

Apr 17th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 5 At any rate, 'tis not as if we had anything better to do.: (Valette-Serafina, Darik29, megrisvernin, BFldyq, shiki11)
  2. [X] 8 Even a demigod cannot change the nature of the world. Within the reach of your arm, no harm will come to good folk. But you're a god, not a saint.: (kinglugia, hunter09, Smuthunter, Silversun17, Guile, EternitynChaos, Jans, a2znut)
  3. [X] 5 If we have not the strength to challenge the world, who does? To retreat from a task such as this... It is beneath us!: (Valette-Serafina, Darik29, megrisvernin, BFldyq, shiki11)
  4. [X] 1 This world seems to need a god, but you'll need to take precautions against Fate twisting you into what the mortals want instead of what they need.: (Winged One)
  5. [X] 1 Yes. You'll find your way home as you gain resources but until then the state of this world is unacceptable. Beside fixing should be an excellent warm up.: (Larekko12)
  6. -[X] 5 but if we come across a viable way? we're taking it.: (kinglugia, hunter09, Smuthunter, Silversun17, EternitynChaos)
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