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- =====================================================================
- == C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\arma3server.exe
- == "C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\arma3server.exe" -ip= -port=2302 -noPause -noSound -maxMem=4096 "-cfg=A3DS\basic.cfg" "-config=A3DS\server.cfg" -mod=@CBA_A3;@ALiVE;@AliveServer;@ace;@CUP_Terrains_-_Core;@CUP_Terrains_-_CWA;@CUP_Terrains_-_Maps;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@RHSAFRF;@RHSGREF;@RHSSAF;@RHSUSAF;@Jbad;@ACE_3_Extension_(Animations_and_Actions);@ACE_3_Extension_(Placeables);@CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Terrains;@CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Vehicles;@CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Weapons;@ACE_Interaction_Menu_Expansion;@ACEX;@Achilles;@ADV_-_ACE_CPR;@Advanced_Pickup_Rope;@Advanced_Rappelling;@Advanced_Sling_Loading;@Advanced_Towing;@Advanced_Urban_Rappelling;@BackpackOnChest;@Blastcore_Edited_(standalone_version);@BloodLust;@Bullet_Casings;@Cartridge_Cases;@CF_Woodland;@Gemini_OPEX_Items;@Enhanced_Movement;@Enhanced_Soundscape;@Gear_Functions;@HMDs_-_CUP;@HMDs_-_RHS;@HMDs_MOD;@ILBE_Assault_Pack_(TFAR+Fix);@Immerse;@Immersion_Cigs;@JSRS_-_RHS_-_Vehicles_Sound_Patch;
- Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server
- Exe timestamp: 2019/04/26 13:16:45
- Current time: 2019/06/13 20:42:39
- Type: Public
- Build: Stable
- Version: 1.92.145639
- Allocator: C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\Dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll [2017.0.0.0] [2017.0.0.0]
- PhysMem: 128 GiB, VirtMem : 4.0 GiB, AvailPhys : 108 GiB, AvailVirt : 3.9 GiB, AvailPage : 97 GiB
- =====================================================================
- 20:42:39 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features won't be accessible!
- 20:42:39 String STR_MOD_LAUNCHER_ACTION not found
- 20:42:39 Initializing stats manager.
- 20:42:39 Stats config disabled.
- 20:42:39 sessionID: ed90a8608fd1bf188ab763e9a178efd6dec7273e
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Item STR_R3F_casque_Felin_DA listed twice
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unsupported language English in stringtable
- 20:42:44 Unknown entity: '\����{�)--/_����ī���!��k����D"\_]�!�|'
- 20:42:44 Unknown entity: 'BC!�����1c)-u���'
- 20:42:44 Unknown entity: 'B�'
- 20:42:44 XML parsing error in 'W', code: StringtableXML...
- 20:42:44 Unknown entity: '�~��@ �9JJNjR�q�|�:�R"��:�7'
- 20:42:44 Unknown entity: 'ZZ^!4�̴<|� pИ���������a@E"� �����M�߀��|���b��
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- 20:42:44 XML parsing error in '0', code: StringtableXML...
- 20:42:44 Unknown entity: '"��
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- 20:42:44 Unknown entity: '*'
- 20:42:44 Unknown entity: '���)a\�W}�!��"\ ���I|���^"|@U]��\��'�"C'
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- 20:42:44 Unknown entity: '}'
- ///--
- ///--
- 20:43:09
- 20:43:09 =======================
- 20:43:09
- 20:43:09 Global namespace not passed during: false
- 20:43:09 Global namespace not passed during: false
- 20:43:09 Error in expression <false>
- 20:43:09 Error position: <false>
- 20:43:09 Error Local variable in global space
- 20:43:09 Global namespace not passed during: false
- 20:43:09 Global namespace not passed during: false
- 20:43:09 Error in expression <false>
- 20:43:09 Error position: <false>
- 20:43:09 Error Local variable in global space
- 20:43:11 ============================================================================================= List of mods ===============================================================================================
- 20:43:11 modsReadOnly = true
- 20:43:11 safeModsActivated = false
- 20:43:11 customMods = true
- 20:43:11 hash = '208FF24D77419FC4982BE5106272B18D7A0733D0'
- 20:43:11 hashShort = 'a96b5408'
- 20:43:11 name | modDir | default | official | origin | hash | hashShort | fullPath
- 20:43:11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 20:43:11 Anizay | @Anizay | false | false | GAME DIR | 5b0ae030a54fe82ffe0e836b2a27967cc3dd7788 | 7cf2f7e3 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@Anizay
- 20:43:11 Sab C-130 Hercules | @Sab_C-130_Hercules | false | false | GAME DIR | 0b6d3bdf5f3f030a2c6ba6378ce51d2727e1772e | 2e7bf046 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@Sab_C-130_Hercules
- 20:43:11 A-10 Warthog Series | @A-10_Warthog | false | false | GAME DIR | a8ff571b29f321f42129bb5b1156fe3f700d7f51 | 930575e9 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@A-10_Warthog
- 20:43:11 TFRF Optics Pack - Firewill A-10 | @Optics_Pack_-_Firewill's_A-10 | false | false | GAME DIR | 72ec4eaeb0c33fce59b0636d234b521e50574d45 | 2b0ff684 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@Optics_Pack_-_Firewill's_A-10
- 20:43:11 FIR AIRWEAPONSYSTEM | @FIR_AWS(AirWeaponSystem) | false | false | GAME DIR | a2b4f5b01fecf80f7d25e6379cdc8742dfc3a6c7 | 7f9fa6a1 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@FIR_AWS(AirWeaponSystem)
- 20:43:11 @ACE_Compat_-_RHS-_GREF | @ACE_Compat_-_RHS-_GREF | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @ACE_Compat_-_RHS_United_States_Armed_Forces | @ACE_Compat_-_RHS_United_States_Armed_Forces | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @ACE_Compat_-_RHS_Armed_Forces_of_the_Russian_Federation | @ACE_Compat_-_RHS_Armed_Forces_of_the_Russian_Federation | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Unit_Voiceovers | @Unit_Voiceovers | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @UISounds_2 | @UISounds_2 | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 Task Force Arrowhead Radio 0.9.12 | @task_force_radio | false | false | GAME DIR | 3028ba91015d709af11bfe12a4c851569d259050 | ebed631c | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@task_force_radio
- 20:43:11 @Suppress | @Suppress | false | false | GAME DIR | 7bc28870b81381e659f4d276fc427f2c5984b059 | 3d328019 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@Suppress
- 20:43:11 SMA | @Specialist_Military_Arms_(SMA)_Version_2.7.1 | false | false | GAME DIR | 425b302b726d75b4bb661ff9065c0b0c03c0f065 | 9445ad4b | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@Specialist_Military_Arms_(SMA)_Version_2.7.1
- 20:43:11 SMA RHS compatibility Patch | @SMA_RHS_compatibility_Patch | false | false | GAME DIR | 519c10bf7d25b7ff755ef28d1b8247bd8cb6cd47 | 7847ec7 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@SMA_RHS_compatibility_Patch
