
creepy shark things

Jun 4th, 2021
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  1. Stygian Rimefin
  2. Huge Outsider (Aquatic, Cold, Evil, Lawful)
  3. Hit Dice: 18d8+180 (261hp)
  4. Initiative: +8
  5. Speed: Swim 60ft
  6. AC: 27(-2 Size, +4 Dex, +15 natural), Flatfooted 23, Touch 12
  7. Base Attack/Grapple: +18 / +40
  8. Attack: Bite +30 Melee (2d6+14; 18-20, x2)
  9. Full Attack: 3 Bite +30 Melee (2d6+14; 18-20, x2)
  10. Face/Reach: 15ft / 10ft
  11. Special Attacks: Breath Weapons, Fear Aura, Rend (2d6+14)
  12. Special Qualities: Blindsense, Keen Scent, Damage Reduction 10/Good and Silver, Cold Immunity, Fire Vulnerability, Gnashing Bite, Rime-wake
  13. Saves: Fort +21, Ref +15, Wil +14
  14. Abilities: Str 38, Dex 19, Con 30, Int 5, Wis 17, Cha 27
  15. Skills: Listen +25, Spot +15, Survival +25(+35 when tracking by scent), Swim +36
  16. Feats: Improved Iniative, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bullrush, Snatch, Track
  17. Environment: Any Lawful, evil-aligned plane with water
  18. Organization: Solitary, Pair, Pack (3-5 plus 1 advanced 25HD Alpha Male), Entourage (2-4 plus 5 10th level sahuagin Fighters, and 1-2 15th level half-fiend sahuagin priests of Sekolah)
  19. Challenge Rating: ??
  20. Treasure: Standard
  21. Alignment: Lawful Evil
  22. Advancement: 19-36HD Gargantuan, 37-54HD Gargantuan
  24. You can see what looks to be a blood-red shadow looming under the ice as you traverse the frozen hoarfrost of Tantlin's harbor. Without warning a massive sharklike beast with three heads rises from the rime ahead of you, it's massive jaws tearing your guide assunder as it drags its meal below the ice.
  26. Stygian Rimefins are vicious and bloodthirsty aquatic devils native to the semi-frozen seas of Stygia, the 5th level of the 9 Hells of Baator.
  28. Rimefins look like spinned and vicious sharks with a vivid red skin, and three large heads, each with a toothy maw. This crimson colour is said to be related to thier creation, as the first Rimefins are alledged to have been born from drops of the blood of Sekolah, the sahuagin Shark-diety. Thier keen tracking abilities, vicious demeanor, and savage strength make them amoung the most dangerous creatures encountered in Stygia.
  30. Stygian Rimefins understand Infernal and Celestial, but cannot speak.
  32. Combat
  33. Rimefins like to use thier Rimewake ability to sneak up on unsuspecting opponents on the icy floes of Stygia, attacking them from below the frozen line. If encountered in the water alone, they will snatch any small or smaller creature they encounter first and drag it off to feed, weaking thier enemies numbers and will to fight before comeing back. When hunting in packs, they work in waves, the outer Rimefins weaking and confusing thier opponents with spell-like abilities and breath weapons while one or two dart in and savagely attack the most likely target.
  35. Rimefins are favoured emessaries of Sekolah, who may dole them out to clerics who show a particularly fervent devotion.
  37. Breath Weapons(Su): Rimefins have three different breath weapons they can call on at any given time: A 120ft Line of Lightning, 60ft cone of Cold, or a 60ft Cone of Acid, each of which deals 10d8 points of damage. As a standard action they breath any one of these abilities with one or more of thier three heads creating multiple areas of effect. Creatures caught in squares where these abilities overlap must save against each seperately. A head must wait 1d6 rounds after it uses a breath weapon to use any weapon again. All of these weapons function normally underwater.
  39. Fear Aura(Su): A Stygian Rimefin can radiate a 20-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 27 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 18th). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same rimefin's aura for 24 hours. Other rimefin's are immune to the aura. The save DC is Charisma-based.
  41. Rend(Ex): A stygian rimefin that wins a grapple check after a successful bite attack establishes a hold, latching onto the opponent’s body and tearing the flesh. This attack automatically deals 2d6+14 points of damage.
  43. Blindsense(Ex): A stygian Rimefin can locate creatures underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability works only when the stygian rimefin is underwater.
  45. Keen Scent(Ex): A stygian rimefin can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius and detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.
