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pacman -Qe

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May 6th, 2022
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  1. acpi 1.7-3
  2. acpid 2.0.33-1
  3. adapta-maia-theme
  4. alsa-firmware 1.2.4-2
  5. alsa-utils 1.2.6-1
  6. audacity 1:2.4.1-7
  7. autoconf 2.71-1
  8. automake 1.16.5-1
  9. avahi 0.8+22+gfd482a7-3
  10. b43-fwcutter 019-3
  11. bash-completion 2.11-2
  12. bison 3.8.2-3
  13. blobwars 2.00-4
  14. blueman 2.2.4-1
  15. bluez-utils 5.64-2
  16. btrfs-progs 5.16.2-1
  17. bzip2 1.0.8-4
  18. cinnamon-sounds 1:1.5.6-1
  19. cinnamon-translations 5.2.2-1
  20. coreutils 9.0-2
  21. cpupower 5.17-1
  22. cronie 1.6.0-2
  23. cryptsetup 2.4.3-2
  24. cups 1:2.4.1-1
  25. cups-pdf 3.0.1-6
  26. cura 4.13.1-1
  27. dbus-x11 1.12.20-1
  28. dconf-editor 3.38.3-1
  29. device-mapper 2.03.15-1
  30. dhclient 4.4.3-1
  31. dhcpcd 9.4.1-1
  32. diffutils 3.8-1
  33. dmidecode 3.3-1
  34. dmraid 1.0.0.rc16.3-13
  35. dnsmasq 2.86-1
  36. dosfstools 4.2-2
  37. e2fsprogs 1.46.5-3
  38. ecryptfs-utils 111-5
  39. efibootmgr 17-2
  40. ethtool 1:5.16-1
  41. exfat-utils 1.3.0-2
  42. f2fs-tools 1.14.0-3
  43. file 5.41-1
  44. filesystem 2021.12.07-3
  45. findutils 4.9.0-1
  46. firefox 99.0.1-1
  47. firefox-i18n-en-us 99.0.1-1
  48. flatpak 1:1.12.7-1
  49. flex 2.6.4-3
  50. gawk 5.1.1-1
  51. gcc-libs 11.2.0-4
  52. gettext 0.21-2
  53. gifsicle 1.93-2
  54. gimp 2.10.30-2
  55. glibc 2.35-3
  56. gnome-calculator 41.1-1
  57. gnome-keyring 1:40.0-1.1
  58. gnome-system-log 3.9.90+160+g4b07190-2
  59. gnome-system-monitor 41.0-1
  60. gnome-terminal 3.42.2-2
  61. gnome-themes-extra 3.28+r6+g45b1d457-1
  62. gnu-free-fonts 20120503-8
  63. gparted 1.4.0-1
  64. grep 3.7-1
  65. grub 2.06-5
  66. grub-theme-manjaro-dev 18.0-3
  67. gtkhash-nemo 1.4-6
  68. gufw 22.04-1
  69. gvfs-afc 1.50.0-1
  70. gvfs-goa 1.50.0-1
  71. gvfs-google 1.50.0-1
  72. gvfs-gphoto2 1.50.0-1
  73. gvfs-mtp 1.50.0-1
  74. gvfs-smb 1.50.0-1
  75. gzip 1.11-1
  76. handbrake 1.5.1-2
  77. haveged 1.9.17-1
  78. htop 3.1.2-1
  79. hunspell-en_us 2020.12.07-4
  80. hyphen-en 2.8.8-3
  81. icon-naming-utils 0.8.90-5
  82. inetutils 2.2-1
  83. intel-ucode 20220207-1
  84. inxi
  85. iproute2 5.17.0-1
  86. iptables 1:1.8.7-1
  87. iputils 20211215-1
  88. ipw2100-fw 1.3-10
  89. ipw2200-fw 3.1-8
  90. jfsutils 1.1.15-8
  91. jstest-gtk-git 0.1.0.r116.g9c69fec-1
  92. keepassxc 2.7.0-2
  93. less 1:590-1
  94. lib32-flex 2.6.4-2
  95. lib32-libva-vdpau-driver 0.7.4-6
  96. lib32-mesa-demos 8.4.0-3
  97. lib32-mesa-vdpau 21.3.8-2
  98. lib32-vulkan-intel 21.3.8-2
  99. lib32-vulkan-radeon 21.3.8-2
  100. libdvdcss 1.4.3-1
  101. libdvdread 6.1.2-1
  102. libreoffice-extension-texmaths 0.49-1
  103. libreoffice-fresh 7.3.2-1
  104. librewolf 99.0.1-4
  105. libtool 2.4.7-1
  106. libva-mesa-driver 21.3.8-1
  107. libva-vdpau-driver 0.7.4-6
  108. licenses 20220125-1
  109. lightdm-settings 1.5.7-1
  110. lightdm-slick-greeter 1.5.6-1
  111. linux-firmware 20220309.cd01f85-1
  112. linux515 5.15.32-1
  113. linux515-acpi_call 1.2.2-26
  114. logrotate 3.19.0-1
  115. lsb-release 2.0.r48.3cf5103-1
