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Apr 9th, 2018
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  1. {"bootjuggle":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"team":{"message":"Waga is part of a team with Shisui (1), Stormstormer (2), Wagamama (3), Qupe (4) and Hovitey (5). Team name is \"Left Ones TV\"","isPublic":true},"bracket":{"message":"<insert bracket link here>","isPublic":true},"redcircle":{"message":"The red circle is from the new smart attack move setting.","isPublic":false},"chat":{"message":"Thank you based chat! shaneLove","isPublic":false},"subgames":{"message":"Check your Twitch private messages for the PW of subgames. Please make room for other subs if you already played once. <3","isPublic":false},"Score":{"message":"Waga is currently 2-3 (win - loss) on this 24 hour stream","isPublic":false},"status":{"message":"Wagamamatv is currently playing DOTA 2. While queueing he is playing Impossible Creatures.","isPublic":true},"dirtmaul":{"message":"Waga playing in dirtmaul (Maq: VS Tobi: - Waga playing for tobi (DIRTMAUL info:","isPublic":true},"bot":{"message":"I am a bot","isPublic":false},"radiance":{"message":"Q: Why radiance on void? A: Because it works well with the idea of being in the center of the teamfight, works well with tankiness. Its basically spectre, but with more disable and less dmg.(Its from the FAQ below)","isPublic":false},"Shave":{"message":"SHAVE IT OFF! SHAVE IT OFF! (After dying is rainbow colours)","isPublic":false},"joinsubgames":{"message":"Click Play Dota, click View Lobbies, filter by location on Luxembourg and Game Mode \"All Random\". Only one game should show up, 'WAGA Subgame!!'","isPublic":false},"announcer":{"message":"Waga uses Techies and Rick & Morty announcers","isPublic":false},"cocaster":{"message":"Waga is casting with Caelum.","isPublic":true},"teams":{"message":"The 1k team \"High Skill is Shit\" is on Dire, the 5k team is on Radiant","isPublic":true},"USA":{"message":"Waga is in the USA visiting Keo","isPublic":true},"Nebraska":{"message":"CORN CORN CORN","isPublic":true},"quality":{"message":"Stream quality is poor today due to waga needing to setup his computer strim settings, sorry for the BibleThump","isPublic":true},"hug":{"message":"*hugs*","isPublic":true},"keoStatus":{"message":"keo is home sick with waga wagaThump","isPublic":true},"pickahero":{"message":"Pick heroes for waga to play during the 24hour marathon, multiple slections allowed! Heroes A to D : ... Heroes E to M : ... Heroes N to S : ... Heroes S to Z :","isPublic":false},"shave":{"message":"SHAVE IT OFF! SHAVE IT OFF!","isPublic":false},"care":{"message":"LMFAO wHo cAREAS HAHA Xd","isPublic":true},"legend":{"message":"Dendi is a legend! wagaTa","isPublic":true},"Levkan":{"message":"PogChamp","isPublic":true},"discord":{"message":" -- get discord here: (connect to twitch to see subgame channel for subs)","isPublic":true},"discordsubs":{"message":"To get in the sub discord channel connect your discord account to twitch (bottom left, next to name > User settings > Connections...) then you can auto join the sub channel and talk to people and stuff and things","isPublic":true},"Mmr":{"message":"Main account: 7600ish / 6000 .... Smurf account: 7170 / 5967 .... Grandsmurf: 6631 / No mmr yet (solo / party) - Approx values, may not be 100% up to date","isPublic":false},"chaq":{"message":"ChaQ guides:","isPublic":true},"686":{"message":"Patch is now live! See here for patch notes:","isPublic":false},"stacking":{"message":"6.86 stacking times:","isPublic":true},"keobday":{"message":"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEO!!!!!","isPublic":true},"subscribe":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"website":{"message":" (now with https!)","isPublic":true},"deny":{"message":"RIP (video is gone)","isPublic":true},"backseat":{"message":"Backseat gaming [telling the streamer how to play the game] is not advised, please don't do it.","isPublic":true},"void":{"message":"See FAQ below stream for questions on void. Dont spam questions before reading the FAQ on void. It makes you look dumb","isPublic":true},"smurf":{"message":"Waga is probably smurfing due to either huge queue times on main, or he is practising heroes. Or he is scared of losing 8k SeemsGood","isPublic":false},"fullretard":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"ruserver":{"message":"Waga plays on russian server sometimes because it's in Stockholm and has less ping.","isPublic":false},"qc":{"message":"QUICKCAST: Waga is using quickcast. He uses QWER for quickcast and ALT+QWER for normal casts. To use both, got to Settings->Hotkeys->Advanced Hotkeys and activate Enable Separately Bindable Quickcast Hotkeys.","isPublic":false},"Patch":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"smurfmmr":{"message":"~6.8k","isPublic":false},"mmr":{"message":"6467 13:32 on the 