  47. Gnashing Bite(Ex): A stygian rimefin's bite is especially dangerous and can easily tear flesh and snap bone. A stygian rimefin's bite threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20. A successful critical hit deals double damage.
  49. Rimewake(Su): A stygian rimefin can swim freely in cold and icy waters. A rimefin may pass through snow and ice at their swim speed with no ill effects. They can breath normally within ice and snow and may treat it as water for all effects. A rimefin suffers no penalties to attack creatures through ice, but gain cover against attacks from creatures who are attempting to attack them while they are within ice. A stygian rimefin who is grappling a creature may drag them into the ice, in which case the creature must hold thier breath or immediately begin suffocateing. If they break free from the rimefin, they are entombed in the ice where they lost contact, unable to move or breath unless rescued.
  51. A Stygian Rimefin has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
  53. Stygian Rimefins have a +10 racial bonus on Survival checks to track by scent.
  55. Sahuagin Mutant: Adaro
  56. Medium Monsterous Humanoid (Aquatic)
  57. Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30hp)
  58. Initiative: +5
  59. Speed: 20ft, Swim 60ft
  60. AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +7 Natural), Flatfooted 17, Touch 11
  61. Base Attack/Grapple: +4 / +12
  62. Attack: Bite +7 Melee (1d8+3)
  63. Full Attack: Bite +7 Melee (1d8+3), 2 Claws +5 melee(1d6+1), Tailslap +5 Melee (1d6+1)
  64. Face/Reach: 5ft / 5ft *15ft with Claws
  65. Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Blood Drain, Rake 1d6+1
  66. Special Qualities: Blindsense 30 ft., Keen Scent, darkvision 60 ft., freshwater sensitivity, light blindness, speak with sharks, water dependent
  67. Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Wil +4
  68. Abilities: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 7
  69. Skills: Handle Animal +1*, Hide +4*, Listen +2*, Ride +5*, Spot +2*, Survival +2*
  70. Feats: Multiattack(B), Improved Iniative, Track
  71. Environment: Warm Aquatic
  72. Organization: Solitary, pair, team (1 plus 5-8 Sahuagin), or patrol (1 plus 11-20 Sahuagin plus 1 3rd-level lieutenant and 1-2 sharks) Any larger group of Sahuagin has a 50% chance to have 1 additional Adaro Mutant per 100 regular Sahuagin.
  73. Challenge Rating: 5
  74. Treasure: Standard
  75. Alignment: Usually Lawful Evil
  76. Advancement: 5-8HD Medium, 9-12HD Large; or by character class
  77. Level Adjustment: +6
  79. Adaro are a unique mutation of the Sahuagin with a somewhat more pronounced sharklike features and two exceptionally long tentacle like arms tipped with a clawed sucker. They usually range in darker colours than the Sahuagin, with violets and blue dominating over green.
  81. The Adaro Mutants are much more primal than thier more common Sahuagin counterparts, and they have a love for the hunt. Most Adaro prefer to become Rangers if they take any class, often choosing various Aquatic humanoids as thier favoured prey.
  83. Adaro speak Sahuagin. Those with greather than average intellect will also often chose common or aquan as bonus languages.
  85. Combat
  87. Adaro are proficient hunters and stalkers, and they love to chase prey. If a Sahuagin encampment needs someone hunted down, they send an Adaro after it. In combat they are as wild and bloodthirsty as any Sahuagin, lashing out with bites, claws, rakes, and tail lashes. Adaro almost universally eschew manufactured weapons in favour of thier natural weapons.
  89. Improved Grab(Ex): To use this ability, an Adaro must hit with both of it's claw attacks. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can Drain Blood.
  91. Drain Blood(Ex): The suckered pad on an Adaro's claw is actually a small, lamprey-like mouth that secrets an anti-coagulant that they can use to drain blood from a victim. An Adaro deals claw damage and one point of constitution damage from bloodloss on a successful grapple check. Creatures with a racial immunity to critical hits(such as Constructs and Undead) are immune to this ability.
  93. Blindsense (Ex): An Adaro can locate creatures underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability works only when the Adaro is underwater.
  95. Keen Scent(Ex): An Adaro can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius and detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.
  97. Blood Frenzy: Once per day a Adaro that takes damage in combat can fly into a frenzy in the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +2 Constitution and +2 Strength, and takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class until the end of the encounter. An Adaro cannot end its frenzy voluntarily.
  99. Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +5 melee, damage 1d6+1. An Adaro also gains two rake attacks when it attacks while swimming.
