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Aug 23rd, 2019
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  1. --[[ 1lIlI1llII1llII1I1Il1IIll1 --]]
  2. local bloquer_include_script = {
  3. ["lib/preferences.lua/preferences.lua"] = true,
  4. ["lib/i18n.lua/i18n.lua"] = true,
  5. ["conf/theme.lua"] = true,
  6. ["speak/cl_main.lua"] = true,
  7. ["conf/emoticons.lua"] = true,
  8. }
  9. -- Empecher des commandes d'etre lancer:
  10. local bloquer_commandes = {
  11. ["+voicerecord"] = true,
  12. ["demos"] = true,
  13. ["impulse"] = true,
  14. ["__screenshot_internal"] = true,
  15. ["cl_screenshotname"] = true,
  16. ["screenshot"] = true,
  17. ["cl_savescreenshotstosteam"] = true,
  18. ["jpeg_quality"] = true,
  19. ["jpeg"] = true,
  20. ["vk_commands"] = true,
  21. ["vk_examples"] = true,
  22. ["vk_status"] = true,
  23. ["vk_blacklist"] = true,
  24. ["DrawDeathMsg"] = true,
  25. ["EasyMOTD_Open"] = true,
  26. ["OpenMotd"] = true,
  27. ["nlr_box"] = true,
  28. ["NLRDeathMessage"] = true,
  29. ["wesnlr"] = true,
  30. ["lunera_motd"] = true,
  31. ["MOTD"] = true,
  32. ["MOTDS"] = true,
  33. ["Suss_MOTD"] = true,
  34. ["`~^"] = true,
  35. ["rdm"] = true,
  36. ["showmotdmenu"] = true,
  37. ["GetTheTime"] = true,
  38. ["r_shader_srgb"] = true,
  39. }
  40. -- Empecher des netcodes d'etre lancer:
  41. local bloquer_netcode = {
  42. ["AntiHook"] = true,
  43. ["AntiBadLua"] = true,
  44. ["grosgaypoilueetmoche"] = true,
  45. ["ImUsingScriptHook"] = true,
  46. ["ImUsingLuaBin"] = true,
  47. ["ImUsingLuaViewer"] = true,
  48. ["ImUsingMenuPlugins"] = true,
  49. ["ImUsingFuckNigger"] = true,
  50. ["ImUsingShit"] = true,
  51. ["ijustwannahaveyourightbymyside"] = true,
  52. ["screengrab_start"] = true,
  53. ["screengrab_part"] = true,
  54. ["anti_exploits_ban"] = true,
  55. ["StartScreengrab"] = true,
  56. ["FullMOTD_Open"] = true,
  57. ["open_menu"] = true,
  58. ["closebutton_repeat"] = true,
  59. ["sMsgStandard"] = true,
  60. ["sNotifyHit"] = true,
  61. ["sMsgAdmins"] = true,
  62. ["sAlertNotice"] = true,
  63. ["MOTDgdUpdate"] = true,
  64. ["atmos_snow"] = true,
  65. ["atmos_storm"] = true,
  66. ["Mistforums.sendClientFile"] = true,
  67. ["openmotd"] = true,
  68. ["1942_Rule_Check"] = true,
  69. ["1942_Economy_QuestionMenu"] = true,
  70. ["1942_Revive_Notice"] = true,
  71. ["tbfy_surrender"] = true,
  72. ["VelocityKillerMessage"] = true,
  73. ["LuneraInitMenu"] = true,
  74. ["NDS_death"] = true,
  75. ["silkymotd"] = true,
  76. ["slua"] = true,
  77. ["slua2"] = true,
  78. ["blacklist_gbox_net"] = true,
  79. ["rtxappend2"] = true,
  80. ["ScreengrabInitCallback"] = true,
  81. ["ScreengrabSendPart"] = true,
  82. ["Progress"] = true,
  83. ["ScreengrabInterrupted"] = true,
  84. ["ScreengrabConfirmation"] = true,
  85. ["SendPartBack"] = true,
  86. ["rtxappend"] = true,
  87. ["ash_ban"] = true,
  88. ["woppitydop"] = true,
  89. ["VelocityKillerCommand"] = true,
  90. ["gZ_BanMe"] = true,
  91. ["izbushechka:anticheat"] = true,
  92. ["metro_notification"] = true,
  93. ["sBlockGMSpawn"] = true,
  94. ["CAC_BanMe"] = true,
