... nnooowhatis
  1173. valeriejumper: "UHH..."
  1174. wanderandward: -I uh, dont think thats good?-
  1175. mfightergriz: *THAT...????
  1176. nolvlost: * Oh my god!! What did they do??
  1177. valeriejumper: "UHHHH"
  1178. shala_dreemurr: Chara gives an involuntary shudder
  1179. nolvlost: [[is that a yaoi hand
  1180. carla_the_fallen: *Carla squeaks, and cuddles more* "Yeep!"
  1181. wanderandward: -Delee the damn thing!-
  1182. mfightergriz: *H-HE'S-
  1183. Bellamy: "That... that's wrong. He needs to run!"
  1184. fallendetermin: (( shush om g
  1185. sasha_youwinatball: "AAAUGH!"
  1186. emmylittlesoul: Emmy looks at the monster and freezes solid.
  1187. mfightergriz: *THAT'S A MONSTE-
  1188. mfightergriz: *Bunny... Guy....!!
  1189. Frisk: * DAAANG.
  1190. valeriejumper: "Ouch..."
  1191. kkmcshouty: "shh, it's ok"
  1192. valeriejumper: "DANG."
  1193. nolvlost: * Yikes!
  1194. cammylittlesoul: "WHOA"
  1195. shala_dreemurr: "Monster!?"
  1196. sasha_youwinatball: [covers mouth]
  1197. mfightergriz: *AH???
  1198. valeriejumper: "YOU HUSH"
  1199. wanderandward: *Wander shoots a rather vicious glare at Griz.*
  1200. shala_dreemurr: Chara sounds VERY defensive
  1201. valeriejumper: "!!!"
  1202. fallendetermin: Whoa!
  1203. mfightergriz: *H.... uh....
  1204. Bellamy: "Is it... not a monster?"
  1205. wanderandward: -Hm, oh you mean Kazma?-
  1206. nolvlost: [[time is a human concept and doesnt not exist
  1207. sasha_youwinatball: "What's that?"
  1208. Frisk: * That's more like a demon.
  1209. Bellamy: Bellamy peeks over her shoulder at the discourse.
  1210. Frisk: [ Whistles. ]
  1211. valeriejumper: "???"
  1212. Coldsoul: * (Winter is still sobbing, and she's calming down. She won't stop...)
  1213. cammylittlesoul: Cammy pats Chara to try and get them to calm down.
  1214. mfightergriz: -He realized what he said upset Chara.-
  1215. carla_the_fallen: "A countdown? Oh, no!"
  1216. shala_dreemurr: Chara doesn't seem to like that word.
  1217. mfightergriz: *S.... sorry....
  1218. sasha_youwinatball: "That doesn't look good..."
  1219. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  1220. valeriejumper: "A count down..."
  1221. wanderandward: *Goopman is hugging the child.*
  1222. valeriejumper: "That can't be good..."
  1223. mfightergriz: *What's... that countdown for,,,?
  1224. sasha_youwinatball: "OH NO!"
  1225. shala_dreemurr: "...You are forgiven."
  1226. mfightergriz: *WHAT DOES IT-
  1227. kkmcshouty: "what's a probe?"
  1228. valeriejumper: "OH GOD."
  1229. mfightergriz: *Ah... thank... you...
  1230. cammylittlesoul: He grins. Yeeee.
  1231. wanderandward: *still
  1232. mfightergriz: *Nngh?
  1233. valeriejumper: "Oh geez..."
  1234. nolvlost: [[ start of london bridge plays aminously
  1235. Frisk: [ Frisk takes that bottle of grape juice off their bean bag, uncapping it and drinking from the bottle. No straws here, they're going out on this one. ]
  1236. fallendetermin: ... Nu... clear?
  1237. Frisk: * Ooooh.
  1238. sasha_youwinatball: [curls into ball from the suspense]
  1239. shala_dreemurr: Chara sighs and snuggles closer to Cammy
  1240. carla_the_fallen: "A probe is a... It's a satellite that searches for something, or examine s things"
  1241. wanderandward: -Kissan, would you like something to drink? Think that'll calm you down a bit?-
  1242. mfightergriz: *Does that mean....
  1243. cammylittlesoul: "Granny's thought of everything!"
  1244. mfightergriz: *Everyone might... disappear?
  1245. sasha_youwinatball: "What does it say?"
  1246. valeriejumper: "Oh gosh..."
  1247. kkmcshouty: "satelite?"
  1249. mfightergriz: *.........
  1250. fallendetermin: ....
  1251. valeriejumper: ((YES IT DOES))
  1252. mfightergriz: ((JOE SHHASH))
  1253. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  1254. sasha_youwinatball: "Well, what does granny's letter say???"
  1255. shala_dreemurr: "... ... ..."
  1256. fallendetermin: *Rowan frowns* ...
  1257. carla_the_fallen: "Something that orbits something. It follows a strict path, always"
  1258. mfightergriz: *H....
  1259. shala_dreemurr: "... ... ... ... ..."
  1260. nolvlost: [[ hush
  1261. Coldsoul: * (She shakes her head, bringing a fist to her face to wipe her eyes. She tries to nuzzle Frisk just a little bit to calm herself down.)
  1262. mfightergriz: *He's trying to.....
  1263. Coldsoul: (( im crying fhgjjfhgdfk ))
  1264. kkmcshouty: "ah"
  1265. valeriejumper: "..."
  1266. sasha_youwinatball: "C'mon, bunny! Get up!"
  1267. mfightergriz: *To...protect those he loves....
  1268. wanderandward: ((*pats the coldie*))
  1269. mfightergriz: *NNNNggghhhh....
  1270. Frisk: * ... No.
  1271. valeriejumper: "There's a fine line between bravery, and foolishness.."
  1272. cammylittlesoul: Cammy reached over and grabbed a chocolate muffin, breaking it in two and shoving half into Chara's mouth.
  1273. Bellamy: "...He couldn't..."
  1274. sasha_youwinatball: "GO COSMA!"
  1275. mfightergriz: -Griz flinches at the kid's defeat-
  1276. carla_the_fallen: "No..."
  1277. sydney_pwp: O.O
  1278. mfightergriz: *No... no way....
  1279. shala_dreemurr: "mf?"
  1280. sasha_youwinatball: "..."
  1281. wanderandward: -Cheater...-
  1282. nolvlost: [Oh no.]
  1283. Bellamy: Her heart sinks, and she continues to curl his hair.
  1284. valeriejumper: "Oh geez..."
  1285. sasha_youwinatball: "?!"
  1286. emmylittlesoul: "... This movie...*
  1287. cammylittlesoul: He smiles and pats them again. Popping the other half into his.
  1288. Bellamy: "Oh, no..."
  1289. emmylittlesoul: Emmmy is having a bad time.
  1290. sasha_youwinatball: "SOMEONE DOS OMETHING!
  1291. mfightergriz: *He got... comsumed by the evil guy...!
  1292. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh no...!"
  1293. mfightergriz: *It's part of him now....
  1294. shala_dreemurr: Chara gives a weak smile, and nibbles on the muffin.
  1295. fallendetermin: Are... they going to die?
  1296. shala_dreemurr: They close their eyes
  1297. mfightergriz: *... I can relate to this kid.
  1298. carla_the_fallen: *Faint tears*
  1299. sasha_youwinatball: [hugs the nearest person tightly]
  1300. Bellamy: Grimly, she nods. There were definitely parallels.
  1301. mfightergriz: *...?
  1302. kkmcshouty: "shh, shhhh"
  1303. sasha_youwinatball: "?"
  1304. shala_dreemurr: Chara whispers.
  1305. shala_dreemurr: "i don't like this."
  1306. sasha_youwinatball: "You can do it...!"
  1307. shala_dreemurr: "i..."
  1308. Coldsoul: * (She's not sobbing as much, but she's trying. She tries to hug Frisk back gently before she starts crying a little bit more; everything's too sad.)
  1309. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  1310. mfightergriz: -Griz takes one of Bellamy's hads and holds it between his own...-
  1311. mfightergriz: *-Is... is it over, Bells...? Is there any hope left...?-
  1312. cammylittlesoul: "...? I'm sorry."
  1313. mfightergriz: *Ah.....
  1314. Frisk: [ Frisk hugs both Winter and Wander, keeping everything under control other than those salty tears that leak out. ]
  1315. emmylittlesoul: "..."
  1316. sasha_youwinatball: [cringes]
  1317. carla_the_fallen: *she sniffles*
  1318. Frisk: * Wabi...
  1319. sasha_youwinatball: [wipes eyes]
  1320. Bellamy: "...!" She chews her inner cheek, holding onto the grasp.
  1321. cammylittlesoul: Cammy glanced over at Emmy, and then around at everyone else. His expression became pained.
  1322. Bellamy: "There always is."
  1323. Coldsoul: * (Her grip isn't strong, and she's letting out choked sobs from under her breath. She's shaking...)
  1324. carla_the_fallen: *Shes crying silently now*
  1325. mfightergriz: *......
  1326. shala_dreemurr: Chara sighs, clinging to Cammy
  1327. kkmcshouty: "it's okay, it's okay..."
  1328. sasha_youwinatball: [sniffles]
  1329. emmylittlesoul: Emmy sees granny, and wipes at her face. SHe suddenly jumps up to her feet.
  1330. nolvlost: [She wipes at tears but they keep on coming.]
  1331. wanderandward: *Wander extends his reach to include Frisk in his embrace.*
  1332. mfightergriz: *I will believe in you, Bellamy.
  1333. emmylittlesoul: "THEY GOTTA DO IT FOR GRAMMA!"
  1334. cammylittlesoul: "!?"
  1335. mfightergriz: *That's- Granny's voice!
  1336. Coldsoul: (( my heart broke guys, whos heart broke ))
  1337. Frisk: [ Ah, they kept silent and listened. Frisk bit their lip, hugging both Wander and Winter back. ]
  1338. sydney_pwp: Welp, now Syd is sad again.
  1339. cammylittlesoul: "Y-Yeah!! They can't lose!"
  1340. fallendetermin: *Rowan hugs their knees*
  1341. Frisk: [[ me ;A;
  1342. Bellamy: "Her last letter..."
  1343. Coldsoul: (( im tearing up irl save me pls ))
  1344. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh Granny..."
  1345. nolvlost: [[just heck me up granny
  1346. carla_the_fallen: "Granny..." *She sniffles*
  1347. Frisk: [[ im crying a waterfall
  1348. emmylittlesoul: Emmy realizes she's standing up suddenly, and gets embarrassed promptly sitting back down.
  1349. mfightergriz: *HHHhhrgnmnh....
  1350. Bellamy: "So, she knew it was coming and had it ready." She shuts her eyes, finding a bit of peace. At least she knew.
  1351. friskybusiness: *Frisk pets Rowan*
  1352. wanderandward: ((Suffer, smalls. Weep and suffer : P
  1353. sasha_youwinatball: [hugs his knees]
  1354. nolvlost: //time stamp check?
  1355. Frisk: * Noooo... [ Everything in their sight's blurry. They can't see anything but sorrow. ]
  1356. mfightergriz: *Y-Yeah...
  1357. mfightergriz: *She knew... All along.
  1358. Frisk: [[ even i, the person who makes people suffer, is suffering
  1359. cammylittlesoul: "..."
  1360. wanderandward: ((should be 1:20ish
  1361. Frisk: [ Sniff sniff. ] Gr... Granny.
  1362. sasha_youwinatball: [sniffles some more]
  1363. wanderandward: 50*
  1364. kkmcshouty: "shhh..." *they cuddle Carla closer"
  1365. mfightergriz: *What a BRAVE woman...
  1366. wanderandward: 30* argh!!
  1367. Coldsoul: * (Winter slowly lets go, watching the screen. She's sobbing, trying to hold her sobs back and trembling. She's really cold.)
  1368. cammylittlesoul: "..."
  1369. sasha_youwinatball: [crying]
  1370. mfightergriz: A-AHHH'??
  1371. cammylittlesoul: He smiled really widely.
  1372. Bellamy: "... What an entrance."
  1373. sasha_youwinatball: "Whoa!"
  1374. carla_the_fallen: *Soft sobbing*
  1375. mfightergriz: *I...
  1376. cammylittlesoul: "You know. We're all like one big family."
  1377. valeriejumper: "..."
  1378. nolvlost: * There's so much going on.
  1379. shala_dreemurr: Welp. You got them.
  1380. mfightergriz: **Bellamy I know... I should be sad but...
  1381. sasha_youwinatball: "Girl, there's a REAL LIFE game going on right now!"
  1382. shala_dreemurr: Tears roll down Chara's face.
  1383. mfightergriz: *I'm......
  1384. Bellamy: Securing her hold on Griz's hand, she squeezes tightly. "See...! There was hope for them."
  1385. cammylittlesoul: "!?"
  1386. mfightergriz: *THERE IS!!
  1387. kkmcshouty: "I'm here, I'm here..."
  1388. mfightergriz: *Hope never dies...
  1389. fallendetermin: *Rowan rubs at their eyes* ...
  1390. valeriejumper: "A wager...?"
  1391. cammylittlesoul: He holds them tighter. That was supposed to be cute...
  1392. mfightergriz: *Thank you for reminding me...Bellamy...
  1393. wanderandward: -Shhh. C'mon kissan, wont be able to watch hrough those tears heh-
  1394. carla_the_fallen: "Oh, Adie... I love you..." *She sniffles*
  1395. sasha_youwinatball: "He's got a plan!"
  1396. cammylittlesoul: Maybe he should stop actively trying to do that.
  1397. nolvlost: [[KAGOMEEEE
  1398. mfightergriz: *Huh...?
  1399. StreamerDoggo: * [Doggo s***ers in the back, messing with some audio equipment]
  1400. Coldsoul: * (Winter's hiding her face in her hands, and she's curled up.) S-s-sorry... F-Fris...
  1401. sasha_youwinatball: "ooooooh"
  1402. StreamerDoggo: ((Oh huh))
  1403. Bellamy: Firmly, she nods. There always is.
  1404. 6souls: ((INUYASHAAA
  1405. cammylittlesoul: "Oh man..."
  1406. mfightergriz: *...That girl is really cool!
  1407. sasha_youwinatball: "The stakes are high!"
  1408. StreamerDoggo: ((Okay well time to shitpost))
  1409. Frisk: [ All of them? Dang, they're risking it big, Frisk sniffled. ] Nah, nah. It's okay. It's fine!
  1410. valeriejumper: (( Look at the DsIs
  1411. mfightergriz: *She reminds me... of you, Bells!
  1412. kkmcshouty: "I love you too" *they keep stroking her hair*
  1413. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs despire their tears, laughs
  1414. emmylittlesoul: "Her avatar is cute."
  1415. sasha_youwinatball: "IT'S ON!"
  1416. shala_dreemurr: "It's always cardgames, huh?"
  1417. Bellamy: Softly, she shakes her head, sticking her tongue out a bit. "I don't have rabbit ears."
  1418. StreamerDoggo: ((YOU ASKED FOR THIS NERO))
  1419. carla_the_fallen: *Huggles* "come on..."
  1420. nolvlost: [[oH MY GOD
  1421. valeriejumper: (( IS THAT HOPES AND DREAMS
  1422. shala_dreemurr: ((GOOD GOD))
  1423. Bellamy: (( JOE WHY ))
  1424. friskybusiness: (( HAHAHAHA
  1425. emmylittlesoul: ()
  1426. Frisk: [ ... Ah. This sounds familiar. Where did they hear this from? ]
  1427. wanderandward: -...crybabies heheh- *Lets try annoyance then.*
  1428. cammylittlesoul: ((WHAT))
  1429. fallendetermin: (( om fg
  1430. valeriejumper: (( AHAHAHAHAHHAHA
  1431. mfightergriz: *...You'd look too cute with Rabbit ears.~
  1432. emmylittlesoul: ((THis is amazing))
  1433. cammylittlesoul: ((OH MY GOS))
  1434. Frisk: [[ HERE WE GO
  1435. valeriejumper: (( GG
  1436. shala_dreemurr: ((AND NOW I'M CRYING))
  1437. mfightergriz: *AH?
  1438. carla_the_fallen: (WHAT?)
  1439. valeriejumper: (( OMG YES
  1440. fallendetermin: (( YEAH!!
  1441. StreamerDoggo: ((YOU ASKED FOR THIS ))
  1442. mfightergriz: *I LIKE THIS MUSIC!!
  1443. wanderandward: ((dammit joe lmao
  1444. Frisk: [ * IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD ]
  1445. cammylittlesoul: "YES!!"
  1446. kkmcshouty: ( yas )
  1447. mfightergriz: *IT SOUNDS REALLY GREAT!!!
  1448. sasha_youwinatball: "Let her concentrate!"
  1449. shala_dreemurr: ((WHY YOU DO THIS-))
  1450. emmylittlesoul: Emmy suddenly hears the music! Determination rising.
  1451. cammylittlesoul: Cammy is getting pumped again.
  1452. carla_the_fallen: (AH! So loud)
  1453. emmylittlesoul: "I know it's a movie, but-!!
  1454. cammylittlesoul: He raises his arm into the air.
  1455. emmylittlesoul: "We should all cheer!"
  1456. cammylittlesoul: "YES! DO THE THING!!"
  1457. Bellamy: "Me too...! It fills me with hope."
  1458. valeriejumper: "Yeah I'm hyped!"
  1459. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs, raising their own
  1460. mfightergriz: -Ggriz bobs up and down his head.-
  1461. Bellamy: "Like your dreams could come true if you fight hard enough."
  1462. mfightergriz: *Griz
  1463. sasha_youwinatball: "She's doing it!"
  1464. nolvlost: [The music is catchy!]
