
The Louds in the Willows (Comfy)

Sep 5th, 2016
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  1. >"I knew this was a bad idea" Said Lincoln as he brushed the leaves from his hair
  2. >"Who takes 11 kids on a camping trip? You okay Lana?"
  3. >"y-yeah, I'm fine..." Said Lana as Lincoln helped her stand, "So....where are we"
  4. >The two looked around, seeing only trees, dirt, and leaves
  5. >"I'm not sure" Replied Lincoln "we went out to find dad, fell down a hill and..."
  6. >The reality of the situation starts to sink in
  7. >"We're lost."
  8. >The two of them just stood there unsure of what to do, trying to get a grasp on their situation
  9. >"A-are we gonna die out here Linc?" Asked Lana, Her eyes starting to well up with tears
  10. >Lincoln hugged his sister
  11. >"Hey, hey, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, I promise." Said Lincoln, trying to comfort her
  12. >"What about you?" asked Lana
  13. >Lincoln paused for a moment, then pulled Lana in tight
  14. >"Don't you worry about me" Replied Lincoln "I'll be fine."
  15. >"Now!" Exclaimed Lincoln with a clap of his hands "Let's see what we can do about a shelter"
  16. >"I saw on TV that you can use mud to make bricks" Said Lincoln, looking around
  17. >"Ah, Here we go" Lincoln picked up some mud and started forming it into a rectangle
  18. >As he formed it, the mud started to droop
  19. >"C'mon...." grumbled Lincoln, trying to shape it again
  20. >"That's too moist" Interjected Lana "That mud won't harden up"
  21. >"How do you figure?" Asked Lincoln
  22. >"Back at home" Lana started "I made mud bricks all the time, the mud I used was always drier than that"
  23. >Lana added some Dirt to the mud and formed it into a rectangle
  24. >"See, it needed to be a bit drier" Said Lana, holding the brick
  25. >"Ah, I see..." Said Lincoln slightly annoyed at being outdone
  26. >Lana shivered
  27. >"You ok?"Asked Lincoln
  28. >A breeze blew by, sending them both into shivers
  29. >"G-Geez" Exclaimed Lincoln "We gotta get a fire going"
  31. >Lincoln picked up a sharp rock
  32. >"Now here's something I KNOW I can do" Said Lincoln confidently
  33. >"Just gotta find the right tree.... HERE WE GO!" Said Lincoln, putting his hand on a tree
  34. >"What'dya find Linc?" asked Lana, confused by Lincolns exuberance
  35. >"A spruce tree!" Replied Lincoln as he started to cut the bark with his rock
  36. >"I read that if you cut around the tree like this" Lincoln cut two circles around the tree
  37. >"And cut a line down like this" He cut a straight line down, connecting the circles
  38. >"You can do THIS!" Shouted Lincoln as he pulled a giant sheet of bark off the tree
  39. >"We can use this to start fires, or make shingles for a house" Explained Lincoln
  40. >Lana continued Making bricks with the mud
  41. >"" Lincoln started "We're gonna need to make the house..."
  42. >Lincoln dragged his foot marking an area in the dirt
  43. >"This big." Stated Lincoln" That should fit both of us, and be big enough so we can have the fire inside"
  44. >"I'm gonna need a lot more mud" Stated Lana, Looking at the pile of completed Bricks
  45. >"And I'm gonna need to get a lot more wood for the fire, so we can harden them"
  46. >Lincoln began collecting wood and bark from around the area, making sure to keep Lana where he could see her
  48. >Lincoln came back with a bundle of wood and bark
  49. >"This should be enough for now" Said Lincoln, setting down the bundle "How're the bricks looking Lana?"
  50. >"Got a bunch of em Linc!" Replied Lana, sitting next a large pile of mud bricks
  51. >"Just a few more and we should have eno-*Grrrrrmble*"
  52. >Lana put a hand on her stomach
  53. >"Lincoln..."Started Lana "I'm getting kinda hungry"
  54. >"It has been a while since we ate..." Said Lincoln, starting to feel a bit hungry himself
  55. >"Let me see what I can find" Said Lincoln, Looking around the make shift campsite
  56. >Lana started Stacking the bricks along the outline Lincoln made
  57. >"Hmm?" mumble Lincoln to himself, Seeing some movement in a bush "What's this?"
  58. >A rabbit darts out from the bush, heading straight towards Lana
  59. >"LANA, CATCH IT!" Shouted Lincoln
  60. >Lana jumps onto the rabbit, it starts to scream
  61. >"Great job Lana" Said Lincoln, putting his hand on her shoulder "Looks like we're gonna eat tonight"
  62. >"What?" asked Lana, looking up at Lincoln "We're not gonna kill it, Are we?"