10th","isPublic":true},"smurfbuff":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"birthday":{"message":"Today is waga's birthday. He turns 27!","isPublic":false},"snake":{"message":"Snake snake","isPublic":true},"song":{"message":"There is no song command, but try this, it may help!","isPublic":false},"echosabre":{"message":"Dropping the echo sabre and then picking it up again causes the next attack to be instant. This does not affect the cooldown on the item. Yes it is probably a bug","isPublic":true},"grandsmurfbuff":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"changelog":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"picnic":{"message":"Waga currently experiencing tornado warnings, check twitter for updates (probably)","isPublic":true},"Terrain":{"message":"Terrain is the one you get from the compendium at level 125.","isPublic":true},"tea_hsea":{"message":"teahsea, waga is not your man.","isPublic":true},"davai":{"message":"DAVAI DAVAI DAVAI!","isPublic":true},"qualifiers":{"message":"all KBU games will be streamed, with much Davai!!","isPublic":false},"game":{"message":"They are Billions:","isPublic":false},"sweden":{"message":"Waga is currently in Sweden.","isPublic":true},"vacation":{"message":"Waga is going on holiday for 2 weeks starting 2nd of july","isPublic":true},"playlist":{"message":"Waga tends to use the youtube autoplay option and picks a starting song. Today's playlist:","isPublic":false},"choices":{"message":"Pick a hero for waga to play! Find the hero you want him to play (a few are missing) STR: AGI: INT:","isPublic":false},"results":{"message":"-","isPublic":true},"PickAHero":{"message":"temp","isPublic":false},"players":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"mute":{"message":"Waga has his mic muted because his voice is RIP (see info above the webcam)","isPublic":true},"keo":{"message":"Keo is waga's Girlfriend","isPublic":true},"Hair":{"message":"Waga had a haircut, he doesn't have cancer and is not dying, calm down.","isPublic":false},"hair":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"FPL":{"message":"FPL = Faceit Pro League, its a very high ranked inhouse league for the pros and super high mmr players","isPublic":false},"hat":{"message":"You found the hat! Here's a cookie! *gives cookie*","isPublic":true},"hat2":{"message":"deIlluminati Gaben sells hats, Wagamama has hat deIlluminati","isPublic":true},"great":{"message":"BASK IN THE SCANDINAVIAN GREATNESS wagaTa","isPublic":true},"prime":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"ty":{"message":"Thank you to all the new twitch subs <3","isPublic":false},"goldenkappatest":{"message":"Kappa","isPublic":false},"glasses":{"message":"Waga's glasses prevent him from getting headaches from staring at a screen all day. They are prescription. You wish you looked as good as he does wearing those glasses wagaGasm","isPublic":true},"sellout":{"message":"Waga is sponsored by complexity","isPublic":true},"sponsor":{"message":"On October 14th 2016, Wagamama joined Complexity Gaming as a streamer.","isPublic":true},"voteForSELLOUT":{"message":" vote here","isPublic":true},"money":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"fps":{"message":"Current FPS: 117","isPublic":true},"delay":{"message":"0","isPublic":true},"usa":{"message":"Waga is not in the USA visiting keo FeelsBadMan","isPublic":true},"US":{"message":"Waga is going to see Keo (girlfriend) in the US from the 4th of March for 2 months","isPublic":true},"timber":{"message":"TIMBER USSELS","isPublic":true},"lens":{"message":"Stacking Aether Lenses gives extra damage but not extra range, this is why you sometimes see stacked Aether Lenses.","isPublic":true},"grandbuff":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"food":{"message":"Waga feeds himself off the tears of 4ks SeemsGood","isPublic":true},"sick":{"message":"Waga's sick and therefore won't have his cam or mic on. BibleThump","isPublic":true},"ursa":{"message":"I know you're 7 or 8k but why do you trigger ursa so much?","isPublic":true},"whatskill":{"message":"The 6th spell is actually the courier speed burst showing up as a bug/feature.","isPublic":true},"taset":{"message":"Wagas TA set is available ingame now in the Fall Treasure III chest!","isPublic":false},"lag":{"message":"Yes, we are currently experiencing lag. It happens, it's temporary and it will soon pass. Take a deep breath, count to ten and enjoy the slideshow. SeemsGood","isPublic":false},"meepmerp":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"ussels":{"message":"<?