  1465. mfightergriz: *Yeah!... Like you would REFUSE to LOSE!
  1466. sasha_youwinatball: "Half an hour left!"
  1467. mfightergriz: *aH....?
  1468. sydney_pwp: "!!!"
  1469. sasha_youwinatball: "OH NO!"
  1470. nolvlost: *NO!
  1471. cammylittlesoul: "..."
  1472. carla_the_fallen: "Nooo..."
  1474. Coldsoul: * (She shakes her head, looking at Frisk with her sad face. But... DETERMINATION. She sniffles, feeling herself beome a little bit more HOPEful.)
  1475. cammylittlesoul: "DONT QUIT!
  1476. Bellamy: "Oh... no..."
  1477. valeriejumper: "Oh gosh..."
  1478. mfightergriz: *THIS LOOK LIKE SERIOUS TROUBLE
  1479. sasha_youwinatball: "Someone do something!"
  1480. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip's eyes widened as he looked at the screen...]
  1481. kkmcshouty: "just wait..."
  1482. mfightergriz: *Ah........?
  1483. fallendetermin: Oh no....!
  1484. sasha_youwinatball: "..?!"
  1485. fallendetermin: Ah?
  1486. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  1487. nolvlost: [What's going on?]
  1488. Frisk: [ They look back at Winter, filled with DETERMINATION and nodding. ]
  1489. StreamerDoggo: ((I could also play His Theme here but nah))
  1490. Frisk: [[ sing a melooody
  1491. nolvlost: *...
  1492. cammylittlesoul: "...It's like..."
  1493. mfightergriz: *...
  1494. valeriejumper: "Whoa..."
  1495. Bellamy: (( the parallels are too strong ))
  1496. Frisk: [[ or at least take a melody i dont know
  1497. mfightergriz: *They're all... uniting.....
  1498. Bellamy: (( MOTHER 1 FEELS ))
  1499. cammylittlesoul: "IT'S LIKE A SPIRIT BOMB!!""
  1500. emmylittlesoul: "... They're hearts are beating as one"
  1501. shala_dreemurr: ((Simple as can be...)
  1502. mfightergriz: *Their forces to...
  1503. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow!"
  1504. carla_the_fallen: *Carla smiles, and tears up* "YES! Come on! You can do it!"
  1505. emmylittlesoul: "Just like Undyne said!"
  1506. mfightergriz: *TO fight evil... and....
  1507. mfightergriz: *And they're....
  1508. mfightergriz: *Uhhhhhhhgghhhhh
  1509. nolvlost: [[thats a helluva parallel
  1510. mfightergriz: -Griz had started sobbing by this point...-
  1511. Frisk: * They're takin' LOVE down together... Oh my gosh.
  1512. kkmcshouty: *they grin*
  1513. carla_the_fallen: *Crying while smiling. Silent*
  1514. Bellamy: "They're all working together...""
  1515. sasha_youwinatball: "This is beautiful!" [teras of joy]
  1516. Bellamy: "Hearts beating as one...!"
  1517. shala_dreemurr: "Taking down LOVE with love..."
  1518. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs
  1519. mfightergriz: *Thi s S I s s to Oo c .. cooo...L...
  1520. valeriejumper: Valerie's eyes water.
  1521. emmylittlesoul: "Magical girl!!"
  1522. wanderandward: -Hah, now theres some solidarity!-
  1523. carla_the_fallen: "Wow..."
  1524. shala_dreemurr: "I love it."
  1525. valeriejumper: "THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!"
  1526. mfightergriz: *Ahhh....HHh..hhh...*snIFFLE* *HIC*
  1527. cammylittlesoul: "Whoa..."
  1528. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow..." [rocking in excitement]
  1529. cammylittlesoul: He has tears in his eyes.
  1530. Bellamy: "Oh, wow...! She's beautiful!"
  1531. sydney_pwp: "oh dang...."
  1532. fallendetermin: Wow!!! So pretty!!
  1533. Bellamy: She tilts her head on his shoulder, enthralled by the bright lights.
  1534. carla_the_fallen: "She got this!"
  1535. nolvlost: [[teah totally play but the earth refused to die
  1536. Frisk: * She's got this... Yeah, she does...
  1537. Coldsoul: * (Winter's not crying as much; she feels just a little bit better.)
  1538. Bellamy: She doesn't even notice him sobbing.
  1539. mfightergriz: *S-S-Shee'S.... gO NNA...*hic*
  1540. sasha_youwinatball: ""Do it, girl!"
  1541. kkmcshouty: "yup!"
  1542. mfightergriz: *W ... win for...S U r e. ...
  1543. StreamerDoggo: ((If I shitpost more I gotta time it just right))
  1544. cammylittlesoul: "D-Do IIIT!"
  1545. emmylittlesoul: ((OH MAN))
  1546. mfightergriz: *!!!!!!!!!!!
  1547. Bellamy: "I believe in her...!"
  1548. cammylittlesoul: ((He speaks for both of us))
  1549. sasha_youwinatball: "DO IT!"
  1550. mfightergriz: *AAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  1551. cammylittlesoul: "YESSS!!!"
  1552. valeriejumper: "YEAH!"
  1553. shala_dreemurr: Chara is grinning widely
  1554. nolvlost: *YEEEES!!
  1555. Frisk: [ Loud cracking chirps from the birb. ]
  1556. carla_the_fallen: "YES! She won!" *Crying very softly, yet still crying, nonetheless*
  1557. nolvlost: [[the barrier has been broken
  1558. sasha_youwinatball: [bouncing up and down on couch]
  1559. wanderandward: -Hahah!-
  1560. mfightergriz: -Griz jumps from his seat and does an air fist pump-
  1561. Coldsoul: * (Winter's still red faced, and she's chanting under her breath. She's bouncing up and down just a little bit...?)
  1562. valeriejumper: "!!!"
  1563. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip squeaks and jumps up in excitement!]
  1564. cammylittlesoul: Happy tears are streaming down his face.
  1565. valeriejumper: "Oh phew."
  1566. fallendetermin: *Rowan bounces, cheering* YEAH!!
  1567. sasha_youwinatball: "SHE DID IT!"
  1568. valeriejumper: *She wipes her tears again.*
  1569. Bellamy: He's up so suddenly, Bellamy loses her support and tilts sideways onto the ground.
  1570. Frisk: * VICTORY!
  1571. Bellamy: She stays there, not willing to miss a thing.
  1572. cammylittlesoul: "I...I mean...It would have been cooler if she fought him properly. But that was awesome too!!"
  1573. valeriejumper: "SHE WON!"
  1574. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs, tears still in their eyes
  1575. StreamerDoggo: ((Oh and, right when it explodes, that Kirby final boss defeated victory noise from Super Star))
  1576. shala_dreemurr: "VICTORY!!!!!!!!!"
  1577. mfightergriz: *Huh......
  1578. mfightergriz: *B-B-BELLAMY!!!
  1579. sydney_pwp: *Sydney cheered!
  1580. sasha_youwinatball: "HIP-HIP-HOORAY!"
  1581. cammylittlesoul: "WOOOHOOOOO!!"
  1582. valeriejumper: She cheers!
  1584. valeriejumper: "WHOO!"
  1585. mfightergriz: -Griz rushes to help her up-
  1586. nolvlost: [The power of many conquers over one. A nostalgic feeling washings over her.]
  1587. Bellamy: "They did it...!"
  1588. Coldsoul: * (Winter gets so happy that she outright hugs Frisk.)
  1589. StreamerDoggo: * Uh...
  1590. carla_the_fallen: "YAY! She did it! She won!" *she wipes the tears off her face, and cuddles adie*
  1591. mfightergriz: *O-OH MAN... I'M-
  1592. StreamerDoggo: * Look again kids
  1593. Frisk: * ... W hat.
  1594. valeriejumper: "What?"
  1595. carla_the_fallen: "What?"
  1596. cammylittlesoul: "W-Wha!?"
  1597. mfightergriz: *Hah...?
  1598. Frisk: [ Their smile drops. ]
  1599. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  1600. sasha_youwinatball: "...?!"
  1601. Coldsoul: * (She notices and she lets go, staring at the screen. What. What the heck?)
  1602. sasha_youwinatball: "Oh no..."
  1603. Frisk: * Hoooly-!! REALLY?
  1604. Bellamy: She laughs softly, shaking her head as she sits back upright. "You're fine--"
  1605. wanderandward: -Sore losing bas...hrm...-
  1606. Frisk: * THAT LITTLE!!!
  1608. valeriejumper: "NOT THE DOG"
  1609. StreamerDoggo: * Its gonna drop the satellite...Right on that dog....
  1610. sasha_youwinatball: "?!??!?"
  1611. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip squeaks and tilts his head in confusion...] "Huh?"
  1612. Bellamy: Oh, not again...
  1613. cammylittlesoul: "...Annoying dog."
  1614. Coldsoul: (( NO! NO !NO !NONON!O ))
  1615. sasha_youwinatball: "NO THE DOG!!!"
  1616. mfightergriz: *A-ARE THEY GONNA...?
  1617. shala_dreemurr: ((LANGUAGE))
  1618. carla_the_fallen: "Come on..."
  1619. mfightergriz: *URRGHHH... THIS.. THIS IS NOT FAIR!!
  1620. sasha_youwinatball: "WORK FASTER!"
  1621. fallendetermin: (( S C R E A M S
  1622. valeriejumper: "NO FAIR."
  1623. Frisk: [[ windows XP....... smh
  1624. mfightergriz: *-B-Bellamy, get up from the ground, c'mon...-
  1625. shala_dreemurr: "No dog is annoying."
  1627. mfightergriz: *I'm sorry, I got too excited....
  1628. cammylittlesoul: "I got confused...I thought the dog was a bad guy for a second...But yeah! That's impossible."
  1629. carla_the_fallen: "Come on... COme on..."
  1630. Bellamy: She complies, taking his hand to sit back up properly.
  1631. mfightergriz: *hUH...?
  1632. Coldsoul: * (Winter's somewhat determined... for something? There's a small determined look on her face.)
  1633. Frisk: * Ohhh, he's gonna have to... do math!
  1634. Bellamy: Though, admittedly, that was some comfortable carpet.
  1635. valeriejumper: "Oh gosh..."
  1636. carla_the_fallen: "Go! Go! Go!"
  1637. sasha_youwinatball: [covers mouth] "He told Granny he'd die for Natski..."
  1638. sydney_pwp: (( the biggest nerd will save us all ))
  1639. shala_dreemurr: "Did Brio write this movie-"
  1640. Bellamy: "No, don't apologize...!"
  1641. Frisk: [ Frisk's getting intense. ]
  1642. cammylittlesoul: "No! BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU USE MATHS!"
  1643. valeriejumper: "This is so tense..."
  1644. sasha_youwinatball: "YOU CAN DO IT, KEN!"
  1645. Bellamy: "It was a great scene!"
  1646. Frisk: * WOW.
  1647. carla_the_fallen: *Shes let go of adie and is jumping up and down*
  1648. kkmcshouty: "Go Kenji!"
  1649. fallendetermin: C-can he do it in time????
  1650. sasha_youwinatball: [bounces and bounces]
  1651. mfightergriz: *Ahh... But I shouldn't treat a lady like that!
  1652. mfightergriz: *AH...!
  1653. Frisk: * I hope he doesn't typo this time.
  1654. carla_the_fallen: "Kenji! Kenji!"
  1655. mfightergriz: *THIS GUY...
  1656. mfightergriz: *He's doing cool math things!!
  1657. kkmcshouty: *they laugh at how silly Carla is*
  1658. StreamerDoggo: ((Love Machines DEF fell to 0!))
  1659. sasha_youwinatball: "That creep doesn't give up!"
  1660. mfightergriz: *!!! BUNNY GUY!!
  1661. nolvlost: // LV machine*
  1662. Bellamy: "He's okay...!"
  1663. cammylittlesoul: "Oh man, he's wearing wraps like me!"
  1664. shala_dreemurr: "In a way..."
  1665. carla_the_fallen: (IRL giggling like a maniac right now...)
  1666. mfightergriz: *This music is AMAZING!!!
  1667. shala_dreemurr: "...You could say he's quite determined."
  1668. mfightergriz: *ahHHH...?
  1669. valeriejumper: "Oh geez..."
  1670. carla_the_fallen: "COME ON! Kenji! You got this!"
  1671. sasha_youwinatball: "Augh!" [falls back in frustration]
  1672. Frisk: * One more minute. C'mon Kenj... Your brain may be fried but you can do it!!
  1673. kkmcshouty: "Yeah!"
  1674. Bellamy: Her heart pounds, sitting upright.
  1675. nolvlost: * Why is he typing so slow??
  1676. shala_dreemurr: "FALCON"
  1677. Frisk: * OH!!
  1678. mfightergriz: *H.... He did the math things.... on his head....
  1679. shala_dreemurr: "-PAWNCH!"
  1680. mfightergriz: *!!!!!!
  1681. StreamerDoggo: (( ONE PUUUUUUUUUUNCH!!! ))
  1682. cammylittlesoul: "BOOM!!"
  1683. valeriejumper: "!!!!"
  1684. fallendetermin: Is he okay????
  1685. mfightergriz: *AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
  1686. Bellamy: "Ah...!"
  1687. sasha_youwinatball: "BOOM!"
  1688. cammylittlesoul: "HAAHAAA!!
  1689. Coldsoul: * (Winter is shaking her fists up and down frantically, and she gasps at the punch, standing up.)
  1690. mfightergriz: -He shouTS AT THE SIGHT OF THE PUNCH-
  1691. cammylittlesoul: "TAKE THAT LOVE MACHINE!"
  1692. carla_the_fallen: "Yes! Go! Go! YES!"
  1693. Bellamy: "Was it too late...?"
  1694. Frisk: * WELP.
  1695. Bellamy: "!!!"
  1696. valeriejumper: "!!!"
  1697. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip's ears perked up as he looked up at the screen... he nods and smiles... he knows they can do it...]
  1698. sasha_youwinatball: "Wh-Where's it going...?"
  1699. mfightergriz: *HHHHH!!!!!
  1700. nolvlost: * No!!
  1701. shala_dreemurr: Chara realized they had gotten up on their feat with their mock punch, and quickly sits down, red.
  1702. carla_the_fallen: "Did it work?" *She collapses onto the ground by adie*
  1703. sasha_youwinatball: "Where'd it land?????"
  1704. kkmcshouty: "yeah, it did"
  1705. cammylittlesoul: Cammy giggles and then bursts out laughing.
  1706. valeriejumper: ((And on that day all there neighbors died
  1707. emmylittlesoul: Emmy is sitting, jaw agape.
  1708. wanderandward: -Ooh! Well, less lethal destruction at least.-
  1709. nolvlost: * Everyone's okay!!
  1710. mfightergriz: *t-t
  1711. valeriejumper: "U-Uh.."
  1712. cammylittlesoul: "YEAH! The dog is safe!"
  1713. mfightergriz: *THEY'RE SAVED!!!!!
  1714. fallendetermin: *Rowan lets out a sigh* O-Oh my god that was close...
  1715. shala_dreemurr: "That's because dogs are gods."
  1716. kkmcshouty: *they smile at Carla"
  1717. sasha_youwinatball: " hit a water main?"
  1718. mfightergriz: *YAHOOOO!!!
  1719. valeriejumper: "Y-YeaH!"
  1720. Frisk: * Whooo!!!
  1721. Bellamy: She releases her breath, with the worst of the suspense gone.
  1722. valeriejumper: "They did it!"
  1723. carla_the_fallen: *She smiles back, then jumps up and kisses her lips*
  1724. sasha_youwinatball: "Yay, everyone's OK!"
  1725. Coldsoul: * (Winter is kicking her legs quickly, and she's looking at Frisk with a determined look.)
  1726. shala_dreemurr: Chara smiles
  1727. shala_dreemurr: ...And now they're sobbing.
  1728. valeriejumper: A soft smile forms on their face
  1729. mfightergriz: *aHHhhHHhH.... GRanNNY...
  1730. emmylittlesoul: Her face goes from agape, to a small smile.
  1731. Frisk: [ Frisk's tearing up from how heartwarming this movie is, they're giving their two friends a look of DETERMINATION also. ]
  1732. sasha_youwinatball: [wipes away bittersweet tears]
  1733. cammylittlesoul: "The true hero of the story."
  1734. kkmcshouty: "!!!!" *they're surprised but soon kiss back*
  1735. Bellamy: "So many people..."
  1736. valeriejumper: "The nose bleed."
  1737. nolvlost: [KISS KISS KISS!!]
  1738. wanderandward: *The goopman holds up a clenched fist. Determined, damn straight.*
  1739. carla_the_fallen: (Yay kisses)
  1740. valeriejumper: ((Kiss Kiss Kiss!
  1741. Bellamy: "I'm so happy for them." She looks up, pulling her legs up to her chest.
  1742. sasha_youwinatball: "D'aww..."
  1743. valeriejumper: ((I mean Griz and Bell.
  1744. mfightergriz: *Me too....
  1745. mfightergriz: *Everything went nice in the end....
  1746. Frisk: [[ NOW KISS
  1747. nolvlost: [[KISS KISS KISS
  1748. sasha_youwinatball: "There was one death..."
  1749. Coldsoul: * (Winter puts her hand on Frisk's shoulder and she shakes them a little bit.) T-they won!!!
  1750. mfightergriz: *Ah...!
  1751. valeriejumper: "This Griz and Bell..."
  1752. Bellamy: "Aww..."
  1753. nolvlost: [SHIPPERS ON DECK!]
  1754. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow!"
  1755. valeriejumper: "I'm the people in the back."
