

Feb 8th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. logo: &7[&4&l人狼RPG&7]
  3. command /jinro <text>:
  4. permission: sk.admin
  5. trigger:
  6. if arg-1 is "start" or "stop":
  7. if arg-1 is "start":
  8. set {jinro} to "true"
  9. wait 1 seconds
  10. broadcast "{@logo} &aマップを選んでいます…"
  11. wait 2 second
  12. execute console command "/execute @r[type=Armor_Stand,name=MapRandom] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ redstone_block"
  13. wait 10 second
  14. execute console command "/title @a subtitle ["""",{""text"":""--"",""color"":""dark_gray""},{""text"":""JinrouPRG"",""bold"":true,""color"":""dark_red""},{""text"":""--"",""color"":""dark_gray""}]"
  15. execute console command "/title @a title ["""",{""text"":""\u4eba\u72fcRPG"",""bold"":true,""color"":""dark_red""},{""text"":""\u3092\u59cb\u3081\u307e\u3059"",""color"":""dark_gray""}]"
  16. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  17. broadcast "{@logo} &4&l人狼RPG&aをスタートします…"
  18. wait 3 second
  19. execute console command "/title @a title ["""",{""text"":""\u4eba\u72fcRPG"",""bold"":true,""color"":""dark_red""},{""text"":""\u3092\u59cb\u3081\u307e\u3059"",""color"":""dark_gray""}]"
  20. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""3\u2026"",""bold"":true,""color"":""green""}"
  21. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  22. broadcast "{@logo} &a3…"
  23. wait 2 second
  24. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  25. execute console command "/title @a title ["""",{""text"":""\u4eba\u72fcRPG"",""bold"":true,""color"":""dark_red""},{""text"":""\u3092\u59cb\u3081\u307e\u3059"",""color"":""dark_gray""}]"
  26. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""2\u2026"",""bold"":true,""color"":""yellow""}"
  27. broadcast "{@logo} &e2…"
  28. wait 2 seconds
  29. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  30. execute console command "/title @a title ["""",{""text"":""\u4eba\u72fcRPG"",""bold"":true,""color"":""dark_red""},{""text"":""\u3092\u59cb\u3081\u307e\u3059"",""color"":""dark_gray""}]"
  31. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  32. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""1\u2026"",""bold"":true,""color"":""red""}"
  33. broadcast "{@logo} &41…"
  34. wait 2 seconds
  35. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""Start!!"",""bold"":true,""color"":""gold""}"
  36. execute console command "/title @a subtitle ["""",{""text"":""--"",""color"":""dark_gray""},{""text"":""JinrouPRG"",""bold"":true,""color"":""dark_red""},{""text"":""--"",""color"":""dark_gray""}]"
  37. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a"
  38. broadcast "{@logo} &6&lStart!!"
  39. execute console command "/setblock -165 1 760 redstone_block"
  40. if arg-1 is "stop":
  41. broadcast "{@logo}人狼終了!"
  42. set {jinro::a} to "false"
  43. set {vlls::a} to 0
  44. set {jrrs::a} to 0
  45. loop all players:
  46. set {vll::%loop-player%} to "false"
  47. set {jrr::%loop-player%} to "false"
  48. set {shpp.%loop-player%} to "false"
  49. command /villager:
  50. permission: sk.villager
  51. trigger:
  52. set {vll::%player%} to "true"
  53. add 1 to {vlls::a}
  54. command /jinrou:
  55. permission: sk.jinrou
  56. trigger:
  57. set {jrr::%player%} to "true"
  58. add 1 to {jrrs::a}
  59. command /jvcheck:
  60. permission: sk.admin
  61. trigger:
  62. send "villagers %{vlls::a}%"
  63. send "jinrous %{jrrs::a}%"
  64. on death:
  65. attacker is player
  66. victim is player
  67. if {vll::%victim%} is "true":
  68. remove 1 from {vlls::a}
  69. else:
  70. remove 1 from {jrrs::a}
  71. on death:
  72. set {shpp.%victim%} to "true"
  73. on damage:
  74. if attacker's tool is stick:
  75. if {jrr::%victim%} is "true":
  76. cancel event
  77. execute console command "clear %attacker% minecraft:stick 0 1 "
  78. send "&6占っています.." to attacker
  79. wait 1 second
  80. send "&b結果: &a%victim%は&4人狼でした。" to attacker
  81. else:
  82. cancel event
  83. execute console command "clear %attacker% minecraft:stick 0 1 "
  84. send "&6占っています.." to attacker
  85. wait 1 second
  86. send "&b結果: &a%victim%は&b村人でした。" to attacker
  87. on chat:
  88. if {shpp.%player%} is "true":
  89. cancel event
  90. send "あなたは死んでいるためしゃべることができません"
  91. command /shreset:
  92. permission: sk.admin
  93. trigger:
  94. loop all players:
  95. set {shpp.%loop-player%} to "false"
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