  95. ["NBP_ASH_SENDCODE"] = true,
  96. ["sv_logs_msg"] = true,
  97. ["cl_logs_msg"] = true,
  98. ["ServerToClient"] = true,
  99. ["ClientToServer"] = true,
  100. ["CheaterCode"] = true,
  101. ["Cheater"] = true,
  102. ["LeyScreenCap"] = true,
  103. ["N::H::P"] = true,
  104. ["checksaum"] = true,
  105. ["checksum"] = true,
  106. ["gcontrolled_vars"] = true,
  107. ["controlled_vars"] = true,
  108. ["quack"] = true,
  109. ["leyac_cmd"] = true,
  110. ["HasPressedKey"] = true,
  111. ["anti_nexploits_telecomm"] = true,
  112. ["CountryToTable"] = true,
  113. ["HasPlyExploit"] = true,
  114. ["HasPlyExec"] = true,
  115. ["SHChk"] = true,
  116. ["detect_cheat"] = true,
  117. ["_Detect"] = true,
  118. ["load_state_complete"] = true,
  119. ["send_angle_data"] = true,
  120. ["network_synced_vars"] = true,
  121. ["invalid_convar"] = true,
  122. ["check_convar_list"] = true,
  123. ["module_loaded"] = true,
  124. ["detour_attempted"] = true,
  125. ["external_attempted"] = true,
  126. ["check_code"] = true,
  127. ["verify_display"] = true,
  128. ["global_variable"] = true,
  129. ["minimal_message"] = true,
  130. ["invalid_file"] = true,
  131. ["validate_file_contents"] = true,
  132. ["validate_crc"] = true,
  133. ["send_cm_data"] = true,
  134. ["ban_player"] = true,
  135. ["kick_player"] = true,
  136. ["ban_me"] = true,
  137. ["validation_check"] = true,
  138. ["validation_check_payload"] = true,
  139. ["rec_note"] = true,
  140. ["ulx_send_data8"] = true,
  141. ["Pure_openMotd"] = true,
  142. ["SScreen"] = true,
  143. ["ConnectCommandBlock_SearchH"] = true,
  144. ["BetterSNTEyall"] = true,
  145. ["SwiftAC_aysent"] = true,
  146. ["ZALUPA_scripthook"] = true,
  147. ["ZALUPA_cheat"] = true,
  148. ["\x5a\x41\x4c\x55\x50\x41\x5f\x62\x79\x70".."\x61\x73\x73"] = true,
  149. ["ZALUPA_luabin"] = true,
  150. ["m_validate_player"] = true,
  151. ["m_network_data"] = true,
  152. ["m_check_synced_data"] = true,
  153. ["m_unsafe_player"] = true,
  154. ["m_loaded"] = true,
  155. ["anti_exploits_ban"] = true,
  156. ["anti_cheat_ban"] = true,
  157. ["anti_dll_ban"] = true,
  158. ["anti_lua_ban"] = true,
  159. ["anti_scripthook_ban"] = true,
  160. ["anti_armdupe_ban"] = true,
  161. ["getip"] = true,
  162. ["backup_data_transfer"] = true,
  163. ["mcwgabh"] = true,
  164. ["GetFish"] = true,
  165. ["easy_bot"] = true,
  166. ["rhandcuffsentt"] = true,
  167. ["utime"] = true,
  168. ["antigay_exploits"] = true,
  169. ["antigay_cheat"] = true,
  170. ["antigay_dll"] = true,
  171. ["antigay_lua"] = true,
  172. ["antigay_kick"] = true,
  173. ["antigay_send"] = true,
  174. ["VCMod.DeleteNewOldCarsTop"] = true,
  175. ["EC_BanMePlz"] = true,
  176. ["Anti_Aimbot_Signal"] = true,
  177. ["Anti_Aimbot"] = true,
  178. }
  179. -- Empecher des timers d'etre lancer:
  180. local bloquer_timer = {
  181. ["NLRChecker"] = true,
  182. ["AntiCheatTimer"] = true,
  183. ["testing123"] = true,
  184. ["STC"] = true,
  185. ["GagLocalPlayer"] = true,
  186. ["animating"] = true,
  187. }
  188. -- Empecher des hooks d'etre lancer:
  189. local bloquer_hook = {
