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Nov 2nd, 2022
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  1. “Yeah. Yeah it’s for real. I’d say seriously, actually dead.”
  2. “Il n’a pas l’air mort?” With a finger, they poked at the body, and found it then cold to the touch. Where was the smell? Was it too cold for the body to smell out here?
  3. “What? Look at him, he’s grey.”
  4. “Kion ni do faru kun li?”
  5. “Nous le laisserons où il est! Est ce que tu veux alle au prison?”
  6. “Stop! He once said to me specifically, ‘Kherev ta namaig ükhsen baikhyg olj kharval minii biyeiig khögjiltei baidlaar zurj, daraa ni namaig güüren gartsaar khurdny zam deer surguuliin avtobusny urd zamyn khödölgöönd oruulaarai!’ and that is what we are going to do!” With that, they promptly began yanking the body of their friend out of the snow as the spouses looked on in disbelief. After a moment’s difficulty, he turned to them again with an annoyed look. “Well? Help me or not?”
  7. They exchanged an uncomfortable glance between them. They had come together for a night of passions, and it had taken an unexpected turn into the macabre. Still, it seemed at this point that they were already too deep into the situation not to fully participate now, and so, with some effort and awkward angling, the three of them managed to haul the corpse of their friend out of the embankment, to the road, and around the rear of their Ford Fiesta.
  8. “Uf, mi povas senti, ke lia sango frostas...”
  9. “Eh bien... Un corps qui a été dans le froid aussi longtemps n'aura pas l'air d'être touché par un amant.”
  10. They were unhappy at the prospect of shoving the thing into the rear of the hatchback. They hadn’t prepared to be transporting a body that evening, and the car had only just been cleaned of body fluids a few weeks ago after their last get together. The idea of this putrifying corpse leaking out into the rugs and mats was not pleasant, as it was a scent that would surely never be lost no matter how many air fresheners were hung therein. However, one of them (when asked later, none would divulge who) had an idea that would keep the interior clean, while still allowing them to move the body.
  11. Using the bondage gear kept in a duffel bag in the back seat, they set about strapping the corpse to the roof of the car. At first, the frozen, rigor mortis laden body was incredibly difficult to position correctly to get the straps, belts, handcuffs, and gag in the right positions to secure him safely and with care. As they struggled on though, the rigor broke and cracked, and with some coordination and leadership from the one who would normally take charge, the body was set for successful transportation.
  12. “He would have wanted it this way.” They all sat down into the vehicle, idling on the side of the road.
  13. “Comment allons-nous l'amener au viaduc sans que personne ne le voie? On va se faire prendre, c'est stupide.”
  14. “Oh is it? Is this your car? Are you going to pay for the cleaning if we bring him in? It’s no fucking wonder you two have marital problems if this is how you act all the time. Get a camera.” As per the wishes of the deceased, they popped out of the car a moment to snap a few pictures of the lifeless stiff on top of the car, tied down with the sorts of paraphernalia that one would never wish to be seen in in any company.
  15. “Bone, ni ricevis la bildojn, nun ĉu ni bonvolu, bonvolu atingi la aŭtovojon kaj fini ĉi tion?”
  16. “We have to wait until morning for that, there won’t be any schoolbuses passing for hours...” They sat in silence for a moment, thinking over the circumstances that had brought them all here, to this moment, and this situation. If they could honor the final wishes of their friend, perhaps his spirit could be at peace. The minds and innocence of the schoolchildren that he splattered in front of would be a small price to pay to know that his soul could rest easy after a lifetime of hardship. They had had many good times together, and this would be one last ride to remember.
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