- 20:43:11 @ShackTac_User_Interface | @ShackTac_User_Interface | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Sabs_Powered_Paraglider | @Sabs_Powered_Paraglider | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Remove_stamina_-_ACE_3 | @Remove_stamina_-_ACE_3 | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Remove_stamina | @Remove_stamina | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Radio_Animations_for_Task_Force_Radio | @Radio_Animations_for_Task_Force_Radio | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @R3F-RHS_Compatibility_Patch | @R3F-RHS_Compatibility_Patch | false | false | GAME DIR | e039eb9e31d05d4776c3ac833cc3655b1dee9538 | 4284696a | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@R3F-RHS_Compatibility_Patch
- 20:43:11 R3F Unites 3.8 | @R3F_unités_3.8 | false | false | GAME DIR | aa06c056df0dab1c7dd1a879f7fe4ccea5a1d1cb | 96e27c1 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@R3F_unités_3.8
- 20:43:11 R3F Objets 3.7.3 | @R3F_Objets_3.7.3 | false | false | GAME DIR | d1aa37cdfb6e6e7c0cb343a5247e235bb82aedf1 | f95ad34 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@R3F_Objets_3.7.3
- 20:43:11 R3F Armes 3.6.1 | @R3F_Armes_3.6.1 | false | false | GAME DIR | 7dd9c1f61f3f3094af43c2e87370357122476be9 | 9235b18a | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@R3F_Armes_3.6.1
- 20:43:11 Project OPFOR | @Project_OPFOR | false | false | GAME DIR | 0dd704404c58729414b0f98ca094a2be18f6654e | b4e4621b | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@Project_OPFOR
- 20:43:11 @No_Weapon_Sway | @No_Weapon_Sway | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 MRHSatellite | @MRH_Satellite | false | false | GAME DIR | 0fa7a89b85f07917eb2c2696d5897051ba9f59cf | be73914c | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@MRH_Satellite
- 20:43:11 @Military_Gear_Pack | @Military_Gear_Pack | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 KAT - ACE Extension | @KAT_-_Advanced_Medical | false | false | GAME DIR | 90bc812c3a9aa463857ac212e58945aa493e9564 | 148ab55a | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@KAT_-_Advanced_Medical
- 20:43:11 JSRS Soundmod - 6.19.0126 - Specialist Military Arms Support | @JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_Specialist_Military_Arms_Mod_Sound_Support | false | false | GAME DIR | e215b57156d520058651352d4eb63812d679686f | 27d2489a | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_Specialist_Military_Arms_Mod_Sound_Support
- 20:43:11 JSRS Soundmod - 6.19.0126 - RHS USF Support | @JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_RHS_USAF_Mod_Pack_Sound_Support | false | false | GAME DIR | 4290f3e8a8d02be8550209c2d0c43b73fa21b1b3 | 65fb67d7 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_RHS_USAF_Mod_Pack_Sound_Support
- 20:43:11 JSRS Soundmod - 6.19.0126 - RHS SAF Compat | @JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_RHS_SAF_Mod_Pack_Support | false | false | GAME DIR | aa28dd0e494b2639edf549cf67c2f1bcb965babb | 2b095bb7 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_RHS_SAF_Mod_Pack_Support
- 20:43:11 JSRS Soundmod - 6.19.0126 - RHS GREF Compat | @JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_RHS_GREF_Mod_Pack_Sound_Support | false | false | GAME DIR | 8207439b9b8fd2826f2197c4e1e947ed214a8e97 | 7dbc1c6f | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_RHS_GREF_Mod_Pack_Sound_Support
- 20:43:11 JSRS Soundmod - 6.19.0126 - RHS AFRF Support | @JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_RHS__AFRF_Mod_Pack_Sound_Support | false | false | GAME DIR | f5c454ecb9b106ac0c7ad24c6ac221319c9a44c5 | 746279a8 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_RHS__AFRF_Mod_Pack_Sound_Support
- 20:43:11 JSRS Soundmod - Dependency Fixes | @JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_Dependency_Fixes | false | false | GAME DIR | 4993342ffa77e65e7163f9693cc809fd3ef8a386 | fca6de65 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_Dependency_Fixes
- 20:43:11 JSRS Soundmod - 6.19.0126 - CUP Weapons Support | @JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_CUP_WEAPONS_MOD_SOUND_SUPPORT | false | false | GAME DIR | de2c928eb4aa13e005160d36efc30e9d3d17c07d | c525dfd2 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_CUP_WEAPONS_MOD_SOUND_SUPPORT
- 20:43:11 JSRS Soundmod - 6.19.0126 - CUP Vehicles Support | @JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_CUP_VEHICLES_MOD_SOUND_SUPPORT | false | false | GAME DIR | 4da8bdc3d1db897b73e0aaa6126ba40e8631d225 | 82ca50f6 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_SOUNDMOD_-_CUP_VEHICLES_MOD_SOUND_SUPPORT
- 20:43:11 JSRS Soundmod - 6.19.0127 | @JSRS_SOUNDMOD | false | false | GAME DIR | e39a50438bacc609b4da732095623fca5265c279 | f4d5bec7 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_SOUNDMOD
- 20:43:11 JSRS3: DragonFyre 2.5 - RHS Sound Replacements | @JSRS_-_RHS_-_Vehicles_Sound_Patch | false | false | GAME DIR | d9f602f99d7a1b2d424c2339efe65141250fe281 | 35a25d90 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@JSRS_-_RHS_-_Vehicles_Sound_Patch
- 20:43:11 @Immersion_Cigs | @Immersion_Cigs | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Immerse | @Immerse | false | false | GAME DIR | d1d20ac34f484ef40a075f96af9cee4efa563e08 | 8a7d6c3d | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@Immerse
- 20:43:11 @ILBE_Assault_Pack_(TFAR+Fix) | @ILBE_Assault_Pack_(TFAR+Fix) | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 Kimi's HMDs | @HMDs_MOD | false | false | GAME DIR | 6f6ee819b4cdfa1eb10110b263568e3818b9effc | e57d0ff7 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@HMDs_MOD
- 20:43:11 @HMDs_-_RHS | @HMDs_-_RHS | false | false | GAME DIR | 983581f3853ee229aecf852d47ec548f182c7ff5 | 4bb34a24 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@HMDs_-_RHS
- 20:43:11 @HMDs_-_CUP | @HMDs_-_CUP | false | false | GAME DIR | 8b58dadbe06726f77f03d347660d993a3de7c657 | 73876a37 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@HMDs_-_CUP
- 20:43:11 @Gear_Functions | @Gear_Functions | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Enhanced_Soundscape | @Enhanced_Soundscape | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Enhanced_Movement | @Enhanced_Movement | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Gemini_OPEX_Items | @Gemini_OPEX_Items | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 CF_Woodland [v1.1.1] | @CF_Woodland | false | false | GAME DIR | ccfc3748f80e717c28de3515d34d07aad692e934 | c246076d | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@CF_Woodland
- 20:43:11 @Cartridge_Cases | @Cartridge_Cases | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Bullet_Casings | @Bullet_Casings | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 BloodLust | @BloodLust | false | false | GAME DIR | a9d424e3039a4b02c49dbc3df8d8d6914f85315f | efeb2b87 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@BloodLust
- 20:43:11 @Blastcore_Edited_(standalone_version) | @Blastcore_Edited_(standalone_version) | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 BackpackOnChest | @BackpackOnChest | false | false | GAME DIR | de112924e5c924c919d2bc9d9ab785c6460b5875 | 3e3e4a7c | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@BackpackOnChest