> USSELS","isPublic":false},"cat":{"message":"Woof! OhMyDog","isPublic":true},"Kappa":{"message":"Kappa","isPublic":false},"kda":{"message":"K/D/A score in 7.00 test client is currently only visible when pressing ALT","isPublic":true},"lp":{"message":"Warning: playing Techies wagaBoom can get you into LP","isPublic":false},"DragonLance":{"message":"Dragon lance on Meepo is good because of the cheap stats it provides, it does not make him ranged","isPublic":true},"meepo":{"message":"You don't buy aghanims on meepo in 7.0+ because you get stats on your meepos regardless and getting other items is now worth more.","isPublic":true},"fingerguns":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"lootmarket1":{"message":"Use code \"COL\" when signing up to get 5000 Free Loot Gems @ Loot Market:","isPublic":false},"lootmarket2":{"message":"Stop spamming chat and read this ad: Loot Market is trusted by hundreds of thousands of DOTA players. Questions? Hit them up through their 24/7 live chat:","isPublic":false},"lootmarket3":{"message":"Sell your DOTA items for real $$$ you can cash out (PayPal, Bitcoin, and more):","isPublic":false},"lootmarket4":{"message":"Terrible at DOTA? At least you can lose while looking stylish. Buy discounted DOTA items below market prices:","isPublic":false},"lootmarket5":{"message":"Loot Market runs a ton of free giveaways. GL everyone!","isPublic":false},"Multi":{"message":"Haki and some other people","isPublic":false},"minimap":{"message":"While waga usually never covers his minimap, he will do so if he suspects stream sniping.","isPublic":false},"Prime":{"message":"If you have amazon prime, you can subscribe to your favourite streamer for free every month! ( for more info)","isPublic":false},"weather":{"message":"Probably moonbeam","isPublic":false},"normalmatch":{"message":"Waga is probably playing a normal match as it is the first or second game of stream and he is warming up","isPublic":true},"musicpack":{"message":"Waga uses Heroes Within Music Pack","isPublic":true},"MainBuff":{"message":"Wagamama's Dotabuff profile:","isPublic":true},"trainingcamp":{"message":"Do you want to be personally coached by wagamama at a training camp? Sign up today! May 26 - June 1 2018","isPublic":false},"waga":{"message":"waga is keo's boyfriend","isPublic":true},"mangopls":{"message":"wagaMango wagaMango wagaMango wagaMango wagaMango","isPublic":true},"hex":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"dog":{"message":"Meow! CoolCat","isPublic":true},"battlecup":{"message":"Waga won the battlecup (T8) with Vroksnak, Xcalibur, clayman and lollerman","isPublic":true},"shiny":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"1stBuff":{"message":"First smurf dotabuff:","isPublic":true},"2ndSmurff":{"message":"Second smurf dotabuff:","isPublic":false},"2ndSmurf":{"message":"Second smurf dotabuff:","isPublic":true},"3rdSmurf":{"message":"Third smurf dotabuff:","isPublic":true},"1stSmurf":{"message":"First smurf dotabuff:","isPublic":true},"dotabuff":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"keowork":{"message":"keo works during the day as a programmer, specializing in automation and .net development of applications (web, services, etc.).","isPublic":true},"qblabe":{"message":"Quelling and iron talon stack, its good if you are going to hit creeps and stuff","isPublic":false},"qblade":{"message":"Quelling and iron talon stack, its good if you are going to hit creeps and stuff","isPublic":false},"giveaway":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"taguide":{"message":"Waga has a TA guide on PVGNA:","isPublic":false},"girls":{"message":"Beautiful, beautiful girls! PogChamp","isPublic":true},"donationsound":{"message":"The donation sound is only in your left ear - this is because Waga is playing on a laptop. He has tried and cannot fix it, cause hes a pleb","isPublic":true},"whysmurf":{"message":"Waga smurfs because the queue times for playing on a 7k account are ridiculous, especially during tournaments when the players aren't home and playing. While smurfing, Waga is not try-harding, he's playing to have fun, and usually randoms.","isPublic":false},"omaha":{"message":"For those of you in Omaha on Saturday, April 8th - come and play boardgames with us!","isPublic":true},"slarkguy":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"deny2":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"subsong":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"levkan":{"message":" /","isPublic":false},"linkens":{"message":"Linkens gives AM better stats, regen and damage than aghs. You can also put it on team mates. Aghs is situationally good but linkens is usually better.","isPublic":true},"howl":{"message":"STAHP IT YOU'RE GOING TO START A HOWL []","isPublic":true},"wortho":{"message":"NOOOOOARRR","isPublic":true},"mrbeastiemod":{"message":"#BitterSweet #FunWhileItLasted","isPublic":true},"Dendi":{"message":"Dendi got best dancemoves","isPublic":true},"schedule":{"message":"¯\\_(ツ)_/¯","isPublic":true},"Bracket":{"message":"Team SWEGERs in bracket -","isPublic":false},"teamBuff":{"message":"Waga: , Adamsson:, StormStormer: , Qupe:, Hovitey:","isPublic":true},"fpl":{"message":"» FPL = Faceit Pro League, its a very high ranked inhouse league for the pros and super high mmr players (Waga is now vouched for FPL)","isPublic":false},"leftone":{"message":"Waga