  101. Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): An Adaro fully immersed in fresh water must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become fatigued. Even on a success, it must repeat the save attempt every 10 minutes it remains immersed.
  103. Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds an Adaro for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled while operating in bright light.
  105. Speak with Sharks (Ex): Adaro can communicate telepathically with sharks up to 150 feet away. The communication is limited to fairly simple concepts such as "food," "danger," and "enemy." Adaro can use the Handle Animal skill to befriend and domesticate sharks.
  107. Water Dependent (Ex): Adaro can survive out of the water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution (after that, refer to the drowning rules).
  109. Skills
  110. An Adaro has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
  112. *Underwater, an Adaro has a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and Spot checks.
  114. *An Adaro has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks within 50 miles of its home. An Adaro has a +4 Racial Bonus on Survival checks to track by scent. These bonuses stack.
  116. *An Adaro has a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks when working with sharks.
  118. Must as I hate to beat the deat horse of more shark-themed stuff, I just found my stats for this, so I felt like sharing.
  120. Undying Frenzy
  121. Tiny Undead (Swarm)
  122. Hit Dice: 14d12 (91hp)
  123. Initiative: +3
  124. Speed: Swim 30ft
  125. AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +2 Size), Touch 15, flatfooted 17
  126. Base Attack/Grapple: +7 / -
  127. Attack: Swarm (3d6)
  128. Full Attack: Swarm (3d6)
  129. Face/Reach: 10ft / 0ft
  130. Special Attacks: Distraction, Frenzy, Wounding
  131. Special Qualities: Blindsense 30ft, , Darkvision 60ft, Damage Reduction 10/magic and bludgeoning, Half damage from Piercing and Slashing, Keen Scent, Swarm Traits, Undead Traits
  132. Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Wil +10
  133. Abilities: Str 5, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 13, Cha 13
  134. Skills: -
  135. Feats: -
  136. Environment: Aquatic
  137. Organization: Solitary
  138. Challenge Rating: 9?
  139. Treasure: None
  140. Alignment: Neutral
  141. Advancement: 15-30HD
  143. The disturbance in the water grows clearer as you approach and you are shocked to see a cloud of hundreds of bony jaws, long separated from their living masters, snapping and gnashing in front of you, tearing fish and even coral to pieces as it approaches.
  145. Undying Frenzies are horrific undead swarms composed of the gnashing jaws of hundreds of sharks, eels, sea-snakes, and other such beasts. They viciously attack anything that gets near them unless they under the control of a cleric. They are favoured by evil aquatic clerics of creatures such as the Sahuagin and Kuo-toa.
  147. Combat
  148. Undying Frenzies lack anything that could be compared to subtlety. When directed by their masters (or if encountered uncontrolled) they surge forward and engulf as many creatures as possible. Their keen scent ability makes them particularly effective watchdogs for undersea lairs.
  150. Distraction (Ex):Any living creature that begins its turn with an Undying Frenzy in its space must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
  152. Frenzy(Ex): Undying Frenzy attack with an exceptional speed and ferocity. Any creature who enters a square occupied by an Undying Frenzy takes 1d6 points of swarm damage. They take this damage only once per turn, even if they travel through more than one space occupied by the same Undying Frenzy. A creature who begins thier turn with a an undying frenzy in thier square is not subject to thier ability.
  154. Wounding (Su): The bites of an Undying Frenzy are magically enhanced to bleed with terrible excess. Any creature who takes swarm damage from an Undying Frenzy also takes one point of constitution damage due to blood loss. Creatures with a racial immunity to critical hits such as Constructs, Elementals, Plants, and Undead do not suffer this damage.
  156. Swarm(Ex): An Undying Frenzy deals 3d6 damage to any creature who's space it occupies at the end of its movement.
  158. Blindsense (Ex) An Undying Fury can locate creatures underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability works only when the undying fury is underwater.
  161. Keen Scent (Ex) An Undying Fury can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius and detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.
  164. Creating an Undying Frenzy
  166. Creating an Undying Frenzy requires the Create Greater Undead spell, and must be performed by a spellcaster of at least 18th level.
