

Dec 26th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. Version: V 0.5-A
  3. nopermission: &7You do not have the required permissions to execute this command, please contact a server administrator if you think this is wrong!
  4. elevatornopermission: &cYou do not have the correct permissions to create Elevator Signs!
  5. serverip: # <- Put your server IP in here #
  6. discord: # <- Put your discord link in here #
  7. buycraft: # <- Put your buycraft link in here #
  8. website: # <- Put your website link in here #
  10. # You may edit the following piece of code if you understand how to use Skript
  11. command /console [<string>]:
  12. description: Lets the player execute console commands ingame!
  13. permission: simpleessentials.console.command
  14. permission message: {@nopermission}
  15. trigger:
  16. if argument 1 is set:
  17. execute console command "%argument 1%"
  18. send "&9Executed command&7!"
  19. else:
  20. send "&7Invalid Usage! Try &9/console {command}&7!"
  22. # Information Commands ( Check Options for more info ) #
  24. command /serverip:
  25. description: Lets you see the IP for the server!
  26. aliases: /ip, /server, /simpleessentials:serverip
  27. permission: simpleessentials.command.serverip
  28. permission message: {@nopermission}
  29. trigger:
  30. message "%newline%&7The current servers ip address is &9{@serverip}%newline%"
  31. stop
  32. command /discord:
  33. description: Lets you see the discord link for the server!
  34. aliases: /disc, /simpleessentials:discord
  35. permission: simpleessentials.command.discord
  36. permission message: {@nopermission}
  37. trigger:
  38. message "%newline%&7The current discord link is &9{@discord}%newline%"
  39. stop
  40. command /store:
  41. description: Lets you see the discord link for the server!
  42. aliases: /shop, buycraft, /simpleessentials:buycraft, simpleessentials:store, simpleessentials:shop
  43. permission:
  44. permission message: {@nopermission}
  45. trigger:
  46. message "%newline%&7The current store link is &9&o{@buycraft}&r%newline%"
  47. stop
  48. command /website:
  49. description: Lets you see the website link for the server!
  50. aliases: /site, /serverwebsite, /simpleessentials:website, /simpleessentials:site
  51. permission:
  52. permission message: {@nopermission}
  53. trigger:
  54. message "%newline%&7The current website link is &9&o{@website}&r%newline%"
  55. stop
  57. # Developer Information Commands #
  59. command /simpleessentials:
  60. trigger:
  61. send "&7A complex alternative to other Essentials Skripts!"
  62. send "&7Developer / Creator: &9FrostedWeFall"
  63. send "&7Build: &9{@Version}"
  64. command /sereload:
  65. description: Lets you reload the plugin / skript!
  66. aliases: /sreload, /simpleessentialsreload, /simpleessentials:sreload
  67. permission: simpleessentials.admin.reload
  68. permission message: {@nopermission}
  69. trigger:
  70. broadcast "&9Simple Essentials &7{@Version} is reloading.."
  71. make player execute command "/sk reload SimpleEssentialsV0.4"
  72. wait 5 seconds
  73. broadcast "&aSimple Essentials {@Version} has succesfully reloaded!"
  74. broadcast "&7Please report any issues on the &9Github &7page!"
  76. # Gamemode Commands #
  78. command /gmc [<player>]:
  79. description: Lets you change you or another players gamemode to creative!
  80. aliases: /gamemodecreative, /gm1, /gamemodec, /simpleessentials:gmc
  81. permission: simpleessentials.gamemode.creative
  82. permission message: {@nopermission}
  83. trigger:
  84. set arg 1's gamemode to creative
  85. message "&7You have successfully set &9%arg 1%'s&7 gamemode to &9creative&7!"
  87. command /gms [<player>]:
  88. description: Lets you change you or another players gamemode to survival!
  89. aliases: /gamemodesurvival, /gm0, /gamemodes, /simpleessentials:gms
  90. permission: simpleessentials.gamemode.survival
  91. permission message: {@nopermission}
  92. trigger:
  93. set arg 1's gamemode to survival
  94. message "&7You have successfully set &9%arg 1%'s&7 gamemode to &9survival&7!"
  96. command /gma [<player>]:
  97. description: Lets you change you or another players gamemode to adventure!
  98. aliases: /gamemodeadventure, /gm2, /gamemodea, /simpleessentials:gma
  99. permission: simpleessentials.gamemode.adventure
  100. permission message: {@nopermission}
  101. trigger:
  102. set arg 1's gamemode to adventure
  103. message "&7You have successfully set &9%arg 1%'s&7 gamemode to &9adventure&7!"
  105. command /cmdblock:
  106. description: Gives you a command block!
