
FGL-RP Administrative Policies

May 22nd, 2017
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FGL-RP Administrative Policies

This is required reading for all staff members

Obligations of Staff Members

in order of importance:

  • To protect the members of the FGL-RP discord
  • To enforce the rules of the discord
  • To protect the discord server itself

All staff must acknowledge and be aware of which capacity they are acting in. Staff are just members until a situation that requires moderation arises. Administrative powers must be reserved for when the moderator acts in full capacity of their role. Under no circumstances should a moderator use their given power when not acting in a official manor.

All staff must also acknowledge the potential differences between the letter and the spirit of the law. No action should be taken on the sole reason that someone has broken the rules. The moderator must feel the administrative action is warranted and is both morally and ethically correct. It's also expected that those ethics and moral views will be questioned. These debates should be welcomed, and not discouraged. Moderator discretion is highly valued. I've made the rules minimal and vague. I leave it to the moderators to use their discretion in enforcing these matters. Moderators take responsibility for their actions. It should also be noted that moderators should have no expectation of privacy when acting in an official manor.

All actions, comments, and notes taken in the course of official action are subject to public record unless they would violate the privacy of another individual, which is specified in our "Public Information" Policy.

Administrative Action

What steps to take as a staff member when you must take action in an official capacity.
CASE GUIDELINES - a "step-by-step" guide.


Right of Defense

A charged individual must be given a platform from which they may defend themselves. The defense will also be included in public record as part of the case. Before action is taken against a member (such as a mute, ban, or kick) they must be given the contact information of the administration so they may file a repeal or complaint. Case-relevant contact with the administration will be added to the case.

Public Information

All case details are public information and must be provided upon request, with exceptions.

If providing details or information would violate the privacy of another individual without their consent, the staff may refer to them as "Anonymous"/"Anon" and redact sensitive information. If the case is high-profile and the anonymous party could be identified with ease, then staff may decide to not release requested information, citing this policy.

Reports Against Staff

Reports regarding staff members must be handled by upper management (Administrators) as they are the only ones who can take action against other staff members (Moderators). With that said, the other moderators are encouraged to comment and investigate the claims being made, and report their findings.

Noblesse Oblige

Thank you for your continued service.

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