  1756. Frisk: * I know!! [ Frisk screeches, grinning. ] THEY WON AND I LOVE IT!!
  1757. valeriejumper: "DO IT"
  1758. shala_dreemurr: "I thought it was Griz and Cammy~"
  1759. mfightergriz: *Hah! T-that guy is like me after all.... h-haha-
  1760. carla_the_fallen: (OMG this is graet)
  1761. nolvlost: * Do it! Do it!
  1762. mfightergriz: HAHAHA//
  1763. sasha_youwinatball: "Geez, guys!"
  1764. valeriejumper: "Dang"
  1765. StreamerDoggo: * And hes dead.
  1766. sasha_youwinatball: "Don't push em!"
  1767. mfightergriz: *PFFF His nose bleed!!
  1768. fallendetermin: Aww cute~
  1769. shala_dreemurr: "...Yup. That's Cammy."
  1770. cammylittlesoul: Cammy laughed at Val's comment, but that was quickly destroyed by Chara's
  1771. carla_the_fallen: (HAHAHAH oh god)
  1772. mfightergriz: *O-Oh NO!!
  1773. cammylittlesoul: "WHAT!?"
  1774. fallendetermin: *Rowan giggles*
  1775. Bellamy: "... Please don't ever do that ohmygosh."
  1776. kkmcshouty: ( Carla and Adie casualy kissing in the back )
  1777. shala_dreemurr: Chara grins
  1778. nolvlost: [She coos.]
  1779. valeriejumper: "PSh As if you wouldn't do the same Griz."
  1780. Coldsoul: * (Winter yells along with them for just a moment, chuckling all in the process.) Heheheh!!!
  1781. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow... Is he OK?"
  1782. wanderandward: -The pressure. Poor lad.-
  1783. Frisk: * Anime... Anime's so... COOL!!
  1784. valeriejumper: "Except you'd pass out."
  1785. mfightergriz: *No way I won't ever do that...
  1786. nolvlost: * THAT WAS SO GOOD!!
  1787. cammylittlesoul: "..."
  1788. valeriejumper: "Ahaha!"
  1789. mfightergriz: *..I...I hope!....
  1790. cammylittlesoul: He shakes his head, and then starts clapping.
  1791. valeriejumper: "You already did though~"
  1792. mfightergriz: *AH!!
  1793. emmylittlesoul: "..." Emmy enjoyed this movie while watching it with friends instead of alone.
  1794. sasha_youwinatball: "Wow... That was intense! ALL of it!"
  1795. emmylittlesoul: She starts clapping too
  1796. fallendetermin: That was really cool!!
  1797. valeriejumper: "Remember the married thing~"
  1798. Coldsoul: * (She's chuckling like a maniac!)
  1799. mfightergriz: -Griz claps too!!-
  1800. carla_the_fallen: *Carla puls back, blushing* "That was... great. The movie, and the... the kiss..."
  1801. Bellamy: She giggles, clapping along with everyone else.
  1802. cammylittlesoul: "That was great!" CLAPPING MOAR
  1803. mfightergriz: *WHat a great Movie!!!!
  1804. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs wildly, giving Cammy a noogie
  1805. mfightergriz: *Yeah!! yeah!!
  1806. cammylittlesoul: "!! gahh!"
  1807. StreamerDoggo: ((5 minutes of credits, take this oppurtunity to use the bathroom))
  1808. friskybusiness Frisk smiles, she really enjoyed seeing this movie again!
  1809. fallendetermin: How do they get the drawings to move like real things?? Is it magic??
  1810. valeriejumper: Valerie claps along with everyone
  1811. sydney_pwp: "aww" Cue wiping of a tear, and clapping and Sydney cries a bit
  1812. kkmcshouty: "Y-yeah..." *they blush too*
  1813. wanderandward: ((brb
  1814. sasha_youwinatball: ((Are we doing another?))
  1815. valeriejumper: ((Are we?))
  1816. Coldsoul: * F-Friiisk!!! T-that was *awesome!*
  1817. sasha_youwinatball: (('Cause it's getting kinda late, isn't it?))
  1818. sydney_pwp: (( wait are there two? ))
  1819. Frisk: [[ >w>
  1820. shala_dreemurr: ((It's 10:21 EST))
  1821. wanderandward: *Goopman watches the credits with a rather pleased look. Eyes aglow with joy. Was a good movie.*
  1822. valeriejumper: "So Bell what was it like watching Anime?"
  1823. Frisk: * SUPER AWESOME!!
  1824. Bellamy: She stands up, brushing off her sides and turning around.
  1825. mfightergriz: *This movie was really nice... i wonder if we'll get encore!
  1826. shala_dreemurr: "I told you it's art."
  1827. nolvlost: // ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) mebbe
  1828. sasha_youwinatball: ((Yeah, and what time will it be after another one?))
  1829. Bellamy: At Val's question, though, she quickly adds: "Oh! I really like the animu, it was nice."
  1830. sydney_pwp: *Her glasses seemed to be getting wet.
  1831. mfightergriz: *Aw... Bells... I'm so sorry for making you dall again...!
  1832. valeriejumper: "Great!"
  1833. mfightergriz: *Fall
  1834. sasha_youwinatball: ((Well, I'm gonna go bathroom right now.))
  1835. friskybusiness: Well's like this!
  1836. Bellamy: "I'm going to get a drink, though-- would anyone else like anything while I'm up?"
  1837. carla_the_fallen: "Thanks for going out with me... I really liked it. The movie was great, and... Oh adie, I love you!" *Huggles*
  1838. Coldsoul: * (Winter takes her hand off of Frisk's shoulder and bounces up and down in place; she seems very giddy.) How d-d-do you l-like anime?!
  1839. sasha_youwinatball: "I gotta go; be right back!"
  1840. friskybusiness: *Frisk opens up youtube on her cellphone and clicks on the video "The Making of A Popeye Cartoon"*
  1841. sasha_youwinatball: [hops up and runs off]
  1842. cammylittlesoul: "That was a wild ride...So many emotions!""
  1843. Bellamy: "Griz, I fall for you everyday."
  1844. Bellamy: She flees the scene.
  1845. mfightergriz: *!!!!!!!
  1846. cammylittlesoul: ((SMOOTH))
  1847. shala_dreemurr: Chara nods
  1848. valeriejumper: "AWWWW"
  1849. shala_dreemurr: "It was an adventure."
  1850. valeriejumper: "Wow Griz. Bellamy is smoother than you."
  1851. mfightergriz: -He quickly looks to the side, burnng bright red blush on his face....-
  1852. kkmcshouty: *they hug back and snuggle into Carla's shoulder* "You're welcome! I love you too..."
  1853. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs and calls to Bellamy
  1854. mfightergriz: *I-I KN...KNOW...
  1855. shala_dreemurr: "NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD!"
  1856. mfightergriz: *That's...
  1857. emmylittlesoul: Emmy looks at Bellamy and Griz. "Are you two dating??"
  1858. valeriejumper: "DOOOOOORRRK"
  1859. mfightergriz: *WHy I'm... CraZY FOR HER HAHHHHHH....////
  1860. mfightergriz: *Huh...?
  1861. valeriejumper: "YA THEY ARE EMMY!"
  1862. mfightergriz: *Oh--Y-yeah...
  1863. carla_the_fallen: *All da snuggles* "Adie... This was great. I wish that after camp we could still hang out..."
  1864. sydney_pwp: "D'awww!"
  1865. emmylittlesoul: She smiles. "You two are cute together!"
  1866. stainedkindness: The movie was over, but Aya had fallen asleep a little beforehand, her head resting on Nala's shoulder.
  1867. carla_the_fallen: "But it'll be alright. We'll figure it out!"
  1868. mfightergriz: *I don't even know how she fell for me!... I'm real lucky, hahaha...
  1869. shala_dreemurr: "I'M SURROUNDED BY NEEEEEEEEEEEEERDS-"
  1870. StreamerDoggo: ((Yeah we got one more movie after this, a movie thats also very appropriate for Camp Undersoul))
  1871. sydney_pwp: (( is it full of angst ))
  1872. shala_dreemurr: "Oh god, is it contagious?"
  1873. carla_the_fallen: (YES another movie)
  1874. mfightergriz: *H-HEY!!! DON'T CALL ME NERD
  1875. kkmcshouty: "I-I... me too.." *their expression falls* "I really hope we figure it out..."
  1876. mfightergriz: *H....
  1877. cammylittlesoul: "It's because you're the master nerd. They flock to you." He bonks their head gently.
  1878. 6souls: Nala looked over and noticed Aya sleeping. She lifted her up and snuck back to the green cabin.
  1879. kkmcshouty: (( Woo, more movies!! ))
  1880. mfightergriz: *A-AH!! YOU're A BIG NERD TOO.
  1881. shala_dreemurr: "YOU'RE AAAAAAAAAAALL NERDS! IT'S SPREEEEEA-" The bonk kills them.
  1882. Coldsoul: * (Winter's chuckling a little bit at Griz. She won't stop...) I-is t-that guy G-Griz??
  1883. cammylittlesoul: "Griz dude, you're a total nerd."
  1884. wanderandward: ((late for est maybe, still just evening for everyone else
  1885. mfightergriz: *You're BIG SUPER NERD!
  1886. StreamerDoggo: (( for the laggy people ))
  1887. shala_dreemurr: They go red and just..Done
  1888. mfightergriz: *HHhhhhhhhh.....
  1889. carla_the_fallen: "We will. I'm sure!" *She snuggles* "But for now, lets just snuggle. I think there's another movie!"
  1890. shala_dreemurr: Fall to the floor
  1891. shala_dreemurr: The evil has been defeated-
  1892. Coldsoul: * I h-heard a-about him...
  1893. kkmcshouty: "Yeah, another movie should be fun!"
  1894. kkmcshouty: *so much snuggles*
  1895. shala_dreemurr: Chara mumbles
  1896. mfightergriz: -He remembers what Bellamy said a little while ago and gets red on the face again...-
  1897. wanderandward: ((and this movie is pure awesome
  1898. Frisk: * Yep, that's Griz. A total dork.
  1899. mfightergriz: *AH...? Another movie is starting...!
  1900. emmylittlesoul: "Oooh, what's this?"
  1901. sasha_youwinatball: "Back!" [reclaims seat]
  1902. mfightergriz: *Iwonder where Bellamy went....
  1903. Coldsoul: * (She chuckles at Griz a little more, nodding her head.) T-true!
  1904. fallendetermin: *Rowan gets comfortable, interested in watching more moving pictures*
  1905. carla_the_fallen: "Wa?"
  1906. mfightergriz: *I hope she gets back for the next movie...
  1907. Frisk: * KITTY!!!
  1908. wanderandward: -Aw, whats wrong with ghosts?-
  1909. mfightergriz: *hUH...
  1910. shala_dreemurr: "I mean."
  1911. cammylittlesoul: Cammy grins at them.
  1912. kkmcshouty: "Looks like it started already"
  1913. mfightergriz: *Well, it's just a kitten..!
  1914. fallendetermin: Oooo pretty~!
  1915. mfightergriz: *Shiny glowy thing...!
  1916. carla_the_fallen: "Ooh, Glowy! Have you seen this one?"
  1917. shala_dreemurr: "...y-you're the leader n-ner-I..."
  1918. shala_dreemurr: Chara cannot respond
  1919. kkmcshouty: "Nope"
  1920. wanderandward: -Actual kissan!-
  1921. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip squeaks and stretches a bit... flinching as something seems to be happening on the screen...]
  1922. cammylittlesoul: He shakes his head. "Nope! You."
  1923. cammylittlesoul: Boop.
  1924. carla_the_fallen: "yay! We can watch it for the first time together!" *She giggles, then starts to snuggle in*
  1925. wanderandward: -Huh, that kid had a spiffy cloak..-
  1926. shala_dreemurr: "Nooooooooo!" Chara whines, still red. At least they've sat themself now.
  1927. kkmcshouty: "Haha yup!" *They sunuggle with her*
  1928. cammylittlesoul: He chuckles.
  1929. mfightergriz: *???
  1930. cammylittlesoul: "WHOA, BRAVE STORY."
  1931. shala_dreemurr: "...Brave story."
  1932. mfightergriz: *THIS MOVIE IS CALLED
  1933. mfightergriz: *BRAVE STORY?
  1934. mfightergriz: *I LIKE IT ALREADY!!!
  1935. cammylittlesoul: "Yo, Griz! This movie is about us!"
  1936. mfightergriz: *YeaH! HAHA~
  1937. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs
  1938. wanderandward: -Oh dear, would hate an alarm like that.-
  1939. Frisk: [ Frisk chuckled, fluttering their wings. ]
  1940. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip mewls as he hears the sound of the cat on the screen.]
  1941. sasha_youwinatball: "What'd I miss?"
  1942. mfightergriz: *Ah, Sasha!
  1943. Coldsoul: * (Winter is chuckling a lot, chuckling along with Frisk. Winter has an idea...)
  1944. mfightergriz: *There's two kids and they were exploring some dark place...
  1945. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks at Frisk with a small smile on her face.) F-Frisk!
  1946. mfightergriz: *And one of them found a glowy thing!
  1947. shala_dreemurr: Chara gives a little 'pfffft' at the comment about girls liking it
  1948. Frisk: * Hmm? What's up Win?
  1949. emmylittlesoul: Emmy is reminded of school on the surface.
  1950. mfightergriz: *AH...?
  1951. mfightergriz: *H-Hey, Leave them alONE!
  1952. nolvlost: * This kid's somethin' else!
  1953. shala_dreemurr: "!"
  1954. Bellamy: "Ah, did I already miss it...?" Bellamy flutters onto the scene, carrying a dozen lemonades in her arms.
  1955. Coldsoul: * (Winter takes her chance and pokes Frisk in the cheek!) Y-you're adorable!
  1956. shala_dreemurr: "Jerk."
  1957. mfightergriz: *!!!!!!
  1958. sasha_youwinatball: ((It's freezing on me.))
  1959. mfightergriz: *NNfgh.....
  1960. wanderandward: -Bullies. Great.-
  1961. cammylittlesoul: "Wow. What a bunch of losers."
  1962. shala_dreemurr: "Self. Entitled. Jerk."
  1963. nolvlost: [[its an andy and gabriel fusion that kid
  1964. mfightergriz: *What an IDIOT.
  1965. shala_dreemurr: Chara nods furiously in agreement
  1966. Coldsoul: * (She sticks her tongue out slowly. Smol raspberry.)
  1967. Frisk: * Ad... Adorable? [ Their face scrunches up. ] I ain't adorable!!!
  1968. friskybusiness: Yeah you are Frisk~
  1969. Coldsoul: * (She snickers, poking them.) B-but you aaarre!!!
  1970. wanderandward: -Yes you are Lintu, it was decided yesterday!-
  1971. fallendetermin: Are people in anime always super cute??
  1972. Bellamy: "I didn't get a chance to check who all wanted something, so I just took a few...! Ah, please take one if you like." She sets the drinks in the middle of the room, before taking four.
  1973. StreamerDoggo: (( I hope none of you have dad issues ))
  1974. carla_the_fallen: "Poor kid..."
  1975. kkmcshouty: "WHAT."
  1976. Frisk: [ Oh no, people keep disagreeing with them. ]
  1977. cammylittlesoul: ((GLARES AT EMMY))
  1978. sasha_youwinatball: "What...?"
  1979. friskybusiness: (( ohhhhhhh god ))
  1980. Bellamy: On the way back to her seat, she hands one to Val, and one to Cammy, before scooting next to Griz and giving him one too.
  1981. sasha_youwinatball: "Why???"
  1982. kkmcshouty: "I WILL KICK THAT MAN'S BUTT"
  1983. mfightergriz: *...Ahhh...?
  1984. emmylittlesoul: Emmy's face goes blank.
  1985. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  1986. mfightergriz: *T-thank you.!
  1987. emmylittlesoul: "..."
  1988. friskybusiness: *Frisk just freezes*
  1989. carla_the_fallen: "THAT GUYS A JERK!"
  1990. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip squeaked in confusion and tilted his head... he rested his chin on his arms...]
  1991. Frisk: * I ain't ever gonna be cute, but... Oh my gosh.
  1992. cammylittlesoul: "Oh! Thank you Bellamy!" He smiled really wide and began to drink.
  1993. nolvlost: [She frowns. This is too relatable.]
  1994. mfightergriz: -Griz struggles to open up the drink bottle, but seems a bit distraught from what's happening onscreen...-
  1995. cammylittlesoul: The subject matter did cause him to look to Emmy, though.
  1996. sasha_youwinatball: ((OK, can you link the video like you did the last one?))
  1997. friskybusiness: *She curls up on the ground*
  1998. wanderandward: -Yeah...that was pretty cruel to the kid.-
  1999. Coldsoul: * (Winter's face suddenly turns to the screen and her eyes dilate just a bit. She... remembers something.)
  2000. Bellamy: "Sure!" She beams at Cammy, before looking up at the screen.
  2001. nolvlost:
  2002. shala_dreemurr: "...I wouldn't call that man dad."
  2003. shala_dreemurr: "!"
  2004. valeriejumper: "Thanks"
  2005. Frisk: * Whooooa.
  2006. nolvlost: // i was eating and couldnt ooc it
  2007. mfightergriz: *!!!!!!!
  2008. carla_the_fallen: "Leaving his kid like that... So mean"
  2009. Bellamy: "I'm glad my father wasn't like that..."
  2010. wanderandward: -Hm, kissan? something wrong?-
  2011. mfightergriz: *T-THOSE GUYS-
  2012. nolvlost: * What are these kids so dang mean??
  2013. mfightergriz: *ARRRGH... I OUGHTA...
  2014. kkmcshouty: "WHAT"
  2015. StreamerDoggo: ((Timestamp: 9:05 ))
  2016. mfightergriz: *uGH!!