- 20:43:11 @Advanced_Urban_Rappelling | @Advanced_Urban_Rappelling | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Advanced_Towing | @Advanced_Towing | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Advanced_Sling_Loading | @Advanced_Sling_Loading | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Advanced_Rappelling | @Advanced_Rappelling | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Advanced_Pickup_Rope | @Advanced_Pickup_Rope | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 ADV - ACE CPR | @ADV_-_ACE_CPR | false | false | GAME DIR | 3d01d652d35052da65c901aa5a8c4024ea2f3bb1 | 4dbcc20e | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ADV_-_ACE_CPR
- 20:43:11 Achilles (1.2.1) | @Achilles | false | false | GAME DIR | 4b42c7073684f8983bc0f00cb9f0d01a3d6194d8 | f334ff38 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@Achilles
- 20:43:11 Advanced Combat Environment Extras 3.4.2 | @ACEX | false | false | GAME DIR | 8c9516e5b3022bee44199055ad6e092f14c7ae7d | afc07c75 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ACEX
- 20:43:11 @ACE_Interaction_Menu_Expansion | @ACE_Interaction_Menu_Expansion | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Weapons | @CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Weapons | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Vehicles | @CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Vehicles | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Terrains | @CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Terrains | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @ACE_3_Extension_(Placeables) | @ACE_3_Extension_(Placeables) | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @ACE_3_Extension_(Animations_and_Actions) | @ACE_3_Extension_(Animations_and_Actions) | false | false | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 @Jbad | @Jbad | false | false | GAME DIR | 17eed4adafc9c64183048ade01d5ae3397f7ae20 | 8970b654 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@Jbad
- 20:43:11 RHS: United States Forces | @RHSUSAF | false | false | GAME DIR | 0c28e9baec681e6b943baf5670f8f1a495e5589c | debc8e9e | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@RHSUSAF
- 20:43:11 RHS: Serbian Armed Forces | @RHSSAF | false | false | GAME DIR | 14ce3855b0a2ebcdca87e322fdeaefb7d9e3bd13 | cf608181 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@RHSSAF
- 20:43:11 RHS: GREF | @RHSGREF | false | false | GAME DIR | 9d1b8ade17694e10dc89aac4ccaf553e830f8efa | 3234c6d8 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@RHSGREF
- 20:43:11 RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | @RHSAFRF | false | false | GAME DIR | 24972bc0b5e06f177bf1af81bd5a2637eb449185 | a0e212d5 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@RHSAFRF
- 20:43:11 CUP Weapons 1.12.0 | @CUP_Weapons | false | false | GAME DIR | dca90a642cec51e92c11f8dbfbfea52b99a01f0f | 5446d047 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@CUP_Weapons
- 20:43:11 CUP Vehicles 1.12.0 | @CUP_Vehicles | false | false | GAME DIR | 5341172bbbb51e73c036719bf22476015d1f82f9 | 6194e62e | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@CUP_Vehicles
- 20:43:11 CUP Units 1.12.0 | @CUP_Units | false | false | GAME DIR | 83865790e44e6af858c23b733370e8d55508627d | f7f05442 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@CUP_Units
- 20:43:11 CUP Terrains - Maps 1.12.0 | @CUP_Terrains_-_Maps | false | false | GAME DIR | 869e58ddf7b5d60a48585827df25199aef7def7a | 1f160391 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@CUP_Terrains_-_Maps
- 20:43:11 CUP Terrains - CWA 1.12.0 | @CUP_Terrains_-_CWA | false | false | GAME DIR | a9c53f06f4c5ced30183162a9a90ef99ef645cc8 | e2227dae | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@CUP_Terrains_-_CWA
- 20:43:11 CUP Terrains - Core 1.12.0 | @CUP_Terrains_-_Core | false | false | GAME DIR | 1c741d0dc068fe87d634d00102d8c1971559279b | 66088d63 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@CUP_Terrains_-_Core
- 20:43:11 Advanced Combat Environment 3.12.6 | @ace | false | false | GAME DIR | 57c7a06bac6fc229fc8251398dadc690b9dadb8f | c9281b0b | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ace
- 20:43:11 @AliveServer | @AliveServer | false | false | GAME DIR | | | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@AliveServer
- 20:43:11 Arma 3: ALiVE | @ALiVE | false | false | GAME DIR | 1f14d5e298a2902508f991a9662ab586be56f530 | 5754c83b | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ALiVE
- 20:43:11 Community Base Addons v3.11.2 | @CBA_A3 | false | false | GAME DIR | 6fed788586f7a26ce67ccc2861fe419b21a43a3b | 408f0b54 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@CBA_A3
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 DLC Bundle 2 | dlcbundle2 | true | true | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 DLC Bundle 1 | dlcbundle | true | true | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Tanks | tank | true | true | GAME DIR | 7cf20bae2c3aff8d12d39814ec3d7df17e39eac8 | ff7cd557 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\tank
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Tac-Ops | tacops | true | true | GAME DIR | 0cb52c9a5a67c28ddf343bfc523fe1baf79c009a | 519553fc | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\tacops
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Laws of War | orange | true | true | GAME DIR | 7ff583b1aac5ba4bf71f029bf22c3bd5170f8f9c | c2df6009 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\orange
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Malden | argo | true | true | GAME DIR | 68eaad4fb86183da6d040dac205d558b6b2fd964 | 9b7cade6 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\argo
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Jets | jets | true | true | GAME DIR | 70931c97c2632137931b1e958cef91aceb318e42 | 92105d49 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\jets
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Apex | expansion | true | true | GAME DIR | 9a81fe92a7e7cbf2805f361219a505fd0e073b5b | 2e6af718 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\expansion
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | true | GAME DIR | a00c9c7be90e617fc7d109647d8dd86ba794a608 | 3dfba3b9 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\mark
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | true | GAME DIR | 367be1ff6d0b772ea663f2ad67af7f43a82b0b51 | 32953ee7 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\heli
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | true | GAME DIR | 58114f985e9b204d400c591cc1a4e6e914a60656 | f54e16d5 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\kart
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | true | GAME DIR | dc03158022f8cba8946189bd573a55aedbb8da7b | fa06fd57 | C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\curator
- 20:43:11 Arma 3 | A3 | true | true | NOT FOUND | | |
- 20:43:11 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================
- 20:43:11 InitSound ...
