
Scribe Hall 5/31/13 ...... 2

May 31st, 2013
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  1. MasterCauis has joined the chat
  2. VexinLola: Tal Love
  3. MasterCauis: Tal
  4. MasterCauis: ready for us time
  5. MasterCauis: -smield to her
  6. VexinLola: Always love - smiling-
  7. MasterCauis: good
  8. VexinLola: - she raises from her seat closing her book and placing her feather in her cup , as she would slowly walk toward him - " so where to love "
  9. LadyAiraofVenna has joined the chat
  10. LadyAiraofVenna: Tal Mistress
  11. MasterCauis: well we can go to my room
  12. MasterCauis: Tal girl
  13. MasterCauis: or to yours
  14. MasterCauis: up to you
  15. MasterCauis whispers: and so you know i didnt invite her in
  16. LadyAiraofVenna: Tal Master sorry...
  17. VexinLola > MasterCauis: I didnt either :D
  18. MasterCauis whispers: and everyone is logging on
  19. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: :D good afternoon
  20. MasterCauis whispers: well can can g o to pc
  21. MasterCauis whispers: just us if you wish
  22. VexinLola > MasterCauis: yes. love
  23. MasterCauis whispers: is that ok dear
  24. MasterCauis whispers: as u know our city needs us
  25. MasterCauis whispers: but we can go pc
  26. MasterCauis whispers: and be here to
  27. BellaLolaCauis has joined the chat
  28. VexinLola: Aira clean the scribe hall while Cauis and I step away for a few
  29. MasterCauis: we wont be gone to long
  30. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  31. LadyAiraofVenna: *aira began scrubbing the scribe hall's floors at the Mistress's command.*
  32. BellaLolaCauis: hello
  33. MasterCauis: hello dear
  34. MasterCauis: me and your mother will be back in a bit
  35. VexinLola: Hey baby girl
  36. BellaLolaCauis: aww Ill Miss you
  37. LadyAiraofVenna: *moving carefully aira cleaned the floors as she scrubbed them.*
  38. BellaLolaCauis: sc5
  39. LadyAiraofVenna: *aira carefully finished scrubbing the floors as she started dusting off the scrolls on the tables.*
  40. BellaLolaCauis: thank goodness for seat scalers or id be eatin by furnature
  41. LadyAiraofVenna: may girl approch and clean your desk Mistress?
  42. MasterCauis: afk
  43. VexinLola: yes
  44. VexinLola: brb
  45. LadyAiraofVenna: *slowly aira moved towards the desk being carefull of the Tatrix she moved and cleaned her desk untill it sparkled.*
  46. MasterCauis: and all the books need checked to see if they are in the right places aira
  47. MasterCauis: brb
  48. LadyAiraofVenna: *aira looked and started reorganizing all the books on the shelves so that they were aplhabetical instead of by colour.*
  49. MasterCauis has left the chat
  50. VexinLola: Back
  51. NomNomi has joined the chat
  52. BellaLolaCauis: wb
  53. LadyAiraofVenna: wb Mistress I have reorganized the books to the exact refrences from your calilouge scrolls
  54. BellaLolaCauis: Mother
  55. BellaLolaCauis whispers: did the black caste return last night ?
  56. VexinLola: " Wonderful Aira "
  57. VexinLola: Yes baby girl
  58. VexinLola > BellaLolaCauis: no. he didnt
  59. BellaLolaCauis whispers: oh
  60. NomNomi: Tal Mistress and Lady Bella
  61. NomNomi: Tal sister
  62. VexinLola: come Nomi
  63. BellaLolaCauis: I missed you mother
  64. LadyAiraofVenna: *aira smiled*
  65. BellaLolaCauis: Mother**
  66. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: you like the picture I linked?
  67. MasterCauis has joined the chat
  68. BellaLolaCauis: Aira does a great job :)
  69. BellaLolaCauis: wb Father
  70. VexinLola > LadyAiraofVenna: no. sorry
  71. MasterCauis: (damn crash)
  72. MasterCauis whispers: invite me back love
  73. VexinLola: Nomi have you filled out your registry ?
  74. MasterCauis: tyouhank
  75. MasterCauis: thank
  76. VexinLola: Wb love
  77. NomNomi: Yes Mistress i did it the other night
  78. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: here it is again :)
  79. MasterCauis: thank you love
  80. BellaLolaCauis: glad your back father
  81. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: so hows work today?
  82. MasterCauis: thank you dear
  83. MasterCauis: afk
  84. VexinLola > LadyAiraofVenna: good.
  85. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: always good to have inspiring photos huh?