  63. >Lincoln forgot about that part
  64. >"W-Well yeah, I guess.." Started Lincoln, feeling a knot in his stomach "I-If we wanna get home, We're gonna have to"
  65. >Lana handed the rabbit to Lincoln and turned around, not wanting to see what would happen next
  66. >Lincoln grabbed a large stick, and walked to the other side of the campsite, readying himself for what he had to do
  68. >The rabbit began to screech as Lincoln held it in position, causing his heart to race
  69. >He raised The stick, His arms shaking
  70. >*WHUMP*
  71. >Everything went silent, The only thing Lincoln could hear was his own heartbeat
  72. >Lincoln pulled out the Swiss army knife his father gave him, and began to skin the rabbit
  73. >Lana just sat there
  74. >the house was complete and the fire was warm, but she felt colder than ever
  75. >Lincoln came back with the rabbit, skinned, gutted, and impaled on a stick
  76. >As he put The rabbit over the fire, Lana noticed he had a thousand yard stare
  77. >She scooched closer to her brother, and hugged him
  78. >"You okay Linc?" Asked Lana, hugging her brother
  79. >"Huh?....Y-Yeah, I'm alright" Replied Lincoln, Not fooling anyone
  80. >As they sat there by the fire, waiting for the rabbit to cook, Lincoln just stared at the sky, Trying to forget what just happened
  81. >With the rabbit cooked, He pulled it off the fire and cut off a leg
  82. >"Here" Said Lincoln, Handing the rabbit Leg to Lana "sorry if it was a bit overcooked"
  83. >Lana took the leg as Lincoln cut one off for himself
  84. >The rabbit was slightly overdone, but they were so hungry that they didn't even notice
  85. >"Thanks Lincoln" Said Lana as she continued eating
  86. >"Don't worry about it " Replied Lincoln, feeling better knowing his sister had something to eat
  87. >Lincoln hugged Lana, trying to make her feel safe as they drifted to sleep by the fire
  89. >The next morning came pretty quickly
  90. >Lincoln woke up first, and put some more wood on the fire
  91. >"Gotta find some breakfast..." Said Lincoln, wiping the sleep from his eyes
  92. >Lincoln went out for a bit to forage
  93. >About an hour passed, and Lana was finally starting to wake up
  94. >"mmnmmm, Good morning Lincoln" Grumbled Lana
  95. >"Lincoln?" She looked around the small house
  96. >"LINCOLN!" shouted Lana, running outside
  98. >She Dropped to her knees, tears rolling down her cheeks
  99. >"*Sniff,Sniff* Lincoln *Sob* Where are you?"
  100. >Lana sat there sobbing, wondering if Lincoln was ok, Wondering where he could have gone
  101. >*Schff schff*
  102. >a sound came from beyond the trees
  103. >Lana ran back to the house and hid
  104. >*Schff Schff*
  105. >It was getting closer
  106. >Lana peeked her head out, looking to see what it was
  107. >"Alright, This should be enough"
  108. >"LINCOLN!" Shouted Lana, Running out to Lincoln with tears streaming down her face
  109. >"Hey Lana, I got some foo-OOF"
  110. >Lana jumped onto Lincoln, Hugging him harder than ever before
  111. >"Hey now, What's gotten into you?" asked Lincoln
  112. >"*Sniff* I, I woke up *Sniff*, a-and you were gone!" Lana began to cry
  113. >"Hey hey, It's ok." Said Lincoln, patting Lana on the head "I told you I would take care of you"
  114. >"Look, I got us a lot of food" Lincoln said, pointing to the pile of berries, nuts, and veggies
  115. >"Figured we might wanna eat LIKE rabbits, rather than eating actual rabbits"
  116. >Lana smiled, Finally starting to feel a bit better
  118. >Lana and Lincoln sat down, starting to eat the berries and nuts
  119. >"So" Started Lincoln, as he put a potato into the campfire "I think we should start trying to find our way back"
  120. >"How are we going to do that?" asked Lana, eating some wild blueberries
  121. >"The way I figure it, since we fell down that hill, we just need to find our way back up" explained Lincoln
  122. >"makes sense..." Said Lola with a mouth full of walnuts
  123. >"I figure we should spend the day gathering food and firewood, then make our way back tomorrow" Said Lincoln, Pulling the potato out of the fire
  124. >He cut it in half, and gave it to Lana
  125. >"Do you think we'll find them?" Asked Lana
  126. >"Sure!" Replied Lincoln "They're all probably out looking for us right now, if we head back to camp, we're sure to run into one of them"
  127. >The two finished their breakfast
  128. >"I'll start gathering firewood" Said Lincoln, picking up his rock
  129. >"I'll come with you!" Exclaimed Lana, Not wanting to be alone again
  130. >The two headed out to gather food and wood, Lana made sure she was never more than 3 feet away from Lincoln
  132. >Hours had passed, and the two were just getting back to the campsite
  133. >Lincoln was carrying a large bundle of wood and bark, wrapped in vines
  134. >Lana had a basked that Lincoln had made on the trip, full of berries and nuts
  135. >"That should be about enough" Commented Lincoln, putting down the bundle
  136. >"Yeah" Added Lana "I'm Beat"
  137. >The two ate their fill of the food Lincoln found this morning and went to bed
  139. >The next morning saw the two up bright and early, having slept better than the first night
  140. >Lincoln snuffed out the fire, and put on his pack
  141. >"Ready to go?" Asked Lincoln, helping Lana get the basket on her back
  142. >"Ready" Replied Lana with renewed Vigor
  143. >"Alright then" Exclaimed Lincoln
  144. >"The way I see it, The hill is a bit too steep to climb straight up" He explained "So we're gonna have to go around it a bit"
  145. >Lincoln pointed to a slightly less steep area, "It will take us a bit longer, but it should be safer that way"
  146. >The two made their way out
  147. >"So" Started Lincoln "What are you gonna do when we get home?"
