
The Queen of Ice: Tooltime

Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. Tooltime:
  2. 4:05 PM <Daedalus> You make your way to the coffin! It appears to be made of some kind of white wood. The man currently occupying it looks peaceful... almost as if he was sleeping. Only the fact that he's not breathing gives away his lack of a heartbeat.
  3. 4:05 PM <Daedalus> There's another person here as well, simply standing over and staring into the coffin.
  4. 4:07 PM <Lily> Alfons looks down at the body, feigning slight sorry, but mainly indifference. He takes a glance at the other person.
  5. 4:10 PM <Daedalus> It's a middle-aged woman wearing a veil and a black dress. She seems to be regarding the body with the same look that Alfons is attempting to feign.
  6. 4:12 PM <Lily> "Ah, I... do not mean to intrude, but are you perhaps Monseuir Colombo's widow?" He turns, asking with a gentle tone.
  7. 4:15 PM <Daedalus> She turns to look at you, "Wha? Oh, no no no." She gives you a small smile, "I'm his oldest daughter. Serena. Our mom died a long time ago."
  8. 4:16 PM <Lily> "Ah, my apologies." Alfons gives a comforting smile in return. "I am most sorry for your loss... I regret not knowing your Father better, in his life. He was a fine man."
  9. 4:17 PM <Daedalus> "How did you know him?"
  10. 4:18 PM <Lily> "Ah, buisness contacts. I do buisness with a great many people... your father was certainly one of the best I have met."
  11. 4:22 PM <Daedalus> "Hmm." She nods, looking down at Marcus once again, "It's a shame what happened to him. Someone should have been there. Can't imagine what it was like being in this house all alone."
  12. 4:25 PM <Lily> "Indeed, indeed. Very sad." Alfons sighs, looking towards Marcus, distantly. "I apologise, I have not even introduced myself. Emil Renault." He extends a hand, when the time is right.
  13. 4:26 PM <Daedalus> She takes your hand gingerly, her handshake a bit weak, "It's nice to meet you Mr. Renault."
  14. 4:27 PM <Lily> He gives her hand a slight squeeze and smiles sadly. "I apologise there is not more I can do for you at this trying time."
  15. 4:33 PM <Daedalus> "It's fine. I just..." She peers over your shoulder at something behind you, "I'm sorry, I have to go."
  16. 4:34 PM <Lily> Alfons looks round.
  17. 4:35 PM <Daedalus> There's an official-looking gentleman wearing glasses and holding a door open. It appears he's gathering a few people into an office.
  18. 4:36 PM <Lily> ~Will reading?~ Alfons follows along.
  19. 4:40 PM <Daedalus> You follow her into the spacious office. A few chairs are set up for who you presume are family members and select close friends. There's no seat for you, but no one stops you from simply standing in the back.
  20. 4:41 PM <Lily> And that is what he does. He ensures he looks both serious and casual enough to suggest he belongs there.
  21. 4:43 PM <Daedalus> The office is a grand affair, with an oak desk sitting in front of a portrait of an beautiful, in unhappy, woman in a blue dress, fur coat, and white skates skating on a lake. The lawyer sits at the desk with a suitcase, waiting for everyone to find their seats.
  22. 4:43 PM <Lily> ~There we go.~
  23. 4:43 PM → dragonwielder joined (
  24. 4:48 PM <Daedalus> Eventually, everyone finds their seats. "Everyone here? Good. Now, we'll read the Last Will and Testament of Marcus De Lucia Colombo."
  25. 4:49 PM <Lily> Alfons remains respectfully quiet.
  26. 4:52 PM <Daedalus> "To my daughter Serena I leave my house, to keep or to sell as she sees fit. To my son Charles, I leave my business and all properties related."
  27. 4:52 PM <Daedalus> One of the people sitting in the chairs looks to be getting particularly agitated, as if waiting for his turn.
  28. 4:55 PM <Lily> Alfons glances towards him, but remains still and unobtrusive at the back.
  29. 4:55 PM <Daedalus> "And finally, the rest of my estate, bank accounts and all properties included, I leave to Elizabeth Colombo, to continue our search and to ensure she is found safely."
  30. 4:55 PM <Daedalus> The man suddenly stands up, "Fucking bullshit!"
  31. 4:56 PM <Lily> Alfons steps forward, suddenly. He clears his throat.
  32. 4:57 PM ⇐ Kade quit (~Kade@6F6649A0:7DF1812E:F2E973D9:IP) Ping timeout: 180 seconds
  33. 4:57 PM <Daedalus> Everyone looks at you.
  34. 4:58 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor steps in with Kincaid
  35. 4:59 PM <Lily> "If I may introduce myself, I am Emil Renault. I am here on behalf of Miss. Elizabeth Colombo, reprisenting her buisness interests." He pauses, remaining professional and calm.
  36. 4:59 PM <Daedalus> Victor, you see an angry Junior standing up in the middle of a will reading. Across from you is the painting you're looking for; the portrait of a beautiful yet unhappy woman wearing a blue dress, black fur coat, and white ice skates.