- 20:43:11 InitSound - complete
- 20:43:11 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
- 20:43:11 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
- 20:43:17 [0,38.18,0,"XEH: PreStart started."]
- 20:43:17 Warning Message: Script userconfig\cba_settings.sqf not found
- 20:43:17 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Userconfig: File [userconfig\cba_settings.sqf] not found or empty.
- 20:43:19 String STR_CUP_dn_m4a3_d not found
- 20:43:19 String STR_CUP_dn_m4a3_d not found
- 20:43:25 [0,46.166,0,"XEH: PreStart finished."]
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: R3F_MMP_STATIC does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @R3F_Armes_3.6.1
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: R3F_RIDC_Palette does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @R3F_Objets_3.7.3
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: sab_C130_J_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @Sab_C-130_Hercules
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: FIR_ECM_Dummy_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @FIR_AWS(AirWeaponSystem)
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: aces_ejection_seat does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @FIR_AWS(AirWeaponSystem)
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: FIR_A10A_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A-10_Warthog
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: FIR_A10A_Wreck does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A-10_Warthog
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: FIR_A10C_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A-10_Warthog
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: FIR_A10C_Wreck does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @A-10_Warthog
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: R3F_LGI does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @R3F_Armes_3.6.1
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: ALiVE_sys_statistics does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ALiVE
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: kat_stretcher does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @KAT_-_Advanced_Medical
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: rhsgred_hidf_cessna_o3a does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @RHSGREF
- 20:43:25 [0,46.416,0,"XEH: init function preProcessing disabled [recompile or filepatching enabled]"]
- 20:43:25 [XEH]: Usage of deprecated Extended Event Handler "fired". Use "firedBIS" instead. Path: @R3F_Armes_3.6.1\bin\config.bin\Extended_Fired_EventHandlers\Man.
- 20:43:25 core\skyobject\skyobject.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- 20:43:25 a3\data_f\krater.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- 20:43:25 SW animation used for bloodsplatter\models\plane\bloodsplatter_plane.p3d - Not all levels have Keep Height set
- 20:43:25 a3\data_f\koule.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_S8_Base not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_AT_Base not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_Empty_Base not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_FAB_Base not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_S8_GSh_Base not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_Dynamic_Base not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_Pylon_Empty not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_Pylon_Default not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_Pylon_CloseAirSupport not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_Pylon_Escort not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_Pylon_AT not found
- 20:43:27 String STR_CUP_dn_Mi35_Pylon_AA not found
- 20:43:28 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
- a3_characters_f
- 20:43:28 Loading movesType CfgGesturesMale
- 20:43:28 Animation a3\anims_f\data\anim\sdr\gst\gestureempty.rtm not found or empty
- 20:43:29 MovesType CfgGesturesMale load time 88 ms
- 20:43:29 Loading movesType CfgMovesMaleSdr
- ///--
- ///--
- 20:43:53 MovesType CfgMovesMaleSdr load time 24102 ms
- 20:43:53 a3\characters_f\proxies\flag.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- 20:43:53 Global namespace not passed during: false
- 20:43:53 Global namespace not passed during: false
- 20:43:53 Error in expression <false>
- 20:43:53 Error position: <false>
- 20:43:53 Error Local variable in global space
- 20:43:53 Global namespace not passed during: false
- 20:43:53 Global namespace not passed during: false
- 20:43:53 Error in expression <false>
- 20:43:53 Error position: <false>
- 20:43:53 Error Local variable in global space
- Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
- Steam AppId from steam_appid.txt: 107410
- Mission CPA-10_ANIZAY.tem_anizay: Missing 'description.ext::Header'
- Starting mission:
- Mission file: CPA-10_ANIZAY
- Mission world: tem_anizay
- Mission directory: mpmissions\CPA-10_ANIZAY.tem_anizay\
- a3\data_f\blesk1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\data_f\blesk2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- ca\plants_e\plant\p_wheat_ep1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\data_f\raindrop.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\map_stratis\data\obloha.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\data_f\stars.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\map_stratis\data\horizont.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\data_f\rainbow.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin3) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_3_ep1.p3d
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin3) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_3_ep1.p3d
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend3) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_3_ep1.p3d
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin2) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_2_ep1.p3d
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin2) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_2_ep1.p3d
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend2) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_2_ep1.p3d
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend2) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_2_ep1.p3d
- ca\structures_e\proxy_buildingparts\house_a\a_villa_ep1_wingl.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- ca\structures_e\proxy_buildingparts\house_a\a_villa_ep1_wingr.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin8) in ca\structures_e\housea\a_villa\a_villa_ep1.p3d
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin8) in ca\structures_e\housea\a_villa\a_villa_ep1.p3d
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend8) in ca\structures_e\housea\a_villa\a_villa_ep1.p3d
- Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend8) in ca\structures_e\housea\a_villa\a_villa_ep1.p3d
- Strange convex component65 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallh.p3d:geometryFire
- "No params given for ALIVE_fnc_BUS - exiting..."
- [3860,82.703,0,"XEH: PreInit started. v3.11.2.190515"]
- [CBA] (settings) INFO: Reading settings from settings file.
- [CBA] (settings) INFO: Finished reading settings from settings file.
- [ACE] (common) INFO: Parsed Settings Configs [78.0 ms]
- Attempt to override final function - ace_interaction_fnc_addpassengersactions
- Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_fnc_actioncheckpulselocal
- Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_fnc_displaypatientinformation
- CallExtension loaded: ace_medical (C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ace\ace_medical.dll) []
- [XEH]: One or more children of class StaticWeapon do not support Extended Event Handlers. Fall back to loop.