  116. lvm2 2.03.15-1
  117. m4 1.4.19-1
  118. make 4.3-3
  119. man-db 2.10.2-1
  120. man-pages 5.13-1
  121. manjaro-alsa 20210928-1
  122. manjaro-application-utility 1.3.3-6
  123. manjaro-browser-settings 20201114-1
  124. manjaro-cinnamon-settings 20220417-1
  125. manjaro-firmware 20160419-1
  126. manjaro-hello 0.6.6-11
  127. manjaro-hotfixes 2018.08-6
  128. manjaro-printer 20220314-1
  129. manjaro-pulse 20220217-2
  130. manjaro-release 21.2.6-1
  131. manjaro-settings-manager-notifier 0.5.7-2
  132. manjaro-system 20220202-2
  133. mdadm 4.2-2
  134. memtest86+ 5.31b-1
  135. mesa-vdpau 21.3.8-1
  136. mhwd 0.6.5-2
  137. mhwd-db 0.6.5-21
  138. midori 9.0-3
  139. mkinitcpio-openswap 0.1.0-3
  140. nano 6.2-1
  141. neofetch 7.1.0-2
  142. netctl 1.28-1
  143. networkmanager-openconnect 1.2.8-2
  144. networkmanager-openvpn 1.8.18-2
  145. networkmanager-pptp 1.2.10-2
  146. networkmanager-vpnc 1.2.8-2
  147. nfs-utils 2.6.1-1
  148. nss-mdns 0.15.1-1
  149. ntfs-3g 2021.8.22-1
  150. ntp 4.2.8.p15-1
  151. numlockx 1.2-5
  152. openresolv 3.12.0-1
  153. openssh 8.9p1-1
  154. os-prober 1.79-1
  155. pacman 6.0.1-4
  156. pamac-gtk 10.3.0-6
  157. papirus-maia-icon-theme 20200702-1
  158. patch 2.7.6-8
  159. pavucontrol 1:5.0-1
  160. pciutils 3.7.0-2
  161. perl 5.34.1-1
  162. pkgconf 1.8.0-1
  163. poppler-data 0.4.11-1
  164. procps-ng 3.3.17-1
  165. psmisc 23.4-1
  166. pulseaudio-ctl 1.70-1
  167. pulseaudio-zeroconf 15.0-4
  168. python-ptyprocess 0.7.0-4
  169. qt5-styleplugins
  170. reiserfsprogs 3.6.27-3
  171. rsync 3.2.3-4
  172. s-nail 14.9.23-1
  173. screenfetch 3.9.1-1
  174. sed 4.8-1
  175. shadow 4.11.1-1
  176. smartmontools 7.3-1
  177. spectre-meltdown-checker 0.45-1
  178. squashfs-tools 4.5.1-1
  179. sudo 1.9.10-1
  180. syncthing 1.19.1-1
  181. sysfsutils 2.1.1-1
  182. systemd-fsck-silent 239-1
  183. systemd-sysvcompat 250.4-2
  184. tar 1.34-1
  185. texinfo 6.8-2
  186. thunar 4.16.11-1
  187. tlp 1.5.0-3
  188. tree 2.0.2-1
  189. ttf-dejavu 2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-3
  190. usbutils 014-2
  191. util-linux 2.38-1
  192. vi 1:070224-5
  193. vlc
  194. vulkan-intel 21.3.8-1
  195. vulkan-radeon 21.3.8-1
  196. wget 1.21.3-1
  197. which 2.21-5
  198. wpa_supplicant 2:2.10-3
  199. xcursor-vanilla-dmz 0.4.5-2
  200. xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.10+9+g5b7efc6-3
  201. xdg-utils 1.1.3+19+g9816ebb-1
  202. xed 3.2.2-1
  203. xf86-input-elographics 1.4.2-3
  204. xf86-input-evdev 2.10.6-3
  205. xf86-input-libinput 1.2.1-1
  206. xf86-input-void 1.4.1-6
  207. xf86-video-amdgpu 22.0.0-1
  208. xf86-video-ati 1:19.1.0.r9.g5eba006e-2
  209. xf86-video-fbdev 0.5.0-3
  210. xf86-video-intel 1:2.99.917+916+g31486f40-2
  211. xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.17-2
  212. xf86-video-vesa 2.5.0-2
  213. xfsprogs 5.14.2-1
  214. xorg-server 21.1.3-4
  215. xorg-twm 1.0.12-1
  216. xorg-xhost 1.0.8-2
  217. xorg-xinit 1.4.1-3
  218. xorg-xkill 1.0.5-2
  219. xviewer 3.2.4-1
  220. xwinwrap-git r5.ec32e9b-1
  221. yay 11.1.2-1
  222. yelp 41.2-1
  223. zensu 0.3-6
  224. zsh 5.8.1-1
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