  37. 4:59 PM <Daedalus> Everyone gasps!
  38. 4:59 PM <Lily> "I realise this will come of some shock to you all. Rest assured, my client has her reasons. Needless, I apologise for not being able to inform you of such sooner."
  39. 4:59 PM <Daedalus> A few people even stand up
  40. 5:00 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose.
  41. 5:00 PM <Lily> "My client wishes to inform you that she will be in contact as soon as she is able- but due to certain concerns she is unable to appear in person."
  42. 5:00 PM → Roosevelt joined • Warhammer40kBee → SpookyBee
  43. 5:01 PM <Roosevelt> "Where is she?" Serena asks. Another man pipes up, whom you might assume to be the oldest brother. "Where is our sister?!"
  44. 5:01 PM <Lily> "She is safe, and confortable. I sincerely apologise for not being able to convulge her current location."
  45. 5:02 PM <Roosevelt> Roll bluff Alfons
  46. 5:02 PM <Lily> 4df+4 +4 if spec applies
  47. 5:02 PM <Glacon> Lily: +4 if spec applies: 4 (4df+4=0, -, 0, +)
  48. 5:02 PM ⇐ Daedalus quit ( Ping timeout: 182 seconds
  49. 5:03 PM <Lily> (Which it should)
  50. 5:04 PM <Roosevelt> They're all enraptured by your story, Alfons! Their attention is on you now. The only person who doesn't seem convinced is the lawyer, who is frowning deeply, "If you are truly her representation, do you have any proof?"
  51. 5:05 PM <Lily> "Once again, for the very same concerns, I do not have such on my person. I would certainly be able to procure such within little time at all."
  52. 5:06 PM <Roosevelt> "Hmm..." The lawyer keeps frowning. The angry man, who Victor knows as Junior, shakes his head, "Why now? Why not when Dad- er, Marcus was looking for her?"
  53. 5:08 PM <Lily> Alfons sighs. "It is her greatest regret, that she could not reach out. I cannot convey her sorrow. She..."- he rubs his foreheas with a handkerchief- "she fears for her life."
  54. 5:08 PM <ArseneLupin> ~He's pulling it off. He's actually pulling this off~
  55. 5:09 PM <Roosevelt> "We'll protect her. You tell her that we're here for her now." Serena interjects. Charles nods in agreement, "We have resources. Whoever's after her, we can help."
  56. 5:10 PM <Lily> "I will tell her as such. She will be glad to hear. She... was worried you would be dissapointed, upset."
  57. 5:11 PM <Roosevelt> "Can we see her?" Junior asks quietly.
  58. 5:11 PM → Salem joined (Singing@My.Sweetest.Sins)
  59. 5:12 PM <Lily> "In time." He sighs. "I have been putting preparations in place for such for some time."
  60. 5:12 PM <Roosevelt> "I can't believe it." Junior shakes his head, "The crazy old man was right..."
  61. 5:13 PM <Roosevelt> Serena simply sits down in shock, and Charles sits down to comfort her.
  62. 5:14 PM <Lily> "I understand your shock, and again, can only apologise."
  63. 5:14 PM <Roosevelt> The rest of the people seem to be at a loss for words at this point, looking between the next of kin and Alfons.
  64. 5:14 PM <Roosevelt> "What happens now?" Charles asks.
  65. 5:15 PM <Lily> "For the... legal side of the arrangements... she has requested her siblings look after her share of the will until such a time as she is able to return to be with you- with one exception."
  66. 5:15 PM <Roosevelt> "Yes, anything."
  67. 5:16 PM <Lily> "She requests her portrait." Alfons indicates the painting. "It reminds her of your father. Of his love for her."
  68. 5:19 PM <Roosevelt> The three children look at the painting, then to the lawyer. He's still frowning, "This is highly unorthodox and strains credulity. However, since the estate has been inherited by someone who, currently, has no legal standing I will take it upon myself to grant the portrait may be taken with a condition of my own."
  69. 5:21 PM <Lily> "Of course. We do not wish for this to be a burden."
  70. 5:22 PM → Kade joined (~Kade@F9E29D71:EADC8118:B5E3E2C2:IP)
  71. 5:23 PM <Roosevelt> "I require two forms of identification. That way, I can track you down if need be."
  72. 5:24 PM <Roosevelt> "Do you agree to these terms?"
  73. 5:24 PM ⇐ BobaFettuccine quit • TAFKeta → %Taffeta
  74. 5:25 PM <Lily> "Of course. Why, I have such on my person at this moment." And he does. Alfonds hands over the French passport and driving licence of a certain Emil Renault.
  75. 5:27 PM <Roosevelt> The man looks them over and writes down all the details of such. "I will check with the french government that these documents are valid."
  76. 5:28 PM <Lily> "Of course. That is only sensible." Alfons takes them back when handed them.
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