Guest User


a guest
Jul 11th, 2018
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
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  1. <title>Signing up... | Project Club</title>
  2. <?php
  3. session_start();
  4. $servername = "oi censor matey";
  5. $serverusername = "le censor";
  6. $serverpassword = "censoraed";
  7. $serverdbname = "censored";
  8. $conn = new mysqli($servername, $serverusername, $serverpassword, $serverdbname);
  9. $uid = $_POST['uname'];
  10. $psw = $_POST['psw'];
  11. $email = $_POST['email'];
  12. $phone = $_POST['phone'];
  13. $phonecarrier = $_POST['phonecarrier'];
  14. $web = $_POST['web'];
  15. $fname = $_POST['fname'];
  16. $lname = $_POST['lname'];
  17. $accdeletecode = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);
  18. $chatverif = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);
  19. $phoneverif = rand(111111, 999999);
  20. $date = date('F jS Y h:i:s A');
  21. $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  22. $bday = $_POST['bday'];
  23. $bmonth = $_POST['bmonth'];
  24. $byear = $_POST['byear'];
  25. $plan = $_POST['plan'];
  26. if($plan == "0.00"){$paid = "YES";}else{$paid = "NO";}
  27. $emailverifsign1 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);$emailverifsign2 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);$emailverifsign3 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);$emailverifsign4 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);$emailverifsign5 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);$emailverifsign6 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);$emailverifsign7 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);$emailverifsign8 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);$emailverifsign9 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);$emailverifsign10 = rand(1111111111, 2147483647);
  28. $emailverif = $emailverifsign1 . $emailverifsign2 . $emailverifsign3 . $emailverifsign4 . $emailverifsign5 . $emailverifsign6 . $emailverifsign7 . $emailverifsign8 . $emailverifsign9 . $emailverifsign10;
  29. $hashedpwd = password_hash($psw, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
  30. $hashedphoneverif = password_hash($phoneverif, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
  31. $hashedaccdelete = password_hash($accdeletecode, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
  32. $hashedemailverif = password_hash($emailverif, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
  33. $sql = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE username = '$uid' OR email = '$uid' ";
  34. if(empty($_POST['email'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyEMAIL");}
  35. if(empty($_POST['rep-email'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyREPEMAIL");}
  36. if($_POST['email'] !== $_POST['rep-email']){header("Location: /en/signup?emailNOMATCH");}
  37. if($_POST['psw'] !== $_POST['rep-psw']){header("Location: /en/signup?pswNOMATCH");}
  38. if(empty($_POST['uname'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyUNAME");}
  39. if(empty($_POST['phone'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyPHONE");}
  40. if($_POST['phonecarrier'] == "none"){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyPHONECARR");}
  41. if($_POST['plan'] == "none"){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyPLAN");}
  42. if(empty($_POST['fname'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyFNAME");}
  43. if(empty($_POST['lname'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyLNAME");}
  44. if(empty($_POST['web'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyWEB");}
  45. if(empty($_POST['psw'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyPSW");}
  46. if(empty($_POST['rep-psw'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyREPSW");}
  47. if(empty($_POST['bday'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyBDAY");}
  48. if(empty($_POST['bmonth'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyBMONTH");}
  49. if(empty($_POST['byear'])){header("Location: /en/signup?emptyBYEAR");}
  50. if (!filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {header("Location: /en/signup?invalidEMAIL");}
  51. if (strlen($_POST['uid']) < 6){header("Location: /en/signup?usernameLESS6");}