  190. ["Think"] = {
  191. ["atmosStormThink"] = true,
  192. ["SW.Think"] = true,
  193. ["StormFox - Outdoor Env"] = true,
  194. ["StormFox - light_env support"] = true,
  195. ["StormFox - SkyPaintFix"] = true,
  196. ["StormFox - SkyThink"] = true,
  197. ["StormFox - ShadowUpdate"] = true,
  198. ["StormFox - DownfallUpdater"] = true,
  199. ["StormFox - RenderFalldownThink"] = true,
  200. ["StormFox - RenderFalldownScreenThink"] = true,
  201. ["StormFox - RenderFalldownHanlde"] = true,
  202. ["StormFox - CBreath"] = true,
  203. ["StormFox - CloudUpdate"] = true,
  204. ["PlayerInfoThing"] = true,
  205. ["sh_menu"] = true,
  206. ["FancyMOTD.OpenOnKeypress"] = true,
  207. ["wat"] = true,
  208. ["TBFY_Surrender"] = true,
  209. ["JarvinOpenKey"] = true,
  210. ["Imprecision"] = true,
  211. ["KeyPressedTest"] = true,
  212. ["start_anticheat"] = true,
  213. },
  214. ["HUDPaint"] = {
  215. ["FAdmin_ban"] = true,
  216. ["drawHudVital"] = true,
  217. ["carBomb_ScannerHUD"] = true,
  218. ["atmosHUDPaint"] = true,
  219. ["SW.HUDPaint"] = true,
  220. ["SW.DrawClock"] = true,
  221. ["RainDebug2"] = true,
  222. ["StormFox - HUDTips"] = true,
  223. ["StormFox - RenderRainScreen"] = true,
  224. ["StormFox - RainScreenEffect"] = true,
  225. ["PPT_HUD"] = true,
  226. ["DoHud"] = true,
  227. ["newhud"] = true,
  228. ["dance"] = true,
  229. ["simplelogo"] = true,
  230. ["HTML_IMG"] = true,
  231. ["gtavds_HUDPaint"] = true,
  232. },
  233. ["RenderScreenspaceEffects"] = {
  234. ["SW.RenderScreenspaceEffects"] = true,
  235. ["StormFox - Toxxeffect"] = true,
  236. ["StormFox - Sunbeams"] = true,
  237. ["stormFox - screenmodifier"] = true,
  238. ["WeatherOverlay"] = true,
  239. ["wat"] = true,
  240. ["ohgod"] = true,
  241. ["DrawMotionBlur"] = true,
  242. ["ESC.ScreenspaceEffects"] = true,
  243. ["ceScreenEffects"] = true,
  244. },
  245. ["PreRender"] = {
  246. ["ESC.OpenMenu"] = true,
  247. ["IceEscape_PreRenderHookEscKey"] = true,
  248. ["esc.PreRender"] = true,
  249. ["Jarvin:PreRender"] = true,
  250. ["Liko:PreRender"] = true,
  251. ["cleanEscape"] = true,
  252. },
  253. ["InitPostEntity"] = {
  254. ["spawnIconRefresh"] = true,
  255. ["MOTDgdInitHook"] = true,
  256. ["startMistforums"] = true,
  257. ["mistforums-GetClientFiles"] = true,
  258. ["D3A.OpenMoTD.InitPostEntity"] = true,
  259. ["cnTicker"] = true,
  260. },
  261. ["PlayerBindPress"] = {
  262. ["_sBlockGMSpawn"] = true,
  263. ["BlockPhysgunWheelSpeedGlitch"] = true,
  264. ["Test"] = true,
  265. ["BSoDBinds"] = true,
  266. },
  267. ["PreDrawHUD"] = {
  268. ["BSoDThink"] = true,
  269. ["NotLeavebd"] = true,
  270. },
  271. ["HUDShouldDraw"] = {
  272. ["newhud"] = true,
  273. ["ESC.HideHUD"] = true,
  274. ["IceEscape_HudShouldDraw"] = true,
  275. },
  276. ["PostDrawOpaqueRenderables"] = {
  277. ["StormFox - SkyBox Debug"] = true,
  278. ["StormFox - CloudRender"] = true,
  279. ["example"] = true,
  280. },
  281. ["PlayerInitialSpawn"] = {
  282. ["AddPlayer"] = true,
  283. ["showMotd"] = true,
  284. ["OpenMotdOnJoin"] = true,
  285. },
  286. ["CalcView"] = {
  287. ["rp_deathPOV"] = true,
