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Surge Alpha Change List

a guest
Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. Gameplay Changes
  3. Health Max (Starting Health) x 1.1 (110).
  4. Global Damage Scaling (Dmg Dealt by UTCharacter) x 0.9 (90%).
  5. Global Fire Rate x 1.2 (120%).
  6. Life Steal (10%).
  7. Health Regen (5 Health every 2.5 secs).
  8. Ammo Regen (7% of Max Ammo every 3.25 secs).
  9. Self Damage 0%. *Configurable
  10. Remove all non-Redeemer weapon and ammo nodes. *Configurable
  11. Give all weapons and max ammo on spawn. *Configurable
  12. When UTCharacter's health falls below 30%, go into Berserk Mode. *Configurable (Toggle)
  14. - Pain Time: UDamage given to all UTCharacters every 420 game time secs.
  16. - Berserk Mode: When triggered, gain additional health regen and firing speed. (Continued below)
  17. Immediately gain 1 additional Health every 0.5 secs and on firing pause gain 1.2x additional Firing Speed.
  20. Pickup Changes *Configurable (Toggle)
  22. First and foremost, I know some will disagree with me (thus the toggle on this section), but while I like pickups I dislike the power they hold in UT4. The best players will have their timers down and grab them up quickly, because they're so strong and because of the ample timer length.
  23. This results in a harsher gap between newer and more experienced players that I feel is unwarranted, and counting down the seconds,
  24. which I personally don't find much fun. Also, due to the nature of this mutator, armor is actually worth more not less as you might initially think and can definitely skew the balance and feel I have intended.
  26. Secondly, with health regen health pickups had to be reduced in potency or removed. I wanted to leave them in without hindering the gameplay. I have made them where they are still worth getting, but maybe or maybe not worth going out of your way for.
  28. So. To these ends, health and armor pickups have reduced values and slightly reduced spawn timers.
  29. However, ShieldBelts do not consume and cannot be filed by other armor. Other armor is kept beneath it.
  30. For these Armor changes I have mentioned think of XPickups for UT99 if you have played that. These changes are very much in line with what it did.
  32. NOTE: Armor is no longer consumed by the ShieldBelt but rests underneath it.
  34. Shield Belt: 100 Armor, Regenerates, 54 sec spawn.
  35. Armor Vest: 50 Armor, 27 sec spawn.
  36. Thigh Pads: 30 Armor, reduced to 45% absorption, 26 sec spawn.
  37. Helmet: 20 Armor, reduced to 30% absorption, 25 sec spawn.
  38. Health Keg: 100 Health (up to 200 Super Health Max), Regenerates, 60 sec spawn.
  39. Health Vial: 3 Health (up to 200 Super Health Max), 27 sec spawn.
  40. Health Kit: 10 Health (up to 110 Health Max), 25 sec spawn.
  41. UDamage: 72 sec spawn (reduced, as with all others). When given by Pain Time event, has reduced duration.
  42. Invisibility: No changes here.... yet! ^_^
  43. Berserk: Temporarily removed until I can replace with a different mechanic. This is not configurable, it messes things up.
  44. The Berserk pickup will still be there in game, but picking it up will do nothing.
  46. NOTE: Health over Health Max does not regenerate unless you have picked up a Health Keg, and then only
  47. if you stay above the Health Max threshold.
  50. Weapon Changes
  52. *** There are too many details to go into or compare with UT4 constantly changing. ***
  53. ** Only the most noteworthy changes are mentioned. **
  54. * I have tweaked just about everything in weapons.... *
  57. Impact Hammer
  59. Shield builds (like ShieldBelt) while charging until at full charge, then dissipates. Only if wearing no armor.
  60. If Shield dissipates or is broken, charging must begin anew for the shield to start building again.
  61. On release launch yourself proportional to charged time.
  62. You can gain directional propulsion midair, but at reduced effectiveness. Also useful for breaking falls....
  63. Secondary is a 3-shot burst mode. I intend to do more or something else here eventually.
  66. Translocator
  68. Faster, Stronger, Better, etc. etc. Various tweaks for better feel.
  69. Understand Flag Carriers will be using weapons to launch themselves with flag from no self damage....
  70. Gotta catch 'em! :-)
  73. Bio Rifle
  75. Has ground tracking/chase primary and web glob secondary.
  76. Primary size increased and doubles in size/potency after period in-flight.
  77. Multipress: Spitmode, rapidly fire tiny globs at high speed that slide.
  80. Shock Rifle
  82. Ball gets bigger up to limit while flying. Easier to hit further shock combos, etc.
  83. Ball does no damage. Instead, goes through Players/Bots momentarily slowing them. Also bounces.
  84. After passing through a target or bouncing projectile speed is sharpy reduced and Lifespan is reduced.
  85. After bouncing if hits anything else will destroy self after processing hit.
  88. Link Gun
  90. Doubles intial projectile twice horizontally after intervals in flight. Like growing horizontally for wider hit area.
  91. Doubles deal half damage and travel at a slightly slower speed.
  92. Primary and secondary have negative momentum sucking target toward you.
  93. Beam pulls you as well, to what you are hitting.
  94. MultiPress: Beam Pulse, pulls target yes. Also pulls YOU to the target, whether it be wall or player. (Continued below)
  95. The pull on yourself is vastly more effective when you are in the air. (continued next line)
  96. Combined with the regular pull from beam and momentum such as jumping, activating the beam pulse can be a huge boost.
  97. Tarzan Pew Pew.
  100. Mini Gun
  102. No longer hitscan, now fires projectiles at 100,000/140,000 speed respectively.
  103. Primary accuracy increased, windup decreased. Headshot damage.
  104. Secondary made 3-shot burst mode. Explosive rounds. More accurate than primary, but still with error.
  107. Flak Cannon
  109. Primary Fire Spread made tight. Also made explosive.
  110. Primary Shards explode on brief, staggered fuses with a random chance to not be consumed.
  111. Primary Center Shard has a higher chance to not be consumed and spawns another on first wall impact.
  112. Primary Shard wall impact results in various minor variable changes.
  113. Increased friction on shards results in greater floor drag.
  114. Secondary sticks to walls and spews shards like a spitfire. Still explodes on Pawn collision.
  117. Rocket Launcher
  119. Load up to 3 rockets.
  120. Rockets now accelerate briefly after launch.
  121. Lock-on time slightly reduced.
  122. Rocket damage radius reduced slightly.
  123. In addition to Grenades' exploding damage they spawn brief lived, fast bouncing shards of molten metal.
  124. You can launch yourself with no self damage (duh!) :)
  127. Sniper Rifle
  129. No longer hitscan, now fires projectiles at 180,000 speed.
  130. Projectile is flaming shard. Goes through players dealing damage. Sticks to surfaces and damaging fire forms around it.
  131. Very damaging explosion after delay or taking damage. Firing one shard into another's fire forces explosion.
  132. Headshot multiplier increased.
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