said \"left one, left one\" about a PL illusion, indicating that it was the real one. But PL was already dead.","isPublic":true},"lotv":{"message":"Love of the viper","isPublic":true},"teamTwitch":{"message":" ... ... ...","isPublic":false},"score":{"message":"1-0 vs some team in epiccentre qual","isPublic":true},"manager":{"message":"Waga's team has 3 Germans, they manage themselves.","isPublic":false},"openAI":{"message":"Waga was given access to the openAI bot from the devs, it is not open to the public yet (they hope to make it avaliable). Waga uses the bot to practice sometimes, he doesnt really care for cheesing the bot in any way.","isPublic":true},"us":{"message":"Waga is not in the US. BibleThump","isPublic":false},"event":{"message":"Play board games with us in Omaha, NE! November 19th","isPublic":true},"boardgames":{"message":"Play board games with us in Omaha, NE! November 19th","isPublic":true},"maffew2":{"message":" (edited by MordecaiBot)","isPublic":true},"Nov1":{"message":"November the first is the day the new patch, Duelling fates, will be released","isPublic":true},"camp":{"message":"Training camp website!","isPublic":true},"patch":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"rockets":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"rpcancel":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"viper":{"message":"The viper is not an extra hero, its their team icon :)","isPublic":true},"howwagametkeo":{"message":"Waga and keo met at TI3 in person for the first time. They were friends for two years before beginning their long distance relationship.","isPublic":true},"summonthesneks":{"message":"KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype","isPublic":true},"host":{"message":"༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ HOSSST MEEEE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ","isPublic":true},"storm":{"message":"HOOOOOST MEEEEEE","isPublic":true},"series":{"message":"Won Starladder Best of 3","isPublic":false},"qupe":{"message":"NICE KICK QUPE!","isPublic":true},"natalie":{"message":".. /╲/\\╭(◕◕◕益◕◕◕)╮/\\╱\\ The silk road beckons ..","isPublic":true},"followage":{"message":"You've been following slembot for 0 day(s). FeelsBadMan","isPublic":true},"mrbeastiewrong":{"message":"Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 BibleThump stop bullying poor little snek","isPublic":false},"mrbeastiemon":{"message":"Worst mod 2017","isPublic":true},"Mrbeastiemon":{"message":"MrBeastiemon1 get mod? Never gonna happen m8. Just like that veno pick.","isPublic":false},"Mrbeastiewrong":{"message":"MrBeastiemon1 get mod? Never gonna happen, m8 ( just like that veno pick).","isPublic":true},"Mrbeastiemod":{"message":"MrBeastiemon1 get mod? Never gonna happen m8. Just like that veno pick. Kappa","isPublic":false},"facecam":{"message":"Facecam is probably off cause its broken","isPublic":true},"bodyblock":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"map":{"message":"Map 1 - 80 days - heavy soldier focus. 320%. NO PAUSE.","isPublic":true},"venomancer":{"message":"Our lord and saviour, the true god, he who will bring the aids and spread it among all humankind. We are blessed as we can feel his coily embrace. Worship him and his messenger, the Holy Forked Tongue @MrBeastiemon1 and you too may feel the warm nirvana of the aids snake Squid1 Squid2 KomodoHype","isPublic":false},"documentation":{"message":"","isPublic":false},"500":{"message":"500% is a score modifier and is only available on map 4","isPublic":true},"veno":{"message":"Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 KomodoHype How long is your snek?","isPublic":true},"noise":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"weeb":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"mango":{"message":"SwiftRage GET YOUR MANGOS OUT wagaMango","isPublic":true},"ward":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"ward2":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"qupe2":{"message":"snowball PogChamp","isPublic":true},"sentries":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"berlin":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"qupe3":{"message":"\"he's in fountain guys..\" NICE HOOK QUPE!","isPublic":true},"qupe4":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"qupe5":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"location":{"message":"Waga is currently streaming from his home in Sweden.","isPublic":true},"weaver":{"message":"Most boring game of my life, they put same wards for 21 min, and i cant make them smoke, too sleepy for shit like this gg","isPublic":true},"weaver2":{"message":"why dont you go top, got spammed, do you see now team? thanks.","isPublic":true},"intro":{"message":" - Created by","isPublic":true},"slemsvamps_will":{"message":"WIP.","isPublic":false},"no":{"message":"","isPublic":true},"jug":{"message":"","isPublic":true}}
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