
Holocaust Denial is a Right

Oct 3rd, 2019
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  1. [EU rules holocaust denial not a right]
  3. This is a human rights violation. "Thought crimes" are tyranny.
  5. Difference of opinion is not an imprisonable crime in free first world societies. This is where the left hand path will take us in America if we suffer it any longer. It was the left of Europe that made these laws happen; but let's not kid ourselves, the right has its hands tied just as badly.
  9. This Canadian woman was imprisoned for denying the Holocaust in Canada, and for traveling to Germany to support a lawyer on trial for the same "crime".
  12. These are not the only victims of thought policing. Monika Schaefer is not even a so-called extremist!
  14. This 87-year-old woman was arrested for similar reasons, though she is an "extremist" by leftist and brainwashed standards:
  17. And yes, this IS a difference of opinion. The Holocaust is NOT an open-and-shut case. The existence of death camps were only "recorded" by the notoriously lying Soviets AFTER the war had already concluded. The Allies never verified any "death camps"; the only "death camps" were verified by Soviets on post-war Soviet territory.
  19. Furthermore it is a proven fact that many claims of the Holocaust were exaggerated or are out-right lies; from death tolls, to "humans being made into lampshades and soap" (remember that gem from brainwashing class?) Need I share all of those Jews who published books on their experiences, only to admit making them up? Like the story of the lovers who met between the fences of two camps?
  21. Remember the Holocaust trip in 8th grade? Excuse me, I mean the Washington DC trip?
  23. They get us while we are young and psychologically defenseless. I would say the same for many other ideological subversions that raised us to hate ourselves, our genders, our forefathers, our ethnicities. These people are SICK and have NO moral compass whatsoever.
  25. The Holocaust is a racket. Plain and simple. As they say, "there's no business like shoah-business", heh.
  27. Furthermore, did you know that our congress is not even allowed to discuss the disproportionate role of Jews in all high strata of society? Many jews outright admit: they run Hollywood; they run the banks; they run America; they run the world.
  29. But if congress wants to talk about it, it's illegal?
  31. If the Holocaust is such an indisputable fact, then why is it illegal all over Europe to question it?
  33. Did you know the Nazi prisoners of the Nuremberg trials were coerced into confession by threat of genital mutilation?
  35. Why/how is it appropriate for America to deport and punish elderly citizens who, say, served as couriers for Germany in WWII?
  37. Did you know that the number "6,000,000 Jews" is a stat that gets repeated in newspapers going back to the 1800s? Or that it was Jewish prophecy that Jews must not return to Israel until they are "minus six million"?
  39. Why aren't Democrats spat upon and illegalized for being the KKK party?
  41. What about the Holodomor? The Soviets let MILLIONS of Ukrainians die in 1933. What about the estimated 100-200 million people killed by Maoist China? What about Soviet Russia's 3-60 million people genocide?
  43. Why the special treatment for the Holocaust?
  45. Why are absolutely shaky claims, at best, treated as irrefutable historical canon?
  47. Do you know what creates extremists?
  49. Do you?
  53. Nobody wants to hate jews. But do they deserve special treatment, special victim status, special nepotistic privileges, special censorship laws, above anyone and everyone else?
  55. Jews are overwhelmingly behind demographic replacement mass immigration; jews are the ones pushing all-pervasive hatred of whites in the media; jews are bending America to destroy the Middle East; Jews got special warnings to evacuate on 9/11; et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
  57. It was Jewish Hollywood that pushed ALL MANNER of racism and stereotype against blacks, arabs, hispanics, and asians.
  59. Do you think these special privileges help EASE anti-semitism?
  61. Abso-fucking-lutely not!
  63. I have difficulty believing that Jews, who are supposedly SO INTELLIGENT, would intentionally and knowingly paint such a bright red bull's-eye on their own backs!
  65. The absolute LAST thing Jews would want to do, if they were smart, is make it ILLEGAL to even TALK about these things! ANY of these things!
  67. I haven't said a single racist or anti-semitic thing in this entire post. I defy you to prove it. Are these all not facts, or at least corroborable by multiple independent sources, including Jews themselves?
  69. No. No. No. No way, this is insane.
  71. And are we just going to sit back and accept it? WHY? Can we even prove that the Nazis were as bad as we are told in other regards? There are dozens of quotes of British, American, and European military suggesting that it was the ALLIES who destroyed Europe; that Germany were welcome liberators. Our own people were saying that!
  73. I am NOT saying "jews bad, nazis good"; but when has history E V E R been as black and white as they have tricked us into believing this one single subject, above all else, is?
  75. How do we know that our absolute malice toward Nazis isn't our own bias, tattooed to our history and minds by the victors?
  77. All of that said, I genuinely have trouble believing that Jews themselves are behind all of this.
  79. I believe that it is the Luciferians, and the Zionists, who are more than willing to use Jews to push their goals, and then discard them as a sacrifice to Moloch afterward.
  81. Do you not know what a Holocaust is?
  83. It IS a sacrifice to Moloch. The Zionists, the AshkeNAZIs, invented the Nazis to first purge their diaspora of the weak, and then purge the European bloodlines of the strong.
  85. Should I sell my soul and lay down for a revised history, a false truth, when I absolutely know better?
  87. I may not know the full truth of these matters, but I can see lies plain as day!
  89. To any Jews reading this: don't you know the Zionists and the Luciferians will do this to you again? Do you not see what you are being primed and prepped for? It is your own prophecy for your people to be destroyed in a holy war against the Muslims.
  91. To everyone else: I'm begging you; don't fall for hating Jews, don't fall for hating yourselves, and don't fall for hating the other races who are being abused as we all are. Instead, demand one thing: freedom of information, which includes freedom of speech, and freedom of thought.
  93. Once they have taken that away from you, it's over. The pointless war begins, and we all die for them in one more bitter cycle.
  95. All of us, including jews, have only one enemy: the Satanic, Saturn-worshipping, Luciferian elite.
  97. Don't let my rhetoric scare you. I'm scared by the fact that I could go to prison, ruin my life, never even have a career, or even DIE, just for saying these things!
  99. I am only speaking out against those who mean to set us against eachother, and ignite the third and final world conflict.
  101. I am CERTAINLY no threat to anyone, unless merely speaking or thinking makes me a threat. However you feel about social issues or economic issues, don't let THAT become our society.
  103. Being anti-PC is not the same as being hateful, belligerent, or extremist. You HAVE to allow people to criticize eachother. You HAVE to allow groups to criticize eachother. Otherwise you will cultivate levels of animosity that WILL fester into real violence.
  105. We can make jokes about each other, we can criticize one another, we can make judgment calls, and we can make decisions based on our group identities. There is nothing wrong with this.
  107. If you disagree, then try trusting random crackheads over your own family. Kick our your children and give their beds to refugees.
  109. Group identities are not mutually exclusive. I am a man, I am white, but I am also American, and I am also human.
  111. They want our heads to be inflexible; to break before they bend; to divide and conquer.
  113. Have you never fought with a relative or a friend? Have you never criticized them? Or judged them?
  115. That's how I feel about other races and peoples. I will NEVER tolerate ghetto or hip-hop culture, for example, but blacks are still my brothers and sisters. I refuse to offer my home to welfare refugees, but I certainly wish they could make their homes prosperous and safe.
  117. And a white man can't even call a black his brother or sister; (((they))) taught you to CRINGE at that idea, like how they taught you to CRINGE at God. "Brother is OUR word!"
  119. No, it's the word of those like Jesus and Buddha.
  121. Anyway, cringe all you want, you dumb bastard posers. I know just how right I am, and no amount of brainwashing or peer pressure is going to change that.
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