  168. Mouth of Sekolah
  169. Huge Outsider (Evil, Law, Water), Divine Rank 0
  170. Hit Dice: 50d8+500 (900hp)
  171. Initiative: +13
  172. Speed: 80ft, Fly 100ft(perfect), Swim 240ft
  173. AC: 37(-2 size, +9 Dex, +20 Natural), Touch 17, Flatfooted 28
  174. Base Attack/Grapple: +50 / +69
  175. Attack: Bite +63 Melee (2d6+15) or Spell +63 Melee touch or +58 Ranged touch
  176. Full Attack: 3 Bites +63 melee (2d6+15) and 2 Claws +63 melee (2d4+7) and Tailslap +63 melee (1d10+22)
  177. Face/Reach: 10ft / 10ft
  178. Special Attacks: Embrace of Sekolah, Improved Grab, Smite Good, Spell-like Abilities
  179. Special Qualities: Cold and Acid Immunity, Damage Reduction 10/Epic, Divine Immunities, Fire and Lightning Resistance 10, Spell Resistance 32
  180. Saves: Fort +37, Ref +36, Wil +32
  181. Abilities: Str 40, Dex 29, Con 30, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 27
  182. Skills: Bluff +61, Concentration +63, Diplomacy +73, Intimidate +67, Knowledge(any 3*) +58, Listen +58, Sense Motive +58, Spellcraft +58(+64 to decipher scrolls), Spot +58, Swim +76, Use Magic Device +61(+67 when using scrolls)
  183. Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Multiattack, Metamagic(Empower Spell, Still Spell, Silent Spell), Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
  184. Environment: Any Aquatic
  185. Organization: Solitary
  186. Challenge Rating: 25
  187. Treasure: Triple Standard
  188. Alignment: Always Lawful Evil
  189. Advancement: -
  191. "The grey backed figure ahead of you in the sea cave addresses you even before it turns to face you. "We're quite impressed that you have made it this far... but you go no further, unless you go in the service of the lord of blood in the waves, Sekolah!" it's voice is an eerie sound, replaying each word in triplicate. You can see why as it turns, ray-like mantle fluttering in the water to reveal the trio of heads, two bestial, and one surprisingly human but all with feral, gnashing fury."
  193. The Mouth of Sekolah is a powerful low-level deity and agent of Sekolah, the Demon-lord and chief deity of the Sahuagin. Usually he resides at the right hand of Sekolah on the Stygia, the Fifth Level of the Nine Hells Baator where he enforces his will in his masters realm of Sheyruushk He descends to the mortal realm on rare occasion to dole out either favours or punishments to those divine instruments of Sekolah who have drawn the attention(for weal or woe) of the Great Shark.
  195. Rumour has it that the Mouth of Sekolah was once the Sahuagin Blackguard known as The Red One, who lead the fearsome cult known as the Jaws of Sekolah, but little proof exists(DM's Note if you wish to make this part of the Mouth of Sekolah's Background, removing 10 HD and adding 10 levels of Blackguard will give the Mouth Of Sekolah several new abilities and powers. The Mouth of Sekolah's Racial HD and number of Smite attempts per day will stack with those of it's blackguard levels to determine Damage and uses per day).
  197. Combat
  198. The Mouth of Sekolah is a ferocious fighter in combat, lashing out with claw and jagged bit at every opportunity. A common tactic by the Mouth of Sekolah is to teleport next to a weak foe and grapple them, using their Embrace of Sekolah to turn them into Spawn of Sekolah and then turning that spawn against their former compatriots.
  200. Embrace of Sekolah(Su): The normal process of creating a Spawn of Sekolah(see below for details) takes several weeks. The Mouth of Sekolah, however, can accomplish it in a matter of seconds, engulfing them in the fleshy mantle and working evil magic on their body.
  202. Each round the Mouth of Sekolah maintains a pin against a foe, that foe must succeed a Fortitude Saving throw(DC 35) or suffer 2d4 points of Wisdom and Charisma damage. A creature reduced to 0 Wisdom and 0 Charisma this way enters a special coma, beginning the process of mutating immediately. A successful Heal, Limited Wish, Wish, or Miracle spell is required within 1d4+1 rounds, else the afflicted character will be reborn as a Spawn of Sekolah.
  204. Spawn of Sekolah created by the Mouth of Sekolah in this way arise under it's control(as though dominated), and the Mouth of Sekolah can command a number of Hit dice worth of Spawn of Sekolah equal to twice it's Hit dice total. If a newly created Spawn of Sekolah would exceed this limit, the Mouth of Sekolah must release one or more controlled Spawn of Sekolah to gain control of it (He may choose which Spawn to release control of).
  206. Improved Grab(Ex): To use this ability, the Mouth of Sekolah must hit with both claw attacks. It deals damage as normal and may attempt to start a grapple as a free action.
  208. Smite Good(Su): The Mouth of Sekolah may attempt to smite Good with one normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma bonus (+7) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per hit die(+50). If the Mouth of Sekolah accidentally smites a creature that is not good, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day. The Mouth of Sekolah can use this ability up to five times per day.