  148. >"What do you mean?" Asked Lana
  149. >"I mean like the first thing you're going to do when we get back. I'm gonna take a good long shower" Explained Lincoln
  150. >"Hmm" Started Lola "I think......... I think I'm gonna just take a nap"
  151. >"That sounds Nice" Replied Lincoln "I can't wait to get back to our nice soft be-WHOA" *Crack*
  153. >"LINCOLN!" Shouted Lana as she ran to her brother, now lying on the ground "Are you ok?"
  154. >"Y-yeah I'm ok" Replied Lincoln "I think I hurt my ankle though"
  155. >Lincoln tried to get back up, Only to fall again
  156. >"AAAH!" Shouted Lincoln "YEP, it's broken"
  157. >"W-What should we do?" Asked Lana, starting to panic
  158. >"I-uh, lemme think for a sec" Lincoln Looked around "I-uh..uh.....There!"
  159. >Lincoln pointed to a large stick
  160. >"Get me that stick, I might be able to put some weight on it"
  161. >Lana ran over and got him the stick
  162. >"Are you sure this will work?" asked Lana, handing the stick to Lincoln
  163. >"Pretty sure" Said Lincoln, Trying to stand up again
  164. >"Let's hope this works.." Said Lincoln, trying to use the stick as a makeshift cane
  165. >The first dozen or so steps were rough, but eventually Lincoln got the hang of it
  166. >"See, Easy" Said Lincoln, hobbling slowly "It might take us a bit longer, but we'll get there"
  167. >The two continued their walk, hoping to find someone soon
  169. >The adrenaline was starting to wear off, and the pain in Lincoln's ankle was starting to get to him
  170. >"nnf,nnf,nnng,aah" Groaned Lincoln with each agonizing step
  171. >"Are you sure you're ok?" Asked Lana, feeling concerned "We could stop for a while, if you want"
  172. >"Nng, NNgh, No no" Replied Lincoln, doing his best to hide the pain "I'm okay"
  173. >"We need to keep moving" Said Lincoln, The wood pack feeling ever heavier on his one good leg
  174. >by the time the two had finally reached the top of the hill, it was dark out
  175. >"It's getting dark" Said Lincoln "It would be too dangerous to continue on now"
  176. >Lincoln set down the Bundle and started to make a fire
  177. >"We'll rest here for the night" Said Lincoln, rubbing his now swollen ankle "Let's eat and get some sleep"
  178. >After dinner, Lana laid down in Lincoln's arms by the fire, After a few hours, Lincoln Finally fell asleep
  179. >It was a rough night sleeping for Lincoln, The Pain in his ankle kept waking him up, causing him to gasp in pain
  180. >He tried to keep as quiet as possible, hoping to avoid waking Lana up
  182. >Morning hit like a sack of bricks
  183. >Lincoln had barely slept, and it was already time to start moving again
  184. >after a quick breakfast the two were off
  185. >Lana was doing ok, but the time out there was starting to wear her down
  186. >Lincoln on the other hand was at the end of his rope, his gusto and will were starting to wear thin
  187. >"LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINKYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!" a shrill voice screeched out
  188. >"LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" another voice cried
  189. >"OVER HERE!!! WERE OVER HERE!" Shouted Lana
  190. >"KEEP YELLING!" The voice Instructed "JUST STAY WHERE YOU ARE, WE'LL COME TO YOU!"
  191. >Lincoln and Lana dropped their packs and sat down
  192. >Lana kept calling out until they could hear footsteps
  193. >After a few minutes, they could finally see Lola and Lore
  194. >"OH MY GOD!" Shouted Lori, seeing Lincoln's leg "Are you okay!"
  195. >"Y-Yeah" Replied Lincoln, his body finally collapsing from exhaustion and pain "I broke my ankle though"
  196. >Lana ran up to Lola and hugged her
  197. >"What happened, Are you okay, You're covered in dirt"
  198. >Lola was asking a thousand questions a minute, relieved to see that her twin was okay.
  199. >"Lola!" Exclaimed Lori, taking a radio out of her pocket "We don't have time for that, We have to get Lincoln to a hospital"
  200. >Lori called the rescue team, and soon a helicopter was dispatched to pick them up
  201. >As Lincoln was lifted into the helicopter he turned to Lori
  202. >"Lori"
  203. >"I'm here Lincoln, You're gonna be okay"
  204. >"Next year" Started Lincoln "Can we just stay home and watch some movies instead?"
  205. >"Whatever you want" Replied Lori as a tear rolled down her cheek "Whatever you want"
  208. END
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