- Attempt to override final function - ace_medical_menu_fnc_updateuiinfo
- String STR_RHS_FAC_VDV_45 not found
- String STR_RHS_FAC_VDV_45 not found
- Attempt to override final function - ace_dogtags_fnc_cancheckdogtag
- Attempt to override final function - ace_dogtags_fnc_getdogtagdata
- [3860,83.783,0,"XEH: PreInit finished."]
- a3\air_f\data\plane_flag_medium_inv_f.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_airweapons\proxyammo\rhsusf_r_m151.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- Error compiling '' in 'hithydraulics'
- Error compiling '' in 'hittail'
- Error compiling '' in 'hithydraulics'
- Error compiling '' in 'hittail'
- a3\structures_f\mil\flags\flag_f.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_L2A1_D'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_L2A1_D'
- hide_when_not_selected - unknown animation source isselected
- unhide_when_not_selected - unknown animation source isselected
- rail_adapter_hide - unknown animation source hasoptics
- if_suppressed - unknown animation source hassuppressor
- side_rail_cover - unknown animation source hasaccessory
- front_sight_hide - unknown animation source hasoptics
- rear_sight_hide - unknown animation source hasoptics
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_GMG_D'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_GMG_D'
- a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_nlaw.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_D'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_D'
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_D: selection_tarp - unknown animation source selection_tarp
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_D: selection_rear - unknown animation source selection_rear
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_D: selection_roll - unknown animation source selection_roll
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_D: muzzleflash_hide_gmg - unknown animation source muzzle_hide_gmg
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_D: muzzleflashrot_gmg - unknown animation source muzzle_rot_gmg
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_D'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_D'
- CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_D: selection_tarp - unknown animation source selection_tarp
- CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_D: selection_rear - unknown animation source selection_rear
- CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_D: selection_roll - unknown animation source selection_roll
- CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_D: muzzleflashrot_m2 - unknown animation source muzzle_rot_m2
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_GMG_W'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_GMG_W'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_L2A1_W'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'CUP_B_BAF_Coyote_L2A1_W'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_W'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_W'
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_W: selection_tarp - unknown animation source selection_tarp
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_W: selection_rear - unknown animation source selection_rear
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_W: selection_roll - unknown animation source selection_roll
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_W: muzzleflash_hide_gmg - unknown animation source muzzle_hide_gmg
- CUP_B_LR_Special_GMG_GB_W: muzzleflashrot_gmg - unknown animation source muzzle_rot_gmg
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_W'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_W'
- CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_W: selection_tarp - unknown animation source selection_tarp
- CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_W: selection_rear - unknown animation source selection_rear
- CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_W: selection_roll - unknown animation source selection_roll
- CUP_B_LR_Special_M2_GB_W: muzzleflashrot_m2 - unknown animation source muzzle_rot_m2
- JS_S_Caesar_BTT: Invalid parent bone 'zbytek' for 'lights_hide'
- Array tex in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane_Civil_01_base_F/Damage/ not even
- C_Plane_Civil_01_racing_F: mfd_center_needle_oil_psi - unknown animation source hitengine
- C_Plane_Civil_01_racing_F: hull_lights_coll_on_white_1_blinking - unknown animation source collisionlightwhite1t_source
- C_Plane_Civil_01_racing_F: hull_lights_coll_on_white_2_blinking - unknown animation source collisionlightwhite2r_source
- In Vehicle: a3\air_f_exp\plane_civil_01\plane_civil_01_basic_f.p3d missing cargo 0 get in direction point
- In Vehicle: a3\air_f_exp\plane_civil_01\plane_civil_01_basic_f.p3d missing cargo 0 get in direction point
- a3\data_f\proxies\flags\flag_auto.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- rhsusf_M1230a1_usarmy_d: hide_spare - unknown animation source hide_spare
- Error: Wheel reference not initialized
- Error: Wheel reference not initialized
- a3\data_f\proxies\flags\flag_alone.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_hmmwv\chassis.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_hmmwv\bumper_a2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_hmmwv\bumper.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_hmmwv\brushguard.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- In Vehicle: rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_fmtv\m1078a1r_sov_m2.p3d missing gunner get in direction point
- rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_hmmwv\m2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- String STR_LGI_DEM_DESC not found
- R3F_Arsenal: door_1_rot - unknown animation source door_1_sound_source
- R3F_Arsenal: door_1_locked_rot - unknown animation source door_1_locked_source
- R3F_Arsenal: door_2_rot - unknown animation source door_2_sound_source
- R3F_Arsenal: door_2_locked_rot - unknown animation source door_2_locked_source
- z\ace\addons\attach\data\ace_irstrobe.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_lgi\gr_exp_lgi.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_lgi\gr_exp_lgi.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_lgi\gr_fum_lgi.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_lgi\gr_fum_lgi.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_lgi\gr_ecl_lgi.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_lgi\gr_ecl_lgi.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_acc\items\ob50.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_acc\items\lampe_pointeur.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_acc\items\lampe_pointeur_des.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\weapons_f\binocular\nvg_proxy.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\weapons_f\binocular\nvg_proxy.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\weapons_f\binocular\nvg_proxy_off.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_uniformes\r3f_lunettes_x800.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_uniformes\r3f_lunettes_ess.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_kestrel\items\kestrel_r3f.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- r3f_kestrel\items\kestrel_r3f.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\signs_f\signspecial\flagchecked_proxy_f.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- R3F_KAMAZ_DA_trans: rear_hide - unknown animation source rear_hide
- rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d: hide_spare - unknown animation source hide_spare
- Error: Wheel reference not initialized
- Error: Wheel reference not initialized
- rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d: glass10_destruct - unknown animation source hitglass10
- rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d: glass11_destruct - unknown animation source hitglass11
- rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d: glass12_destruct - unknown animation source hitglass12
- rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d: glass13_destruct - unknown animation source hitglass13
- rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d: glass14_destruct - unknown animation source hitglass14
- rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d: glass15_destruct - unknown animation source hitglass15
- rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_hmmwv\turrets\m4prop.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- rhsusf_M1230_MK19_usarmy_d: hide_spare - unknown animation source hide_spare
- Error: Wheel reference not initialized
- Error: Wheel reference not initialized
- rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_hmmwv\mk19.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'sab_C130_FA'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'sab_C130_FA'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'sab_C130_FA'
- Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'sab_C130_FA'
- Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/sab_C130_J_Base_2/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret body mainTurret not found while initializing the model sab_c130\c130_j.p3d
- Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/sab_C130_J_Base_2/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret gun mainGun not found while initializing the model sab_c130\c130_j.p3d
- Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/sab_C130_J_Base_2/Turrets/MainTurret2/: Turret body mainTurret not found while initializing the model sab_c130\c130_j.p3d
- Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/sab_C130_J_Base_2/Turrets/MainTurret2/: Turret gun mainGun not found while initializing the model sab_c130\c130_j.p3d
- Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/sab_C130_J_Base_2/Turrets/GunnerTurret/: Turret body mainTurret not found while initializing the model sab_c130\c130_j.p3d
- Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/sab_C130_J_Base_2/Turrets/GunnerTurret/: Turret gun mainGun not found while initializing the model sab_c130\c130_j.p3d
- Value radar not recognized as a source
- Value radar not recognized as a source
- Value radar not recognized as a source
- Value radar not recognized as a source
- Value radar not recognized as a source
- Value radar not recognized as a source
- Warning: Convex component representing wheel_1 not found
- Warning: Convex component representing wheel_2 not found
- Warning: Convex component representing wheel_3 not found
- fir_airweaponsystem_us\data\seat\aces_seat.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- unable to create weapon for missile 'FIR_ALQ184_2_P_1rnd_M', check config entry'pylonWeapon'
- fir_airweaponsystem_us\data\rocket\hydra\m151.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- unable to create weapon for missile 'FIR_ALQ184_2_P_1rnd_M', check config entry'pylonWeapon'
- unable to create weapon for missile 'FIR_ALQ184_2_P_1rnd_M', check config entry'pylonWeapon'
- Connected to Steam servers
- ///--
- ///--
- c:\bis\source\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
- Mission id: e500eaf2cf907028e345f4e2cad7122a19ddbf94
- Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_storeparamsvalues_data
- +MMMMMMMM~MMMMMMMM~~~~~~$MMMMMMMMM=~~~~~~~~~~=7MMMMMMM$~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$MMM.