  86. LadyAiraofVenna: nomi why aren't you greeting the Master?
  87. NomNomi: Appologies but i didn't realise i had permission to greet
  88. VexinLola: Yes he is my love Nomi
  89. NomNomi: -Nods- Appologies , Tal Master Cauis
  90. MasterCauis: Tal girl
  91. MasterCauis: im guessing this is your new girl love?
  92. MasterCauis: -looking her over-
  93. LadyAiraofVenna: (sister you NEVER say the name of the Free)
  94. LadyAiraofVenna: (it's always Master/Mistress
  95. VexinLola: Yes Love she is
  96. NomNomi: ( -Would point out that you address them as such-, have you read the slave girl of Gor?)
  97. MasterCauis: nods
  98. MasterCauis: ( you never use the name of a free
  99. MasterCauis: you can say what color they have on
  100. MasterCauis: or tlike the Maste in red of blue
  101. MasterCauis: or
  102. NomNomi: (Then i must have misread and have been doing wrong for the last 4 years, Appologies)
  103. MasterCauis: (since she is your owner ill let her correct you as have you been mine you wouldnt be greeting that way)
  104. NomNomi: (I am of RL and all of my training has came from the main points in the slave girl of Gor)
  105. MasterCauis: (and have ou read the others as well)
  106. NomNomi: (Ofcourse)
  107. MasterCauis: ( well than show me where in the book it sayd that a slave could call a Master by there name)
  108. VexinLola: ( see i have seen both done but as this is IMVU gor most dont want the names to be present they would want Master/Mistress )
  109. MasterCauis: ( out of all the books i read i never seen it say a slave is to call the Master by there name)
  110. NomNomi: ( I understand , i was just doing as i have been tought)
  111. MasterCauis: ( ok than show me where in the books it says it)
  112. NomNomi: (I cannot recite it of by heart Sir, but like i said i've obviously been tought differently)
  113. MasterCauis: ( nods than you would know the page it would be on if you was taught of it am i right)
  114. MasterCauis: (as you was taught it im sure your Mistress would have went over it time and time again
  115. MasterCauis: (but as isaid that is on her to set as you are hers not mine)
  116. NomNomi: (-Shakes my head- No Sir , i've read them and then was tought she didn't enforce the BOOK, she enforced the LIFESTYLE, the kink comunity in Scotland isn't large but those of Gor in the comunity all of their girls would state "Tal Master ... or Tal Lady/Mistress...)
  117. MasterCauis: ( yes that is how it should be)
  118. MasterCauis: ( not Tal Master Cauis
  119. MasterCauis: (or Mistress Lola)
  120. NomNomi: (The ellipsis was in place of the name_)
  121. MasterCauis: ( nods)
  122. NomNomi: (But as i said i've been tought differently and i appologised)
  123. MasterCauis: ( nods that fine
  124. MasterCauis: (but just know others wouldnt be so forgiving)
  125. NomNomi: (I appreciate that)
  126. MasterCauis: ( ver welcome)
  127. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: casper still spoiled or is he getting used to your routine?
  128. VexinLola > LadyAiraofVenna: spoiled but getting use to it
  129. drakoblackheart has joined the chat
  130. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: well thats good eventually casper will calm down :D
  131. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: did you know that if a kitten is going to have different coloured eyes one of the eyes will be a lighter blue?
  132. VexinLola > NomNomi: Nomi some of the guys on on imvu gor like it plan as Master some times its best to hold the tonuge lol. god knows i do at times
  133. drakoblackheart has left the chat
  134. NomNomi whispers: this is why i left the lifestyle :P, i've too much of an opinion for most
  135. VexinLola > NomNomi: well i enjoy that opinion cause so do i , but with the men here they want to own it as the man but bow in the bed room lol.
