

Aug 8th, 2018
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  1. 1: Varkarrus | Vark | **YOUR MAJESTY**
  2. 2: EDT (Toronto)
  3. 3: I am a 23 year old aro/ace gal from Toronto, and my dream is to become a game designer! I've graduated College with Game Programming but I've since decided I'd be happier going back to school for Game Design and after a long sabbatical I'm about to leave home for the first time to stay in College residence (at a much fancier school). Video Games are my passion but we're not just talking PLAYING video games. I am the statistical outlier that should not be counted when people say "the average person comes up with 1,000 video game concepts a day." We're talking not just stories / plots / general concepts but I can really get into nitty gritty technical details of game mechanics. I also teach kids how to program video games. My favorite video games right now are Heroes of the Storm and Enter the Gungeon. Beyond that, I also like D&D, bike rides, marvel movies, fast food, drawing OCs, writing OC stories, writing OC bios, making memes and shitposts with OCs, and enthusing about mine and other people's OCs. I've only recently started to like my own art and up until then I've lacked confidence there, but I recognize I still have lots of room to grow! I also want to get back into music composition but I'm really rusty.
  4. 4: Up until now, every RP group I've been in has been a tabletop RPG of some sort. D&D and the like. Now, I do like the game mechanics a tabletop RPG provides, especially when it comes to combat, but I am totally down to join an RP that has minimal / no mechanics. I prefer (very or moderately) simple combat systems over super crunchy ones, and I definitely like it more than having NO combat system at all... but I also just... really enjoy the shenanigans and character growth, development, arcs of RP in general. The stuff that's funny, and the stuff that's emotional. A story! I love stories!! Gamified combat's fun but it's not necessary.
  5. 5: Absolutely! Nika's gonna have an arc, of course. Character growth, emotional change, and all that, and I can't do that without the help of other students and NPCs. And, at the same time, not only do I fully intend to be a side character in other people's arcs, I actually love doing so! I've done it in D&D and other tabletop RPGs before... though I admit that those tend to have smaller casts.
  6. 6: I would be disappointed if there wasn't these chances!!
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