  107. aliases: /simpleessentials:cmdblock, /commandblock, simpleessentials:commandblock
  108. permission: simpleessentials.admin.commandblock
  109. permission message: {@nopermission}
  110. trigger:
  111. make console execute command "give %player% commandblock 1"
  112. message "&7%player% has successfully been given a &9Command Block&7!"
  117. # Other Skripts + Plugin Hooks #
  119. every 15 minutes:
  120. make console execute command "Lagg clear" # <- Skript ChatCore or FrostClearLag hook #
  123. # More hooks coming soon #
  125. # Elevator Sign Functions | Added 0.3 Update #
  127. on sign change:
  128. line 1 is "[Elevator]":
  129. line 2 is "Up":
  130. player has permission "simpleessentials.elevator.create":
  131. set line 1 to "&7[&cElevator&7]"
  132. set line 2 to "Up"
  133. else:
  134. send "{@elevatornopermission}"
  135. line 2 is "up":
  136. player has permission "simpleessentials.elevator.create":
  137. set line 1 to "&7[&cElevator&7]"
  138. set line 2 to "Up"
  139. else:
  140. send "{@elevatornopermission}"
  141. line 2 is "uP":
  142. player has permission "simpleessentials.elevator.create":
  143. set line 1 to "&7[&cElevator&7]"
  144. set line 2 to "Up"
  145. else:
  146. send "{@elevatornopermission}"
  147. line 2 is "UP":
  148. player has permission "simpleessentials.elevator.create":
  149. set line 1 to "&7[&cElevator&7]"
  150. set line 2 to "Up"
  151. else:
  152. send "{@elevatornopermission}"
  153. on rightclick on sign:
  154. line 1 is "&7[&cElevator&7]":
  155. line 2 is "Up":
  156. player has permission "simpleessentials.elevator.create":
  157. set {_loc} to location of player
  158. set y-coordinate of {_loc} to 257
  159. loop 256 times:
  160. remove 1 from the y-coordinate of {_loc}
  161. if block at {_loc} is not air or torch or sign or water or lava:
  162. teleport player to block above {_loc}
  163. stop loop
  164. send "&7You have been elevated up!"
  165. stop
  166. else:
  167. send "{@elevatornopermission}"
  169. # Old elevator signs will still work with the following piece of code #
  171. on rightclick on sign:
  172. line 1 is "&1[Elevator]":
  173. line 2 is "Up":
  174. player has permission "simpleessentials.elevator.create":
  175. set {_loc} to location of player
  176. set y-coordinate of {_loc} to 257
  177. loop 256 times:
  178. remove 1 from the y-coordinate of {_loc}
  179. if block at {_loc} is not air or torch or sign or water or lava:
  180. teleport player to block above {_loc}
  181. stop loop
  182. message "&7You have been elevated up!"
  183. stop
  184. else:
  185. send "{@elevatornopermission}"
  188. # On first join functions #
  189. on first join:
  190. teleport player to {spawn}
  199. # Time of day commands #
  201. command /night:
  202. description: Sets the ingame server time to night!
  203. aliases: /n, /simpleessentials:night, /simpleessentials:n
  204. permission: simpleessentials.admin.time
  205. permission message: {@nopermission}
  206. trigger:
  207. set time to 23:59
  208. message "&7Ingame server time ( IST ) has successfully been set to &923:59&7!"
  210. command /day:
  211. description: Sets the ingame server time to night!
  212. aliases: /d, /simpleessentials:day, /simpleessentials:d
  213. permission: simpleessentials.admin.time
  214. permission message: {@nopermission}
  215. trigger:
  216. set time to 05:59
  217. message "&7Ingame server time ( IST ) has successfully been set to &905:59&7!"
  219. # Chat Commands #
  222. command /clearmychat:
  223. permission: simpleessentials.command.clearmychat
  224. trigger:
  225. message "&7"
  226. loop 150 times:
  227. message ""
  228. message ""
  229. message "&7Your chat has been &9cleared!"
  230. stop
  233. command /spawn [<player>]:
  234. aliases: /sp, /simpleessentials:spawn, /simpleessentials:sp
  235. description: Teleports you or another player to spawn.
  236. permission: simpleessentials.spawn
  237. permission message: {@nopermission}
  238. trigger:
  239. if {spawn} isn't set:
  240. message "&7You cannot &9teleport &7to spawn as a spawn has not been set&7!"
  241. stop
  242. else:
  243. argument 1 is not set:
  244. teleport player to {spawn}
  245. message "&7Teleporting..."
  246. else:
  247. if sender has permission "simpleessentials.spawn.others":
  248. if argument is online:
  249. teleport argument to {spawn}
  250. if sender is a player:
  251. message "&7You have been teleported to spawn by &9%player%&7." to argument 1
  252. if sender is not a player:
  253. message "&7You have been teleported to spawn by &9Console&7." to argument 1
  254. teleport player to {spawn}
  256. command /setspawn:
  257. aliases: spawnset, sethub, hubset, setlobby, lobbyset
  258. description: Set a spawn at your current location!