  210. Spell-like Abilities: At Will: Any spell from the Evil, Hunger(SpC), Law, Ocean(SpC), or War Domains; Teleport Without Error(Self plus 50lbs of equipment only).
  212. Divine Immunities: The Mouth of Sekolah is immune to Transmutation(polymorphing, petrification, or any shape altering effect), Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, and Mind-Affecting Effects(charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
  214. Spawn of Sekolah
  216. Spawn of Sekolah are horrid, miss-shapen monstrosities that rise from the sea at the behest of their cruel Sahuagin masters to pillage and slaughter. Spawn of Sekolah are created by Sahuagin clerics of Sekolah, the great demon shark, to make examples of those try the patience of the Sahuagin empire.
  218. Spawn of Sekolah appear as deformed humanoid shapes with scales and find, long claws, and webbed hands and feet. They have both a gnashing sharks head AND a humanoid head which hangs limply to one side, babbling incoherently or occasionally weeping and cursing it's terrible fate.
  220. A Spawn of Sekolah is a single minded, vicious predator that will, if left to its own devices, methodically devour and slaughter with anything that comes into it's path driven only by an unquenchable hunger. The mind of the original creature that became the unfortunate Spawn of Sekolah is still present in the creature in the form of the second head. It retains all of it's memories, personality, and alignment, but is completely unable to control the Spawn of Sekolah's body in any way. These isolated minds have been driven mad by the experience and most wail, scream, babble, or curse constantly. Those that retain enough faculties to recognize the nature of their torturous fate will often beg and plead with adventurers to slay them when the battle is joined.
  222. A spawn of Sekolah shares the contents of both minds equally, so a spawn of Sekolah can use it's former self's class abilities, skills, and spells as long as it still meets all other prerequisites.
  224. Creating a Spawn of Sekolah
  225. Spawn of Sekolah is an Acquired template which can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid (hereafter referred to as the Base Creature). Becoming a Spawn of Sekolah is a terrible ordeal for the creature involved, however, as the ritual required(see below) is both physical and mental torture. This template cannot be added to a Sahuagin.
  227. Size and Type
  228. The base creatures Size does not change. The Base creatures type changes to Aberration and it gains the Aquatic and Augmented subtypes. A Spawn of Sekolah can be rebuked and Commanded by a Sahuagin Cleric(and only a Sahuagin cleric) as though it were an undead.
  230. Hit Dice
  231. Do not recalculate the Base creature's hit dice, Base attack bonus, saves, or skill points.
  233. Speed
  234. As base creature plus a Spawn of Sekolah gains a swim speed equal to its land speed.
  236. Armour Class
  237. The Base Creatures natural armour bonus increases by +4
  239. Attack
  240. As base creature plus the Spawn of Sekolah gains a Bite attack(1d6 small, 1d8 medium, 2d6 large) as a primary natural weapon and two claw attacks(1d3 small, 1d4 medium, 1d6 large) as secondary natural weapons if it did not already have them. If the base creature already had one or more of these natural attacks use the base creature's damage or the Spawn of Sekolah's damage, whichever is greater.
  242. Special Attacks
  243. As base creature plus:
  245. Blood Frenzy(Ex): Once per day a Spawn of Sekolah that takes damage in combat can fly into a frenzy in the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +2 Constitution and +2 Strength, and takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. A Spawn of Sekolah cannot end its frenzy voluntarily.
  247. Frightful Presence(Ex): The un-nerving appearance of a Spawn of Sekolah is enough to shake the convictions of even seasoned adventurers. Any creature within 30ft of a Spawn of Sekolah who can hear the insane rambling of it's former self must succeed a Willpower saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 Spawn of Sekolah's Hit dice + Spawn of Sekolah's Positive Charisma Bonus) or be shaken as long as they remain within line of sight of the Spawn of Sekolah.
  249. Special Qualities
  250. As base creature plus:
  251. Blindsense (Ex) A Spawn of Sekolah can locate creatures underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability works only when the creature is underwater.
  253. Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): A Spawn of Sekolah fully immersed in fresh water must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become fatigued. Even on a success, it must repeat the save attempt every 10 minutes it remains immersed.
  255. Keen Scent (Ex): A Spawn of Sekolah can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius and detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.
  257. Water Dependent (Ex) A Spawn of Sekolah can survive out of the water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution (after that, refer to the drowning rules).