  2017. carla_the_fallen: "And those kids are jerks, too!"
  2018. cammylittlesoul: He furrowed his brow, then looked back to the screen. She was tough, she'd be fine.
  2019. fallendetermin: *glares at the screen*
  2020. Bellamy: "Why are they do--...?" She covers her mouth with a hand, perplexed by the current scene.
  2021. nolvlost: * Wait what.
  2022. sydney_pwp: "?!?!?!"
  2023. carla_the_fallen: "What? Whoa!"
  2024. cammylittlesoul: "Oh wow. This kid is...Edgy."
  2025. kkmcshouty: "Go quiet kid!"
  2026. mfightergriz: -Griz was absolutely livid looking at the screen-
  2027. Coldsoul: * (She just watches, confused by what's happening. She seems somewhat shocked.)
  2028. mfightergriz: *H-huh...?
  2029. wanderandward: -Oh, a mage!-
  2030. shala_dreemurr: Chara silently remembers this monologue
  2031. Frisk: * Holy shoot.
  2032. mfightergriz: *He.. He knew magic!
  2033. carla_the_fallen: 'What? Oh dear..."
  2034. mfightergriz: *WHAH...?
  2035. cammylittlesoul: "!!!"
  2036. shala_dreemurr: Just...Just in case it might one day be useful.
  2037. nolvlost: * Why do people keep getting eaten alive in these movies??
  2038. kip_the_cabbit: [A low growl emitted from deep within Kip's throat...]
  2039. mfightergriz: *I-TH-THIS-
  2040. wanderandward: -Ain't nothing holy there kid!-
  2041. kkmcshouty: "I did not think that would happen..."
  2042. cammylittlesoul: "Did...Did he just..."
  2044. StreamerDoggo: * They're fine
  2045. kip_the_cabbit: [!?!?]
  2046. cammylittlesoul: "Oh...Phew."
  2047. shala_dreemurr: "It seems they're alright."
  2048. Frisk: * True, true.
  2049. mfightergriz: *....It... it was an illusion...?
  2050. fallendetermin: Wow!
  2051. nolvlost: * Mister Doggo what the heck.
  2052. fallendetermin: That looked like pretty strong illusion magic.
  2053. StreamerDoggo: * Trust me, it gets more awesome
  2054. kkmcshouty: "..."
  2055. wanderandward: -They're only unconcious kids, relax.-
  2056. Coldsoul: * (Winter seems a little bit tense, and she's leaning towards the screen. She's taking rather shallow breaths...)
  2057. mfightergriz: *B-Bellamy, are you okay...?
  2058. mfightergriz: *Did that scare you...?
  2059. wanderandward: -Kissan...?-
  2060. shala_dreemurr: Chara gives a strange look
  2061. Bellamy: Bellamy chews her lip, opening the bottled pink lemonade.
  2062. Bellamy: "No, it wasn't scary, just... bizarre."
  2063. mfightergriz: *Hmm... Okay...
  2064. carla_the_fallen: *Mutters* "Is it just me, or is that magic kid kinda cute?" *Carla try's not to be heard, but blushes anyway*
  2065. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks toward him, snapping out of it a little bit. She tilts her head at Wander.)
  2066. mfightergriz: *If you get scared I'm here, alright...?
  2067. shala_dreemurr: Chara goes extremely red
  2068. wanderandward: -You were kind of out of it there?-
  2069. mfightergriz: *Hm. I like the blonde kid.
  2070. kkmcshouty: "Well he is a little..." *muttering back*
  2071. mfightergriz: *He's cool.
  2072. shala_dreemurr: "I mean...His voice is nice..."
  2073. friskybusiness: I want to learn illusion magic like that kid
  2074. cammylittlesoul: "?"
  2075. fallendetermin: (( daddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  2076. shala_dreemurr: "...But I kind of wanna kick him in the face."
  2077. Bellamy: "All right," she laughs softly, taking a sip of her drink.
  2078. Frisk: * These kids. I swear.
  2079. carla_the_fallen: *She blushes hard*
  2080. Bellamy: "I think you like all the blonde kids."
  2081. wanderandward: ((i think blondie here might be Wards vc
  2082. mfightergriz: *Hey, they're usually pretty cool!
  2083. mfightergriz: *Like me.
  2084. cammylittlesoul: "Pfft."
  2085. kkmcshouty: *They smile at Carla*
  2086. shala_dreemurr: "Neeeeeeeerd."
  2087. wanderandward: -Lintu, how old are you exactly hmm?-
  2088. Coldsoul: * (Winter shrugs, looking at Frisk again before returning back to the screen. She's getting a little colder...)
  2089. mfightergriz: *!! ImnOT
  2090. Bellamy: Bellamy runs a hand through her own platinum blonde hair, nodding. It was a fact.
  2091. nolvlost: [[blondies reminding me of my chara send help
  2092. Bellamy: "Can't argue with that."
  2093. AskDogi: ((logging a l l of this because logging's what i do ;P ))
  2094. carla_the_fallen: "Sorry... I didn't mean to say that out loud..."
  2095. Frisk: * How old am I? Uhhh. I don't know my age. Chuchuchu.
  2096. shala_dreemurr: ((rIP))
  2097. fallendetermin: *Rowan giggled* Dramatic, much?
  2098. AskDogi: (( i'll have a complete log of this chat after all the movies are over ))
  2099. shala_dreemurr: "Wooooooooooooow."
  2100. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs
  2101. kkmcshouty: "Nah, it's fine, it was cute~ "
  2102. cammylittlesoul: "Wait, if he could summon crazy illusion creatures, why didn't he do that before the bullied tied him up?"
  2103. shala_dreemurr: "This kid's edgier than Azzy!"
  2104. Coldsoul: * I... I t-t-think I-I'm 7... I d-don't know w-when my birthday i-is...?
  2105. wanderandward: -Im guessing hardly old enough to be sayin 'these kids'...kid heh-
  2106. Frisk: [ They're feeling the coldness, since they're not exactly warmer than their older self. ]
  2107. shala_dreemurr: Chara snickers
  2108. kkmcshouty: "Oh no..."
  2109. shala_dreemurr: ...And stops pretty quickly
  2110. carla_the_fallen: "Adieeee!" *Chuckleing*
  2111. mfightergriz: *H..... Huh....?
  2112. Bellamy: She gasps, holding her hand back over her mouth.
  2113. Frisk: * Haaardly? Pshhhh.
  2114. wanderandward: -Babies, both of ya heheh-
  2115. carla_the_fallen: "oh, no!"
  2116. Coldsoul: * I-I'm not a b-baby!
  2117. mfightergriz: *I... I don't like this...
  2118. Frisk: * I ain't a baby!!
  2119. cammylittlesoul: "This poor kid..."
  2120. carla_the_fallen: "That poor kid..."
  2121. cammylittlesoul: ((lol))
  2122. nolvlost: [[why am i so jaded that i immediately thought 'hospitals arent that fast and thats breaking my immersion'
  2123. mfightergriz: *That kid.... That kid is losing his... mom...
  2124. carla_the_fallen: (Almost-jinx)
  2125. kkmcshouty: *They pull Carla really close*
  2126. Bellamy: The words hit a bit too close to home. Bellamy reaches for Griz's hand, giving a small squeeze.
  2127. Coldsoul: * I... I t-t-think it's i-in August? M-maybe September...?
  2128. carla_the_fallen: *She cuddles tightly*
  2129. mfightergriz: -Griz squeezes Bellamy's hand back.-
  2130. wanderandward: -Hmm...nah, do believe either of you.-
  2131. wanderandward: dont*
  2132. shala_dreemurr: ((I mean you aren't alone-))
  2133. Frisk: * Prrrrrr.
  2134. Bellamy: "To change your destiny..."
  2135. mfightergriz: *...Hm....
  2136. Bellamy: She pauses, frowning. "I don't know if I could ever go through with that."
  2137. friskybusiness: That door looks like the door to the exit of the ruins..
  2138. Coldsoul: * S-so, m-maybe t-this month??? M-maybe it p-passed?????
  2139. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  2140. shala_dreemurr: Chara begins to giggle
  2141. cammylittlesoul: He smirks. "This movie is adoorable."
  2142. nolvlost: * Is destiny true or can is everything fated? [There's no need to spark a philosophical conversation here Kayla.]
  2143. mfightergriz: *...You'd be able to do it, Bellamy. I believe you would.
  2144. kkmcshouty: "It really does look like the ruins exit..."
  2145. wanderandward: -Doesnt matter. Still a baby.-
  2146. Frisk: [[ the stream on sashamun's end is messing up, so they're headin out! ]]
  2147. carla_the_fallen: "Yeah..."
  2148. sydney_pwp: (( timestamp plzerinoes ))
  2149. Coldsoul: * I-I'm not a b-bABY!!!
  2150. mfightergriz: *...hAH....? This movie is full of strange scenes....
  2151. emmylittlesoul: "!!!"
  2152. Frisk: * We ain't babie--- !!!
  2153. Frisk: * BIRDS!
  2154. StreamerDoggo: (( 18:30 ))
  2155. cammylittlesoul: "Woooooah!!
  2156. wanderandward: ((alright
  2157. Bellamy: "I don't know, I mean -- it feels dishonest. I would want to keep my integrity, staying with the choices that I--"
  2158. kkmcshouty: "What?"
  2159. Bellamy: "...What strange birds."
  2160. friskybusiness: This is a lot like Alice in Wonderland!
  2161. friskybusiness: At least with how weird everything is
  2162. Coldsoul: * ... w-wait a minute\
  2163. cammylittlesoul: "WHAT AT THOOOOOOSE!!"
  2164. cammylittlesoul: ARE*
  2165. carla_the_fallen: "What is with this movie? This is strange..."
  2166. wanderandward: -Whoa philosophical peeps.-
  2167. shala_dreemurr: "...I dunno Cammy, but..."
  2168. kkmcshouty: "A lot of Anime is..."
  2169. mfightergriz: *Never be afraid to take your DESTINY in your own HANDS.
  2170. Coldsoul: * (Winter starts to recollect her birthday... and then it hits her!) S-September t-third! I r-remember!!!
  2171. shala_dreemurr: "...They're just as weird and cute as you~!"
  2172. carla_the_fallen: "Yeah..."
  2173. StreamerDoggo: (( CHOOSE YOUR CLASS ))
  2174. cammylittlesoul: "!!!??!" Red alert.
  2175. nolvlost: [[winters birthday just before mine :}
  2176. cammylittlesoul: "Sh, shut up!"
  2177. wanderandward: ((always pick mage!
  2178. Frisk: * All these virtues!!
  2179. Frisk: * OH.
  2180. mfightergriz: *Always be DETERMINED to set things right, even if you have to risk other things.
  2181. cammylittlesoul: ((Your journey begins at dawn.))
  2182. mfightergriz: *!!!!
  2183. shala_dreemurr: "...Isn't it...A little selfish..."
  2184. kkmcshouty: "I'd pick happiness" *They kiss Carla's cheek*
  2185. nolvlost: * What if the risk is too much?
  2186. shala_dreemurr: "...To demand them all?"
  2187. wanderandward: -That so kissan? hm.- *He commits the date to memory.*
  2188. Coldsoul: * S-so I g-guess, i-it's kinda soon???
  2189. cammylittlesoul: "I always wondered why you couldn't do that in games."
  2190. fallendetermin: Birthdays? I think mine is soon... *Rowan's more mumbling to themselves*
  2191. Bellamy: "That's... different from going back in time and changing the choices. You should -- You should be honest, and just make the bad choices, right."
  2192. carla_the_fallen: *Blushing* "aw... Me too!"
  2193. shala_dreemurr: Chara folds their arms
  2194. mfightergriz: *Hm....
  2195. Frisk: * I don't really know my own birthday. I might make one up!
  2196. shala_dreemurr: "And I'm sure why you wonder why you can't take all the free samples either if they're free, huh?"
  2197. kkmcshouty: *they seem content*
  2198. StreamerDoggo: ((Dark Souls door opening ))
  2199. cammylittlesoul: "I mean. It is selfish." He laughs. "But I guess it kinda makes sense."
  2200. wanderandward: -Turning 8 soon then?-
  2201. fallendetermin: (( who booted up dark souls
  2202. Coldsoul: * I g-guess, yeah...
  2203. mfightergriz: *Well..... I guess you have a point again, Bells.
  2204. shala_dreemurr: Chara does not look amused.
  2205. mfightergriz: *Geez, you always make me thing things thorough. Heheh.
  2206. wanderandward: -Yep, still a baby!-
  2207. mfightergriz: *thuink
  2208. mfightergriz: *THINK
  2209. mfightergriz: ((hdhghf))
  2210. Coldsoul: * (Winter elbows Wander hard in the side. No regrets.)
  2211. Bellamy: She shrugs a little. Most things are nuanced, and she reaches a hand behind her own head, removing the hair tie securing her bun.
  2212. Coldsoul: (( me ))
  2213. cammylittlesoul: "!!!?"
  2214. kkmcshouty: "Well them..."
  2215. shala_dreemurr: "...That was only ever so slightly terrifying."
  2216. nolvlost: * Whaaat.
  2217. carla_the_fallen: *SnugglesS* "wa? That was... Odd."
  2218. kkmcshouty: then*
  2219. cammylittlesoul: "Man, I could have sworn that kid was gonna croak."
  2220. valeriejumper: "?"
  2221. mfightergriz: -He directs his attention back to the screen.-
  2222. shala_dreemurr: "PFFFFFT-!"
  2223. wanderandward: *The goopman grunts at the impact, then suddenly lunges over and wraps her complete in his cloak.*
  2224. Bellamy: The blonde hair poofs out. "You make me think, too. I mean..."
  2225. mfightergriz: *THAT GUY!!!
  2226. mfightergriz: *hmmm?
  2227. Bellamy: "If I could have avoided dyi-- that last summer, I think I might have."
  2228. wanderandward: -Wataru, apparently you fail at being a hero.-
  2229. mfightergriz: *......
  2230. Coldsoul: * (Winter squeaks rather loudly, trying to kick out of the bundle. She kicks at Wander, letting out a muffled yelp.)
  2231. Bellamy: "...Oh, I feel terrible for this boy."
  2232. StreamerDoggo: (( Clearly secretly the most OP class.))
  2233. shala_dreemurr: "No kidding."
  2234. Bellamy: "...But he gets to be an apprentice. How hopeful!"
  2235. wanderandward: -Baby and a brat huh?! No escape now hahahah-
  2236. mfightergriz: -He thinks for a little bit-
  2237. mfightergriz: *aH!!
  2238. Frisk: * Prrrrrrrrr.
  2239. Coldsoul: * I-I'm nOT A BRAT!
  2240. kkmcshouty: "That's all it takes to be a hero apprentice...?"
  2241. mfightergriz: That was a cool transformation!
  2242. wanderandward: (terrible starting sats but great growth
  2243. cammylittlesoul: "He gets a sword!!"
  2244. nolvlost: * That was cool transformation!
  2245. carla_the_fallen: "Huh."
  2246. shala_dreemurr: Chara hums the Legend of Zelda main theme
  2247. Frisk: [ Frisk becomes fluffier than usual, sipping their grape juice with salt. ]
  2248. mfightergriz: *Also that floaty old man reminds me of Eimmet, pfff.
  2249. Bellamy: "Yes...!"
  2250. Bellamy: "Hehe."
  2251. mfightergriz: *I WANT A HERO'S SWORD TOO
  2252. Bellamy: "I wonder what he looks like under the hood."
  2253. mfightergriz: *Me too!
  2254. shala_dreemurr: "I don't know how he looks BUT!!!"
  2255. mfightergriz: *I once heard rumors that there were some Temmies disguised as him!
  2256. Coldsoul: * (Winter is kicking around, and she may have kicked Frisk lightly in the hip by accident. She can't see anyway.)
  2257. shala_dreemurr: "...He's really fluff!?"
  2258. mfightergriz: *OH- OH HE FELL
  2259. shala_dreemurr: "Under his hood!?"
  2260. mfightergriz: *YeAH!!
  2261. Bellamy: "What...? No way. Temmies couldn't do that."
  2262. Frisk: [ Oof! Frisk felt that hit, but, they can endure that! They're a hard shelled bird. ]
  2263. wanderandward: -Yes you are! Always so violent! heh- *He shakes his captive a bit, chuckling softly.*
  2264. Frisk: * Puppy!!!
  2265. Bellamy: She turns towards Chara, raising a brow. "Did you... pet him?"
  2266. nolvlost: * Aawww!
  2267. Frisk: * THAT'S NOT A GOOD PUPPY.
  2268. mfightergriz: *It's true, Bellamy, Chara, I ain't joshing you!
  2269. shala_dreemurr: "Yup!"
  2270. nolvlost: * OH.
  2271. kkmcshouty: "Whoa..."
  2272. shala_dreemurr: "ALL PUPPIES ARE GOOD!"
  2273. wanderandward: -Agree with Wataru! Magic over swords!-
  2274. mfightergriz: *!!! A PUPPY!
  2275. nolvlost: [Things like that must be why Teddy doesn't like dogs!]
  2276. shala_dreemurr: Chara has gone completely defensive
  2277. Bellamy: "Lots of puppies."
  2278. Coldsoul: * (Winter quietly yells a little bit, kicking around in the bundle.) F-Frisk, help!!!
  2279. mfightergriz: *What? No way, Swords are relly COOL!
  2280. carla_the_fallen: "Wha? Oh no"
  2281. cammylittlesoul: "I like how he picked it up without batting an eye."
  2282. mfightergriz: *y-yEAH!! SAME!