  136. BellaLolaCauis has left the chat
  137. NomNomi whispers: ¬_¬ i know , i just can't stand a Dom who throws his weight around , Gahh gets my riled up
  138. VexinLola > NomNomi: lol. yea know it
  139. MasterCauis: so nomi do you know any serves
  140. NomNomi: Yes Sir
  141. MasterCauis: its Master
  142. MasterCauis: not sIr
  143. MasterCauis: Sir
  144. NomNomi whispers: I was trepidatious with coming back into the lifestyle , because of well ... That ^^
  145. NomNomi: Sorry , Master
  146. MasterCauis: its never Sir
  147. MasterCauis: its always Master
  148. MasterCauis: or Mistress
  149. NomNomi: -nods- Ofcourse
  150. MasterCauis: nods
  151. MasterCauis: what serves do you know
  152. VexinLola > NomNomi: lol. well you are mine even if he is my love you are still mine
  153. LadyAiraofVenna: Mistress?
  154. NomNomi: The main type of serves such as chilled beverages and food , also weapon serves . Master
  155. NomNomi whispers: Thank you
  156. MasterCauis: hmm
  157. MasterCauis: ok
  158. MasterCauis: ill take 2 bosk steaks sliced thin with bread and butter and some ka-la-na to drink it down girl
  159. VexinLola: Yes Aira
  160. LadyAiraofVenna: where is the kitchen?
  161. LadyAiraofVenna: \(refering to the fact that this is a scribe hall.)
  162. VexinLola: ( dont have one in here ))
  163. NomNomi: Yes Master -She would rise to her feet and bow her head slightly before turning to her Mistress and asking silently the same question as Aria did-
  164. MasterCauis: ( ull have to just rp it out)
  165. MasterCauis: ( like there was one
  166. VexinLola: (( i will fix it up later ))
  167. VexinLola: (( dont want to lag everyone ))
  168. NomNomi: (Alright)
  169. LadyAiraofVenna: *aira smiled gently reading the Mistress's book*
  170. VexinLola: back
  171. MasterCauis: -smirked to his love
  172. MasterCauis: wb
  173. VexinLola: - smiles - Well thank you love
  174. MasterCauis: -glad to see her smileing
  175. MasterCauis: well love i nee to go for a bit
  176. MasterCauis: elia and i did talk
  177. MasterCauis: she is still in my colalr
  178. MasterCauis: but i need to tlak to her when i get back
  179. MasterCauis: so you know
  180. VexinLola: Yes love i talked to her last night
  181. MasterCauis: nm
  182. MasterCauis: i can stay
  183. MasterCauis: lol
  184. MasterCauis: brb
  185. VexinLola: ok love
  186. VexinLola: tyt
  187. MasterCauis has left the chat
  188. VexinLola: -takes her feather as she would dip some ink on the end as she would right back in her book over the past events that have happend -
  189. LadyAiraofVenna: *aira looked and didn't regret when she saw herself listed in the events.*
  190. NomNomi: -She would silently walk to the Kitchen and pick up the matches before lighting the abnormaly large oven she would then turn and walk to the basin that had soapy water in it and wash her hands thoroughly before drying them with a nearby towel , she would then head through a door into the galley to where she would retrieve a large hunk of meat from a meat hook and return back to the space beside the oven , leaning down to make sure it was heating up , once she was satisfied she would cut the meat into two reasonably sized cuts knowing they would shrink the heat , she would place them both on a ceramic flat plat and place them in the oven on the top of the shelf , she would then lift the remaining meat and return it back upon the hook in the galley , she would then walk back into the kitchen and proceed in rewashing and re drying her hands she would then turn and reach into the nearest shelf taking a plate and a tray and proceed to wash them in a seperate basin she would then dry them and place both items on a nearby counter, she would then walk back into the gally and retreive a loaf of bread which she would tear in half then she would cross the galley to retrieve a stick of butter that was rested upon a small dish she would then walk back into the kitchen and place both items on a tray that sat out on a nearby countertop, she would the walk to the nearest shelf and retrieve a tankard and walk back to the counter with they tray and plate upon it , she would the pick up a nearby rep cloth and wipe down the plate and challish with the rep cloth looking for any cracks or chips before placing the plate back down she would then take the challish into the chilled room and kneel before a barrell filled with ka-la-na , she would turn the tap placing the challish underneath tilting it slightly before waiting for the challish to become three quarters full , she would then cut the tap off and return to the kitchen and place the challish upon the tray , she would then walk over to the oven with a towel in hand and the plate and would retrieve the now cooked steak from the oven placing them upon the plate , she would put the oven out and then turn back to the tray and place the plate atop of it she would then retrieve a small cutlis and a fork and place them atop of the tray along with a rag, before lifting it and walking back into the room to where the Master dwell's she would kneel infront of him with the tray- Your Steak , bread , butter and Ka-la-Na Master
  191. VexinLola: and pow
  192. VexinLola: lol.
  193. LadyAiraofVenna: (break it down a little sis :P he left
  194. NomNomi: ..... I couldn't not post it i was almost done
  195. LadyAiraofVenna: (more paragraphs? not saying anything is wrong)
  196. VexinLola: its fine we will keep it for him when he comes back
  197. VexinLola: no its prefect
  198. LadyAiraofVenna: okay I was wrong
  199. VexinLolaVexinLola : it is fine the way it is
  200. NomNomi: (Can i ask Aira , if you may please stop correcting me, i know you may be trying to help but it is as if you are correcting everything i do, it is rather irritable)