  259. Abilities
  260. +4 Strength, +4 Dex, -4 Intelligence(Minimum 3), -4 Wisdom (minimum 1), -8 Charisma(minimum 1). These mental stat changes affect the Base Creature's mind as well.
  262. Skills
  263. A Spawn of Sekolah has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
  265. Challenge Rating
  266. As base creature plus 2
  268. Level Adjustment
  269. -
  271. Conducting the Ritual
  272. The ritual to create a Spawn of Sekolah requires a Desecrated Alter dedicated to Sekolah within an Unhallowed site. The subject must be bound to the alter with ropes soaked in fresh humanoid blood. Every day of the ritual runes of power are carved into the subjects flesh with a sea glass knife(inflicting 2d6 points of non-lethal damage)by a Sahuagin Cleric of Sekolah(which requires a DC 20 Knowledge(Religion) check to perform), who must then use up the follow spells, casting them into the alter to power the ritual: Bestow Curse, Commune, Water Breathing. After each week of this ritual, the subject must succeed a fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 Casters level of Cleric + Caster's Wisdom Modifier) continue the transformation. For every 10 worshipers of Sekolah who attend the Ritual every day, the saving throw's DC increases by one point. The subject suffers a -1 penalty to the saving throw of this effect for each stage of the transformation they've failed to avoid. It takes a minimum of five weeks to be transformed into a Spawn of Sekolah.
  274. Performing this ritual takes 1,000gp worth of raw materials and 100xp each week from the Cleric in charge, regardless of whether or not the subject made their saving throw. A Cleric who has earn Dark Favour GP and XP from performing ritual sacrifice(see Book of Vile Darkness for details) may spend these on this ritual.
  276. A creature who has only partly succumbed to the ritual can be restored to their normal form by a Break Enchantment, Limited Wish, Wish, or Miracle spell. Once a creature fully becomes a Spawn of Sekolah, however, only a Wish or Miracle spell can restore their bodies(though if a Spawn of Sekolah is slain a True Resurrection spell will restore them to life in their original bodies).
  278. First Stage
  279. Creatures who fail their first save find their minds and bodies wracked with pain. They suffer 1 point each of permanent intelligence and wisdom drain, and two points of charisma drain, however their bodies grow thick, scaly skin. Their natural armour value improves by +4.
  281. Second Stage
  282. Creatures who fail their second save are again wracked with pain, suffering one point of drain to intelligence and wisdom, and two points of charisma drain. Their hands and feet grow webbing, however, giving them a swim speed equal to their land speed.
  284. Third Stage
  285. Creatures who fail this saving throw suffer the same intelligence, wisdom, and charisma drain as before. Their heads now become miss-shapen and warped, usually with a large sharks mouth sprouting from their neck, and their clawed hands become more pronounced. They gain the Bite and Claw natural weapons of a Spawn of Sekolah.
  287. Fourth Stage
  288. Creature who fail this save find their bodies are now wholly adapted to the sea. They gain the aquatic subtype, which confers the ability to breath underwater. However they also gain the Water Dependant and Freshwater Sensitivity special qualities.
  290. Final Stage
  291. Once a creature fails their fifth save, they fully transform into a Spawn of Sekolah, gaining all of the changes inherent in that template.
  294. Scyllian Freak
  296. Scyllian Freaks are accursed creatures believed to have first come about as a result of a powerful arcane curse, or as a punishment from the gods. Even so, the number of Scyllian Freaks hints that there is some other force warping creatures to produce these unfortunate monsters.
  298. Scyllian Freaks retain much of their normal form from the waist up. From the waist down, however, they are a tangle of tentacles and monstrous heads. Scyllian Freaks are almost all driven to madness and rage by their accursed form.
  300. Creating a Scyllian Freak
  301. Scyllian Freak is a template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature of at least small size(hereafter referred to as the Base Creature).
  303. Size and Type
  304. The Base Creatures size increases to Large if it was not large already. For each size increase the creature's strength increases by +4, it's dexterity decreases by -2. These changes are in addition to the ability score modifiers presented below. A Scyllian Freak's reach changes to that of a Long creature of its size.
  306. The Base Creature's type changes to Aberration and it gains the Augmented Subtype. Do not recalculate Hit dice, BAB, saves, or skills points.
  308. Speed
  309. As base creature. Scyllian Freaks also gain a swim speed equal to their land speed(if they did not already have one), and a climb speed equal to one third their land speed(Rounded down to the nearest 5ft increment. If this speed is less than 5 feet, then they do not gain a climb speed).