  2283. StreamerDoggo: ((Now meet this cool dude ))
  2284. mfightergriz: *This kid has GUTS!
  2285. wanderandward: *Wander shoots the bird a glance that only promises torment*
  2286. shala_dreemurr: "Is that the Hero's mentor, then~?"
  2287. fallendetermin: (( where's the tutorial in this stinkin game
  2288. Frisk: [ They perked up, smirking at Wander and starting making grabby hands towards the cloak. ]
  2289. cammylittlesoul: "Yeah! He may not have stamina or whatever else, but he's got heart!"
  2290. shala_dreemurr: ((Frisk killed her. The tutorial.))
  2291. Bellamy: "It's Gerson."
  2292. shala_dreemurr: ((...I mean toriel.))
  2293. mfightergriz: *Heart is like- REALLY IMPORTANT!
  2294. shala_dreemurr: "!!!"
  2295. mfightergriz: *Hah... Gerson...?
  2296. shala_dreemurr: "GERSON!"
  2297. mfightergriz: *Who is that? Uh...
  2298. Coldsoul: * (The bundle is constantly moving around and she's sprawled out and kicking around.)
  2299. shala_dreemurr: Chara lets out a tiny squeal
  2300. cammylittlesoul: Cammy's eyes light up at the mention of Gerson.
  2301. shala_dreemurr: Seems like someone's a fan
  2302. mfightergriz: *Well, this old guy seems nice.
  2303. kkmcshouty: "What's a 'Gerson'?"
  2304. fallendetermin: Awww~ Cutie~
  2305. Frisk: * Let `er go!!!
  2306. Bellamy: "The turtle monster! You know, the old monster who lives in the Waterfall cave...?
  2307. shala_dreemurr: "His laugh even reminds me of Gerson!"
  2308. nolvlost: * It's totally Gerson!
  2309. StreamerDoggo: * Oh yeah! Gerson is great!
  2310. wanderandward: -Well, since you volunteer!- *The goop whips hs cloak free of Winter...just long enough to sweep it down again, this time covering the bird as well!*
  2311. mfightergriz: *Uhhh... I- I think I haven't met him yet....
  2312. fallendetermin: This guy seems nice!
  2313. Bellamy: I met him when I was still al-- When I first fell, so maybe he isn't there anymore."
  2315. kkmcshouty: "..."
  2316. cammylittlesoul: "..."
  2317. carla_the_fallen: *chuckles* "Gerson is an old turtle who lives in the underground in most timelines"
  2318. cammylittlesoul: He quietly sat back down.
  2319. shala_dreemurr: "Cammy's not wrong!"
  2320. StreamerDoggo: * He told me lots of stories back when I was a little pup!
  2321. kkmcshouty: "Huh..."
  2322. mfightergriz: *I'll try to look for him next time I'm back at the underground...
  2323. cammylittlesoul: He's smiling like a doof.
  2324. shala_dreemurr: "And he knows sooooooooooo much! I think he has more stories than Mom's library!"
  2325. StreamerDoggo: * ...Including the greatest hero part.
  2326. wanderandward: -Kikima here seems like the decent sort.-
  2327. Bellamy: "He's very nice! And sells the best tea."
  2328. fallendetermin: Oh, Gerson?? Gerson is super cool! I want to be strong like him when I grow older!
  2329. mfightergriz: *!!!!
  2330. shala_dreemurr: Chara nods
  2331. shala_dreemurr: "His tea IS the best!"
  2332. mfightergriz: *WAS THIS GERSON A HERO???
  2333. Frisk: [ You've caught a birb! They're now veiled under Wander's cloak and letting out a playful hiss. ]
  2334. cammylittlesoul: Cammy nods furiously.
  2335. Bellamy: "I think he's been alive for a very long time... and seen many things..."
  2336. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah! Or at least thats what he tells me! And what Asgore told me!
  2337. Coldsoul: * (Winter is literally thrown out of the cloak, and she lands on the ground on her belly. She squeaks when it's put over both of them and she yelps, putting her hands on the top.)
  2338. Bellamy: "I do know that he is brave, and not much phases him."
  2339. shala_dreemurr: "Sometimes he gives free tea to Papa - golden flower - and visits"
  2340. kkmcshouty: "Is this what monsters look like?"
  2341. StreamerDoggo: * And Undyne...And like half the Underground
  2342. mfightergriz: *I - I REALLY GOTTA MEET HIM NOW!!
  2343. shala_dreemurr: "They're really good friends!"
  2344. valeriejumper: ((Little sister is using her kindle and so the vidoe keeps hiccuping
  2345. mfightergriz: *U-Undyne...?
  2346. Coldsoul: * (Now time for the frantic trying to get out.)
  2347. shala_dreemurr: Now it's Chara's turn to be confused
  2348. cammylittlesoul: "He taught me how to defend myself better."
  2349. shala_dreemurr: "Undyne...?"
  2350. Bellamy: "But I never asked about his past very much..." She tilts her head aside, trying to remember.
  2351. valeriejumper: ((So Sorry If Val don't comment much on stuff
  2352. wanderandward: -Hm, cant tell which lump is which now...oh well!- *Poking poke is good enough for the goop.*
  2353. Bellamy: "Oh...! I've heard of Undyne."
  2354. mfightergriz: *Hm... I'll love to hear from him if I meet him...
  2355. danceralexis: *(Alexis goes tense at the mention of Undyne.)
  2356. nolvlost: [Sounds like Auntie.]
  2357. mfightergriz: *Whah...? Who is this undyne?
  2358. Bellamy: "Literally, heard of her. She walks around in this huge armor."
  2359. shala_dreemurr: "...I...Can't say the name rings a bell..."
  2360. nolvlost: [[is that the lunch lady from bully what th heck
  2361. cammylittlesoul: He's still smiling, kinda solemnly.
  2362. shala_dreemurr: Chara frowns and furrows their brow
  2363. Bellamy: "But... she scares me a bit, so I tried to avoid her."
  2364. valeriejumper: "Yeah same here."
  2365. wanderandward: -Alexis, focus on the movie!- *Poke, prod!*
  2366. StreamerDoggo: * Oh, uh, right, captain Undyne...She's not fond of humans.
  2367. Bellamy: "That's mean, I know."
  2368. mfightergriz: *Hmmm....
  2369. danceralexis: * Y..yes...Wander...
  2370. shala_dreemurr: "But...I'm SURE I'd know of her if she's that loud!"
  2371. valeriejumper: "I avoid her when ever I go to Waterfall."
  2372. StreamerDoggo: * But she's pretty cool when you get to know her!
  2373. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs
  2374. nolvlost: [[ that /is/ the lady from bully
  2375. shala_dreemurr: "Well, we have something in common, then~!"
  2376. mfightergriz: *If she scares you, stand your ground, Bells.
  2377. danceralexis: *(Her hands are shaking in a very obvious manner.)
  2378. Coldsoul: * (Winter is frantically trying to kick out of the bundle. A little bit of ice is starting to form on the cloak...)
  2379. mfightergriz: *Don't allow her to see you afraid!
  2380. mfightergriz: *You're petty strong too!
  2381. carla_the_fallen: "Undyne is great! She's awesome! And yeah, kinda scary." *chuckles*
  2382. mfightergriz: *Ahhh? That was -
  2383. Bellamy: "She walks around with a huge spear...! And she's very tall, like... 7 feet tall, maybe more."
  2384. StreamerDoggo: ((I HOPE YOU LIKE CATS ))
  2385. Frisk: [[ there she IS!!!!
  2386. Bellamy: "She's like two of you stacked together. Maybe even three."
  2387. mfightergriz: *!!!??
  2388. danceralexis: *(Alexis is starting to look like she might bolt out of here any moment.)
  2389. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah that sounds about right.
  2390. valeriejumper: "Wow..."
  2391. shala_dreemurr: "...Okay, you guys...Did you all fall way before me, or...?"
  2392. Frisk: [ Frisk's flapping their wings wildly, getting a bit out of control here. ]
  2393. mfightergriz: -Griz was now somewhat irritated-
  2394. kkmcshouty: *they smile even though they still don't know undyne"
  2395. cammylittlesoul: ...Cammy blushes a little.
  2396. wanderandward:, you babies have fun, I think I actually have work to do.- *Wander sweeps his cloak back up, uncovering the two smalls and abruptly heads to Alexis' side.*
  2397. mfightergriz: *Well, she can't be that great.
  2398. fallendetermin: Oh!! Cute kitty!
  2399. Bellamy: She nods, looking up at the screen. What a performance.
  2400. emmylittlesoul: "I wish I was as prtty as her"
  2401. Frisk: * Hmph!
  2402. valeriejumper: "Aww Kitty"
  2403. carla_the_fallen: "Wow..."
  2404. Bellamy: "But... you're right. If I ever get the chance, I'll try."
  2405. mfightergriz: *Aaaa!!! An acrobat!!!
  2406. fallendetermin: She's so pretty~
  2407. Frisk: [ Frisk stops, going back to watching the movie. ]
  2408. wanderandward: -Alexis, hey. Here and now, just focus on the screen alright?-
  2409. kkmcshouty: "Impressive"
  2410. Bellamy: "But... look at that!" She points at the screen, amazed.
  2411. Frisk: [ That was one fine acrobat. ]
  2412. shala_dreemurr: "...You guys talk about Tori living in the ruins alone, this Undyne girl..."
  2413. Frisk: [ ... Acrocat. ]
  2414. mfightergriz: *Ah, a cute flying thing!
  2415. Bellamy: "I wish I could move like that."
  2416. valeriejumper: "!!"
  2417. valeriejumper: "Whoa..."
  2418. mfightergriz: *You're really graceful already, Bells...~
  2419. shala_dreemurr: Chara is VERY upset at this sight
  2420. Bellamy: "But dancing and moving around in the air? Hh..."
  2421. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip mewled and squeaked... his tail wagging around a bit behind him as if he wants to pounce at the screen...]
  2422. carla_the_fallen: "Oh no!"
  2423. fallendetermin: Oh no!! Let go of it!!
  2424. Bellamy: "!!" She lowers her head a bit, blushing. "Thank you, Griz. ♥"
  2425. kkmcshouty: "Poor kid..."
  2426. mfightergriz: *Hehehe...///
  2427. cammylittlesoul: "OH WHAT!?"
  2428. danceralexis: *(Alexis almost jumps out of her own skin when Wander comes up to her. Thankfully, she trusts the goopman a fair bit, and meekly nods, trying to shake free of the traumatic memories.)
  2429. mfightergriz: *H-He was trying to defend the weak critter...
  2430. mfightergriz: *AGH!!
  2431. carla_the_fallen: "aww... Poor kid..."
  2432. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  2433. mfightergriz: *NNNgh...
  2434. cammylittlesoul: "Oh yeah? Well I wouldn't like you even if I TRIED."
  2435. cammylittlesoul: He huffs.
  2436. kkmcshouty: "Worst first day ever"
  2437. StreamerDoggo: * Good thing they're arent any Justice kids here right now, might be throwing a fit.
  2438. wanderandward: *Wander slowly reaches over to lay a hand on her shoulder, hoping the contact would anchor her to the now, instead of the memories.*
  2439. Bellamy: "I just want to hug him."
  2440. kkmcshouty: "Yeah it'd be bad if there were a bunch of justice kids"
  2441. Bellamy: She frowns, feeling her heart go out to him.
  2442. carla_the_fallen: "yeah..." *Chuckles*
  2443. Frisk: * They'd be talkin' nonstop about this!!
  2444. valeriejumper: "..."
  2445. Bellamy: A gasp.
  2446. valeriejumper: ".........."
  2447. valeriejumper: "..."
  2448. cammylittlesoul: "..."
  2449. danceralexis: *(It...seems to be working. Her hands were still shaking, but lightly. Being a kid was rough, it seemed.)
  2450. kkmcshouty: "No!"
  2451. cammylittlesoul: "He can't GO if he's in prison!"
  2452. shala_dreemurr: "I don't like this voice."
  2453. kkmcshouty: *They bury their face in Carla's shoulder*
  2454. Coldsoul: * (Winter just sits and watches the movie, listening to the noise. Her mind is drifting off to somewhere else...)
  2455. cammylittlesoul: "It's dumb."
  2456. shala_dreemurr: "!"
  2457. carla_the_fallen: "Its ok, my sweet" *She pets adies head*
  2458. shala_dreemurr: "IT'S YOSHIMITSU'S SWORD!"
  2459. cammylittlesoul: "Whoooooa!"
  2460. nolvlost: [[hes a beyblade
  2461. mfightergriz: *Hahhh...??
  2462. Frisk: [[ let it rip
  2463. mfightergriz: *That was a cool move, pheheh
  2464. valeriejumper: "Whoa"
  2465. mfightergriz: *P-PIRANHAS
  2466. kkmcshouty: *they listen to the movie but don't look up"
  2467. Bellamy: "Piranhas." She shuts her eyes tightly.
  2468. valeriejumper: "Close one."
  2469. Coldsoul: * (She starts to fall over just a little bit before her head touches the ground and she sprawls out- she's lost in memories.)
  2470. wanderandward: *Rough it may be, this kid had a friend at least. Wander stayed by her side, hand to her shoulder, occasionally patting it.* -Heh, hey just think about what Scan would say to Watarus treatment there.-
  2471. mfightergriz: *That kitty reminds me of you a lot too, Bells.
  2472. wanderandward: -Cave of No Return. Such a pleasant name name. inviting.-
  2473. mfightergriz: *She's pretty and graceful and looks very nice.
  2474. valeriejumper: "I was about to say."
  2475. Frisk: * WhOOOOA.
  2476. Bellamy: "Mmm? Ah-- well, she believes in promises."
  2477. valeriejumper: "!!!"
  2478. cammylittlesoul: "Such a tangled web of deceit."
  2479. carla_the_fallen: "Noo!"
  2480. kkmcshouty: *they look up* "Whoa!"
  2481. Bellamy: "I can kind of see it." She giggles, glancing between Griz and the screen.
  2482. mfightergriz: *A-AH!!!
  2483. mfightergriz: *EVERYONE'S UNDERWATER!!
  2484. carla_the_fallen: *She continues to stroke Adie's hair*
  2485. Bellamy: "...These animus have a lot of scary-looking monsters."
  2486. valeriejumper: "Oh boy..."
  2487. fallendetermin: Whoa it's huge!!
  2488. shala_dreemurr: "I think the 'monster' is beautiful."
  2489. mfightergriz: *That wretched thing...
  2490. kkmcshouty: *snuggles* "Thanks Carla"
  2491. cammylittlesoul: "It's got a really cool design!"
  2492. mfightergriz: *Hah...?
  2493. carla_the_fallen: "Woah... This is epic!"
  2494. mfightergriz: *WOW!!!
  2495. valeriejumper: "Why does he need the sword again? I sorta forgot."
  2496. kkmcshouty: "It is !"
  2497. Coldsoul: * (Winter seems lost in thought, and she's zoning out once more. She's laying by Frisk and she seems to be... thinking very hard about something.)
  2498. carla_the_fallen: "Your're welcome, dear."
  2499. Bellamy: She sighs in relief as the eel monster dissipates.
  2500. cammylittlesoul: "Because he's a hero!"
  2501. fallendetermin: It holds the stones he's collecting!
  2502. mfightergriz: *And it's the HERO'S sword!
  2503. wanderandward: *Wander shoots a worried glance towards Winter, then turns his attention back to Alexis.* -You going to be alright?-
  2504. danceralexis: * I think so...
  2505. valeriejumper: "Psh"
  2506. Coldsoul: * (Although, she's out of it. This show tends to remind her a lot of her brother... hm.)
  2507. kkmcshouty: (( such sunuggle, much fluff ))
  2508. mfightergriz: *!!!
  2509. mfightergriz: *I want one of those bracalets!
  2510. Frisk: * Dang, wasn't th... [ Frisk blinked, waving their hand over Winter's face. They've noticed after a moment. ]
  2511. valeriejumper: "Oooh!"
  2512. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip's tail wagged around behind him as he seems interested by item that's inside the box...]
  2513. valeriejumper: "Justice!"
  2514. Frisk: * Win?? Win! Earth to Winter?
  2515. StreamerDoggo: (( Wataru has joined the Highlander faction!))
  2516. nolvlost: [[there can only be one
  2517. mfightergriz: *Heh! He had a great adventure so far.
  2518. fallendetermin: *Rowan giggles* It's so big on him!
  2519. shala_dreemurr: Chara smiles
  2520. Coldsoul: * (Not really working. She's definitely out of it.)
  2521. valeriejumper: "Heh."
  2522. Bellamy: "It's like us...! And that Temmie."
  2523. Bellamy: "When we first met."
  2524. cammylittlesoul: "I'm glad that the cat turned out to not be a baddie."
  2525. kkmcshouty: "This is so cute!"
  2526. StreamerDoggo: ((I cant believe Jojo is a tiny baby dragon))
  2527. mfightergriz: *Hehehe, you think so?
  2528. carla_the_fallen: "Mina is the cutest little kitty-girl ever!"
  2529. shala_dreemurr: "Look Cammy!"
  2530. cammylittlesoul: He gasps!
  2531. wanderandward: -Hmm...- *Well, hopefully this would help. Wander removes his cloak complete, quickly raising the hood of the robe underneath, then wraps the voluminous cloth around Alexis. * -Looks like another camper needs me, just try to focus on the movie, its a good one!-
  2532. mfightergriz: *I'm like that boy then!
  2533. Bellamy: "A little," she grins, lowering her head to her knees.
  2534. shala_dreemurr: "The little bird! It's you!"
  2535. Bellamy: "Yes! You are."
  2536. valeriejumper: "Aww"
  2537. mfightergriz: *If you're the kitty I'm the boy.