  288. ["ESC.CalcView"] = true,
  289. ["CalcView"] = true,
  290. },
  291. ["ContextMenuOpen"] = {
  292. ["AdminContext"] = true,
  293. ["AdminContextMenu"] = true,
  294. },
  295. ["Initialize"] = {
  296. ["silkymotd"] = true,
  297. ["SW.Initialize"] = true,
  298. },
  299. ["SetupWorldFog"] = {
  300. ["SW.SetupWorldFog"] = true,
  301. ["StormFox - skyworldfog"] = true,
  302. },
  303. ["SetupSkyboxFog"] = {
  304. ["SW.SetupSkyboxFog"] = true,
  305. ["StormFox - skyfog"] = true,
  306. },
  307. ["PostDraw2DSkyBox"] = {
  308. ["StormFox - SkyBoxRender"] = true,
  309. ["StormFox - ShootingStars"] = true,
  310. },
  311. ["PostDrawTranslucentRenderables"] = {
  312. ["StormFox - RenderFalldown"] = true,
  313. ["ohgod"] = true,
  314. },
  315. ["PlayerSay"] = {
  316. ["screengrab_playersay"] = true,
  317. ["OpenMotdOnCommand"] = true,
  318. },
  319. ["StormFox - EnvUpdate"] = {
  320. ["StormFox - RainSounds"] = true,
  321. ["StormFox - WindSounds"] = true,
  322. },
  323. ["StormFox - TopSkyRender"] = {
  324. ["StormFox - MoonRender"] = true,
  325. },
  326. ["PostRender"] = {
  327. ["Screengrab"] = true,
  328. },
  329. ["OnContextMenuOpen"] = {
  330. ["NoContext4u"] = true,
  331. },
  332. ["Render"] = {
  333. ["IceEscape_CheckKeyWasIn"] = true,
  334. },
  335. ["ShouldDrawLocalPlayer"] = {
  336. ["ESC.DrawPlayer"] = true,
  337. },
  338. ["PreDrawEffects"] = {
  339. ["Photon.RenderQueue"] = true,
  340. },
  341. ["PostPlayerDraw"] = {
  342. ["StormFox - Breath"] = true,
  343. },
  344. ["RenderScene"] = {
  345. ["StormFox - Suntest"] = true,
  346. },
  347. ["PlayerAuthed"] = {
  348. ["wat"] = true,
  349. },
  350. ["GetMotionBlurValues"] = {
  351. ["wat"] = true,
  352. },
  353. ["SpawnMenuOpen"] = {
  354. ["Tsoyvsikarus"] = true,
  355. },
  356. ["OnPlayerHitGround"] = {
  357. ["Anti-Bhop"] = true,
  358. },
  359. ["Tick"] = {
  360. ["LeyScreenCap"] = true,
  361. },
  362. ["PlayerTick"] = {
  363. ["WyoziAdvTTTSpreadOverTime"] = true,
  364. },
  365. ["OnPlayerChat"] = {
  366. ["moonttt"] = true,
  367. },
  368. ["PlayerCanPickupWeapon"] = {
  369. ["noDoublePickup"] = true,
  370. },
  371. }
  373. local _GBA = {}
  374. _GBA.secure_it = {}
  375. local secure_it = {}
  376. secure_it.funcs = {}
  378. local Gizeh = {}
  379. function Gizeh.DebugLog(str,col,err)
  380. file.Write("gmpkxyihlukryixurm.txt",util.TableToJSON({str,col,err}))
  381. end
  383. function gui.HideGameUI()end
  385. local oldCamEnd3D = cam.End3D
  386. function cam.End3D()
  387. if debug.getinfo( 2 ).short_src == "LuaCmd" then
  388. Gizeh.DebugLog("Tentative de crash bloquer (cam.End3D)", Color(255,140,0), false)
  389. return
  390. else
  391. return oldCamEnd3D()
  392. end
  393. end
  394. local oldTableEmpty = table.Empty
  395. function table.Empty(tbl)
  396. if tbl == debug.getregistry() then
  397. Gizeh.DebugLog("Tentative de crash bloquer (table.Empty(debug.getregistry()))", Color(255,140,0), false)
  398. return
  399. else
  400. return oldTableEmpty(tbl)
  401. end
  402. end
  404. function Gizeh.RemoveHook( name, unique )