- ALiVE Global INIT
- ALiVE Global Init Timer Started
- ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT
- CallExtension loaded: ALiVEPlugIn (C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@AliveServer\ALiVEPlugIn.dll) [] []
- ALIVE_SYS_DATA START PLUGIN: ["StartALiVE","OK","Performance Monitor: Enabled"]
- DATA: Attempting to load ALiVE web services config.
- DATA: Loading data dictionary dictionary_CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY.
- ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
- '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/dictionary_CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY','']
- DATA: No data dictionary found, might be new mission
- DATA: Starting AAR system.
- DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
- DATA: SYS DATA enabled: true
- DATA: Starting stats system.
- "Operation: Opération Barkhane"
- Adding ACE Stats EHs to player <NULL-object>
- ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.611
- "perfMonitor.fsm started"
- "perfMonitor.fsm init completed"
- "perfMonitor.fsm started"
- ALiVE [m_1|40] Module ALiVE_require INIT
- ALiVE [m_2|41] Module ALiVE_sys_newsfeed INIT
- ALiVE [m_2|41] Module ALiVE_sys_newsfeed INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.000999451
- ALiVE [m_3|42] Module ALiVE_sys_adminactions INIT
- ALiVE [m_3|42] Module ALiVE_sys_adminactions INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.000999451
- ALiVE [m_4|43] Module ALiVE_SYS_spotrep INIT
- DATA: Loading spot report data.
- ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
- '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','sys_spotrep/CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY','']
- ------------------ Inspecting Hash --------------------
- ------------------ Inspection Complete --------------------
- ALiVE [m_4|43] Module ALiVE_SYS_spotrep INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0449982
- ALiVE staticData Handler loading started
- ALiVE [m_6|44] Module ALiVE_SYS_marker INIT
- DATA: Loading marker data.
- ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
- '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','sys_marker/CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY','']
- ------------------ Inspecting Hash --------------------
- ------------------ Inspection Complete --------------------
- ALiVE [m_6|44] Module ALiVE_SYS_marker INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0340042
- ALiVE SETTING UP MAP: tem_anizay
- ALiVE SETTING UP MAP: tem_anizay
- ALiVE staticData Handler loading finished
- ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
- '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','sys_logistics/CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY','']
- ------------------ Inspecting Hash --------------------
- ------------------ Inspection Complete --------------------
- ALiVE [m_7|60] Module ALiVE_sys_profile INIT
- ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
- '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','sys_profile/CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY','']
- ALiVE [m_7|60] Module ALiVE_sys_profile INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.772995
- "ALiVE - Starting Garbage Collector..."
- ALiVE [m_8|70] Module ALiVE_amb_civ_population INIT
- ALiVE-6.316 ["#CBA_HASH#",["class","super","moduleType","startupComplete","debug","spawnRadius","spawnTypeJetRadius","spawnTypeHeliRadius","activeLimiter","spawnCycleTime","despawnCycleTime","listenerID","ambientCivilianRoles","ambientCrowdSpawn","ambientCrowdDensity","ambientCrowdLimit","ambientCrowdFaction"],[{
- private _fnc_scriptNameParent = if (isNil '_fnc_scriptName') then {'ALiVE_fnc_civilianPopulationSystem'} else {_fnc_scriptName};
- private _fnc_scriptName = 'ALiVE_fnc_civilianPopulationSystem';
- scriptName _fnc_scriptName;
- #line 1 "\x\alive\addons\amb_civ_population\fnc_civilianPopulationSystem.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_civilianPopulationSystem]"
- scriptName 'ALiVE\amb_civ_population\civilianPopulationSystem';
- ;
- params [
- ["_logic", objNull, [objNull,[]]],
- ["_operation", "", [""]],
- ["_args", objNull, [objNull,[],"",0,true,false]]
- ];
- private _result = true;
- switch(_operation) do {
- case "init": {
- if (isServer) then {
- [_logic,"super",ALIVE_fnc_baseClassHash] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"class",ALIVE_fnc_civilianPopulationSystem] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"moduleType","ALIVE_civilianPopulationSystem"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"startupComplete",false] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"debug",false] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"spawnRadius",1000] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"spawnTypeJetRadius",1000] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"spawnTypeHeliRadius",1000] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"activeLimiter",30] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"spawnCycleTime",5] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"despawnCycleTime",1] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- [_logic,"listenerID",""] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
- };
- };
- case "start": {
- if (isServer) then {
- waituntil {!(isnil "ALIVE_profileSystemInit")};
- private _debug = [_logic,"debug",false] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
- private _spawnRadius = [_logic,"spawnRadius"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
- private _spawnTypeJetRadius = [_logic,"spawnTypeJetRadius"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
- private _spawnTypeHeliRadius = [_logic,"spawnTypeHeliRadius"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
- private _activeLimiter = [_logic,"activeLimiter"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
- private _spawnCycleTime = [_logic,"spawnCycleTime"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
- private _despawnCycleTime = [_logic,"despawn
- [ALiVE - Civ Interact] Initialization starting
- [ALiVE - Civ Interact] Initialization complete
- ALiVE [m_8|70] Module ALiVE_amb_civ_population INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.00799561
- ALiVE [m_9|80] Module ALiVE_amb_civ_placement INIT
- ALiVE [m_10|90] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT
- ALiVE [m_11|90] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT
- ALiVE [m_12|100] Module ALiVE_civ_placement INIT
- ALIVE MP - Warning no usable groups found to use, the faction (R3F) may be faulty.