  2538. cammylittlesoul: "H-huh? How is that me??"
  2539. valeriejumper: "AWW"
  2540. valeriejumper: "Baby bird."
  2541. mfightergriz: *They're traveling all over...
  2542. shala_dreemurr: "You're both fluffy and cute~!"
  2543. mfightergriz: *Having adventures, seeing things..
  2544. Bellamy: She pulls her legs closer to her torso, looking up again. "Now the little monster just as to bite your hand."
  2545. mfightergriz: *Wah, no!
  2546. kkmcshouty: "Definitely!" *they grin* "Any you're the cutest Green girl ever!" *they kiss Carla on the cheek*
  2547. wanderandward: *Then its back to kissan. Hm, well speaking to her doesnt work. Wander takes his time to aim, then flicks her right between the eyes.*
  2548. mfightergriz: *It'd hurt!
  2549. cammylittlesoul: "!?" He puffs his face off. "I am neither of those things!"
  2550. kkmcshouty: And*
  2551. cammylittlesoul: up*
  2552. shala_dreemurr: "Liiiieeees~"
  2553. carla_the_fallen: *Blushing* "Aw, thanks, Adie-bun!"
  2554. Bellamy: "It has to! It's important."
  2555. mfightergriz: *NoooOOoOO...
  2556. shala_dreemurr: Chara grins and flops atop of them, snickering
  2557. kkmcshouty: *they smile sweetly*
  2558. Coldsoul: * (It takes her a little bit, but she responds to the flick by jumping back, shaking a bit. She nearly yelps to it.) !!!
  2559. shala_dreemurr: "You KNOW it's true!"
  2560. stephenlee: what are we watching
  2561. valeriejumper: "NOPE DONT TRUST IT."
  2562. Frisk: * !!! [ They withdrew their hand, these sorcerer lookin' guys look like bad news. ]
  2563. cammylittlesoul: "I'll fight you." He grumbles.
  2564. Bellamy: "Ah... Oh, wow." At the Gregorian chant, she tilts her head, absorbing the scenery.
  2565. carla_the_fallen: "DON'T EAT IT!
  2566. valeriejumper: "Nu-uh don't trust em."
  2567. wanderandward: -You seemed to have been napping, baby.- *Nice Wander...*
  2568. mfightergriz: *Hm....This old man looks important.
  2569. shala_dreemurr: "Cammy, of course you've gotta fight!"
  2570. kkmcshouty: "Nope, don't trust the shady people"
  2571. mfightergriz: *WHO'S GONNA FIGHT WHO?
  2572. shala_dreemurr: "...A little bird like you couldn't take flight even if they wanted~"
  2573. mfightergriz: *I'LL FIGHT
  2574. stephenlee: !info
  2575. shala_dreemurr: Chare snickers
  2576. cammylittlesoul: GRUMBLING INTENSIFIES
  2577. valeriejumper: "Wha-?"
  2578. shala_dreemurr: "NEEEEEEEEEEEERD-"
  2579. stephenlee: what anime is this
  2580. nolvlost: [[can this be wanders voice
  2581. valeriejumper: "I'll fight!"
  2582. kkmcshouty: "Bad man!"
  2583. carla_the_fallen: "NO! Don't trust them!"
  2584. nolvlost: * He's shifty.
  2585. Bellamy: With that, she tilts to the left, leaning against Griz. Her brows furrow, uneasy. "Oh, no..."
  2586. carla_the_fallen: "Wataru! Idiot!"
  2587. wanderandward: ((Possibly, ill take it into consideration heh
  2588. mfightergriz: *HIS FRIENDS!!
  2589. mfightergriz: *Ahh...
  2590. wanderandward: ((stephen, its a movie, 'Brave Story'
  2591. cammylittlesoul: "You're the nerd here, remember!?" They're in the perfect spot for a noogie!
  2592. Coldsoul: * (She goes silent at that saying. She was thinking of her bro, and she sits up straight. With that, she looks downwards for a few moments.) N-no...
  2593. kkmcshouty: *They shake their head in disappointment*
  2594. shala_dreemurr: "Nnnnnnnope!"
  2595. carla_the_fallen: "Voice LAdy!"
  2596. wanderandward: ((Was thinking papa Nier as a vc among others heh
  2597. mfightergriz: -He gets closer to Bellamy and imitates her body position. Now they're both little eggs-
  2598. kkmcshouty: "Listen to her Wataru!"
  2599. carla_the_fallen: "Listen to the voice lady!"
  2600. Bellamy: Cozy. Let's hope neither moves too much, lest they both fall over.
  2601. valeriejumper: "..."
  2602. shala_dreemurr: "I don't trust voice lady."
  2603. carla_the_fallen: "Don't! NOOO!"\
  2604. kkmcshouty: "Gah!"
  2605. valeriejumper: "I still don't trust em."
  2606. shala_dreemurr: "Holy shhhhhhiiiii-"
  2607. carla_the_fallen: "Uhg... Idiot!"
  2608. Bellamy: "I thought... his dad left for--"
  2609. shala_dreemurr: ((Chara language-))
  2610. StreamerDoggo: (( DAD ISSUES!!!)))
  2611. carla_the_fallen: "Poor kid..."
  2612. Bellamy: "Oh..."
  2613. kkmcshouty: "He is such a huge jerk!!!!"
  2614. valeriejumper: "..."
  2615. mfightergriz: *...What is....?
  2616. valeriejumper: "...?"
  2617. mfightergriz: *I don't... like this guy...
  2618. wanderandward: *Wander comes to the conclusion that these kids think far too much. Must rectify that. One moment a worried Wander was looking at Winter. The next, his arms wrapped around her head and giving her a noogie!*
  2619. Bellamy: "Ohhhh..." She frowns, her heart weighing down in her chest.
  2620. carla_the_fallen: "smart kid!"
  2621. Frisk: * Daaaang.
  2622. valeriejumper: "Oh geez."
  2623. cammylittlesoul: "!?"
  2624. mfightergriz: *!!!!
  2625. kkmcshouty: "Terrible selfinsh man!!!!!"
  2626. nolvlost: [She grimaces. This is getting relatable again and not in the good way.]
  2627. mfightergriz: L-LEAVE HIM ALONE!!
  2628. carla_the_fallen: "Mean dude!"
  2629. shala_dreemurr: "... ... ... ... ... ... ..."
  2630. Coldsoul: * (Winter squeaks angrily, trying to get his hand off her head.) L-leave me a-a-alone!!!
  2631. cammylittlesoul: "I know the guy is a jerk but, I don't feel like this is real..."
  2632. Bellamy: "They're... They're better off without him anyway!"
  2633. mfightergriz: *ggGGRRRR.....
  2634. emmylittlesoul: "...."
  2635. valeriejumper: "..."
  2636. carla_the_fallen: "YOU CAN'T QUIT! IT DOSN'T WORK LIKE THAT!"
  2637. Bellamy: Nonetheless, what a painful experience it must have been.
  2638. Bellamy: "What...?"
  2639. valeriejumper: "!!?"
  2640. kkmcshouty: "Thank you Mitsuru!"
  2641. mfightergriz: *w-WHAH...?
  2642. cammylittlesoul: "Yeah, you're right..."
  2643. wanderandward: -Apparently I cant without you getting down or hurt! So no!- Rethinking that leash idea now,
  2644. shala_dreemurr: "Unfortunately, Carla...People find ways."
  2645. wanderandward: -*
  2646. Frisk: * Dang, Mitsu! There he is. ... Ah.
  2647. nolvlost: * This kid again!
  2648. danceralexis: * ...
  2649. carla_the_fallen: (I ship it)
  2650. mfightergriz: *!!!! BLONDE KID!!
  2651. Bellamy: "Oh, it's the boy you liked!"
  2652. valeriejumper: "Thank you Mitsuru."
  2653. cammylittlesoul: "Oh man, it's the edgelord."
  2654. kkmcshouty: ( yup )
  2655. wanderandward: -Hah, good job mitsuru!-
  2656. shala_dreemurr: "It's Asriel's underart OC-"
  2657. Frisk: * Rooooasted.
  2658. Coldsoul: * (Winter is getting cold rather quick and she tries to pull away from Wander. She needs time.)
  2659. valeriejumper: "ROASTED."
  2660. carla_the_fallen: "Buuuurrn!"
  2661. kkmcshouty: "Busteeeeeeddddd"
  2662. mfightergriz: *!!!!!!
  2663. shala_dreemurr: "<Insert other fire pun here>"
  2664. fallendetermin: ... He's pretty, but kind of a jerk.
  2665. mfightergriz: *W-WOAH... He's.... very... very powerful....
  2666. fallendetermin: That's amazing magic though!! Wow!
  2667. friskybusiness: Heh....he is pretty~
  2668. cammylittlesoul: "I think he's too cocky, though"
  2669. valeriejumper: "..."
  2670. shala_dreemurr: "Yeah."
  2671. wanderandward: *A couple light taps and he release the girl. At least shes responsive now.*
  2672. carla_the_fallen: *SQUEE!* "I ship it SO HARD!"
  2673. mfightergriz: *...Hm.... I think you're right, Cammy...
  2674. shala_dreemurr: "...I still wanna kick him in the face."
  2675. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  2676. shala_dreemurr: Chara reddens
  2677. shala_dreemurr: "I do like his voice though..."
  2678. kkmcshouty: "Heh" *they grin* "I suppose I do to"
  2679. Bellamy: (( kinda sounds like Jasper from SU ))
  2680. valeriejumper: "Oooo~"
  2681. shala_dreemurr: "...But I still wanna kick him in the face."
  2682. wanderandward: ((So mitsuru for Ward, the white robed mage for Wander
  2683. shala_dreemurr: Chara furrows their brow
  2684. carla_the_fallen: *Giggles* "So cute... The ship, not the boy!" *She blushes. LIES, miss carla, LIES.*
  2685. shala_dreemurr: "THERE IT IS AGAIN CAMMY!"
  2686. shala_dreemurr: They point at Carla accusingly
  2687. mfightergriz: *Hhhrnn.....
  2688. shala_dreemurr: "I'VE HEARD THAT PHRASE ONE TOO MANY TIMES!"
  2689. Bellamy: "Ah...!"
  2690. mfightergriz: *...But... But the other kid needs the gemstones...
  2691. cammylittlesoul: "H-huh!? Oh yeah!"
  2692. shala_dreemurr: "WHAT."
  2693. shala_dreemurr: "DOES."
  2694. shala_dreemurr: "I SHIP IT."
  2695. Coldsoul: * (Winter accepts the release and she falls backwards onto her back, and she stares up at the ceiling. She seems just a little bit distant.)
  2696. Bellamy: Who was that?"
  2697. mfightergriz: *For... His momma....
  2698. shala_dreemurr: "REALLY MEAN!?"
  2699. valeriejumper: "..."
  2700. kkmcshouty: *They give a small laugh* "Yeah yeah"
  2701. carla_the_fallen: "It means you think they should be in a romantic relationSHIP"
  2702. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  2703. shala_dreemurr: Chara just about dies.
  2704. mfightergriz: *!!!!
  2705. cammylittlesoul: "..."
  2706. fallendetermin: *Rowan tilts their head*
  2707. shala_dreemurr: They just
  2708. shala_dreemurr: Drop to the floor
  2709. valeriejumper: "Shipping?"
  2710. shala_dreemurr: Red
  2711. kkmcshouty: "Oh! so that's what it means!"
  2712. valeriejumper: "Who's shipping who?"
  2713. shala_dreemurr: And practically dead
  2714. valeriejumper: "I want in the ship."
  2715. fallendetermin: Why are we "shipping" people?
  2716. shala_dreemurr: "Cammy. Say. Nothing."
  2717. carla_the_fallen: *Giggles*
  2718. cammylittlesoul: Cammy doesn't really react, he just looks down at Chara, confused.
  2719. friskybusiness: Because it's fun~
  2720. mfightergriz: *!!!!
  2721. wanderandward: -...does chara need assistance now? Do you miscreants ever stop?!-
  2722. Bellamy: *Yes...!"
  2723. mfightergriz: *IT'S COOL SIS!
  2724. carla_the_fallen: "And they would be SOO CUTE together!"
  2725. fallendetermin: Who are we shipping...?
  2726. valeriejumper: "Yeah who?"
  2727. nolvlost: * I heard something about shippin'.
  2728. Coldsoul: * (Winter decides to try cheering herself up by standing up slowly and going close to Cammy. From earshot, she whispers 'nerd' before dashing off back to her seat!)
  2729. mfightergriz: *A-AH, NO!
  2730. kkmcshouty: "Haha they would be!" *they think it would be adorable*
  2731. fallendetermin: I missed who we were "shipping"...
  2732. cammylittlesoul: "!!!? WHO SAID THAT!?"
  2733. carla_the_fallen: "Blond kid and the main protagonist. I forgot their names."
  2734. fallendetermin: Oh...
  2735. cammylittlesoul: "...Just can't get the staff these days."
  2736. shala_dreemurr: "Let's. Just. Not. Talk about shipping."
  2737. Bellamy: Bellamy clutches Griz's forearm as the man turns to dust, wincing.
  2738. mfightergriz: *......
  2739. mfightergriz: *...Dust....
  2740. mfightergriz: *A-AH...
  2741. shala_dreemurr: ".............................."
  2742. kkmcshouty: "Yeah we were talking about characters" *they smile*
  2743. wanderandward: -Whoa! Go Wataru!-
  2744. nolvlost: [That was a creepy image.]
  2745. Bellamy: Grimly, she nods.
  2746. carla_the_fallen: *giggles* "Yep!"
  2747. mfightergriz: -Griz notices Bellamy being upset, and hugs her...
  2748. shala_dreemurr: Chara still hasn't gotten up
  2749. Coldsoul: * (Winter from her seat, she whispers 'nerd' again, but from her seat.)
  2750. cammylittlesoul: He's scanning the room to see who called him a ner-!? THERE IT IS AGAIN.
  2751. Bellamy: The hug catches her off guard, but she returns it, resting her head on his shoulder.
  2752. Bellamy: "Thank you... and, ah, I apologize."
  2753. shala_dreemurr: This is the only way they can recover. They join Winter.
  2754. shala_dreemurr: 'nerrrrd'
  2755. kkmcshouty: "Now that I think about it, I can't dance either..."
  2756. Frisk: * Nerd??? Who's the nerd!
  2757. cammylittlesoul: "Hrk!"
  2758. mfightergriz: *Hmm...? For what?
  2759. Coldsoul: * (Winter points at Cammy, having a smug grin on her face.)
  2760. carla_the_fallen: "Thats ok, I can't really either."
  2761. fallendetermin: *Rowan hums, smiling* Ah~ He really is cute~
  2762. Coldsoul: * (Snickering comes from her.)
  2763. valeriejumper: "Aww."
  2764. nolvlost: * He's such a jerk but he's really pretty.
  2765. shala_dreemurr: Chara does the same. It'd probably look better if they weren't still sprawled on the floor
  2766. carla_the_fallen: (SHIP IT!!!)
  2767. shala_dreemurr: "I STILL want to kick him in the face."
  2768. cammylittlesoul: He sees the point from winter and looks in shock. "How dare you."
  2769. valeriejumper: (( What Cammy and Chara?
  2770. kkmcshouty: *they smile and snuggle Carla^ "You know just what to say"
  2771. Coldsoul: * I d-dare!
  2772. Frisk: [ Frisk turns to Cammy, beaming brightly and giggling. ]
  2773. Coldsoul: * B-because you a-are the true n-nerd!
  2774. Frisk: * Ohhh, so you're THE nerd!
  2775. shala_dreemurr: "I don't know why any of you wanna ship this guy with anyone."
  2776. Bellamy: "Just grabbing you out of nowhere -- that could have hurt. Or. Just bothered you. Or..." She trails off a bit, before sitting back up.
  2777. Coldsoul: * (Winter puts her thumb up and she sticks her tongue out.)
  2778. shala_dreemurr: Chara finally gets up.
  2779. cammylittlesoul: "I am NOT a NERD!"
  2780. Bellamy: "Ah, nevermind. That's silly, isn't it?"
  2781. cammylittlesoul: He's trying to suppress a smile.
  2782. mfightergriz: *....No, not at all...
  2783. carla_the_fallen: *Blushes* "Aww... Thanks."
  2784. Frisk: * Yes you aaare!!
  2785. shala_dreemurr: "You're smiling~"
  2786. mfightergriz: *...I would never be upset if you touched me...
  2787. kkmcshouty: *they smile again*
  2788. mfightergriz: *Not you...
  2789. cammylittlesoul: "Wh-wh-What evidence do you have to support this claim!?"
  2790. mfightergriz: *Not by you, I mean.
  2791. wanderandward: -Mitsuru dont even think about it.-
  2792. carla_the_fallen: *Giggleing and snuggles*
  2793. shala_dreemurr: "Where's my Clemamunk smile~?"
  2794. Frisk: * Evidence, evidenccce. Hm.
  2795. Frisk: * We don't /need/ evidence to know that you're a nerd.
  2796. shala_dreemurr: Chara looks to Frisk, an evil look in their eye
  2797. valeriejumper: "Yeah we don't Cammy."
  2798. Bellamy: Raising her brows a bit, she thinks about the statement, but ends up smiling softly.
  2799. Coldsoul: * Y-you. You a-are the evidence. (Apparently, she doesn't know how evidence work. Although, she seems confident...)
  2800. Bellamy: "Same to you."
  2801. carla_the_fallen: (I don't quite ship this one)
  2802. shala_dreemurr: "We know you're a nerd because...of...your...laugh!"
  2803. shala_dreemurr: Tickle attack incoming.
