
Breakfast in bed (Short Dragongirl Fic) By Deadanon

Nov 24th, 2014
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  1. A bolt of pain reverberates through your skull jolting you awake. You pull you face up from the bed or try to, your neck is killing you. Oh god, how much did you drink last night? You remember Steve, the keg, Jim and his “OH FUCK” you mumble.
  3. Steve and his monstergirl housemates.
  5. The pain in your head worsens, threatening scanners flashbacks. You pick yourself up off the bed; or try to, something’s holding you down. Turning your neck the other way so as not to strain it further you sight the topless form of one of Steve’s MSG housemates lying next to you, arm and tail draped across your torso. You groan from the pain in your head, and the realization that you had a drunken one night stand with a dragon girl. You run a quick check to see if you still have a pelvis.
  6. You’re well and truly trapped, there’s no way you can get out of this without waking her up. Fuck what was her name? As if in response to your thought she begins to stir, acting more like a cat than a dragon. You sink your head back into the mattress and hope you suffocate somehow. Jesus fuck this is the worst. You’re an ass with the ladies sober, let alone hammered. You know you did something stupid, something really stupid.
  8. A feminine voice snaps you from your self-loathing, “Hey there” you feel her grip on your side tighten a little “You alright?” Mentally you question the legitimacy of spontaneous human combustion before replying “Y-yeah you?” She shuffles closer and buries her head in your chest “mmmm so warm” she replies. Maybe you didn’t fuck up last night? Or maybe you have an incredibly suave doppelganger. Before you assess the situation further, a familiar sensation in your loins makes its entrance.
  9. You feel her tense in response. Fuck not now, no no! Before you can blurt out an excuse to evacuate the bed, she giggles “ready for round two are we?” And the crowd goes wild. Her hand retracts from your side and slips easily into your underwear, the feeling of its cold slightly rough surface only exacerbating your problem.
  11. You can feel yourself blushing as she grips your now well-engorged shaft and begins to slowly pump it rhythmically. Without breaking the motion she shuffles up and plants a deep kiss on your lips, her coarse tongue dancing with yours. She pulls away and continues to work your cock in her hand, the faint slapping sound announcing you beginning to leak pre-cum.
  13. Pleasure washes over your body like a cold shower, snapping you awake fully. You can feel your heart racing and the first inflections of orgasm approaching. Without a word she ceases jacking you and places her hand on your hips, turning you onto your back, your twitching dick standing at attention. She stares at it hungrily for a few seconds in predatory fashion then pounces on it with feline abandon. You feel the warm wet interior of her mouth wrap around your cock and take it to the hit.
  15. The waves of pleasure return in a torrent and you let out what you hope is a very masculine moan. Her head bobs up and down on your cock, her tongue circulating the head and flicking the tip in one swift motion. Your mind is lost in ecstasy having never experienced anything like this at this time of the day before. Your hips begin to buck upwards more and more intensely as her mouth continues its assault. She begins to caress and fondle your balls with her free hand.
  17. You can feel the heat rising within you, your release nearing. You cry out as release a pent up storm of seed into the hungry dragongirl’s mouth. She eagerly swallows the seemingly endless flow of hot spunk, gulping deeply to get every last drop. You fall back onto the bed exhausted, feeling as if you just sprinted up a mountain path. You close your eyes and bask in the afterglow; she plops back down beside you and wraps her arm around you, pressing her head into your chest like a baby bird.
  19. “And to think” she looks up, her emerald eyes meeting yours again “they said, Cecelia that guy’s a looser” she giggles and kisses you on the cheek, “a looser wouldn’t make me breakfast in bed now would he?” You smile genuinely for the first time in hours and tell her you’d love to make it for her every morning.
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