  52. if (strlen($_POST['bday']) !== 2){header("Location: /en/signup?bdayNOT2");}
  53. if (strlen($_POST['bmonth']) !== 2){header("Location: /en/signup?bmonthNOT2");}
  54. if (strlen($_POST['byear']) !== 4){header("Location: /en/signup?byearNOT4");}
  55. if (strlen($_POST['uid']) > 16){header("Location: /en/signup?usernameMORE16");}
  56. if (strlen($_POST['psw']) < 5){header("Location: /en/signup?passwordLESS6");}
  57. if (strlen($_POST['psw']) > 16){header("Location: /en/signup?passwordMORE16");}
  58. if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/",$_POST['fname'])) {header("Location: /en/signup?fnameWHITESPACE");}
  59. if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/",$_POST['lname'])) {header("Location: /en/signup?lnameWHITESPACE");}
  60. $resultusernamecheck = $conn->query("SELECT id FROM login WHERE username = '$uid'");if($resultusernamecheck->num_rows == 0) {header("Location: /en/signup?usernameTAKEN");}
  61. $resultemailcheck = $conn->query("SELECT id FROM login WHERE email = '$email'");if($resultemailcheck->num_rows == 0) {header("Location: /en/signup?emailTAKEN");}
  62. $resultphonecheck = $conn->query("SELECT id FROM login WHERE phone = '$phone'");if($resultemailcheck->num_rows == 0) {header("Location: /en/signup?phoneTAKEN");}
  63. $resultwebcheck = $conn->query("SELECT id FROM login WHERE website = '$web'");if($resultwebcheck->num_rows == 0) {header("Location: /en/signup?webTAKEN");}
  64. if (strlen($_POST['phone']) !== 10){header("Location: /en/signup?phoneNOT10");}
  65. $phoneto = "$phone@$phonecarrier";
  66. $phonefrom = "";
  67. $phonemessage = "Congradulations! You successfully created an account on Project Club.nYour phone verification code is $phoneverif. Have fun!";
  68. $phoneheaders = "From: Project Club Phone Verification";
  69. mail($phoneto, '', $phonemessage, $phoneheaders);
  71. $subject = $uid . ", Confirm your Email | Project Club";
  72. $from = '';
  73. $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "rn";
  74. $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "rn";
  75. $headers .= 'From: '.$from."rn";
  76. $emailmessage = '
  77. <h1 style="color:red;text-align:center;">Hi, $uid</h1>
  78. <p style="color:blue;text-align:center;">You used this email to create an account at Project Club.</p>
  79. <p style="color:blue;text-align:center;">If this was not you, please contact us at</p>
  80. <p style="color:blue;text-align:center;">If this was you, click the button below to verify your account.</p>
  81. <form action="" method="post">
  82. <input type="text" name="username" value="$uid" type="hidden" style="display:none;">
  83. <input type="text" name="code" value="$emailverif" type="hidden" style="display:none;">
  84. <input style="text-align:center;text-decoration:none;display:block;font-size:16px;background-color:red;color:white;border:2px solid #f44336;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" type="submit" value="Verify My Email">
  85. </form>
  86. <p style="color:blue;text-align:center;">Enjoy your stay at Project Club!</p>';
  87. mail($email,$subject,$emailmessage,$headers);
  89. /*
  90. $userfile = fopen("users/" . $uid . ".php", "w") or die("Error writing user file.");
  91. fwrite($userfile, $write);
  92. fclose($userfile);
  93. */
  94. $sql = "INSERT INTO login (id, username, email, phone, password, ip, date, status, profilepicturelink, phoneverifcode, phoneverified, emailverifcode, emailverified, userlevel, accdeletecode, banned, bandate, bantil, banreason, friends, friendcount, level, exp, reputation, blocks, blockcount, tokens, phonecarrier, sex, website, plan, paid, birthday, birthmonth, birthyear, chatverifcode) VALUES ('', '$uid', '$email', '$phone', '$hashedpwd', '$ip', '$date', 'NO', '', '$hashedphoneverif', 'NO', '$hashedemailverif', 'NO', 'Member', '$hashedaccdelete', 'NO', 'NONE', 'NONE', 'NONE', 'NONE', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'NONE', '0', '0', '$phonecarrier', 'TBA', '$web', '$plan', '$paid', '$bday', '$bmonth', '$byear', '$chatverif')";
  95. if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)){header("Location: /en/signup?success");}else{header("Location: /en/signup?unknownERR");}
  97. mysqli_close($conn);
  98. ?>
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