  405. if hook.GetTable()[name] and hook.GetTable()[name][unique] then
  406. Gizeh.DebugLog("Hook Supprimer: " .. unique, Color(150,150,150), false)
  407. hook.Remove(name, unique)
  408. end
  409. end
  410. function secure_it.Detour( old, new, name )
  411. name = name or ""
  412. if name != "" then Gizeh.DebugLog("Function: "" ,detour avec succ�s", Color(0,150,0), false) end
  413. secure_it.funcs[new] = old
  414. return new
  415. end
  416. _GBA.secure_it.Detour = secure_it.Detour
  418. local return_clean_include = include
  419. include = secure_it.Detour( include, function( str )
  420. if bloquer_include_script[str] then
  421. Gizeh.DebugLog("Fichier: "" ,bloquer avec succ�s", Color(0,150,0), false)
  422. print("Fichier bloquer: "..str)
  423. return
  424. end
  425. return return_clean_include(str)
  426. end)
  428. local return_netcode = net.Start
  429. net.Start = secure_it.Detour( net.Start, function( str )
  430. if bloquer_netcode[str] then
  431. Gizeh.DebugLog("Netcode bloquer: "..str, Color(255,140,0), false)
  432. return
  433. end
  434. return return_netcode(str)
  435. end)
  437. local return_timer = timer.Create
  438. for str, _ in pairs(bloquer_timer) do
  439. if timer.Exists(str) then
  440. Gizeh.DebugLog("Timer bloquer: "..str, Color(255,140,0), false)
  441. timer.Remove(str)
  442. end
  443. end
  444. timer.Create = secure_it.Detour( timer.Create, function( str, b, c, d )
  445. if bloquer_timer[str] then
  446. Gizeh.DebugLog("Timer bloquer: "..str, Color(255,140,0), false)
  447. return
  448. end
  449. return return_timer(str,b,c,d)
  450. end)
  452. local return_hook = hook.Add
  453. for eventName, Table in pairs(bloquer_hook) do
  454. for identifier, _ in pairs(Table) do
  455. Gizeh.RemoveHook(eventName, identifier)
  456. end
  457. end
  458. local meta_table = FindMetaTable
  459. local ply_gizeh_detour = meta_table( "Player" )
  460. local return_clean_cmd = ply_gizeh_detour.ConCommand
  461. ply_gizeh_detour.ConCommand = secure_it.Detour( ply_gizeh_detour.ConCommand, function( pl, cmd, ... )
  462. if bloquer_commandes[string.lower(cmd)] then
  463. Gizeh.DebugLog("Commande bloquer: "..cmd, Color(255,140,0), false)
  464. return
  465. end
  466. return return_clean_cmd( pl, cmd, ... )
  467. end)
  468. local return_hook = hook.Add
  469. for eventName, Table in pairs(bloquer_hook) do
  470. for identifier, _ in pairs(Table) do
  471. Gizeh.RemoveHook(eventName, identifier)
  472. end
  473. end
  474. hook.Add = secure_it.Detour( hook.Add, function( name, unique, ... )
  475. if bloquer_hook[name] and bloquer_hook[name][unique] then
  476. Gizeh.DebugLog("Hook bloquer: "..unique, Color(255,140,0), false)
  477. return
  478. end
  479. return return_hook(name,unique,...)
  480. end)
  482. net.Receive( "gvpathcqsbiarpsz", function()
  483. local str = net.ReadString()
  484. Gizeh.DebugLog(str, Color(0, 255, 0), false)
  485. end )
  486. net.Receive( "qrahwsvlbusdvihu", function()
  487. local str = net.ReadString()
  488. Gizeh.DebugLog(str, Color(255, 0, 0), false)
  489. end )
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