  2804. kkmcshouty: "Cute~"
  2805. Bellamy: She gasps at the screen. "It *is* us...!"
  2806. Frisk: [ The birb doesn't look at Chara, they're practically sensing them. Frisk does the ghibli fluffy thing. ]
  2807. nolvlost: [[okay asriel
  2808. mfightergriz: *Heheheh...
  2809. cammylittlesoul: A feeling of awful dread washes over him.
  2810. Bellamy: "Or... No, we haven't done that yet."
  2811. carla_the_fallen: "Yeah..."
  2812. shala_dreemurr: RIP Cammy
  2813. valeriejumper: "......."
  2814. Bellamy: "We should go to one of cliffs in Snowdin and do that."
  2815. emmylittlesoul: ((I gotta go to sleep, I have to work early ;w; ))
  2816. mfightergriz: *-His cheeks get a bit rosy.-*
  2817. mfightergriz: *Yeah... We should.
  2818. mfightergriz: *And just... Talk!
  2819. wanderandward: ((alright. gnight emmymun!
  2820. kkmcshouty: "That would fit in with us perfectly"
  2821. mfightergriz: *Talk about things-
  2822. emmylittlesoul: Emmy yawns. "I wanna stay but.. I think I should go back to the cabin."
  2823. shala_dreemurr: ((G'night!))
  2824. emmylittlesoul: (Good night!))
  2825. Frisk: [[ nini!!
  2826. valeriejumper: "Good night Emmy!"
  2827. carla_the_fallen: "Aww... Yeah!"
  2828. shala_dreemurr: "Oh? Okay, Lady Emmy."
  2829. StreamerDoggo: ((Night!))
  2830. valeriejumper: ((Good nOIte
  2831. mfightergriz: *And feel time pass.....
  2832. Coldsoul: * (She looks down, though. She feels kinda bad...)
  2833. shala_dreemurr: Chara gives a small bow
  2834. kkmcshouty: "Good night Emmy!"
  2835. mfightergriz: ((g noiGHTE EMMUN!!))
  2836. Bellamy: "With a blanket, so we can enjoy the snpw without the cold..."
  2837. mfightergriz: *Ah, Bye Emmy!!
  2838. Frisk: * See ya, Em.
  2839. cammylittlesoul: "Aww, okay~ See you tomorrow, Emmy." He smiles.
  2840. carla_the_fallen: "Night, Emmy!"
  2841. emmylittlesoul: "Feel free to eat the cookies." She gestures to the duffel bag and smiles, waving a little as she walks out "Good night everyone!"
  2842. Bellamy: "And watch the... well, there's no stars."
  2843. Bellamy: "But it's close enough."
  2844. shala_dreemurr: "There's the clemamunk smile!"
  2845. Bellamy: (( Byeeee Emmun ))
  2846. cammylittlesoul: "!?! Whwwwhhwh NO!"
  2847. shala_dreemurr: "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaah!"
  2848. shala_dreemurr: "You can't hide it, neeeeeerrrrrrd!"
  2849. Bellamy: Bellamy looks up as one of the campers leaves, waving goodbye. "Have a good night...!"
  2850. carla_the_fallen: "Woah... Pretty!"
  2851. mfightergriz: *We can see the snow on the trees... It must shine very brightly...
  2852. kkmcshouty: "???"
  2853. mfightergriz: *???
  2854. valeriejumper: "Dragons!"
  2855. StreamerDoggo: ((AND NOW WATARU CAN RIDE DRAGONS))
  2856. carla_the_fallen: "Dragons!"
  2857. mfightergriz: *A-A MIGHT Y D R A G O N
  2858. Frisk: * Dragons!!
  2859. cammylittlesoul: "Guuuugghhhhh..."
  2860. Bellamy: "Wow...!"
  2861. Coldsoul: * (She manages to mumble a small 'Sorry' to Cammy after a while. She feels bad...)
  2862. shala_dreemurr: Chawa squeals
  2863. mfightergriz: *!!!!
  2864. shala_dreemurr: "DRAGONDRAGONDRAGONDRAGON-"
  2865. mfightergriz: *THAT IS SO COOL!!!!!
  2866. kkmcshouty: "Cool!"
  2867. wanderandward: ((Class Advancement: Dragon Ridng Unlocked
  2868. shala_dreemurr: They're bouncing in spot a bit
  2869. Bellamy: "So many boats..."
  2870. shala_dreemurr: "Nice boats."
  2871. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip squeaks and smiles brightly... his eyes sparkling at the sight of the dragons!]
  2872. mfightergriz: *Many whole boats.
  2873. cammylittlesoul: Cammy seems to have escaped certain doom for now, he slinks over and pats her softly.
  2874. carla_the_fallen: "Voice lady! You're back! YAY!"
  2875. valeriejumper: "What Underwater?!"
  2876. valeriejumper: "So cool..."
  2877. cammylittlesoul: "You are forgiven. At least you see the error of your ways.
  2878. wanderandward: -Oh that looks like the most awesome form of travel in existence!-
  2879. kkmcshouty: "Go voice lady!"
  2880. carla_the_fallen: *Snuggles the Adie* "This movie is great!"
  2881. Coldsoul: * (She looks a little bit resentful for what she said; she looks at him with a wary look.) A-are... a-are you sure?
  2882. valeriejumper: "Whoa..."
  2883. cammylittlesoul: "Yeah, of course."
  2884. cammylittlesoul: "Besdies...It looks like we've unveiled the reeal nerd."
  2885. kkmcshouty: "Haha, it's awesome just like Doggo said it would be!" *they snuggle too*
  2886. shala_dreemurr: Chara practically pops up behind Cammy as if they themself were in an anime
  2887. carla_the_fallen: "Yeah!"
  2888. cammylittlesoul: He points to Chara, getting excited about the dragon, wait. Where were they!?
  2889. shala_dreemurr: "Boo."
  2890. Coldsoul: * (Winter tilts her head at Cammy, looking just a little bit teary eyed. She noticed who he was pointing at unti-- AAAAAA--)
  2891. cammylittlesoul: "DYAAAAAA~!!"
  2892. valeriejumper: "Sooo is he evil or...?"
  2893. Coldsoul: * (Winter yelps from the small scare, falling on her back.)
  2894. carla_the_fallen: "Aww... Why does mitsuru have to be so mean?"
  2895. kkmcshouty: "Bad kid! Good intentions probably... but bad kid!"
  2896. shala_dreemurr: They done it again. Chara practically leaps on Cammy, laughing.
  2897. carla_the_fallen: "Yeah!"
  2898. shala_dreemurr: "Can you REALLY call me the nerd after that~?"
  2899. wanderandward: -Apparently Mitsuru is a 'by any means' sort of fellow. Very dangerous.-
  2900. Coldsoul: * (Winter scoots away from the duo, making sure to not get caught in the pile. After a while, she thinks...)
  2901. kkmcshouty: "Don't you do it Mitsuru!!"
  2902. valeriejumper: "Hmm..."
  2903. mfightergriz: *Hngh...
  2904. Coldsoul: * (Before jumping right on top of the pile.)
  2905. cammylittlesoul: He is not prepared, Cammy just kinda flops over.
  2906. mfightergriz: *WHAT...
  2907. Coldsoul: * R-revenge!!!
  2908. shala_dreemurr: "Dogpile!"
  2909. cammylittlesoul: He was about to answer, then Winter joins in.
  2910. mfightergriz: *..What is that mirror thing..?
  2911. cammylittlesoul: "F-For what!!?"
  2912. mfightergriz: *Huh...
  2913. valeriejumper: "Wha-?"
  2914. mfightergriz: *Ah!!
  2915. mfightergriz: *....Things might get serious between those two....
  2916. carla_the_fallen: "Mitsuru would fit into Slytherin great! "The ends justify the Means"
  2917. carla_the_fallen: *Chuckles*
  2918. kkmcshouty: "Sli-ther-in?"
  2919. Bellamy: Bellamy covers her mouth with both hands.
  2920. wanderandward: -I dont think mitsuru really cares if his ends justify his actions.-
  2921. carla_the_fallen: "Its from a book series"
  2922. Coldsoul: * (Winter is laying right on top of the pile, and she manages to find Cammy. She peeks over, letting her hair fall down in her face before blepping at him and blowing a tiny raspberry.)
  2923. kkmcshouty: "Oh!"
  2924. mfightergriz: *!!!!
  2925. kkmcshouty: "Yay Jozo!!"
  2926. mfightergriz: *That dragon is really strong!
  2927. mfightergriz: *Even if it's small...
  2928. shala_dreemurr: Chara laughs, following suit.
  2929. valeriejumper: "Wow, cool."
  2930. cammylittlesoul: "!!" He groans in defeat.
  2931. mfightergriz: -Griz smiles with satisfaction...-
  2932. StreamerDoggo: * ...
  2933. valeriejumper: "..."
  2934. mfightergriz: *O-OH.... no...
  2935. mfightergriz: *Is this a flashback...?
  2936. Frisk: 8
  2937. mfightergriz: *T-
  2938. Frisk: * ... Ah.
  2939. nolvlost: *...
  2940. Bellamy: "I... think so..."
  2941. Bellamy: "Ohh..."
  2942. carla_the_fallen: "Poor kid..."
  2943. mfightergriz: *M-man.....
  2944. StreamerDoggo: * What would you do...Just to get your little sister back...?
  2945. kkmcshouty: "They sit stunned* "..."
  2946. danceralexis: * ...
  2947. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  2948. shala_dreemurr: "I mean...I don't know...About a little sister..."
  2949. fallendetermin: ... *Rowan doesn't feel good anymore*
  2950. danceralexis: *(Alexis starts sobbing quietly.)
  2951. mfightergriz: *I... I feel sorry for him...
  2952. valeriejumper: "I'd do anything to get my m- A family member back..."
  2953. mfightergriz: *...Bellamy, what would you for the ones you love...?
  2954. wanderandward: -Doom a world seems to be mitsurus answer.-
  2955. Coldsoul: * (Winter rolls off the pile, and she notices what's going on; her smile drops.)
  2956. shala_dreemurr: "...But to see Asriel again..."
  2957. carla_the_fallen: "To lose your whole family like that..." *She sighs. That seems to remind her of something*
  2958. Bellamy: Bellamy reaches for Griz's hand again, squeezing with force.
  2959. Bellamy: "...A lot."
  2960. mfightergriz: *Would you do something...evil?
  2961. kkmcshouty: "Are you ok Carla?"
  2962. shala_dreemurr: Chara sighs
  2963. shala_dreemurr: "I think I would."
  2964. cammylittlesoul: Cammy shook his head. "No. Don't use the evil dounut."
  2965. mfightergriz: *...What's gonna happen to him...?
  2966. Bellamy: She lowers her head a bit. "Maybe."
  2967. mfightergriz: *A-AHH....
  2968. shala_dreemurr: /I think I already have./
  2969. carla_the_fallen: "...Huh? Yeah..." *There are tears in her eyes*
  2970. Bellamy: "...!!"
  2971. valeriejumper: "!!!"
  2972. kkmcshouty: *they're feeling down too, but they had to ask* "C-Carla!"
  2973. mfightergriz: *He feels the squeeze in his hand, and looks at the screem, very concerned.-
  2974. shala_dreemurr: Chara hugs their knees, getting off the pile.
  2975. mfightergriz: *IT'S... A PLAGUE!
  2976. shala_dreemurr: "It's a war."
  2977. Coldsoul: * (Winter doesn't feel any good anymore, and she just sits right by where the pile used to be.)
  2978. mfightergriz: *...Don't worry, Bellamy.... I think...
  2979. kkmcshouty: *They pull her close* "Hey, it's alright it's alright, I'm here for you..."
  2980. Frisk: [ Frisk sits still, knees to their chest. ]
  2981. valeriejumper: "..."
  2982. Bellamy: "...What would you do, Griz?"
  2983. carla_the_fallen: "Its just that... This reminds me of my family... My mom... My dad... My sister..." *She whimpers*
  2984. fallendetermin: .... *gets up shakily and leaves the room*
  2985. mfightergriz: *If it was for you.. I would... do some evil...or bad things...
  2986. cammylittlesoul: Cammy stands, looking torn. Too many people needing hugs.
  2987. mfightergriz: *I don't know.
  2988. kkmcshouty: "Shhh, it's okay... I'm here for you"
  2989. mfightergriz: *What would you think of me...?
  2990. Coldsoul: * (She's not responding. She slowly starts to zone out again...)
  2991. mfightergriz: *NNngh...
  2992. Bellamy: Shutting her eyes, she sighs -- though thankfully. "At least we'll never have tp actually do those things."
  2993. Bellamy: to*
  2994. valeriejumper: "Aww."
  2995. mfightergriz: *...I understand.
  2996. wanderandward: *The goop positions himself between frisk and Winter, wrapping an arm around both. Got it covered there.*
  2997. mfightergriz: *May it never come to that....
  2998. shala_dreemurr: Chara sighs and gives Cammy a gentle poke
  2999. Bellamy: "Ah...?" She purses her lips into a straight line, thinking for just a moment. "I don't... think I would be happy."
  3000. shala_dreemurr: "let's talk after this."
  3001. carla_the_fallen: "14 years... I was gone so long... And..." *She starts to cry into Adie's shoulder*
  3002. Bellamy: "Putting other people in harms way to get a loved one back...? I don't know..."
  3003. cammylittlesoul: "!! Yeah, sure. Okay!" He nodded at Wander with a thankful smile. Wrapping his arms around Winter and Chara.
  3004. mfightergriz: *Then I wouldn't do it.
  3005. mfightergriz: *If you wouldn't be happy I wouldn't do it.
  3006. valeriejumper: Valerie nods in agreement
  3007. StreamerDoggo: (( "I'll Face Myself" blares in the distance.))
  3008. valeriejumper: "?!"
  3009. kkmcshouty: "You're okay, I know you'll be fine, and even if the world collapses around you, I'll still be here for you"
  3010. Coldsoul: * (Winter is suddenly hugged by not one, but two people? She snaps out of it before it happens, and she lets out a small sigh.) T-thanks...
  3011. cammylittlesoul: "Oh no!"
  3012. mfightergriz: *....
  3013. shala_dreemurr: Chara wraps their own arms around Winter and Cammy
  3014. mfightergriz: *A-An evil double!
  3015. carla_the_fallen: "I spent 4 years with toriel. I forgot about them. I didn't care... I forgot about them... for 4 years... and then..."
  3016. shala_dreemurr: Make that three, little one. Make that three.
  3017. Bellamy: "Isn't it odd that we even consider that? Doing things we know our loved ones wouldn't appreciate, in their name--"
  3018. wanderandward: -Anytime Kissan.-
  3019. mfightergriz: *W-Well...
  3020. Bellamy: "Ah...!" The doppelganger reminds her of somebody.
  3021. danceralexis: * I...I think I spent about a year with Toriel...
  3022. valeriejumper: "!!!"
  3023. mfightergriz: *Sometimes choices don't come easy....
  3024. wanderandward: ((Air jousting!
  3025. mfightergriz: *Ah...?
  3026. StreamerDoggo: (( "I AM A SHADOW, THE TRUE SELF")
  3027. mfightergriz: *..!!...
  3028. cammylittlesoul: "That lady reminds me of Val!"
  3029. mfightergriz: *.........
  3030. Bellamy: "A colorless version of yourself actively working against you," she says to herself, tilting her head aside.
  3031. valeriejumper: "?!"
  3032. valeriejumper: "Uh watcha mean by that Cammy?"
  3033. mfightergriz: -Griz goes silent for a bit as he lowers his head.... Then he looks to the side. Hair locks obscuring his eyes...-
  3034. Coldsoul: * (Winter tries to hug both of them back, but it doesn't really work; she's too small.)
  3035. mfightergriz: *I think I know who it remembers you of...
  3036. shala_dreemurr: "I think we all need to lighten up."
  3037. mfightergriz: *Let's...
  3038. cammylittlesoul: "Well, she's strong and confident!" He smirks. "And she likes to wisecrack as well."
  3039. shala_dreemurr: Chara gives a weak smile
  3040. mfightergriz: *Not think about that.
  3041. cammylittlesoul: He gives them both a squeeze
  3042. Bellamy: With one arm, she attempts to wrap it around Griz's back, attempts to pull him back up.
  3043. kkmcshouty: "I'm sure they they cared about you the entire time Carla, and even if you think you hurt them, they'll still love you in life, and death"
  3044. mfightergriz: *...
  3045. Coldsoul: * U-uh... (Winter tries to wrap an arm around Cammy, but it fails. She can't even give an one armed hug.)
  3046. valeriejumper: "..."
  3047. kkmcshouty: "I know I will"
  3048. mfightergriz: -He looks at Bellamy, and smiles a little bit.-
  3049. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  3050. mfightergriz: -He stands upright and keeps looking at the screen.-
  3051. StreamerDoggo: (( And then Wataru gains a Persona))
  3052. Bellamy: Supporting his back still, she rests her head on his shoulder. While close, adding on, "Let's not."
  3053. wanderandward: *A bit of shuffling brings Winter closer to Cammy...* -Try now heh-
  3054. carla_the_fallen: "They did care... That's why I left Toriel... I saw them... And then... I died... and... 10 years..." *Sobbing*
  3055. mfightergriz: *Look, he accepted his doppleganger. Good for him.
  3056. mfightergriz: *WHahhh???
  3057. mfightergriz: *There's -
  3058. danceralexis: * ...
  3059. mfightergriz: *Ice?
  3060. mfightergriz: *It's that other....
  3061. Bellamy: "Did he...?"
  3062. Bellamy: "..."
  3063. mfightergriz: *A-AH!!!
  3064. valeriejumper: "!!!"
  3065. carla_the_fallen: (SHIP IT)
  3066. mfightergriz: *Will...