  201. LadyAiraofVenna: (I realised that after I made my comment >.<)
  202. LadyAiraofVenna: (I was trying to over correct ...)
  203. NomNomi: (It's ok :P , i understand but to me it looks like you are correcting everything , i was getting a bit irritated )
  204. VexinLolaVexinLola : ( fixing the room as i forgot how many visitors i get
  205. VexinLola: lol
  206. Oenomaus has joined the chat
  207. VexinLola: -she continues to write in her logs making sure all the the registy of the citizens is correct -
  208. Oenomaus: (is this the north?)
  209. VexinLola: (( No we are the south )
  210. Oenomaus: (nods- posting)
  211. VexinLola: (( OK ))
  212. VexinLola: - keeping her eyes as she would continue to write she would dip her feather into her ink when looking up seeing a man in the distance no sure who the man is she would wait for her guards to repone to the new guess arriving , truning back to her books she would keep busy -
  213. Oenomaus: The Karians lycan colored hues scanned the room as he walked through the guards and into the scribes hall of Venna. He stopped within the halls greet doors as he let his eyes adjust, and taking everything in around him, he took in the Motions of the guards, thier temperments thier weapons, and how they stood at the ready. he took in routes of escape if any need be, windows, or even the possiblity of a back exit. His eyes missed little as he had trained himself with such things, knowing one surrounding far more important then mosr other dangers that came with his work. Besides the guards e counted three women, and none of the one he was looking for. He stepped into the hall and made his way into plain sight. There was at this time no make upon his head but his demenor sugguested he was there on buisness. The scribe as busy scribbiling her meaningless words on a scroll as he approached and stood before her getting straight to the point as his lange hand slammed onto the desk she was leaning on and leaned forward to regard her. "Where is the one known as Shadefox?" He said firmly
  214. LadyAiraofVenna: (banished)
  215. Oenomaus: (heheh)
  216. Oenomaus: (from what I hear I am not surprised)
  217. VexinLola: Aye he is no longer here in Venna sir as i am Lola
  218. VexinLola: Yes i sent him on his way
  219. VexinLola: -she would trun to her scroll as she would think - " I believe i have where he is at now let me loo"
  220. Oenomaus: "To be sure woman," He spoke plainly as he narrowed his eyes looking into hers, "This is not what I asked. My question to you is his wereabouts, or in general the direction he travels."
  221. VexinLola: look*
  222. Oenomaus: (opps to slow lol)
  223. Oenomaus: (just switch posts :P_
  224. VexinLola: - she would keep her soft tone as always but knowing that he knows what he comes for she would keep her focus on finding the scroll where it has stated he is now - " I will do my best to find this for you a fast as i can "
  225. OenomausOenomaus : He nodded and took a seat in front of her.
  226. VexinLola: " aye " - she would pin point the scroll where she finds where it is said as she would keep her soft tone - " here it is shade is in Ar's Station (Josiah on the Island of Anaid is other account as Shad is mulitcharacter ) "
  227. NomNomi whispers: Should i offer him something or just let him leave?
  228. Oenomaus: As he sat in wait he pulled a copper coin from the pouch on his belt and rolled it on the tops of his fingers in thought for a moment and then the coint seemed to simply dissapear into thin air as it flipped from his finger. "This comes a little suprise." He smirked. as he rose to his feet. "Your corpoeration, though requred, is much appriciated"
  229. Oenomaus: (sorry invites freezing me)
  230. NomNomi: -She would silently watch in wonderment as the coin dissapears-
  231. VexinLolaVexinLola : - looks to her girl Nomi as she would keep a soft tone - " greet our guest " - she would write the infromation down on a small scroll for him on his travles handing then to her - " give this to him as well Nomi"
  232. NomNomiNomNomi Whisper: Tal Master -She would take the scroll and rise to her feet and walk the short pace to the Master and kneel by his right hand holding the scroll out- The Scroll with the information Master
  233. Oenomaus: He took the scroll from her hand and nodded looking to her for a moment. "Interesting peice of collar meat." He compimented with a sly smirk. The information needed now found he turned on a heel and left the place standing as he found it. Thier reward for him only having to ask once.
  234. NomNomi: Thank you Master - She would then stand and return to her Mistress's side
  235. VexinLola: - she would see he move swiftly out the Hall as he would move our of her sight, truning her focus back to her books -
  236. Oenomaus: (sorry for such short rp but going to handle this now if i can)
  237. VexinLola: (( oh he is on as well and dont worry )
  238. Oenomaus has left the chat
  239. VexinLola: (( girls i need to poof for a bite taken my son out to eat as its his last day of school )
  240. LadyAiraofVenna: (( congradulations now don't break you leg :P)
  241. NomNomi: ((Ohhh XD have fun XD)
  242. VexinLola: I will be back girls
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