- ALIVE MP R3F - Total profiles created: 0
- ALiVE [m_10|90] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME: 4.744
- ALiVE [m_13|120] Module ALiVE_mil_cqb INIT
- ALiVE CQB Houses prepared for use with OPCOM Insurgency!
- a3\structures_f_heli\vr\helpers\sign_sphere10cm_f.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- ALIVE CP LOP_BH - Total profiles created: 4
- ALiVE [m_12|100] Module ALiVE_civ_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME: 6.307
- ------------------ Inspecting Hash --------------------
- k: IEDs
- ------------------ Inspection Complete --------------------
- ALiVE-17.238 L Alpha 1-3:8 does not support "state" operation
- ALiVE MIL IED reset for usage with OPCOM Insurgency!
- ALIVE MP - HQ building selected: 5bfcdd00# 82420: barrack2_ep1.p3d
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/FieldHQMedium/FieldHQ_OPF_F,[3036.88,8483.13,0],0,"LOP_BH"]
- O_Truck_02_transport_F: rear_hide - unknown animation source rear_hide
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost15,[390.625,-201.875,0],299.856,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/WaterTower_OPF_F,[2076.88,121.875,0],71.5834,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/WaterTower_OPF_F,[4109.38,-284.375,0],335.124,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost07,[4951.88,-189.375,0],185.318,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/HouseFortified2_OPF_F,[6288.13,-285.625,0],148.772,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost04,[8549.38,-268.125,0],128.772,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/WaterTower_OPF_F,[-231.875,763.125,0],115.914,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost09,[1504.38,1359.38,0],117.279,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/HouseFortified1_OPF_F,[3350.63,561.875,0],291.663,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/Lighthouse_OPF_F,[5356.88,819.375,0],313.832,"LOP_BH"]
- O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F: cannon_ready_light - unknown animation source muzzle_hide_cannon
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost13,[6759.38,1268.13,0],290.916,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost09,[8008.13,1306.88,0],233.905,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/DestroyedHouse_OPF_F,[8708.13,1373.13,0],121.384,"LOP_BH"]
- Strange convex component202 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small01\d_house_small_01_v1_f.p3d:geometryView
- Strange convex component203 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small01\d_house_small_01_v1_f.p3d:geometryView
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/WaterTower_OPF_F,[-285.625,2104.38,0],212.681,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/HouseFortified1_OPF_F,[4368.13,2323.13,0],116.518,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/Ruin1_OPF_F,[6453.13,2090.63,0],350.59,"LOP_BH"]
- Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: ammo_hide - unknown animation source ammo_source
- Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: ammoord_hide - unknown animation source ammoord_source
- Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: grenades_hide - unknown animation source grenades_source
- Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: support_hide - unknown animation source support_source
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost14,[-226.875,2768.13,0],109.372,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost11,[1375.63,2936.88,0],158.751,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost15,[6066.88,2854.38,0],228.136,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost15,[7903.13,3185.63,0],26.9736,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/Ruin1_OPF_F,[9214.38,3010.63,0],48.674,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost07,[-210.625,4176.88,0],110.764,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost15,[1011.88,4509.38,0],98.0555,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/WaterTower_OPF_F,[1944.38,4276.88,0],0.71847,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost08,[3250.63,4188.13,0],173.683,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/HouseFortified1_OPF_F,[4736.88,3800.63,0],116.104,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost01,[6441.88,3868.13,0],0.401657,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost03,[9180.63,4171.88,0],264.827,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/WaterTower_OPF_F,[7848.13,5351.88,0],256.787,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost01,[-66.875,6119.38,0],344.285,"LOP_BH"]
- ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
- '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','mil_cqb/CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY','']
- ALiVE [m_13|120] Module ALiVE_mil_cqb INIT COMPLETE TIME: 10.485
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost10,[629.375,5580.63,0],251.474,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost01,[2381.88,5875.63,0],302.626,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost12,[1004.38,7311.88,0],165.123,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/DamagedHouse_OPF_F,[1600.63,6903.13,0],6.40234,"LOP_BH"]
- Strange convex component24 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small02\u_house_small_02_v1_dam_f.p3d:geometryView
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/DestroyedHouse_OPF_F,[3346.88,6974.38,0],241.14,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/Ruin4_OPF_F,[4658.13,6736.88,0],59.7822,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost14,[5988.13,7326.88,0],104.328,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost07,[-169.375,8506.88,0],194.953,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/SimpleOutpost02,[4315.63,9484.38,0],86.0322,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/Shed_OPF_F,[5779.38,9058.13,0],127.939,"LOP_BH"]
- Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/OutpostsMedium/Ruin2_OPF_F,[7068.13,9451.88,0],118.711,"LOP_BH"]
- z\ace\addons\explosives\data\ace_m57.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\weapons_f\binocular\nvg_proxy_opfor.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\weapons_f\binocular\nvg_proxy_opfor.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- a3\weapons_f\binocular\nvg_proxy_off_opfor.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- z\ace\addons\maptools\data\ace_maptools.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- z\ace\addons\attach\data\ace_irstrobe.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- z\ace\addons\flashlights\data\ksf_1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
- ALiVE [m_14|180] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT
- ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System...
- ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
- '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','mil_opcom/CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY','']
- [TIMER ENDED : 0.0429993]
- ALiVE [m_15|180] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT
- ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System...
- ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
- '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','mil_opcom/CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY-OPCOM_84738110-starting-forces','']
- ALiVE OPCOM created 2 new objectives!
- There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) R3F_BLUFOR! Please ensure you have configured a Mil Placement or Mil Placement (Civ Obj) module for this faction (or faction units are synced to Virtual AI module). If so, please check groups are correctly configured for this faction.
- There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["R3F_BLUFOR"]! Please check you chose the correct faction(s), and that factions have groups defined in the ArmA 3 default categories infantry, motorized, mechanized, armored, air, sea!
- ALiVE [m_15|180] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0329971
- ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
- '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','mil_opcom/CPA10_CPA-10_ANIZAY-OPCOM_31038480-starting-forces','']
- ALIVE MP LOP_BH - Total profiles created: 12
- ALiVE [m_11|90] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME: 22.256
- ALiVE [m_16|200] Module ALiVE_SYS_playeroptions INIT
- L Alpha 1-3:22 - Initialisation started...