  3067. mfightergriz: *...Will he...
  3068. valeriejumper: "Th-that's..."
  3069. wanderandward: ((The arcana is the means by which all is revealed
  3070. nolvlost: [This is sad but that's really gross??]
  3071. Frisk: [ Nooo. This friendship stuff's too precious to them. They're tearing up again. ]
  3072. mfightergriz: *...Blood...
  3073. carla_the_fallen: (SHIP IT SO HARD)
  3074. valeriejumper: "........."
  3075. Bellamy: Bellamy's tears follow suit, but she holds her breath to stay quiet.
  3076. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  3077. shala_dreemurr: Chara holds Cammy's hand tight
  3078. Coldsoul: * (She lets go of both of them soon enough, just staring at the screen. That's... disturbing her.)
  3079. kkmcshouty: "They love you and you love them, it doesn't matter if you died, or if they died, you all still love each other" *tears are falling now*
  3080. mfightergriz: *.....HNNnnghnn....
  3081. valeriejumper: "...."
  3082. carla_the_fallen: *Carla seems to have forgoten her troubles to watch the show... For now...*
  3083. mfightergriz: -He tears up a bit too...-
  3084. mfightergriz: *He....
  3085. cammylittlesoul: "?" He lets them take hold and smiles, patting Winter gently on the head with his free hand.
  3086. valeriejumper: *She tears up a little.*
  3087. kkmcshouty: *they smile, but the tears won't stop*
  3088. Bellamy: "Are all animus this... tragic--?" her voice cracks a bit, so she stops.
  3089. StreamerDoggo: * [Doggo whines a bit, tearing up...]
  3090. mfightergriz: *Y-Y-Yeah....
  3091. carla_the_fallen: *crying*
  3092. mfightergriz: *Why are they so sad...
  3093. Coldsoul: * (Winter accepts the pats, but her happy demeanor soon fades into a saddened state.)
  3094. mfightergriz: *UUuhhhhghhh.....
  3095. kkmcshouty: ((The cake says Mitsuru kun in japanese))
  3096. nolvlost: [The tears don't stop tonight do they?]
  3097. mfightergriz: *!!!!!
  3098. StreamerDoggo: * All he wanted...Was his little sis...Dangit, why does it still get to me...?
  3099. mfightergriz: *MITSURU NOOOO!!!!
  3100. valeriejumper: And there go the water works, but she stays quiet.
  3101. carla_the_fallen: "No... Mitsuru..."
  3102. mfightergriz: -gRIZ SHOUTS AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS-
  3103. kkmcshouty: "They pull Carla close and start stoking her hair"
  3104. mfightergriz: *aaaAHHHhhhh......
  3105. nolvlost: * Mister Doggo are all your shows so sad??
  3106. shala_dreemurr: Chara's hand squeezes tighter
  3107. Bellamy: Bellamy's hair sticks up as Griz shouts, and she freezes. "...!"
  3108. valeriejumper: "..?"
  3109. StreamerDoggo: * Not all of them...
  3110. mfightergriz: -Griz holds Bellamy tightly...
  3111. Coldsoul: * (Winter is getting colder, and she's zoning out again. She remembers something. Something from before.)
  3112. kkmcshouty: "!!!"
  3113. mfightergriz: He starts to sob....-
  3114. kkmcshouty: "Voice lady!"
  3115. mfightergriz: *AAAHhhhHHhhHH.........
  3116. carla_the_fallen: "Voice lady! YAY!"
  3117. Bellamy: ...Pat, pat. Bellamy wraps both arms around Griz, securing him as he weeps.
  3118. wanderandward: -Dont trust it.-
  3119. carla_the_fallen: "Wait... No! NO!"
  3120. Bellamy: Her own tears, though free-flowing, weren't quite as loud.
  3121. Coldsoul: * (Winter doesn't know that she's crying.)
  3122. nolvlost: * That sounds sketchy.
  3123. shala_dreemurr: "I do not trust."
  3124. valeriejumper: "I-I don't trust it..."
  3125. carla_the_fallen: "Shes the goddess, isn't she?"
  3126. kkmcshouty: "NO!"
  3127. carla_the_fallen: (Whats this called again)
  3128. Bellamy: But she could sense his pain nonetheless. "...Don't ever..." Hiccup. "Don't ever fight yourself. Keep your friends close."
  3129. mfightergriz: -He turns to the screen for a little bit-
  3130. Frisk: [[ brave story
  3131. shala_dreemurr: (Brave Story)
  3132. valeriejumper: "...!"
  3133. wanderandward: (('Brave Story
  3134. wanderandward: ((Base on a book
  3135. mfightergriz: *NNGHH...
  3136. carla_the_fallen: "NOO!"
  3137. Bellamy: Quickly, she presses a kiss to his tear-stained cheek. "Ok?"
  3138. carla_the_fallen: (thnx)
  3139. valeriejumper: "Don't..."
  3140. kkmcshouty: "nononononono"
  3141. mfightergriz: *I... WanT... to... ke EEP.. YOU CLOSE...
  3142. valeriejumper: "NOPE"
  3143. nolvlost: * That face is up to no good!
  3144. cammylittlesoul: "Oh my gosh, you guys called it!"
  3145. Frisk: * That lady... I can't trust her.
  3146. mfightergriz: *...Hhhh...?
  3147. valeriejumper: "I don't trust it."
  3148. carla_the_fallen: "Oh god its creepy oh no..."
  3149. kkmcshouty: "Oh geez"
  3150. femrril: i love thi anime movie
  3151. valeriejumper: "Creepy...."
  3152. carla_the_fallen: "What the... NO NO N O"
  3153. valeriejumper: "NOPE"
  3154. mfightergriz: -Feeling the kiss on his cheek, he calms up a little bit....-
  3155. mfightergriz: *A-A Frog...
  3156. kip_the_cabbit: [Kip flinches and hisses at the screen...]
  3157. wanderandward: ((it is pretty awesome
  3158. kkmcshouty: "NOPE NO NOPE NOPE NO NO NO!!!!"
  3159. Coldsoul: * (Winter snaps out of it slowly and she just leans over a little bit to hug Cammy. Tightly.)
  3160. wanderandward: -Winter?-
  3161. mfightergriz: *HHhhhmmmmnnnghh...
  3162. femrril: die
  3163. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  3164. kkmcshouty: (( this is great! ))
  3165. shala_dreemurr: Chara joins the hugs
  3166. mfightergriz: *A-AHH!!!
  3167. valeriejumper: "W-Whoa.."
  3168. cammylittlesoul: He nodded firmly, holding the hugs tight.
  3169. cammylittlesoul: "Yeah. Get rekt."
  3170. kip_the_cabbit: "Wha-wha...?"
  3171. wanderandward: -...Think that pitiful creature wants mercy.-
  3172. shala_dreemurr: Chara gives a weak laugh at that
  3173. femrril: no mercy in my watch xD
  3174. mfightergriz: *...That... looked really.. pretty
  3175. Coldsoul: * (She's starting to let out small choked sobs, realizing where she is right now.)
  3176. carla_the_fallen: (This is epic)
  3177. nolvlost: * His sword was the goddess??
  3178. shala_dreemurr: Chara shifts slightly, holding Winter close and ruffling their hair
  3179. kkmcshouty: "Whoa...!"
  3180. mfightergriz: *What... is happening...?
  3181. femrril: finally the goddess
  3182. carla_the_fallen: "wow..."
  3183. valeriejumper: "Wow..."
  3184. femrril: save him !!!!!
  3185. mfightergriz: * sacrificing.... his desires....
  3186. mfightergriz: *That's... the BRAVEST...
  3187. carla_the_fallen: "So... Brave... and kind..."
  3188. mfightergriz: *T-T-T-T-
  3189. valeriejumper: "...Putting himself before others..."
  3190. shala_dreemurr: "..."
  3191. mfightergriz: *THiiiiIiiIiIiINNNnnnnngggg....*Sob**hic*
  3192. valeriejumper: "It's very Kind..."
  3193. kkmcshouty: "Yeah, he's somewhere between green and orange for sure"
  3194. nolvlost: * He has such a good heart... [Tears streak down her cheeks.]
  3195. carla_the_fallen: "Yeah..."
  3196. femrril: this reminds me the ending of Zoids Genesis
  3197. cammylittlesoul: Cammy is silently nodding along with what's going on.
  3198. mfightergriz: -He goes back to Bellamy and buries his face on her shoulder....-
  3199. Bellamy: "Very brave..." She shuts her eyes, as though able to feel the hero's pain through the screen.
  3200. shala_dreemurr: There's a weak whisper from Chara
  3201. shala_dreemurr: 'neeeeeerd'
  3202. carla_the_fallen: "So many flower petals..."
  3203. valeriejumper: ((brb
  3204. mfightergriz: *hhNGHFNGNMNFGH....
  3205. femrril: blossom party for everyone !!
  3206. cammylittlesoul: "!?! Stoop-!"
  3207. kkmcshouty: "Wow..."
  3208. nolvlost: [[rip people with allergies
  3209. nolvlost: * The birdies are back!
  3210. cammylittlesoul: He shakes them around a little with his arm.
  3211. Coldsoul: * (Winter stops hugging Cammy, and even when she's crying, she manages to mumble a shaky 'nerd'.)
  3212. cammylittlesoul: Return of puffyfase
  3213. shala_dreemurr: Chara smiles
  3214. wanderandward: -Save a world with one wish? Theres a bargain.-
  3215. carla_the_fallen: "wow"
  3216. femrril: time to return to la-la-land xD
  3217. mfightergriz: *....????
  3218. shala_dreemurr: 'cammy is our little nerd, cutie nerd, fluffy nerd~'
  3219. nolvlost: * He didn't die did he??
  3220. StreamerDoggo: * No, he went back home
  3221. mfightergriz: +He lost his... f r ie nd...s...
  3222. carla_the_fallen: *She starts crying and doesn't realize*
  3223. mfightergriz: *ahhhHHHHhhhh.....
  3224. femrril: nope, he is back to his boring world
  3225. wanderandward: -So, kind, brave, sense of justice, determined. Has quite a lot to him.-
  3226. Bellamy: "One day I want to have a kid that brave," she shuts her eyes, before immediately withdrawing that.
  3227. cammylittlesoul: "Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope!"
  3228. Bellamy: "Wait, no. I wouldn't want anybody to go through that."
  3229. shala_dreemurr: 'Mhmmm'
  3230. Coldsoul: * (Winter leans close to Cammy's ear and then whispers 'nerd' before leaning backwards.)
  3231. shala_dreemurr: Chara smiles, nuzzling against his cheek
  3232. kkmcshouty: "shh.." *they snuggle closer to Carla*
  3233. wanderandward: ((Damn op starting classes. A bit of levelling and see what happens to em?
  3234. Frisk: * ... Prrrrr?
  3235. shala_dreemurr: 'Yes you are, yes you are~'
  3236. mfightergriz: *...If I had a kid... I'd do my best to teach him... to be BRAVE... like that...
  3237. carla_the_fallen: *snuggles*
  3238. nolvlost: *OH MY GOD!!
  3239. StreamerDoggo: * But in the end...
  3240. wanderandward: *Goopman pats the bird a few times.*
  3241. carla_the_fallen: (SHIPPP)
  3242. kkmcshouty: "!!!"
  3243. Frisk: * !!! He's alive!!
  3244. mfightergriz: *H...huHHHhhh...????
  3245. nolvlost: *OH MY GOOOOOD!!
  3246. carla_the_fallen: "YAY!"
  3247. shala_dreemurr: '...'
  3248. mfightergriz: *........
  3249. cammylittlesoul: Cammy couldn't help but chuckle a little, and gently booped Winter on the head.
  3250. StreamerDoggo: * Everyone was saved
  3251. kkmcshouty: "MITSURU!!!"
  3252. cammylittlesoul: "Yeah!"
  3253. carla_the_fallen: "how? What? MITSURU!"
  3254. shala_dreemurr: Chara lets out a sigh
  3255. mfightergriz: *HE.... HE GOT HIS FRIEND MITSURU BAAAaaaAAAaaackk.....
  3256. cammylittlesoul: "He did some bad stuff, but it was for a good reason. He deserved a second chance."
  3257. mfightergriz: -The blubbering continues.-
  3258. shala_dreemurr: "Well, that ended well."
  3259. StreamerDoggo: * Except Wataru's crap dad, he gets no happy ending.
  3260. carla_the_fallen: *Cuddling while calling out for mitsuru* "YAY"
  3261. cammylittlesoul: "That was great!"
  3262. cammylittlesoul: "A real epic!
  3263. Coldsoul: * (Winter squeaks just a little bit, and she chuckles a little bit.)
  3264. kkmcshouty: "He's Alive!!!" *They kiss Carla on the lips on impulse*
  3265. Coldsoul: * (Snrkt.)
  3267. Coldsoul: * H-hey!
  3268. shala_dreemurr: Chara stretches, up on thir feet. They give both Winter and Cammy ruffles of the hair
  3269. mfightergriz: *T... that was a ... good ending...*sniffle*...Right... B-Bells...?---
  3270. StreamerDoggo: ((ITS...Okay, I hear))
  3271. wanderandward: ((and its great!
  3272. mfightergriz: -He's a snotty, teary eyed mess.....-
  3273. carla_the_fallen: *Kisses back without thinking* "adie... I love you"
  3274. wanderandward: ((decent turn based rpg
  3275. cammylittlesoul: ((THAT'S WHERE I RECOGNISED THE TITLE FROM))
  3276. Bellamy: "Oh...! Yay," she cheers quietly, glad that death wasn't final for the protagonist.
  3277. danceralexis: * S...such a good movie...
  3278. kkmcshouty: (( VIDEO GAME!!! ))
  3279. shala_dreemurr: "I'm gonna...Be heading back soon."
  3280. carla_the_fallen: (WHAT)
  3281. mfightergriz: ((WH AT CONSOLE???))
  3282. nolvlost: [She wipes the tears away. What a good ending!!]
  3283. Coldsoul: * (Winter yelps a little bit before trying to reach -- she fails.)
  3284. shala_dreemurr: Chara looks at Cammy and gives a small nod, then takes off
  3285. kkmcshouty: *they're out of breath and grinning* "I love you too~"
  3286. wanderandward: ((psp game can probably find an emulator
  3287. wanderandward: ((give it a poke
  3288. cammylittlesoul: He nodded. "Yeah, good idea."
  3289. mfightergriz: ((ooooo will dooo))
  3290. StreamerDoggo: ((Yeah, PSP, I know an emulator for that))
  3291. kkmcshouty: (( heck yeah!))
  3292. Frisk: [ Frisk stretched, yawning a bit. Two sad movies in one night, this was a dawn of a new world for them. ]
  3293. cammylittlesoul: Hm. That was a bit abrupt...
  3294. Bellamy: The tears slow down quite a bit, but *wow*. What a movie. She shuts her eyes, nodding.
  3295. carla_the_fallen: *smiles. Not even embarrassed any more* "BEST ENDING EVER!"
  3296. kip_the_cabbit: (( Couldn't type much since I was working a bit... but this movie was really AWESOME~!! ))
  3297. Coldsoul: * (Winter stands up slowly, dry tears still stained on her face.)
  3298. wanderandward: ((inbdeed heh
  3299. StreamerDoggo: ((Just look up PPSSPP ))
  3300. StreamerDoggo: ((Thats it))
  3301. Coldsoul: * (She is tiny compared to Cammy. Maybe even a foot smaller.)
  3302. Bellamy: "It was a lovely ending..." But, after taking a quick look at Griz's face... She reaches into her pocket, opening one of those personal tissue packets.
  3303. kkmcshouty: "Definitely!" *doesn't realize other people are in the room*
  3304. Bellamy: Even ghosts could get sick.
  3305. mfightergriz: *NNNNnghhhh...
  3306. kkmcshouty: ((PPSSPP is the best))
  3307. Bellamy: She geeeently hands them over to Griz, before lowering her head -- trying not to laugh.
  3308. StreamerDoggo: * Alright, kids, its way past curfew. Time to get to bed.
  3309. Frisk: [ A goat possibly was lurking in the back, watching this all unfold. Who knows where they are now? ]
  3310. cammylittlesoul: While he's still knelt down, he quickly leans to the side to bonk Winter with a laugh.
  3311. carla_the_fallen: *Kisses lips adie's again, forgetting everyone else*
  3312. mfightergriz: *nnNNFFFNNNN... A... ahhh... for m... me...?
  3313. cammylittlesoul: He stood up and nodded, yeah. Time to head back...
  3314. femrril: so what s next??
  3315. Frisk: [ Frisk sighed, getting off their bean bag. Ahhh, they could leave their cooler here. ]
  3316. kkmcshouty: *Kisses back and pulls Carla close*
  3317. mfightergriz: -Griz grabs the tissue with a quivering hand and blows his nose, being careful to turn the other way from Bellamy-
  3318. danceralexis: * can we sleep after such a good movie...?
  3319. Coldsoul: * (Winter covers her forehead before running around in circles) W-where a-are we at...?
  3320. carla_the_fallen: *Cuddles and kisses*
  3321. mfightergriz: -He then gets up and stretches ouut a little bit...-
  3322. wanderandward: ((master cabin, right?
  3323. mfightergriz: *Ah... h... Nothing like... a good crying... Huh...?
  3324. mfightergriz: *Siiighh...
  3325. Coldsoul: * ... I g-guess I s-stay here...
  3326. kkmcshouty: *they brak apart after who knows how long? Adie doesn't* "Green cabin tonight?"
  3327. mfightergriz: *I'm happy I could watch it with everyone... And with you, Bells....
  3328. mfightergriz: -He has calmed down and is no longer a messy mess of tears and snot.-
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