
Fravelli Adaethi

May 16th, 2014
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  1. Name: Fravelli Adaethi
  3. Age: 18
  5. Appearance: Fravelli is tall and lean, differentiating a bit from the standard build of people from the House Adaethi. He was still pretty fit from constant exposure to the rest of his more heavy armor and heavy weapon family members. Standing taller then most men and just around the size of a normal Orc, he manages to stand out in most crowds. Still following some Adaethi traditions, he keeps his scruff of dark hair short despite not ever wearing the great helms expected of him by the rest of the family. He is shaven as closely as possible and his eyes are dark brown like that of his brethren with sharp and wide facial features that makes him look very similar to his cousin.
  7. Equipment: Fravelli comes from a wealthy Noble house, and while he bought top notch equipment, he didn't want to attract attention to himself and so didn't go 'all out' with his own wealth.
  8. Armor:
  9. - Head: None
  10. - Chest: Leather vest dotted with Iron Studs/ Small steel pauldrons(extending from shoulder to elbow)
  11. - Arms/Hands: Chain gloves with leather grip
  12. - Legs/Feet: Padded trousers and Leather boots
  13. Weapons:
  14. - Steel Longsword: The sword measures 5ft in total length and can be wielded in one hand, or two. The Blade is double edged and designed for cutting, more than piercing.
  15. - Hunter's Bow: The short bow is made for hunting small game, such as Boar or wild Foxes. It can't pierce any significant amount of armor, but if used correctly, it can be lethal.
  16. *Quiver of barbed Iron arrows (x20)
  17. - Iron Short Spear: The short spear was crafted of fine wood and topped with a pretty good quality iron tip. He was a bit experienced in it's use from a few boar hunts he went on and preferred it over a dagger. Had it usually strapped to his back.
  18. - Shield bearing family's crest, basic wooden buckler painted.
  20. Backstory: Fravelli was born to a wealthy Noble by the name of; Jaxus Adaethi. House Adaethi was once a powerful Noble house that ruled over a prosperous county but has since, fallen into disarray. Plague and bandits terrorize the hamlets and villages that dot the Adaethi County. Fravelli was born at the peak of the unrest, the county prepared to commit regicide and overthrow House Adaethi's incompetent rule.
  22. However, as Fravelli grew up, for as long as he could remember, the county was improving drastically each year. Healers and Clerics cured diseases and freed peasants of demonic possession in such quantities it was almost unheard of. House Adaethi's weak and pathetic militia bolstered into its former glory as Ironclad warriors, each being a wall within themselves. Farmlands and hunters brought more bountiful produce to the Castle's keep and the people of Adaethi County slowly began to fill their own coffers with the wealth of the county.
  25. For most of his life, Fravelli's father had more or less paid less attention to him as he did to his multitude of other brothers and instead he was lumped in with his uncle's sort and grew up around a young Calwar. Thanks to the absence of stiffneck family figures breathing down his back he grew up more carefree and followed the family's traditions less closely. He grew fond of woman and expensive drink and lounged around with the concubines when he wasn't with his more serious faced cousin. Eventually his father got upset with him over his antics at 18 and sent him off to join Calwar on his journey which he did with mixed feelings.
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