  311. If the Base Creature did not have a land speed before, it gains a land speed equal to half its existing Swim or Climb speed. Use this new land speed to determine its climb speed if it does not already have one(such as an aquatic creature with only a swim speed).
  313. Armour Class
  314. The Base creatures natural armour bonus increases by +8
  316. Attack
  317. As base creature. A Scyllian Freak Gains a Slam attack if it did not already have one (1d8 large, 2d6 huge, 3d6 gargantuan, 4d6 colossal). If the Base creature has a slam attack it may use its damage or the Scyllian Freak damage, whichever is greater. It may use this as a primary natural attack(if the creature's slam was a primary natural attack) otherwise it is a secondary natural attack.
  319. A Scyllian Freak also gains a number of Bite attacks equal to it's number of additional heads(see below). The damage for each bite attack is the same, however (large 1d4, Huge 1d6, Gargantuan 1d8, Colossal 2d6). This value is not changed if it already has a bite attack, and the damage for each are separate. These are secondary natural attacks.
  321. Special Attacks
  322. As base creature plus:
  324. Frightful Presence(Ex): The mere sight of a Scyllian Freak can strike fear into adventurers. Anyone with fewer HD or Class levels who sees a Scyllian Freak Charge or Howl(a Standard Action) must succeed a willpower saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 Scyllian Freak's HD + Scyllian Freak's Charisma Modifier) or be shaken for 1 hour. If the creature has one fifth as many HD as the Scyllian Freak or less, then it becomes frightened instead(that is a Scyllian Freak with 10 HD makes 1 and 2 HD creatures frightened, a 15HD Scyllian freak can make up to 3HD creatures frightened, etc).
  326. Rending(Ex): a Scyllian Freak who Successfully deals damage with at least three bite attacks to the same creature in a round tears and shreds their flesh. It deals the indicated amount of additional amount of damage plus one and one-half times their strength bonus: large 3d4, huge 3d6, gargantuan 3d8, colossal 6d6.
  328. Tentacled Mass(Ex): The body of a Scyllian Freak is a mass of writhing tentacles. While these tentacles are not adroit enough to make attacks on on their own, they reflexively entwine any foe who approaches. A Scyllian Freak may attempt a grapple check as a free action after any natural attack. They do not provoke attacks of opportunity for starting a grapple in this way.
  330. A successful Grapple check means the Scyllian Freak may conduct the grapple normally, or to simply use it's tentacles to hold the opponent(-20 penalty on further grapple check, but the Scyllian Freak is not considered grappled).
  332. A Scyllian Freak has a +8 Racial bonus on all grapple checks.
  334. Special Qualities
  335. As base creature plus:
  337. Accursed Form(Ex): Scyllian freaks are warped reflections of their former selves blended with the bodies of beasts and monsters. From the waist down they are a tangled mass of slimy tentacles and 1d4+4 snarling, wailing heads. Usually all of the heads are the same, but some have a variety of heads ranging from snakes and spiders to dogs, eels, even eerie recreations of their own face that wail and gnash their teeth.
  339. Warped Body(Ex): Because of their extreme nature of the magic that warp their bodies, a Scyllian Freak is not as affected by attacks which target vulnerable anatomy. A Scyllian Freak has a 50% chance to negate any critical hit or sneak attack that would otherwise affect them, turning the attack into a normal hit.
  341. Amphibious(Ex): A Scyllian Freak can breath both air and water with ease.
  343. A Scyllian Freak gains Damage Reduction based on Hit dice. (1-5HD 5/magic, 5-10HD 5/Magic and Cold Iron, 11-15 10/Magic and Cold Iron, 16+ 15/Magic and Cold Iron)
  345. A Scyllian Freak gains Spell Resistance equal to 15 plus it's Hit dice total.
  347. A Scyllian Freak is immune to polymorphing, petrification, as well as spells and effects which alter or change a creatures form.
  349. Abilities
  350. +4 Strength, +8 Constitution, -4 intelligence. A Scyllian Freak's Charisma improves to a minimum of 10.
  352. Skills
  353. A Scyllian Freak has +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line
  355. A Scyllian Freak with a Climb Speed gains a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. It can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. It may use either its Dexterity modifier or Strength Modifier for Climb checks.