  259. permission: simpleessentials.admin.setspawn
  260. permission message: {@nopermission}
  261. trigger:
  262. #message "&7You have &9set spawn&7 at your location!"
  263. #set {spawn} to location of player
  264. message "&cThis has been disabled from the config file! You may enable it!"
  265. command /heal:
  266. description: Heals you!
  267. aliases: /h, /simpleessentials:heal, /simpleessentials:h
  268. permission: simpleessentials.command.heal
  269. permission message: {@nopermission}
  270. trigger:
  271. apply Instant Health to the player for 5 seconds
  272. apply Saturation to the player for 5 seconds
  273. command /plugins:
  274. description: A better version of the Minecraft implemented plugin command!
  275. aliases: /pl, /plug, /simpleessentials:plugins, /simpleessentials:pl
  276. permission: simpleessentials.admin.plugins
  277. permission message: {@nopermission}
  278. trigger:
  279. send "&7This command is currently under development and therefore has been disabled"
  281. command /sedisable:
  282. description: Shuts down the Simple Essentials Skript!
  283. aliases: /disable, /simpleessentialsdisable, /simpleessentials:sedisable
  284. permission: simpleessentials.admin.sedisable
  285. permission message: {@nopermission}
  286. trigger:
  287. broadcast "&7Unloading functions and files..."
  288. wait 2 seconds
  289. broadcast "&7Checking for new version..."
  290. wait 2 seconds
  291. broadcast "&7Disabling all 24 commands and 75+ aliases..."
  292. wait 1 second
  293. broadcast "&7Disabling Skript SimpleEssentials {@Version}..."
  294. wait 30 tick
  295. broadcast "&7Success!"
  296. broadcast "&7To re-enable Simple Essentials &9{@Version}&7 type /sk enable SimpleEssentialsV0.4 "
  297. make player execute command "sk disable SimpleEssentialsV0.4"
  299. # Here is the "Help" command, you can edit the way this looks by using Minecraft Color Codes. Check out the Minecraft Color Codes at #
  301. command /se [<Text>] [<Integer>]:
  302. description: Shows help for SimpleEssentials and all the commands!
  303. aliases: /sessential, /simpleessentials:help
  304. permission:
  305. permission message: {@nopermission}
  306. trigger:
  307. if arg 1 is not set:
  308. message "&7 -> &9Invalid command, type &7/se help [<integer>]"
  309. if arg 1 is "help":
  310. if arg 2 is 1:
  311. message "&7&m----------&7[ &9SimpleEssentials Help &7&k|&e Page 1 &7]&m----------"
  312. message "&7 -> &9/se help &7- To See Info About The Plugin"
  313. message "&7 -> &9/console [<command>] &7- Execute commands through the console ingame."
  314. message "&7 -> &9/discord &7- To see the servers Discord link"
  315. message "&7 -> &9/serverip &7- To see the servers Ip adress"
  316. message "&7 -> &9/store &7- To see the servers donation / shop link"
  317. if arg 2 is 2:
  318. message "&7&m----------&7[ &9SimpleEssentials Help &7&k|&e Page 2 &7]&m----------"
  319. message "&7 -> &9/cmdblock &7- To give you or another player a command block"
  320. message "&7 -> &9/gmc [<player>]&7- To give you or another player the creative gamemode"
  321. message "&7 -> &9/gms [<player>]&7- To give you or another player the survival gamemode"
  322. message "&7 -> &9/gma [<player>]&7- To give you or another player the adventure gamemode"
  323. message "&7 -> &9/night &7- To set the ingame server time to night"
  324. if arg 2 is 3:
  325. message "&7&m----------&7[ &9SimpleEssentials Help &7&k|&e Page 3 &7]&m----------"
  326. message "&7 -> &9/day &7- To set the ingame server time to day"
  327. message "&7 -> &9/clearmychat &7- Clears your chat"
  328. message "&7 -> &9/setspawn &7- Lets the player set a server spawnpoint"
  329. message "&7 -> &9/spawn &7- Lets a player teleport to the server spawnpoint"
  330. message "&7 -> &9/plugins &7- Shows you a better / more clear version of /pl"
  331. message "&7 -> &9/heal &7- Heals the player, simple as that"
  332. if arg 2 is 4:
  333. message "&7&m----------&7[ &9SimpleEssentials Help &7&k|&e Page 4 &7]&m----------"
  334. message "&7 -> &9/sreload &7- Reloads the skript, use with caution"
  335. message "&7 -> &9/sedisable &7- Disables the skript, use with caution"
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