- ALiVE [m_17|202] Module ALiVE_sys_player INIT
- ALiVE [m_17|202] Module ALiVE_sys_player INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.000991821
- ALiVE [m_18|201] Module ALiVE_SYS_viewdistance INIT
- ALiVE [m_18|201] Module ALiVE_SYS_viewdistance INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0
- ALiVE [m_19|203] Module ALiVE_sys_crewinfo INIT
- ALiVE SYS CREWINFO - Feature turned off! Exiting...
- ALiVE [m_19|203] Module ALiVE_sys_crewinfo INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0
- ALiVE [m_20|204] Module ALiVE_sys_playertags INIT
- ALiVE SYS PLAYERTAGS - Feature turned off! Exiting...
- ALiVE [m_20|204] Module ALiVE_sys_playertags INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0
- L Alpha 1-3:22 - Initialisation Completed...
- ALiVE [m_16|200] Module ALiVE_SYS_playeroptions INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.00799561
- ALiVE OPCOM created 160 new objectives!
- There are 160 objectives for this ["LOP_BH"] OPCOM instance! Please lower the objective count for performance reasons, suggested is below 80!
- ALIVE AMBCP [CIV_F_AFRICA] - Ambient land vehicles placed: 401
- ALIVE AMBCP [CIV_F_AFRICA] - Ambient civilian units placed: 1092
- ALiVE [m_9|80] Module ALiVE_amb_civ_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME: 26.433
- ALiVE OPCOM EAST Initial analysis done...
- OPCOM and TACOM EAST starting...
- ALiVE [m_14|180] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT COMPLETE TIME: 5.92
- ALiVE [m_1|40] Module ALiVE_require INIT COMPLETE TIME: 34.681
- ALiVE Global Init Timer Complete 35.56
- ALIVE AI Distributor starting.
- ALiVE AI Distributor detected no HCs, idling for 60 seconds.
- ALiVE [m_21|220] Module ALiVE_sys_weather INIT
- Weather was forced to change
- ALiVE [m_21|220] Module ALiVE_sys_weather INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0209961
- [4512,130.882,32.58,"XEH: PostInit started. MISSIONINIT: missionName=CPA-10_ANIZAY, missionVersion=53, worldName=tem_anizay, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=true, isDedicated=true, CBA_isHeadlessClient=false, hasInterface=false, didJIP=false"]
- Attempt to override final function - l_suppress_suppress_sys_fnc_fired
- [4512,130.984,32.58,"CBA_VERSIONING: alive_main=, ace=, cba=, cf_woodland=1.1, acex=, mrhsatellite=1.52.2, "]
- [ACE] (common) INFO: ACE is version
- [ACE] (common) INFO: CBA is version (min required 3.9.0)
- [ACE] (common) ERROR: File ace_compat_rhs_gref3.pbo is outdated. z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_checkFiles.sqf:50
- [ACE] (common) ERROR: File ace_compat_rhs_afrf3.pbo is outdated. z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_checkFiles.sqf:50
- [ACE] (common) ERROR: File ace_compat_rhs_usf3.pbo is outdated. z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_checkFiles.sqf:50
- CallExtension loaded: ace_break_line (C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ace\ace_break_line.dll) [] []
- [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_break_line: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
- CallExtension loaded: ace_parse_imagepath (C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ace\ace_parse_imagepath.dll) [T�U]
- [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_parse_imagepath: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
- [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_medical: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
- CallExtension loaded: ace_clipboard (C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ace\ace_clipboard.dll) [T�U]
- [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_clipboard: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
- CallExtension loaded: ace_fcs (C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ace\ace_fcs.dll) [T�U]
- [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_fcs: 3.6.0-eef2bb0
- CallExtension loaded: ace_advanced_ballistics (C:\TCAFiles\Users\raphaelb\18676\@ace\ace_advanced_ballistics.dll) [3.12.0-8ddde18]
- [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_advanced_ballistics: 3.12.0-8ddde18
- [4512,131.482,32.58,"XEH: PostInit finished."]
- [ACE] (common) ERROR: The following ACE compatiblity PBOs are outdated z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_checkFiles.sqf:65
- ["ace_compat_rhs_gref3","ace_compat_rhs_afrf3","ace_compat_rhs_usf3"]
- [ACEX] (fortify) INFO: Fortify Module Actived [Side: WEST][Preset: big][Budget: -1][AutoAdd: true]
- [ACE] (common) INFO: Settings initialized.
- [ACE] (common) INFO: 101 delayed functions running.
- ALiVE_sys_acemenu: ACE interact_menu not active or no interface found, exiting
- WARNING: ace requires ace_compat_rhs_afrf3 (@compat_rhs_afrf3) at version [3,12,6,43] (or higher). You have: [3,12,5,40]
- WARNING: ace requires ace_compat_rhs_usf3 (@compat_rhs_usf3) at version [3,12,6,43] (or higher). You have: [3,12,5,40]
- WARNING: ace requires ace_compat_rhs_gref3 (@compat_rhs_gref3) at version [3,12,6,43] (or higher). You have: [3,12,5,40]
- [CF_WOODLAND] (branches) INFO: Charlie Foxtrot Ops Woodland Branches is now running
- Error in expression <(cf_woodland_branches_check_time * 1.0) / (1 min (count _units));
- count _units;
- >
- Error position: </ (1 min (count _units));
- count _units;
- >
- Error Zero divisor
- File x\cf_woodland\addons\branches\fnc_allLocalUnitsCheckSound.sqf, line 8
- Error in expression <(cf_woodland_branches_check_time * 1.0) / (1 min (count _units));
- count _units;
- >
- Error position: </ (1 min (count _units));
- count _units;
- >
- Error Zero divisor
- File x\cf_woodland\addons\branches\fnc_allLocalUnitsCheckSound.sqf, line 8
- Error in expression <(cf_woodland_branches_check_time * 1.0) / (1 min (count _units));
- count _units;
- >
- Error position: </ (1 min (count _units));
- count _units;
- >
- Error Zero divisor
- File x\cf_woodland\addons\branches\fnc_allLocalUnitsCheckSound.sqf, line 8
- Error in expression <(cf_woodland_branches_check_time * 1.0) / (1 min (count _units));
- count _units;
- >
- Error position: </ (1 min (count _units));
- count _units;
- >
- Error Zero divisor
- File x\cf_woodland\addons\branches\fnc_allLocalUnitsCheckSound.sqf, line 8
- Error in expression <(cf_woodland_branches_check_time * 1.0) / (1 min (count _units));
- count _units;
- >
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