

Nov 17th, 2018
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  1. Guest_ItsBritneyBitch1: Why waste money just so you can look like shit
  2. Guest_ItsBritneyBitch1: I meeeaaannnn
  3. bbu: facts
  4. Vuld: blame my ex b
  5. Vuld: if he even is my ex idk
  6. bbu: LOL
  7. Guest_ItsBritneyBitch1: Imma blame you
  8. bbu: yall broke up
  9. bbu: thats rich
  10. Vuld: dk
  11. bbu: How do you not know?
  12. bbu: are you that stupid?
  13. Vuld: he stopped talking to me whenever i changed my relationship status
  14. bbu: LOL
  15. bbu: why would you do that
  16. Vuld: cuz my friends kept asking about who my bf is n it was pissing me off
  17. bbu: So you basically say you dont have one?
  18. bbu: Thats shitty
  19. bbu: No wonder he stopped talking to you
  20. bbu: I would have too
  21. bbu: If you are with someone show them tf off no matter what
  22. Vuld: and cuz est kept makin fun of him for being muslim
  23. bbu: SO YOU CHANGE IT
  24. bbu: makes sense
  25. bbu: he sucks at picking gfs anyway, i feel sorry he wasted his time on you then
  26. bbu: My condelences to him
  27. bbu: Next time stick up for him
  28. stevewalpole10 has joined the chat
  29. bbu: and dont let your friends be a shitfuck
  30. bbu: just shows how shitty you are
  31. bbu: as a partner
  32. bbu: Henlo
  33. iStephano has joined the chat
  34. bbu: He can do better, and im only judging based on what was just said lol.
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