
Do follow v.s No follow

May 30th, 2019
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  1. Do follow v.s No follow
  2. Hi, long ago I was taught that links no follow are worth nothing.
  3. It does not make sense to me, I believe that Do Follow is stronger - but Google (as far as I know) is trying to promote activities as close to natural as possible.
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  17. If I promote my website and people start to exchange links, and the links will be "No follow" - will Google pass by this indifferently? (do not count traffic)
  20. Do follow links may do more for SEO, but both deserve a place in your online marketing strategy.
  22. Ok, I understand, but do the follow links have any relevance to the position?
  24. I'm sorry my mistake. I was thinking about No Follow. Do No Follow help in getting a position or just doing traffic?
  26. No follow has no direct Search Engine benefit but a lot of people here suspect that there are hidden benefits, for example a more natural score for the backlinks due to a mix of no and do follow links. Possible that the nofollow links are counted when Google considers the numbers of unique domain names pointing to your website.
  28. Of course you may get direct traffic also so dont discount what may be the strongest benefit!
  30. Both the links are important for the SEO. Both the links have their own importance. If you just build only do follow links to your website, it doesn't mean you got the high ranking on the SERP for your webpages. So, nofollow and dofollow both links are important. Proper balancing between both the links is important.
  32. Nofollow links attributes do not allow search engine bots to follow link.That means if the website owner is linking back to you with nofollow attributes, it does not pass on link juice. Only Humans will be able to follow the links.
  33. Dofollow links allow google (all search engines) to follow them and reach our website. Giving us link juice and a backlink. If a webmaster is linking back to you with this link both Search Engine and Humans will be able to follow you. The best way to give someone dofollow love is allowing keyword in the anchor text.
  35. jennypitula is right, but as mentioned above that is what Google wants you to believe but not what many of us experience as we build links.
  37. No-follow links doesn't pass any links juice so they won't help in terms of getting ranked.
  39. And also there is no such thing as no-follow to do-follow ratio. You can have all do-follow links in your site without a single no-follow ones. Still you will do just fine because only if they are relevant.
  41. Do-follow links: pass link juice, the best for gaining authority in Google's eyes.
  42. No-follow links: good for direct/referral traffic, you do need a few for SEO, but they're not that important.
  44. No-follow links are supposed to help. A big seo blogger also mentioned that. Google says that they don't generally follow them but they might be considered.
  45. I build 60 high page authority backlinks from blog comments and still after 2 months there was no obvious change in my website ranking (my website authority rank in Moz Open Site Explorer increased - it seems that this probably means nothing).
  46. Everybody, of course, may have a different result or view on this subject.
  48. You need to test what works best for you! There are many reputable bloggers who suggest going with nofollow links
  50. I am a big believer in the idea that no-follows are still good to have. You want a natural-looking ratio of follow/no-follow links. All do-follow links can and should look suspicious to a search engine.
  52. And, at the end of the day, let's face it. Humans still click it regardless of whether it is a do-follow, so you probably want it for human traffic!
  54. I only rely on what I've read and learn with this two kinds of link. Doing both has its own advantage and disadvantage to your website. For me doing both dofollow and nofollow link isn't a big deal as long as I provided quality backlink for the website. You might want to check this answer about nofollow link from Search Console:
  56. No follow or do follow, if you get 1000 visitors and staying on your website at least for 5 minutes, indicates that web page having some good content, so that's what Google need right?
  58. Dofollow links allow google (all search engines) to follow them and reach our website. Giving us link juice and a backlink. If a webmaster is linking back to you with this link both Search Engine and Humans will be able to follow you. The best way to give someone do follow love is allowing keyword in the anchor text
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