  357. Alignment
  358. A Scyllian Freak's body and mind are warped by it's accursed form, and most are driven to vile acts by misery and loathing. Each month a Scyllian Freak with an intelligence of 3 or more must succeed a Willpower save (DC 15 + 1 for each previous save) or slowly become chaotic. A Scyllian Freak who is Chaotic must begin making the same save to avoid becoming Evil. Another creature who is at least friendly to the Scyllian Freak may attempt a remind the Scyllian Freak of it's Humanity (or proper racial equivalent) with a Diplomacy Check at the same DC. If they succeed the Scyllian Freak gains a +4 bonus on this saving throw.
  360. Creatures with Intelligence scores of 2 or less, however, automatically become Chaotic Evil.
  362. Challenge Rating
  363. As base creature plus 3
  365. Level Adjustment
  366. ECL +6
  368. Sample Creature,
  369. Scyllian Freak, Huge Shark
  370. Huge Aberration (Augmented Animal, Aquatic)
  371. Hit Dice: 10d8+60 (115hp)
  372. Initiative: +6
  373. Speed: 30ft, Swim 60ft, Climb 10ft
  374. AC: 23 (-2, +2, +13), Touch 10, Flatfooted 21
  375. Base Attack/Grapple: +7 / +30
  376. Attack: Bite +12 Melee (2d6+7)
  377. Full Attack: Bite +12 Melee (2d6+7) and Slam +7 Melee (2d6+3) and 8 Bites +7 Melee (1d6+3)
  378. Face/Reach: 15ft / 10ft
  379. Special Attacks: Frightful Presence, Rending, Tentacled Mass
  380. Special Qualities: Accursed Form, Amphibious, Blindsense, DR 5/Magic and Cold Iron, Immune to Transmutation, Keen Scent, SR 25, Warped Body
  381. Saves: Fort +15, Ref +9, Wil +6
  382. Abilities: Str 25, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 10
  383. Skills: Climb +15, Listen +10, Spot +10, Swim +15
  384. Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will
  385. Environment: Cold Aquatic
  386. Organization: Solitary
  387. Challenge Rating: 7
  388. Treasure: -
  389. Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  390. Advancement: 11-17HD (Huge)
  392. This Vicious Aquatic predator is a Scyllian Freak, a warped visage of it's former self. It's lower body is a nest of writhing tentacles each topped with a miniature form of it's own head which roar and snap.
  394. Combat
  395. A Scyllian Shark will always charge the nearest foe in order to use its Frightful Presence Ability, and then unleash it's rending attack on the nearest foe as soon as possible. Because it is amphibious it can be encountered out of the water, but most prefer to stay near a large body such as a lake or river even if they leave the ocean.
  397. Frightful Presence(Ex): A creature with fewer HD or class levels than the Scyllian Shark who sees it charge or howl(a standard Action), must succeed a willpower save (DC 15) or become shaken. Creatures with 2 or fewer HD are frightened instead. This saving throw is Charisma based.
  399. Rending(Ex): A Scyllian Shark who successfully deals damage with at least three bite attacks in the same round latches on to a foe and tears and shreds their flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 3d6+10 damage. They may only use this ability against one foe per round..
  401. Tentacled Mass(Ex): A Scyllian Shark may attempt a grapple check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity any time it make a successful natural attack.
  403. A successful Grapple check means the Scyllian Shark may conduct the grapple normally, or use it's tentacles to hold the opponent(-20 penalty on further grapple check, but the Scyllian Shark is not considered grappled).
  405. Scyllian Sharks have a +8 racial bonus to grapple checks(this bonus is reflected in the stat block above).
  407. Accursed Form(Ex): A Scyllian Shark's accursed form is that of a Tentacled mass with smaller versions of it's own head at the end of each of it's tentacles, eight additional heads in all.
  409. Amphibious(Ex): A Scyllian Shark can breath air or water with ease.
  411. Blindsense(Ex): A Scyllian Shark can locate creatures underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability works only when the Scyllian shark is underwater.
  413. Immune to Transmutation: A Scyllian Shark is immune to polymorphing, petrification, as well as spells and effects which alter or change its form.
  415. Keen Scent(Ex):A Scyllian shark can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius underwater and detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile. While on the ground the range of their scent is limited as normal for a creature with scent(usually 30ft, see Scent special ability description for more details).
  417. Warped Body(Ex): A Scyllian Shark's warped, writing body is resistant to attacks which target vulnerability anatomy. A Scyllian Shark has a 50% chance to negate any sneak attack or critical hit scored on it, turning the blow into a regular attack.
  419. Skills: A Scyllian shark has +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line
  421. A Scyllian Shark has a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. It can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. It may use either its Dexterity modifier or Strength Modifier for Climb checks.
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