
Text Adventure Chapter 12 Log

May 22nd, 2014
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  1. >You’re still having some trouble coming down from that battle earlier. You wish to learn some more combat strategies.
  2. >Walking over to Applejack, you call her name.
  3. “Yo AJ!”
  4. >”Howdy there Anon, havin’ any luck?”
  5. >You shrug.
  6. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. Hey, you wanna practice some more fighting moves?”
  7. >The orange mare rubs her chin with a hoof.
  8. >“Afraid I can’t do that, partner. I need some rest after our last few scuffles. Not to mention we’re in an old library; Twi’d never let me live it down if I were to ruin something here.”
  9. >Damn, these guys aren’t any fun.
  10. >No wonder you could only really see her in the background.
  12. >You walk through the dank old hallways, looking around for anything you might have missed.
  13. >However, after some long, tedious searching, you stumble upon the banana pony a third time, looking at a few spiders that had created a little nest in the corner of a bookshelf.
  14. >You had a devious plan hatch within your mind as you watched her tend to them, something at least to pass the time anyways.
  15. >Looking up and down the bookcase nonchalantly, you step closer to her and she hears your footsteps, actually giving you a small smile from underneath her mane.
  16. >”Uhm, h-have you found anything yet?..”
  17. “Not really… but I did have one more thing to ask you.”
  18. >”What is it, um, exactly?”
  19. >You fling out your phone and turn on the flashlight, getting up real close and shining it down from above.
  20. “What do you know about Bane?!”
  21. >The intense volume of your voice shrivels the shy pony to the ground, shaking with fear.
  22. >”Uh- uhh, I… I-I-I--”
  23. “WHERE IS BANE!?”
  24. >Her attempts to speak become incoherent babbling, now hiding futily from you with her hooves over her head.
  25. >Well, she isn’t going to be able to talk for a while.
  26. >You actually feel kind of bad for doing that, after the nice talks you had before.
  27. [She may remember this later. Actions have consequences!]
  30. >You make your way back to the main hall, where most of the group has gathered after a long time searching.
  31. >So far, your quest has advanced the time by four hours, and it is now mid afternoon.
  32. >You still had a few things to look for and you haven’t found much of interest about the shadow, nor has the rest of your party.
  33. >Pinkie is currently looking at something intensely at the back wall, however.
  34. >What do you do now?
  37. >That’s when you spot it.
  38. >The mother of all seats, the prime seat that seats any seating pleasure.
  39. >For your ass.
  40. >It was the old throne of the castle, one of two, anyways.
  41. >You just felt like you had to sit there, like your ass was calling to it.
  42. >Or that’s just you farting, but you were too busy walking towards it.
  43. “Hey Red?”
  44. >”Yes, Anon?”
  45. “C’mere real quick.”
  46. >She gives you a little smile and follows you as the two of you walk up the cracked and dusted steps.
  47. >You motion for her to sit in the bigger throne, bowing at the same time.
  48. “My Queen.”
  49. >”Oh my… Yes, my King.”
  50. >She sits down with a little wiggle of her rump, and you sit next to her in the other throne.
  51. “I bet we’d make great leaders.”
  52. >”You can lead all you want, I’ll stick to giving ponies their physicals, thank you.”
  53. >She gives a little giggle, and the two of you rest in the still-soft cushions.
  54. >Life is good.
  56. >You knew you had to get up at some point when the rest of your party gave up, though.
  57. >Except Pinkie…
  58. >You get off the seat and begin walking towards her, when you spot Fluttershy separated from the rest of the group, who were talking happily, yet she was moping in the corner.
  59. >You attempt to approach her, but the instant she sees you she backs up a few feet and cowers under her mane, shaking like a rattle.
  60. >Hopefully you’ll be able to apologize after she’s calmed down a little bit.
  62. >Continuing on, you check out Ponka’s interesting antics with a certain dark-looking book she was eyeing.
  63. “Got a thing against that book? I’ll have a sturdy talk with it if it’s giving you problems.”
  64. >”Oooh, my Pinkie sense is all over this thing, I bet it’s something important!”
  65. >You respond in a questioning tone.
  66. “Important to what?”
  67. >”To the plot!”
  68. “... Err, wh-”
  69. >”You know, what’s keeping this story going?”
  70. >One of these days you’d figure out what the hell she was saying.
  71. “Let me see it for a second.”
  72. >You take the book and inspect it thoroughly.
  73. >The book tells of many of Equestria’s mythical creatures.
  74. >By “mythical”, you mean mythical to this world, surprising as it is.
  75. >Skimming through the pages reveals many an interesting creature. Some are friendly, some are aggressive monsters.
  76. >The one that sticks out to you the most though is the section about a demon of sorts that steals magic from any living being that has it.
  77. >Apparently it seeks out the most powerful sources first, then goes for the rest.
  78. >This seems to be the most likely match to your current foe, although this unnamed monster has a body unlike the one that is terrorizing Equestria right now.
  79. >Maybe you should bring this to the group…
  80. >You can do this, or something else. Is there anything else you’d like to do here before moving on?
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